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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. Technically you can for a bunch of settings if you know how to use the correct console commands in UDK. But there is no functioning in-game options menu yet. It's being worked on though.
  2. Oh you mean the shell bump? That's not auto aim, that's just how it fires. It's not doing it to correct anything for you, that's the literal trajectory of the cannon. It has bump for a very specific and very good reason: It allows you to aim further without having to tilt your camera up too much so you lose visual on your target. If it didn't bump the shells, then everyone would have to keep their camera pointed towards the sky in order to hit anything at a distance... and that's stupid since there is no fun in not being able to see what you're shooting at.
  3. I'd like to see a good variety of sized maps. Maybe even some new maps with size variants. Like a 16vs16 version and a 32vs32 version with more buildings and base defenses and larger play area. For example, consider City. It could have the normal Renegade boundaries in its 16vs16 variant, but they could open up new streets and alternate routes if they make a scaled up version. Perhaps even put some tech buildings out there to make those routes more traveled.
  4. The thing that's good about the sidearms, and what I'm reading in this thread backs this up, is that it gives something to cater to everyone. Not everyone is super awesome with the pistol, so they can use a carbine or tib weapon. Other people prefer the pistol. I think you should stick to what you are good at using. Cause in a lot of situations, it isn't the literal balance of the weapons it's your ability to use them well or not. It's not a crime to be good at using a weapon. If you're good with it, then use that to your advantage.
  5. IMO, I think that the stealth tank should kick dust up if it's boosting. But going normal speed, I don't think so.
  6. I thought that was awesome. Very nice job. I laughed a lot lol. But yeah the subtitles kinda blended in a bit. The font was fine, I think you should change the color though.
  7. And yes, $125 vs $0 is a huge amount of money. If the glitch to keep the weapon is working for you then fine, exploit it to your hearts desire until it gets fixed (I can't complain, I'm exploiting the PIC/Railgun glitch). It's not that cut and dry. I'm not exploiting anything. It's being forced on me. I buy it once then that new weapon becomes my primary sidearm until I leave the server. I can go and switch it back to the silenced pistol, but it just re-equips the carbine if I do something as simple as a refill. It's not worth the effort of switching it back to the pistol every time I use a PT. Especially since I only enter PTs for less than a second anyway.
  8. I use it because it's true. A weapon that is free should not out perform a weapon that isn't. Primary/Secondary is irrelevant, imo. Not only that, but the carbine is always available, even if you lose your barracks/hand of nod. I won't lie and say I don't prefer the carbine over the AR, but I don't think the AR is necessarily bad. It has much less spread and is way more accurate. The carbine is just a close combat weapon, which is where I prefer to play. Normally I'd agree with you, but like I said before, it's too soon to talk about it because it isn't working as intended at the moment. I can tell you right now though that I wouldn't use the carbine nearly as much as I do now if I had to pay for it each time. I always have a carbine now because I buy it once and it just sticks to my player. It's not a preference to keep it on me (even though I do like it), it's just how the game is working. IMO I find that the carbine runs out of ammo fairly quickly. And that also puts you at a disadvantage since you lose your infinite ammo weapon and you can be left completely unable to fight back if you spend everything. But regardless, it's not that I'm against making any changes to the carbine or AR... I just think we should first wait to see how it plays out after the sidearm bug is fixed. Basically once you buy a new sidearm, it gets put into your sidearm list in the PT (F1 slot). It stays there until you change servers or quit the game. Even persisting through map changes. So all you need to do is use a PT once after you die and you get your sidearm back.
  9. That's what they mean by "unique factions." The strategies working for one faction won't work or be available for the other. Making them even is just dumbing down the game. Nod can stealth rush, but GDI can steamroll with mammoth tanks. There is no equivalent unit on Nod to the mammoth tank. You gotta think outside the box in terms of strategies and tactics. Each faction has their strengths and weaknesses and it's what makes playing on each one so much fun. If both teams had the same units and same weaknesses, it wouldn't be very fun at all.
  10. Actually, I think that is a really good idea. In fact, if it is done like this then I'd have no concerns about a squad chat. IMO, the way it would work would be: 1. Someone suggests a plan such as "Gunner rush in tunnels" and puts it up on this overview map. 2. Players who are interested go to the overview map and click to join the group (or squad). 3. Once in the squad, you can communicate specifically with them or your team at your discretion. 4. You'd only be allowed in one squad at a time and you'd be allowed to leave it at anytime. Also dying at all would automatically remove you from the squad. (This makes squads objective based and not team-based, which is what I think makes this such a good idea.) 5. The overview map would have a player count as to how many people are participating and there wouldn't be a set limit (other than the amount of players on your team).
  11. I hope it's placed in a spot that doesn't benefit the team controlling the field like it does in Field. I find silos to be better gameplay additions on maps where there are multiple routes to and from a base. But if there is only one route, then putting a silo on that route will always favor the team in control and I don't think that's fair. But either way, I trust you to know what you're doing with your own map so good luck .
  12. I just don't like how a group of people can communicate on their own and form plans on their own without letting the rest of the team in on it. What I think they should do is to make a squad system, but for teamchat, your name would have [squadName] in front of it. That way you can talk with each other and communicate but the rest of the team could also join in. It would also make organizing rushes easier when you can refer to specific squads rather than a group of units.
  13. I'd also like a meter for loses on a given faction or at least a number for how many games played. At the moment the GDI/Nod win rate doesn't tell me much since there is nothing to put it into perspective.
  14. Yeah this is a bug. I think RypeL is correct. Because I've noticed it happen to my tanks after multiple re-stealths. It could very well be caused by taking damage.
  15. I, too, dislike the new system. I do hope it gets revised. I've heard talk of a rather perfect way to settle it, but I don't know if it's going to be implemented.
  16. Well that's for the game's autobalance to decide. Matchmaking could find players who live in a somewhat similar area and then place them into a server that has enough slots. The server itself would handle the autobalance. So one team winning would move players around until a good balance is found.
  17. For starters, I think this is too soon to talk about. Mainly because there is a bug with sidearms where they stay in your inventory after you die/change map. They aren't intended to be one-time purchases. You die, you have to buy it again. So, when it comes to the carbine, you'd have to spend the 175c or whatever it costs EVERY time you want to use it. But that aside, you gotta remember the AR is free. And it isn't half bad for a free unit. It has a longer range and rate of fire than the carbine and it also has more the double the magazine size. However, I will say that I do think the carbine is pretty awesome. It's my favorite weapon in the game. But like I said above, when they fix the bug with sidearms not carrying over after death, then their cost should mitigate their effectiveness.
  18. The problem with squad chat is that it pulls you away from your team and instead into a private group. That hurts the gameplay since you aren't going to be interacting with your team as much but rather just a small portion of them. You can do the exact same things you're suggesting about squad chat just in normal team chat and it doesn't disclude people who aren't in your squad. I mean, I can support having the option to form squads in general, but I don't think there should be a squad specific chat.
  19. I can also tell he has been playing on marathon games a lot. Other wise he wouldn't have said that about the games dragging out.
  20. They should at least make "random" one of the choices to vote for.
  21. It's not. I have to lead all my shots with it. By a decent margin too. It has a fast velocity, but it is definitely not hitscan.
  22. This has happened to me two times from the same PT. The first time I thought it was just a fluke, but it's happened again so I'm gonna report it. In that image I'm in a free-camera mode that can fly around and phase through walls. The PT in question is the one in the image (to the right of the door when entering the airstrip.) Basically, what happened was this. I purchased a SBH at that PT and when I exited the PT, I was flying around like that. Unfortunately, the suicide command doesn't work here nor does anything else. You have to leave the game and reload it to fix this glitch.
  23. One reason why I like having the mine count on the HUD is because it shows people, plain as day, that there is a limit to how many mines you can put down. I don't know how many times I've had arguments with people in game that they are over mining. And it also comes in handy just knowing how many mines you can put down. As far as tipping off defenders goes, it really isn't that big of an issue that can't be fixed easily. Why not just put a delay on the counter? Counting up would be instant, but if a mine is disarmed or destroyed then it would take a little while for the counter to go down. Or maybe have it work on a visual basis. Planting mines would increase the counter regardless of if you see them planted or not. But if you, or anyone else on your team, doesn't witness the mine's absence from its previous location, then the counter would never go down (at least not for a while). How this could work would be that when a mine is destroyed or disarmed, it would spawn a proximity zone in a fixed area around where the mine was. Unless a friendly player walks into that zone, the mine count on the HUD would never go down.
  24. The longest game I played was 8 hours long on field. I was there for about 6 hours. If they get the kinks worked out with airstrikes, then I'm sure Field can become a decent map for marathon.
  25. There is a new lock system being worked on afaik. You just gotta bare with it until then.
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