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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. Then it's also an "advantage" if you have a larger monitor than another player. Or if you have a dedicated gaming mouse/keyboard. Or if you play with a higher resolution or better graphics settings. Everyone has access to it. Just because someone chooses not to use it doesn't mean it's an advantage. It just means that person is at a disadvantage. And that's their own choice, not because of the mechanic.
  2. I understand that the target's size isn't increasing. What I mean by saying "target area" is the size of the zone you can place your cursor and still hit your target. If you're in free aim and you point to a player in the middle of your screen, they have the smallest possible target area. However, as they move off center to the left or right, the target area gets bigger. I know exactly why it happens, so you don't have to explain that to me. But the point is, as a person gets closer to your left/right, the amount of space you're free to move your cursor and still hit them increases greatly. It gets to a point where you don't even need to mouse your cursor over their character in order to hit them anymore. You even see it in the video you posted. You clearly move the cursor behind that concrete block but the reticle dot stays on the block. In first person, you have to point exactly at the spot you want to hit in order to hit it. But in third person, you can point your cursor anywhere behind your intended target and still hit it, meaning your target area is bigger. But why this happens is irrelevant. The point is, it's easier to hit a target in free aim than it is without, at least in my opinion. But, like I said, it's not an advantage since everyone can do it and your screen is locked at a certain angle.
  3. Demigan is correct. I've noticed this as well and it becomes insanely easy to hit enemy targets with free aim when they are close to you on your left or right. The simplest way I can think to explain it is just paraphrasing something that he said. At a certain point when the enemy is close enough to you, you can aim your weapon clearly behind your target but you still will hit the target since the bullet needs to pass through your target in order to reach your pointed area. So yes, it does effectively increase your effective target area when aiming at things off to the side of the screen. There is actually a sweat spot that you want to keep your target at on your screen so that you can aim your cursor behind them that way the retical dot will always land on them, no matter how much they try to move away. I wouldn't say it's an advantage though... since everyone can do it.
  4. I don't have Renegade installed at the moment, but I thought Esc in the PT did what I described? I remember because there have been times were I did exactly what you just said and brought up the Esc menu because I pressed Esc too many times. It's nothing a lockout timer can't fix. As in, after exiting a PT, you'd need to wait at least 0.5-1 second to open the Esc menu. But either way, it's not that big of a deal. I've gotten used to doing it the way I mentioned before (exiting and re-entering) despite its clumsiness.
  5. Joking aside, it's something that you have to feel. Seeing/hearing someone else get a boink is annoying. Earning the boink for yourself is a whole another story. Trust me.
  6. I find your lack of boink disturbing.
  7. That could work making back and exit the same button. But I also think that Esc should behave the same way. Meaning, Esc should be the "back" button in sub menus and the "exit" button in the main menu. If you want to quickly exit the PT from a sub menu, you would double tap Esc (otherwise you buy something). It's more intuitive for me to use Esc as the "back" button since my hand is already close to it. Using backspace never made sense to me at all since I have to completely move my hand positions to get to it. By the time I move my hand and press backspace, I could have exited and re-entered the PT using Esc and E. Regarding the 1-4 bindings that was my mistake, I didn't mean that as a question to you. I was talking to Kil who mentioned that they removed the 5 keybinding because 5 was the binding for refilling in Renegade. I forgot to put the quote in. Yes.
  8. Two things: What about the chat interface? Sure you can use the command console, but it's kind of hard to keep track of, imo. Having it in a PT would be nice (but I guess it's not that important.) You omitted the "Back" button. When in a submenu, there should be a "back" or "previous" button next to the "purchase" button so people can hop back to the main menu. In the current PT it's on the left, next to "Exit" and I don't like it there. It should be next to the "purchase" button for ease of reach. Other than that though, I really like that design. Someone give this man a medal. Yes. Regarding the keybindings 1-4, what is marksman now?
  9. You know, as stingy as EA is when it comes to C&C... I think we should all be a little nicer to them in wake of this project. Without them and their support, this game could never have come out. All it would take is a single legal notice and that's it... so I think it's fair to say EA has been pretty commendable to this point. (I also don't want to give them any reason to want to close this game lol)
  10. The game is non-monetized. They don't make money off of it. They can't make money off of it.
  11. The last time I tried it, it worked like this: You start a match and enter a console command to start recording the match. Then at any point you enter another command to stop recording. Then you can go back and watch the recording. However, unlike other recording programs, this doesn't just record what the player did and saw from their perspective, it recorded the entire world as it where. So during this recording, you can free-roam around and see what different people where doing at the same time. But honestly, it's been a very long time since the last time I used that command. I don't even know if it's still there or not.
  12. I understand what you're saying, but I have to respectfully disagree. Complaints, constructive or not, all serve a purpose. If someone rage quits and comes storming onto the forum ranting about it, it's for a reason and the devs would probably interested to know what that player's source of frustration is. Whether or not what they say has any value to it would remain to be seen but that doesn't mean they shouldn't complain. I play MMOs and other games where people complain about balance. I know what you're trying to say and I know how annoying it is to read people's nonsense. But it's necessary nonsense. Otherwise the game will stagnate and die. That being said, however, we, as a community, have to not be dicks about their complaints and shrug them off. That will only make players angry and make them potentially quit playing. So, it's not the complaints that we need to worry about, it's how we react to them that is key.
  13. Complaints are healthy for the game's growth. Without them, the devs won't know what is wrong and won't change what needs fixing and that will only drive players away. The fact that they are releasing it as a beta means they are intending to constantly update it based off of player's feedback. They are asking for people to give them feedback. So if no one complains about things they don't like, it would be an insult to all of the time the developers spent on the game for the past 7 years.
  14. I'm pretty sure the tracers are still bound to the weapon and vehicle's original faction. And there actually are subtle differences between the GDI and Nod autorifles. Nod's has a darker skin and a red ammo display while GDI's has a lighter colored skin with a gold ammo display.
  15. I was the same way. It's not very intuitive when you discover it. But after you practice with it for a bit it becomes a handy tool to have in infantry fights.
  16. I used it almost constantly in Renegade. But I really don't care either way. It would be nice to have but I really won't miss it if it's not included.
  17. @ bizkid23, you seem to know an awful lot about a game you never played. The game remains true to Renegade with a bunch of new features. The new features means balance has to be tweaked to make sure they aren't over powered, but nothing is being completely revamped. I think the 3 largest functional changes to the game would be: 1. Aircraft control and weapon use (transports now have side guns for passengers) 2. Mammoth tank can fire both weapons simultaneously. 3. MRLS turret rotates. There are also a bunch of various tweaks to how some weapons are used, such as an actual working missile tracking system (making rocket infantry very effective vs aircraft which they weren't in Renegade). The point is, this isn't Renegade reskinned. Lots of new things are in the game, and those things need to fit into the game's balance. If the balance isn't tweaked then the strategies you used in the old game would be rendered completely useless by new equipment in Renegade X. If you want to play the original Renegade, go play the original Renegade. Because even if they copy and pasted Renegade onto the UDK, it would still need to be balanced tweaked just due to how the physics works. That's just part of the territory when moving to a new game engine.
  18. The original Renegade didn't have all of the new weapons and abilities this game has. Airstrikes, for example. It also didn't have the depth of physics this engine has either. Balance tweaking is needed.
  19. Teamspeak is a 3rd party program that isn't included in Renegade X. Basic chat in Renegade X is the same as it was in Renegade: text. Some servers might have their own TS server that you can join, but that is up to the server. Also, the way the TS channel is managed and organized is also up to the server. Some might have everyone in one channel while others might split them between two teamed channels. Again, up to the server. As far as seeing who is speaking, Teamspeak recently partnered with Overwolf (a 3rd party overlay program that is designed to provide a slew of in game apps people can use including a TS overlay.) Unfortunately, Overwolf currently doesn't support the UDK afaik and therefore the TS overlay doesn't work. I use Overwolf a lot in other games, so it's disappointing for me, but it's that that big of a deal.
  20. I usually avoided servers that played like that. Those heavily modded games just really turned me off from the game. I felt that they kind of ruined the gameplay intent. As far as I know, there are no plans for any sort of leveling or perk system at all.
  21. They were good base defenders in Renegade. Being so slow and bulky, they made great blockers against enemy rushes. Just park it sideways in front of the AGT and watch the Stanks pile up.
  22. So basicly you are saying that the glitchy bike isn't glitchy. It was glitchy because the modders made it glitchy. A glitchy glitch made by a modder is not glitchy in itself, making it not glitchy? Pretty much, lol. All renditions of the recon bike in Renegade were all set up differently unless it was implemented into a series of fanmaps made by the same person. But because there was no official recon bike in the game, there wasn't a need for them to really flesh out their 2 wheeled vehicle system.
  23. In all honesty, it was highly probable they would have closed themselves down. Or at the very least have to do some major restructuring. I mean I loved westwood, but at the time of their demise, they had released bad seller after bad seller after bad seller for a while. They needed a resource to make games... and they chose EA for that. But unfortunately, they squandered a lot of the money EA gave them which is ultimately why EA closed them down. The biggest, and final iirc, nail in the coffin was Westwood's MMO "Earth & Beyond." I heard that game cost EA millions of dollars to make and it flopped, to put it lightly.
  24. People saying the recon bike in Renegade is glitchy aren't entirely accurate. Granted the bike physics in that game weren't really fleshed out all the way. The fact is that all of the recon bikes you played in on various fan maps were implemented and set up by the mapper. There wasn't a default "recon bike" setting. It all had to be crafted by the person who implemented them into the map. So the bikes being glitchy isn't necessarily an accurate statement since there are technically no official playable recon bikes in the game. The ones that were there were put in by modders and it's the modder's version of the recon bike that was glitchy.
  25. Like everyone's been saying, the Ren X mammy has two pools of ammo. One for its cannons and another for its missiles. They can be fired together as both weapons can be controlled independently from each other. Primary fire is cannons while secondary fire is missiles. Missile reload time is longer than cannons, but it's not horribly long. Missiles also have much longer range in Ren X compared to Renegade. They are still shorter range vs the cannons, but the longer range gives them better anti-aircraft capabilities. Basically, the mammy is pretty boss and it's not an utter waste of credits.
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