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Everything posted by R315r4z0r
I couldn't tell you if I wanted to since I'm just a tester and not privy to that information. But I do know there are plans for more types of tech buildings that will unlock new weapons and equipment, among other things.
This is one thing that needs to come back in one way or another. Because if I miss the beginning announcement, I have absolutely no idea whether or not the EVA countdown is for an Ion or a Nuke. There just isn't any way to know unless you ask in chat. Having the sky change depending on which beacon was planted is a good indicator of what was planted.
It's an announcement you hear from the UT3 announcer when you get a crap ton of headshots with a sniper without dying. I've gotten it once as well.
I was just on a game of walls and I spent it driving around in an APC in my base doing patrol loops. Along with my team, we thwarted 5+ nuclear beacons and I was able to cover them from SBHs and shield them from sniper fire. As long as you have a dedicated defender, the threat is incredibly diminished.
Tbh, the crosshair already works as suggested. Point it at a friendly and it is green, point it at an enemy and its red. It turns yellow when you're reloading. However, nametags need to stay. At least in servers with spy crates. The only way to activly distinguish an enemy spy is by the color of their nametag. This is because their character, target market and character name will all be green, to fool you into thinking they are an enemy. Their name plate, however, will be the color of their home team though. It's also for this reason that nameplate colors cannot be changed. Otherwise you would be unable to distinguish spies out of friendlies. You just need to remember: Nod's primary color is red - so red names. GDI's primary color is gold - so gold names. The target boxes are the ones you need to look for. A green target box is a friendly (unless a spy) and a red target box is always an enemy.
The marksman rifle isn't hitscan. All of the weapons that were hitscan in Renegade are hitscan in Renegade X. There were internal tests adjusting how weapons worked, such as making the ramjet velocity based, but ultimately what we got now is for the best. I mean, I'm still up to debate it, but I think it works pretty well as it is.
There are quite a few things coming down the road that are too soon to talk about. This is just the first release. Also, there is a difference between adding new things that enhance the gameplay and adding new things that do your job for you. Adding items that defend the base for you sort of defeats the purpose of teamwork. Sure, defending can be kinda boring... but if you wanna win someone's gotta do it.
Personally, I never liked the Ion/Nuke crates. But don't get me wrong, I'm not against crates that can kill you, I just don't like seeing ion/nuke explosions when a beacon isn't deployed. Besides it looking ridiculous, it's super loud and drowns out announcements and things that you're trying to listen for. There is actually a lot of behind the scenes stuff with crate rewards. First and foremost, server owners can adjust them. But more importantly, certain rewards are tied to the progression of the game. For example, you shouldn't get a vehicle crate within the first few minutes of the match. Or you are more likely to get a new character if your barracks/hand of nod are destroyed. Death crates are, from what I understand, one of the lower probable rewards. But they should not be removed (unless in clan games). However, like I said before, the ion/nuke deaths are stupid. They should be replaced with just sudden death or tiberium death or something. And no crate should be able to effect people standing nearby... except vehicle crates, which could crush unfortunate bystanders. ( )
The best way to learn to play Renegade is to play for your team. And by that I mean, do every thing you can to make your teammate's lives easier. Be aware of what they are doing and support them. Do some repairs. Cover beacons. If you're in a tank and an ally is about to explode, drive your tank in front and absorb the hit for him. Learn to play for your team and your team will, in return, play for you. After a while, you will pick up the ins and outs of what to do and what not to do. Conversely, you should also actively do whatever you can to make enemy player's experiences terrible. Block them off at every turn. Kill their harvester on sight. Snipe high cost infantry.
Having a group of 6 SBHs attack and nuke is not OP. It's teamwork at play. If you think that it's OP and should be nerfed, then you should also consider 5+ flame tank rushes, mammoth rushes, gunner rushes, and all other rushes to be OP as well. This is just how the game works. If a team can organize a strike like that, then good for them, they deserve to win.
This isn't completely true for the concept of tech buildings in and of themselves. The issue you're bringing up is a single instance of a map related issue, not a tech building issue. Field, which, when you break it down, is two bases on opposite sides of a single battle arena. Hence, having a tech building in that one and only area between each base is going to give the leading team the advantage. But that is not the case when they are put into maps with multiple routes to each base. For example, on Whiteout, there are 3 paths between each base: left, right and middle. The tech building is off on one side, but there are still 2 other ways to attack the enemy. So in a map like this, you either control the portion of the field with the tech building (and thin defenses in the other two regions) or you let the enemy control it and you attack via another route. So basically, there isn't any problems with tech buildings specifically. They just need to have more thought placed into how and where they are put into a map.
While there are obvious issues with the chat scroll at the moment, I don't think that's the primary reason why there isn't much organization. New players are simply overwhelmed with what's going on and they just don't even see that there is a chat box. Period. Doesn't matter if the messages stay on the screen for 5 seconds or 5 minutes, if they don't realize that someone is trying to communicate with them, they won't pay any heed to it. I see people oblivously walk into empty vehicles while someone is repairing it. They don't mean it because they are trying to steal the vehicle, they just don't know that it's someone else's property. Then when the owner starts spamming "Get out of the vehicle" and saying their name in chat, they just continue without realizing someone is talking to them. So what they need to do, on top of making chat more user friendly, is make it more obvious and attention grabbing.
Its always placed outside, where they guard their beacon, mining does absolutely nothing, because its much easier for them to defend their beacon there. Nod may have lower tier vehicles, just not infantry, and this gap doesn't justify SBH + nuke spam at all. Finding a nuke that's not on a rooftop is very easy. Rooftops are easier for a SBH to defend, which was his point. Mine the ramp and the SBH loses that advantage. Seriously though, it's a team effort. Of course it's going to seem over powered if you're the only person who cares enough to check on the nuke beacon. But once you start coordinating with your team, they are pretty easily countered.
Or they could set it that you hold down secondary fire to lock, then fire primary. If you don't want to lock, don't hold secondary. But either way, yeah, secondary fire for most locking weapons is dumbfire.
In addition to tweaking the announcement priority/volume, the announcements should also appear as text in the chat box.
Spotting enemy targets isn't properly revealing them on the minimap. It also doesn't put the spotted icon on them for anyone else except for the person who spotted them.
The thing about airstrikes, and while I already have posted my suggestions, the thing about them is that you really don't need to see where they are planted. Just use some common sense and little bit of deductive reasoning. "Am I in a spot that the enemy wants?" "Does the enemy have a clear line of sight on my location?" "There was an airstrike announcement a second ago!" If you just take a second to think, you can deduce where the airstrike is most likely going and steer clear of it. I mean, really. If you have 6 mammoth tanks clogging up the front of Nod's base on field... then gee, I wonder where that airstrike is going... :\
Oh you're talking about the nametags. Yeah I agree with you. If you can't see the enemy player, you shouldn't be able to see their names.
Request: in-game tips for things newbies WOULDN'T know.
R315r4z0r replied to fetchystick's topic in Renegade X
Just want to point out that, yes, stealing a vehicle that was purchased by the enemy will count towards the enemy's limit. I'm unsure about crate vehicles though. -
I like airstrikes as they are at the moment, and if anyone who's been complaining recently about them has noticed... compared to the first day, the use of airstrikes has indeed come down. That's not to say they are without problems, but my point is that they are not as bad as people were making them out to be. Personally I think the following is needed for airstrikes: 1. Increase the casting time. 2. Brighten the laser designator, or maybe even have a lens flare from the person pointing the binoculars. 3. Maybe increase the price slightly. 4. Activate a personal cooldown timer for calling in strikes. You call one in, you have to wait X minutes to do it again. This is a personal lockout, not a team lockout. 5. (Most importantly)GREATLY lower the amount of points a player gets from a successful airstrike. I'd go as far to even say a mere 1 points per enemy hit is more than enough. - Clearing the enemy lines is its own reward. We don't need losing teams winning from points they earned just from spamming airstrikes. I've been in games where I'd have like 2,000-3,000 points but then someone with a few good airstrikes jumps ahead of me in points... not by a few points or a few hundred... but a few thousand points. This really needs to change.
Impressions from a new player and why I think the game sucks
R315r4z0r replied to Thedude's topic in Renegade X
Entitled gamers feel entitled. Play the game for what it is, not complain about how it should be a different game. General critique and criticism is welcomed. But not when the critique is "the game sucks, do it over and make it more like [insert game here]." That being said, I'll respect your point about infantry speed. I disagree with it, but you have a fair opinion on it. Personally, I think that it's fine as it is. Maps are pretty big and sprinting it lets you get into action quicker. But if an adjustment has to be made, then I'd say lower the amount of stamina a player has rather than reduce their movement speed. But for your other comments, they don't make much sense. It's like a checkers veteran playing chess for the first time complaining that it's not enough like checkers. Well of course it isn't... it's an entirely different game. If you don't like how this game's core features are, then unfortunately this game just isn't your cup of tea. That doesn't mean it's "immature" or that its beneath you. You don't like it, that's fine. You can leave feedback like you are, but you are not required to play the game nor are the developers obligated to change their 7 year long project because one person can't learn to adapt to a game that doesn't play itself for him. The developers are listening to everyone and making the proper adjustments as needed. But the game has been out for two days. I don't know what it is you're expecting to happen but the devs can't just blink and all the problems of the game vanish. It took them 7 years to bring this game to you, completely free. The least you can do is give them the respect they deserve for even bothering to do it in the first place. Then, you can give them time to actually, you know, work on the things that need to be adjusted. -
In general, SBHs aren't that hard to counter unless Nod coordinates a multi-SBH plant. But usually it's just a solo SBH. It only takes a few people to counter them. So if you're whole team is in the field and a SBH nukes your base, that's not the SBH being over powered, it's your team leaving yourselves wide open. The laser rifle is pretty beast as it is, but it's not unbeatable. A few people posted in the base to defend is enough to counter a SBH.
IMO I think the grenadier needs a slight nerf and the flamethrower a slight buff. The two should meet in the middle somewhere.
It's not as bad as it once was, but it is still pretty bad. IMO, the announcement for a building being repaired should be a pretty low priority in terms of the importance of different announcements. The way I think it should work has two critera: 1. The amount of damage the building is taking. 2. A literal minimum time limit between announcements. Basically, there would never be the announcement saying "building is repaired" unless the building's health had dropped below 85%. So, pretty much if it's not taking enough damage to force it's HP below 85%, then there really is no point in alerting the rest of your team that it was repaired. Secondly, if the HP does drop below 85% at one point and is then repaired back to 100%, the announcement should sound off. After, there should be about a 10 second delay until the next time that specific structure is announced to be repaired. Then it would repeat again, waiting for the building to drop below 85% and back. So, basically, dropping below 85% would prep the announcement, and repairing it to 100% would trigger the announcement and start a 10 second lockout. Then it would repeat the process.
Here is a basic tutorial on how to play the gamemode: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=71906 There will be more tutorials showing more advanced tactics to come.