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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. Was a hotwire and it wouldn't let me exchange my proximity mines for grenades. I'd select them and click purchase but I would still retain my mines. I didn't try with other classes yet.
  2. Buying advanced sidearms, like the heavy pistol, carbine or tib weapons, will carry over after you die and even after map change. In addition, they are one-time purchases. Buy them once and you have them forever for free.
  3. I'm still traumatized from that, btw. Lol.
  4. When someone walks into the ob's range, it will charge. If that person leaves the range, the ob will hold the charge for a few seconds. This held charge is indicated by the tip of the obelisk glowing bright red. Anyone who happens to walk into it's range while this charge is held will be blasted; the charge isn't focused on you. So, I suppose you could hug a wall and keep making the obby charge and hold it... but I'd see that only becoming an annoyance to everyone and a hamper to your own team. Annoying since everyone hears the charging sound. A hamper since any GDI who walks in range of the ob will be insta-killed instead of having time to find cover while it's charging. I'd say if you wanna waste time doing that then be my guest.
  5. None of the glitches from the old game's engine are replicated here. So there is no ob-walking or PT access through walls or anything of that nature. To date, I have never seen the obelisk miss.
  6. It would not be Renegade without stealth tank rushes. Pretty much everything you know and love about the original is replicated here plus a bunch of new features that compliment the gameplay very well. There are small tweaks and adjustments to most things in the game just to pull them in line with the game's new features, but nothing is taken out of context from how they performed in the original game. Also a few things aren't in (yet) that were in the original, such as free-aim... but that just comes with the territory of a beta.
  7. I'm with him. I just like unnecesary reloads. Also so it readies the gun, but I do it in CoD too, just because I like throwing away hypothetical ammo. That just gave me an idea. Instead of reloading your weapon when it's full, if you try to reload, your character could play an "ammo check" animation by removing the magazine and checking if there are rounds in it, then putting the magazine back. It would take the same amount of time as a reload. It would look cool, and it would give an aesthetic value to unnecessary reloading.
  8. I wouldn't say that marathon is casual. It's less urgent of a game type compared to aow, but definitely not casual. A casual game, by definition, is a game you can pick up and put down at any time without any impact on progress or overall standing. Angry Birds, for example, is a casual game. You can just stop playing it midway through and nothing of any value would happen either way. But in marathon, if you stop playing then your team could lose a building that you may have been able to protect. Or someone else could have been able to protect if you weren't hogging the player spot in the server. In the overall standing of Renegade in general, however, it's probably one of the more casual FPS games out there. There is no progression outside of leaderboards. So if you don't care about things like that then it makes no difference if you win a match, lose a match or quit a match. You can join when you want, do what you want and leave when you want without any overall lasting implications to your player's progression (since player progression is handled on a round to round basis.)
  9. Ahh... that would be my bad. They were hosted on my PB. Well.. at least I know now why I hit my cap lol. It's never happened to me before.
  10. About a month ago we had an internal beta test with like 45 players and it worked flawlessly. And that was a few builds ago too. There have been optimizations in both performance and netcode since then so I don't see there being any problems with 64 players. Ultimately it all depends on the server.
  11. I personally find the shotgun to be better than it was in Renegade. Plus, GDI has a new advanced shotgun (flak cannon) that blows the free one out of the water. It replaces the tiberium auto-rifle. (But don't worry, that weapon is still in the game). As far as infantry vs vehicles, it's pretty dynamic, I'd say. I don't know if it's just me or the engine or whatever... but everything in general seems to have more clear cut areas of expertise. Infantry are very effective vs vehicles when they are intended to be. PICs/Railguns are excellent anti-vehicle weapons, for instance. The LCG is pretty awesome as well.
  12. Regarding the out of bounds zones. They are no more. They've been replaced with physical blockers so you can't go out of bounds anymore.
  13. Well there are no spawn delays so...
  14. If I had the time, I loved playing marathon games. I remember playing an 8 hour match on Field. That was one of the most fun games I ever played in Renegade. I mean, timed matches were good in their own rights. But you just can't compare the amount of teamwork and strategy that come out of the desperation of wanting to end a match that's going on for 4+ hours.
  15. The only way I'd support an upgrade system is if the unlocks are cosmetic that only your character can use and all other players can see. For example, a skin that you unlock that only appears on your character and all other players can see. But I'm 100% against anything that gives a player even the slightest advantage over anyone else. The main reason why Renegade is so fun is because everyone is always on the same level and no one has any extra buffs or enhancements above anyone else. This should not be altered.
  16. I agree with you. I'm not suggesting anything be done to free aim at all. It should be incorporated into Renegade X exactly as it was in Renegade.
  17. True or not, I don't think that really matters. Skill I mean. Sure you can learn and master the skills to actively use and counter free-aim.. but most people don't do this. If I'm going up vs someone who knows what to expect then it is an entirely different matter than going into a public game and racking up kills from unsuspecting players. It's just a matter of quantity over quality. There are more people who don't know how to effectively counter free-aim with their movements. So, of course someone who knows how to counter free-aim will do better than someone who doesn't know how to and doesn't expect it. The issue isn't in the skill, but in the number of people who know how to use the skill.
  18. I think hitting a moving target with free aim is actually easier. That's actually the reason why I like using free aim in the first place... because of how much easier it is to hit a moving target. Assuming the moving target is within short distance to you, that is. Once they are passed mid-range it doesn't make much difference if you have a bullet velocity weapon.
  19. Yes it does. You can plow through it easily enough with a vehicle, but it does interact with ammunition. They can be used as cover for the few seconds that they are displayed.
  20. The flamer firing from one muzzle was not intentional. There is the stuff that Hate quoted, but even that is over analyzing it. To put it plainly: If the flame tank was meant to fire from one muzzle, then it would only have one muzzle. Period. Firing from two muzzles is no where near as effective as firing from just one. So it stands to reason that if firing from one is so effective and having the option to just fire from one is there... then what is the point of having a second muzzle in the first place?
  21. R315r4z0r


    Dodging was added in for Black Dawn and carried over to the MP version for a few builds but it was ultimately removed based on negative feedback from a lot of testers.
  22. No, you misunderstood me. R would refill you and then exit the PT. E would just exit the PT. Refilling in renegade worked the same way. You'd refill and it would exit the PT.
  23. I like the idea of E being instant exit. You press E to get in, you press E to get out. I also like the idea of R for refill from any menu of the PT and that it also exits you out of the PT when used. But as far as designs go, I don't like having the refill in the center surrounded by all of the other options. It's actually how it is in the current PT and even though it's easy enough to find, it does require you to double check you're clicking the right thing just because it's surrounded by a bunch of other things. It should either be in a corner or off by itself somewhere like in Hate's example. Or you can get rid of the refill button entirely and just make the "Purchase" button automatically refill you when clicked. In the main menu, if you don't select anything, the "Purchase" button would say "Refill" instead. This makes sense since there are no purchases in the main menu that wouldn't cause you to refill regardless (besides maybe loadout swaps, but I think don't they should even be on the main menu anyway.)
  24. Sweet tutorial.
  25. With the additions of airstrikes, Renegade X's tagline should be: Renegade X Now with more BOINK!
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