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Everything posted by R315r4z0r

  1. Well, first thing, this mod is made by Totem Arts, not EA. They did get EA's permission to use their property, however. Since this is a mod that isn't made by EA, it has to be free. So no, you wont buy it at the store. At the moment, the mod requires Unreal Tournament III to play (which you need to have purchased) however, once the game becomes standalone, then you can just download it in full and play it for free without having to have UT3 installed.
  2. That's pretty interesting. I wanna see the next part when he talks about Renegade though.
  3. R315r4z0r


    I was about to make a thread about this. Can you please increase the size limit for avatars? I want to change mine, but it's extremely hard to find an image that fits the restraints. The smallest I can make all of the images I want to use is like 4.9 kb... if I make them smaller, the image will be impossible to see. Can you increase the allowed image size to 5kb or maybe even 10kb? I'd definitely appreciate it.
  4. He used my screenshot first! I has a happy. Was a good read.
  5. Laser Chaingun: Right Left Top Bottom Front Back Perspective First Person Idle First Person Firing 1 First Person Firing 2 First Person Reloading Third Person Back Third Person Firing --- Here are some pics of the infantry unit as well: Front Back Perspective
  6. The alternative to fixing the netcode is to get more servers up and running (and populated). I like the MP-Gaming server and all... but it just doesn't like anyone in the western side of the Pacific...
  7. Nice job. Well done. But two things I wanna point out (nit picking): 1. It's The Brotherhood of Nod, not NOD. Nod is a name, not an acronym like GDI is; the letters don't stand for anything. 2. The light tank doesn't have strong firepower either. You described it as being weakly armored but having strong fire power. It has both weaker armor and weaker firepower, but it's makes up for that in its speed and maneuverability.
  8. No, actually. It has always spread like that. Notice that I did not say "whatever touches Tiberium turns into Tiberium." You said that, not me. I said Tiberium spreads through contact with susceptible material. That's pretty much how ANY plant grows. You put a plant in the ground, and it roots in and spreads. Tiberium, however, is like a plant on steroids because it spreads at an alarming rate. It also spreads through other materials... it isn't just limited to soil. You focus too much on what you see. Tiberium has always behaved the same way. It has evolved slightly over time, yes, but only really during C&C4. About your video. That is what I tried to explain. It seems that we are on the same page, but you seem to think we are in disagreement. Look back to the post I made before where I said this: Podded Tiberium isn't earthed into the ground. It is detached and easily harvested. It's like an apple that fell off of the tree it grew on. Pods or no pods, it is the exact same thing either way.
  9. Well, two things. It actually has nothing to do with 'giant holes with bug subterranean tiberium crystals.' They are pretty much just there for visual purposes. Tiberium spreads through contact with other susceptible material. Just because we first saw this method in C&C 3 does not mean that it never happened during TD or TS. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. The basic concept of Tiberium is that it spreads and grows on itself. Crystals develop pods later in their growth cycle and detach from the earth. But for the most part, they are embedded in the earth.
  10. Pods are NOT important. There are two ways that Tiberium spreads: 1. Through spore trees. It gets launched out and rolls into a field. This is where the pods come in. The pods are part of the Tiberium crystal that is not exactly rooted into the Earth's crust. This means podded Tiberium is the easiest to harvest because it doesn't really involve very much digging. 2. Tiberium that literally spreads and grows in the ground. This is the type that you can see in the screenshots above. The Earth itself is the pod of the Tiberium. It is rooted into the ground and requires some force to be excavated. These types of Tiberium fields tend to be larger and more varied than the ones made from simple spore trees but they also don't tend to spread as quickly. They are more dangerous to the environment however.
  11. Woo! A chopper gunner feature that doesn't require you to get 11 kills to use! It's probably hard to hit targets with that weapon... since the person controlling it isn't piloting the thing. Are you going to compensate with increased damage? How strong will the side guns be?
  12. I remember the team saying that somewhere later down the line they are going to introduce other types of structures such as silos, repair pads and helipads. I think a cool function for the helipad should be to allow the purchase of aircraft even after a weapons factory/air strip is destroyed. Meaning, on a flying map, the aircraft would be made the same way they are in Renegade (out of C-130 or WF) but if the air or WF is destroyed, then no more vehicles can be made. However, if a helipad is still active, then aircraft should still be able to be purchased. I don't think that the aircraft and ground vehicles should have separate production structures (meaning if a helipad is destroyed, then no more aircraft) because that wouldn't be consistent with the regular Renegade flying maps. Helipads should just be a back up option for being able to construct flying vehicles only after the WF is destroyed... if a helipad is destroyed before the WF, then flying vehicles should still be allowed to be constructed from the WF.
  13. I had to reformat my PC and I didn't want to go through the hassle of redownloading and reinstalling UT3 from steam and then Renegade X when the stand alone release is just around the corner.
  14. Oh, that makes sense now, actually. I think it was in an RA3 Limited Edition special feature where Verdu was being interviewed and said the next C&C game was heavily multiplayer based. I always assumed he was talking about C&C4, but I think that it's multiplayer focus was just a coincidence.
  15. Do you get framerate problems playing minesweeper?
  16. Every so often there is a surge of players online. Somewhere in the twenties. Once the game becomes standalone though, expect to see the servers pretty crowded.
  17. Yea, when you type "Renegade forums" in on Google, the first result is renforums.com but the second is this forum.
  18. I don't understand. Why can't they just make a normal C&C game? Something that is basically a complete rehash of past games. I just want to see if they can do it. If they can and make it fun to play, then they can use that experience to branch it out in new directions. Jumping in, making a game and slapping a C&C logo on it does not make a C&C game...
  19. I retract what I said before: the game isn't being developed by Viceral. It's at EALA again, but under a new team.
  20. Kane's Wrath sucked. I thought RA3 was good though. Other than Renegade, it's the only C&C game I have installed on my computer. In fact, I think RA3 was the only good C&C game that EA ever made. The story sucked, but I love how it plays. If Tiberium was released, I might have reconsidered that though. Anyway, the guys (*coughcoughsambasscoughcough*) who failed up C&C4 aren't working at EALA anymore. But even more over, this game is being made by Viceral (the guys who made Dead Space.) To be honest, I don't think it's possible to fail harder than C&C 4, so I'm willing to give this one a shot.
  21. I never use antialiasing. It costs too much resources and I really don't see the visual improvements it supposidly makes. I know it's supposed to smooth out jagged edges... but I never notice the jagged edges unless I really look at the edge of something. IMO it's just a pointless performance causting resourse hog. So I turn it off on almost every game I own.
  22. You shouldn't be able to play without a CD key... so I don't see what difference it makes.
  23. On the US servers I get like 60-70. On the MP gaming server I get ranging from 170-240. It's usually around the 200 area. I live in New York and my internet is plenty fast.
  24. Yes. Yes it is 2 seconds. I'm simply unable to effectively drive a humm-vee or a buggy on the MP gaming server on maps like Field. I'm always hitting things that I tried to avoid a full 2 seconds prior to impact. Which sucks though because I really like those vehicles. Tbh, I found it easier to deal with the lag in Renegade than in Renegade X. It's actually the main reason why I don't play Renegade X very often (aside from the crashes).
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