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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. Their detection range, from just my memory of playing the original, is noticeably smaller in Renegade X. But I think they also do more damage... and dead bodies don't set them off like they did in the original.
  2. How to counter mammoth rush with Nod? Flame tanks. Especially on a map with an active obelisk. Not only do the flame tanks act as an obstacle the mammy has to try and push through, the flame tanks are doing a massive amount of damage while holding them still for the obelisk to take pot-shots. Other than that? Artillery. Especially with their new arch should make decimating enemy repairs super easy. The largest problem at the moment is that on most servers I play on I quite honestly cannot drive a vehicle because the vehicle lag is so horrid. It rubberbands and overshoots turns, delays the firing controls... it's just a mess. So I opt to just use infantry... but that doesn't help when the enemy is pressing up the field. I disagree overall. I don't think the artillery was nerfed at all. In fact, I like it a whole lot better now with the arc. I think it's much easier to use and it can hit things it couldn't in the original. You're also mistaken about not knowing what you're hitting. It's much easier to see you're hitting something in Renegade X because it has giant flashing hitmarkers when you hit something. You wouldn't know if you hit something or not in Renegade unless you watched your score. Here you can just watch to see if the hitmarkers flash. In fact, I find it's very useful for probing enemy bunkers. I fire a round into a bunker to see if there is an enemy in there since the hitmarker will tell me if I hit something or not. I think the artilleries are much better now then they used to be.
  3. I'm pretty sure it already is. Before the open beta, people were using C4 as "armor" for the front of their vehicles. They can't anymore.
  4. The GDI bridge entry way is more narrow and you don't have to use a lot of mines to cover it. In fact, the mines you'd use to cover the powerplant can be used to cover the bridge since there is a guard tower right there.
  5. From what I recall, GDI mech technology is pretty straight forward. But Nod reverse engineered it and fitted it with experimental tech and created the avatar. However, they don't do that for at least 50 years from the timeline this game is in so...
  6. GDI vehicles have more firepower than Nod vehicles. So you can field less vehicles on GDI and still have a good offense, giving you leeway to leave someone behind and defend the base. If GDI loses their WF then they get hit with a big disadvantage. But even then it's very possible to defend against a SBH. While I agree that the beacon immunity is dumb, what you're saying isn't entirely true. You actually have more time in Renegade X to disarm a beacon. In fact, you have about 10 more seconds to disarm it compared to Renegade.
  7. I don't like weapon drops in Renegade at all. Not even weapon spawners. So that's a no from me about the purchasable repair gun.
  8. It's funny you say that. Because in the build just before the game went public, there was a bug where the repair gun would only heal infantry armor just like you're suggesting.
  9. They are player controlled base defenses. You can get lucky and manage to get into the enemy base without anyone even manning the turret. But either way, 1 tank is supposed to be easily destroyed. Mammoth or not. Just because they aren't automated doesn't mean they shouldn't be effective. You still need teamwork to get into the enemy base. Besides, they go down pretty quickly and you can attack them one at a time without all of them attacking you at once.
  10. I don't see why this should not be allowed. But I also don't like players that do this. It's selfish and borderline team hampering since your basically hogging up the proximity mine limit just so you can halfway kill an enemy tank. Mines are better spent defending your base. Not as an offensive tactic. Now, if you want to use remote C4, then by all means go ahead. (Remotes and mines don't share the same limit in RenX as far as I know.)
  11. Just a few quick comments. MRLS range is pretty short from what I've noticed. I've been trying to hit buildings in the back of a base and I find the shots explode before they get there. However, all of the other vehicles have approximately the same range they did in Renegade... except the stealth tank which has its ranged increased a lot and I do think it should be reduced (even if it's an anti-air measure). Regarding the base defenses on Whiteout: those are player controlled emplacements. The bases only have automated air defenses.
  12. Have you tried shooting at it?
  13. Part of the strategy of placing a beacon is finding a good place to hide it.
  14. You're making it kind of hard to reply to you with your formatting lol. But I'll try my best. I did in the portion that you highlighted as light blue. You misunderstand. I didn't say that it shouldn't be viable or it couldn't be viable. I said it isn't viable. Meaning it's too hard to coordinate it to a good effect for it to be of good use. It wasn't even like that in the original Renegade. You had to be either good at aiming your gun or you had to have that person stand still. Making it easier to heal small infantry on the move has a major impact on the gunplay. Not only does it already take quite a bit to take someone down, but having them be healed at the same time? Either way this carries over into... You should have to stand still to heal and the target should have to stand still to receive heals because it creates a flow of combat. Front vs rear. If everyone was just being healed on the front lines, it would make it harder for the enemy to break through them. You're denying the enemy room to move and that makes the game only fun for you and the aggressor team. Players who want heals should have to leave the front lines, thus weakening the lines and allowing a chance for the enemy to break through. They should also have to stand still and thus make them a vulnerable target. And you can see exactly what I'm talking about when you look at vehicle sieges. You get things like artilleries and tanks backed up with technicians and hotwires. These are incredibly hard to kill unless you get a good coordinated effort to break through them (or now, in Renegade X, a good airstrike). They don't back down if they are constantly getting repaired and that makes it hard for the defending team to press out. But I don't think that this is a problem because at the end of the day it is still possible to press out. You might say that's contradictory and ask why that shouldn't also apply to infantry. But that's because infantry are one of those ways out. If Nod has a group of teched arties hammering down the front of your base, you can always try to flank them with some infantry. But if you suddenly make it easier to heal infantry on the move, then Nod can just have a good, easy to establish and hold infantry defense in the tunnels to defend against that as well. You're cutting off ways for the defending team to play. Even though they backed themselves into a corner, that doesn't mean they deserve to have less fun than anyone else in the game. I had to bring it up in one way because it pertains specifically to this topic. While I disagree with easier infantry repair gun healing overall, this one thing makes it irrelevant whether or not you agree with infantry repair gun healing. The reason why I'm iffy about talking about it is because, as you can see from the color of my name and title, I'm an internal beta tester... and I don't want my words to be taken out of context as someone who knows what the heck he's talking about. I have absolutely no insight about internal game development what so ever. I just play stuff before most people. Anyway, if you look at some videos of the more recent internal play tests (before the open beta), like those twitch streams with TheGunrun, you might spot what I'm talking about in the PT menu. I think SFJake might have spotted it because he's alluded to other things listed in the PT menu, like motion sensors. But anyway, from what I read from the PT, and again I don't know if this is still planned to be added or not, but there was a medical kit item that you could purchase and throw down and it would heal all people within a small vicinity, including enemies. Therefore, if it was easier for the repair gun to heal infantry, this med kit would be sorta pointless. And that's what I was trying to get at.
  15. Or what if instead of voting for what map you want to play next, you vote for the map you want to play least. Then the map with the least votes would be played next.
  16. They could make it like the first choice in the vote is "Random" or "Next in rotation." Then, they can set up a system that puts automatic votes for things that aren't being voted for often. So, the first choice would have a default of like 6 votes or something. The map that was just played would have 0 default. The map that was previously played would have default of 1 and the map before that would be defaulted to 2. All of the other maps would be defaulted to 3. That way, if players want to win a map vote, it has to first surpass the default 6 votes of the first choice (which means they would need at least 4 votes to be considered). That makes it less likely that a voted map will win (but still be possible) and more likely that the next map will be the next in rotation. It also makes it even less likely that the same map will be played too frequently.
  17. That A-10 thing in the arty is a bug. It shows up when your a passenger in any vehicle. Should be fixed soon though.
  18. I've seen "rax" as another term for the barracks. And "AS" for airstrip. Hand for hand of Nod. ftank is also an alternative for flame tank. also harvy for harvester tib for tiberium then "mines" or "proxies" for proximity mines. Ion/Nuke for ion cannon or nuclear strike beacons.
  19. I understand what you're saying. I don't think there should be any locking feature at all. But I don't think the hitboxes should be adjusted either. I've personally never considered healing infantry anything viable. Sure it's possible, but there are other things you can do like helping to kill the attacker. You should have to stand still to heal infantry and not be on the move. It doesn't matter how slow the rate is because I still think it's just a bad idea in general. Both the healer and the target should be stationary for the most optimal healing to be done. There is also another reason why I don't think it should be easy to heal infantry with the repair gun, but I'm not 100% sure on it and I don't want to talk about something I have no actual insight on. But I will say it has something to do with healing infantry. Whether it's an actual thing or not, remains to be seen.
  20. The spy crate gives you a unit from the enemy team as well as the same colored hitbox as the enemy team. The only way that an enemy player can tell you apart from the rest of their team is by the color of your name. Your name stays the color of your actual team, so a Nod spy will be a GDI character with a red name. A GDI player looking at that Nod spy will display a friendly green target box around them, but they can in fact be killed by seemingly friendly fire since they aren't actually on their team. So, if you're on GDI and see a "friendly" character with a red name, then it's a Nod spy. Likewise, on Nod if you see a Nod character with a gold name, then it's a GDI spy. Even though their target box will be green, you can still kill them.
  21. Free aim isn't aim assist. It's just the ability to aim your weapon without the crosshair being tethered to the center of the screen. (You can freely move it around the screen while looking in a fixed direction.) This is not an aim assist even in the slightest. The best way you can see how free-aim works is to use it yourself in the original Renegade. You can't really rely on videos of other people using it because from that perspective it does look like aim assist... but it isn't. They are just making it look easier than it actually is. As far as the thread goes, I've noticed it's kind of hard to hit friendlies with the repairgun. But it was also pretty hard to do it in the original as well. I don't think it needs to be adjusted because it would make healing infantry too easy and they would be harder to kill. Also, I think adjusting the hitbox would also have adverse effects with weapons being more lethal (since it would be easier to hit people.)
  22. Half of the posts here think squads are a bad idea. The other half likes the idea. So... you're disagreeing with them all. What's your suggestion then? Remove teamchat?
  23. Remember you're participating in a beta. Not only that, but the first beta. This isn't the final release of the game. Your input and bug reports will all help shape how polished the game ends up being. If the game was gonna be perfect from the start, it wouldn't be an open beta. Your feedback is appreciated though.
  24. The boink sound should just be a recording of Fobby saying "boink" in his awesome Renegade X voice. lol.
  25. IMO, I think these weapons should fire their 4 shots quickly, but obviously not that quickly. But they should also have a longer reload timer. So, decrease their charge time by .75 seconds and increase the reload time by a second. Overall, you'd be able to fire all 4 rounds 2.25 seconds faster, but you'd also have to reload for 1 second longer. Therefore amounting to a 1.25 second gain overall.
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