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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. I am fairly sure this is client-side and latency-dependent (won't work in singleplayer). However, IIRC tank shells are client-side tracked, so this has been known to de-facto do extra damage. In the unlikely event this helps reproduce it, perhaps something can be figured out to prevent it, but meanwhile, be informed that if you were caught doing this in a server you'd likely be at the mercy of that server moderator's judgement and they would have the authority to bounce you for exploitations. Thank you for suggesting a reproduction of this glitch though. Glad to hear more from you if you ever happen across anything else that could use attention.
  2. I am working with existing ones. Just updating to today, that does us the most good today. Besides, I am a better typer that knows how to map and code, while Yosh and Ruud are an actual coder and Kenz and DaKuja are an actual mapper, wiki updates every couple of months when I have time is the least I can do, and is more frequently than they currently are updated, and since I can read code I can run through the SDK and generally give accurate information about bullet damage per type of target (mct, kevlar, flak, lightplate, heavyplate, structure). When Terekhov has something, I will be more than happy to populate it. If anything, I will have something remotely useable to start to add to it, and just need to update it once it comes.
  3. I am going to spend time on this today. Does anyone here already have permissions for any existing wikis, and can thus pass authority onto me so I can modify many pages without them needing individual approval? Ones I found so far: -- http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Renegade_X (This is a single-page Wiki for the game, so I updated with basic starting information. Done with it now.) -- http://renegade-x.wikia.com/wiki/Renegade-X_Wiki -- http://renegade-x.gamepedia.com/Renegade_X_Wiki
  4. Well don't get me wrong. But if a team is good, they shouldn't have problem being good on multiple fronts, no? The short is, this is definitely aimed at making it easier for a winning and better team, as much as it is making it easier for a losing team. For one, it's not 2hr suffering. For two, if they happen to be Nod, it's not a waste of effort. The problem isn't being good. The problem, is 1 tank lane of attack, and 2 infantry lanes, 1 that is shoulder-wide, for 20 people a team, is literally impossible, for anyone to be good enough, to reliably accomplish the requested objective in 2 hrs time. Even if a team "isn't gud nuff to fite back tankz", the "gud" team isn't good enough to actually win. On top of that, this "gud" team is always GDI. Meaning, the map does not allow Nod to use most (any?) of their utilities. Flamers, require field. Artillery, require field and MRLS are more effective on this map. Artillery, by map design, are worthless to attack GDI base with. If not, they wouldn't boast a win/loss rate of 80% on this map wouldn't they? Stanks require an exit. SBH require the AGT not to have a football-field of width to gun them down across in order to reach WF. Even Meds, to reliably do something that game besides sit in front of Nod base and shell for 2 hrs until they get lucky damage or hotwire-c4 on Air/Ref, need an entrance to bumrush, they could do it from front but have little motivation to risk the tanks for it. Really, it isn't about giving a gimp team an advantage. It's partially about giving Nod any hope at all of winning besides a fluke or terribly imbalanced player-stack, and partially about making a team show true skill by having multiple options of attack and necessary lanes of defense. If a team was good, it takes much more skill to cope with multiple threats than to dominate a single lane of attack. It's why most MOBAs avoid single-lane design. Also why it's harder to "stay alive on complex" than it is to "score a kill on complex", because Complex has 3.5 short vehicle paths, rather than 1.
  5. Next patch may be soon, and will have the out-of-map time brought down to 7, and for walls, a "special additional countermeasure for vehicles" is going to be added to keep the vehicles from being where they shouldn't be, likely just so they can release the next patch and walls can get a more permanent fix down the line. Walls is a flying map, which is why the invisible wall thing is a bad idea. Also why raising the rocks isn't so good, allows air hit-and-run to be fairly immortal if they wash-rinse-repeat using higher side-rocks as cover. Honestly, I wouldn't mind tank-height blocking volumes placed right on the edge of the rocks where a vehicle ascends on sides of base. Honestly, I also wouldn't mind the out of bounds area enveloping the tops of these rocks (and getting rid of unnecessary tiberian volumes and textures).
  6. No no, no new maps. I don't have the time unfortunately, I am only co-authoring hourglass. I've got an unfinished mod for L4D2 and a mobile phone game in development. Yeah adding more to maps makes them feel weird like the Field silo which always freaks me out. Most maps have got larger and been tweaked to cater for the new game mechanics and gameplay opportunities of X. I wouldn't mind this added to hourglass, maybe make a hydro-electric generator inside the center cave, with an MCT and it controls the base defenses, except the bases already have a powerplant. But I still wouldn't mind someone creating a new map like this.
  7. Again, the extra opening, is just playing "devil's advocate". I could just as well put it back. Thanks for sharing feedback on it though. It was already planned to move WF over so it can be hit from farther into field + with more vehicles at once by Nod. Kenz3001 and the whole community agrees, and it's what makes the map a flop currently. Nod has no opportunity to shell GDI base in a really threatening manner, and has to resort to "dumping flames on the AGT", which is parried by AT mines and 6 hotwires inside. Moving WF over, as well as extending cliff facing, fixes a random map design that prevents Nod from even remotely easily accessing the WF on bunker route, since AGT will kill you halfway just crossing the gdi front infantry area, and the rest of the way trying to close the double-smoke gap between the end of the path and the WF. Agent and everyone else massively requests this also. The second base entrance, was AFAIK just my own whim, but figured it was a whim worth checking. It helps Nod and GDI, get out of base, if held-fast in base. Reason is same as Field, an organized team can sort of kind of get out with good effort, but a Pub can't, and generally 100% of the time is spent with GDI hitting Nod. A good Nod team against a bad GDI team can do the opposite, don't get me wrong. Overall, point is, that is a 1-facet mechanic that only favors GDI. Not just because of their armor in absence of repairs, but because of difference in damage-vs-repair on light-vs-heavy armors, and because of the rpg-esque mechanic HaTe always discussed being that 3 meds defeat the survival threshold of 1 artillery, so 1 artillery does more damage to 1 tank than the tank does the artillery, but 3v3 and the artillery die before dealing critical damage to a med and lose damage and fail to kill more than 1 med. "Glass Cannons". Also, this is assuming both are in the open. Problem is, much like Field, when a team is trapped in base, when you leave with tanks, you have to have no more than 2 tanks max, engage 5 tanks, because the 5 tanks already occupy the wide mouth of a base entrance, while the 2 tanks are trying to squeeze out their base. Even if a team with 7 tanks try to leave base against a team with 5 tanks, assuming both have 2 repairmen, the 7 tanks will be forced to fight 2 at a time colliding into the backs of each other, while fighting at least 3 enemy tanks or more simultaneously. Now, Under's base entrances aren't even that far apart, enough for a med/light to point-rush out of and simply drive past and up the hill while field is occupied with only a little damage, but close enough together for 7 tanks to try to either flank 5 tanks hold up in front of a base, or to engage both entrances at once and spread their firepower out more, making it more difficult for repairmen to stay alive in a 2-directional attack (not impossible, make your tanks form a "V-shape"). The added lethality from a med-rush across hill to obby, well, at least the tanks die instead of camp, more interesting, and the added lethality from a flame/stank rush across hill, Nod needed some opportunity to earn a kill against a base formerly unattackable by tanks, and the added lethality from apc/humvee/buggy, both teams could always use something to keep on their toes and progress gameplay in case of a double-ko'ed vehicle factory scenario (like field, both team's vehicle factories are frontline targets). In a skilled game, you can kill structures with 12 rocket soldiers via burst damage. The point is, in an average game, there just has to be 5+ threats open to a base, not too many but not too few, and they shouldn't be too terribly easy for 1 man (GDI c4 the airstrip for instance) but should be just right for 2 (smoke or AGT-distract the WF). Having just 3 open threats to a base, with 20 people on each team, mean 12 focus on field and stalemate it, 4 clog the f'kn tunnels and stalemate them, and 4 constantly traverse the bunker path which is unreliable af but still ends the game most often 2nd only to GDI Tanks eventually doing their job. Under, in that situation, is a no-hope map, unless Vertiso is in it and on my team, or I somehow coax randies to follow 8-tight on a plan which is almost never the case. In a PUG, well, the map is seldomly played, but even then it is barely-balanced to give Nod a chance and even then still favors GDI.
  8. Now, a map with a "capturable PP" that activates or deactivates base defenses, is a darn good idea. I now want this. [EDIT] Still though, XMountain, Walls, and even Complex, have been known to stalemate. Long distances of open terrain, and the likely placement of vehicle factories double-ko'ing, make it like field, but without need of advanced base defenses. Would be nice, to have a definitive score-based event for ending the game. Either slow chip off a building's health or total armor, something neither "instant", "unearned", or "too big a gap to close between teams". Personally, I prefer total armor, especially after "building health" costs more score, because that would technically be the event robbing the score from the players.
  9. Nod's is single file vehicle skinny, just barely able to fit a Mammy tank. Fits Nod's vehicles better than GDIs GDI is double-wide. Fits GDI's vehicles more than Nod's. Neither provide additional opportunity to shell a base. Basically making them either "suicide entrances" or "strictly exits". They are great for pouring flames in from the side into GDI, and Med tanks into the side on Nod, and both even allow a buggy/humvee to reach obby/agt/bar/hon probably, but nothing can sit at the entrance and get shots in on anything else. That is strictly the lower field entrance. I ought to add "spotting volumes" and stretch them out a bit, so spotting volumes ping closer to "lower GDI field" or "upper GDI hill". Tunnels are a pain to sculpt in the editor. That doesn't make them less "necessary", the tunnels are only semi-functional right now, if a team is determined or large enough, they are a stalemate. A team should at least have a chance to make it down to the PP in Nod tunnel (not happening ATM), or GDI PP (only if GDI is carelessly unfocused on the tunnel). Really, the WF being hittable from farther, and the WF being reachable from the bunker infantry path, were the biggest 2 requests. I felt like what I did with the vehicles was an "asshole's selfish pitch" because one vehicle entrance style maps are fucking annoying. Especially if they don't have some evasive cover to play around with, like Islands has. At least with Islands, you have 2 lanes with 1 entrance, so if you don't want to tangle with 3 tanks on one side you just fucking drive around the rock, they can't shoot you and you just keep on driving not giving a fuck. Field is in a similar position, wondering what it could use, without giving it the literally fucking identical treatment, because I don't want identical maps where it can be avoided. Field's tunnels are fine, but it suffers from lack of interesting infantry play to interact with a base, as well as single-entrance single-field map design. Rocks would spruce things up, but not much, and a dual-divided vehicle route would make it either XMountain with Base Defenses if both same side, or MesaII if opposite sides. Under, I kept "recognizable" too, I don't want to make Field entirely different. I just want Field to be "better" while "similar".
  10. If you ever do come back to this, just remember, both try a fresh install at the time you next try it, and if it still crashes, have him bring a log and also save a DxDiag as a text file and paste it into here. It will explain in detail Graphics, Audio, OS, 32 or 64, ect, so we know if it's drivers or ram limitation or something stupid. How to take a DxDiag: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+ ... 8&oe=utf-8 Generally, if you can play one Unreal3 game, you can play them all, but sometimes the engine can be stubborn with someone, but in the event it does, it's best to get it sorted, because he is going to want to play Dungeon Defenders or something stupid one day and it'll come back to bite him in the arse if he didn't fix it.
  11. In Beta2, there was a mutator to "turn off AGT/Obby at 45 minutes", and that felt like the entire game didn't matter because someone randomly died at 45 minutes, nothing earned at all. It is with great consideration, when game progression is discussed. Using Score for instance, and tweaking score to better show merit, is a good way to "earn progression". Both teams can reach scores, even if they aren't dominating the game. Likewise, the score can just affect progression of the structures in case of a stalemate, while a decisive building kill can decide it for either team at any time. Also, for a team that can't compete in main field siege, silo and infantry are considered as "comeback mechanics", as well as a "pro and con" for high team score like in MOBAs where respawn time is higher for a winning team than a losing one (so a rush or an attack, doesn't kill 1 guy, just for him to respawn twice in same structure). It won't be "just turn base defenses off at this time" sort of sudden random game-ignoring mechanics. It will be at worst a team earning preferably as much permanent structure damage as possible, while another team is given other areas they can bring the fight to, to earn rewards to help them deal the finishing blow if the structures don't come to their natural ends before that high-ish score is reached. And there are a lot of ways to improve on score. Less score for tanks attacking structure armor (repairable), little less score for repairing, much more score for any structure health damage (irrepairable), possibly even silo and harvester contribution to score.
  12. This is really crummy copy-pasting code, from SmarterHarvester Mutator as well as Ren-X code, so this honestly probably doesn't work but it does theorize how it'd look. To remove it completely, you can't set the time to 0, because the VehicleRolloff AI would not have time to drive it away from being destroyed by the next vehicle. You'd have to find what locks the VehicleRolloff AI to not being hijacked by anyone other than the buyer. Of course, this is just a jest anyway, because this is really a terrible idea, but I am just showing that a mutator is entirely possible to make out of this. It is, essentially, just like the harvester mutator, as both derive from AIController. class Rx_Mutator_VehRolloutSmarter extends UTMutator; function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { if (Other.IsA('Rx_VehRolloutController') && !Other.IsA('Rx_VehRolloutControllerSmarter')) { ReplaceWith(Other, "RxRolloutSmarter.Rx_Vehicle_VehRolloutControllerSmarter"); return false; // return false to not keep the old Controller } return true; } defaultproperties { } class Rx_VehRolloutControllerSmarter extends Rx_VehRolloutController; state RolloutMove { Begin: if (rolloutPendingNode == none) { GetRolloutNodes(); if (rolloutPendingNode == none) // fix where server crashes if no park nodes in map GotoState('leaveVehicle'); } UTVehicle(Pawn).bAllowedExit = false; // prevent dummy drivers from walking UTVehicle(Pawn).bBlocksNavigation = true; while (Pawn != None && !Pawn.ReachedDestination(rolloutPendingNode)) { MoveToward(rolloutPendingNode, rolloutPendingNode); } ScriptedMoveTarget = none; while (Pawn != None) { if(ScriptedMoveTarget == none) { // pick a random parkingspot among the not-blocked spots // The number below changes how long the vehiclerollout AI controls // the vehicle for? Changed 40.0 -> 5.0 while(rolloutNodes.Length > 0) { i = Round(RandRange(0,rolloutNodes.Length-1)); if (ActorReachable(rolloutNodes[i])) { bParkingNodeReachable = true; ForEach OverlappingActors(class'Vehicle', vehicleTemp, 5.0, rolloutNodes[i].Location) { bParkingNodeReachable = false; break; } if(bParkingNodeReachable) { ScriptedMoveTarget = rolloutNodes[i]; break; } } rolloutNodes.Remove(i,1); } } if(ScriptedMoveTarget != none) { if(!Pawn.ReachedDestination(ScriptedMoveTarget)) { MoveToward(ScriptedMoveTarget,ScriptedMoveTarget); } else { GotoState('leaveVehicle'); } } else { GotoState('leaveVehicle'); } } }
  13. Probably should make a new topic for this, but... eh, this is close enough, "nod" "harvester" "broken" sounds about right. The harvester still sometimes doesn't clear the strip before a mobile artillery is delivered and destroys it. I noticed in Rx_Vehicle_Manager, that the code to delay after the harvester is there, does it just need to be increased a few more seconds? if(NOD_Queue.Length > 0) { Veh = SpawnVehicle(NOD_Queue[0], TEAM_NOD); if(Veh != None) { NOD_Queue.Remove(0, 1); ClearTimer('queueWork_NOD'); if (NOD_Queue.Length > 0) { if(Rx_Vehicle_Harvester(Veh) != None) SetTimer(ProductionDelay+6.0f+NodAdditionalAirdropProductionDelay, false, 'queueWork_NOD'); else SetTimer(ProductionDelay+4.5f+NodAdditionalAirdropProductionDelay, false, 'queueWork_NOD'); SetTimer(4.5f,false,'DelayedNodConstructionWarn');
  14. I too wouldn't mind helping. There are a lot of wikis in existence, we could pick one of the most functional sites and update that one.
  15. So yeah, basically, if you wanted tanks, you should have had tanks, because if you don't have tanks, then you don't get tanks. So basically, GDI SHOULD be able to shoot down the C130 if it comes to that point. So yeah... this conversation didn't bloom much fruit.
  16. Actually you're totally wrong and it was just a screw up when they fixed the crazy ass secondary glitch back in beta 4. Fixed Good to hear. All I know, is that this isn't the FIRST UDK game I know of to have that problem. If you let me know what it was, I'll let that other game know where to start looking because it never did get fixed. Also, how is the mobius reload blank-fire thing, not the same, as the apache reload blank-fire thing?
  17. This thread is about ideas to improve existing one-lane-stalemate map design. Starting with UnderRedux, which I edited and took more time than I like to disclose since it wouldn't cooperate thanks to the original map's tucked-in landscaping (it's a mess behind those rocks). As shown below: 1) This map is a GDI map. Not many of these exist. I don't want it to be a Nod map, but rather, a FAIR and DYNAMIC map. I want it to be like original, but original had glaring issues. One base entrance. Tank-Structure Line of Sight unfairness. A lot of useless parts of the map. 2) The easiest change that buff's Nod, is to the GDI bunker infantry path. Leading into GDI base has more AGT coverage than necessary, it requires 2+ smoke grenades to make the distance from path to WF, and is difficult to even get to that path from the AGT opening. Nod's equivalent, the path by the metal ramp up on cliff, is not covered by Obby, though the perch itself is. I added/extended cliffscape to cover the path to WF. An SBH can run the gap, if they are hella lucky, but it is more trivial with just a single smoke. Below are pics: 3) With LOS, GDI can kill Ref or Air from moderately far from Obby range (and pretty good into field), while even if Nod took field, they have to be right up against the entrance, and only see a sliver of WF to shoot at. I moved the WF, a little to the left, and nicked a bit of thickness from the rocks at GDI entrance. The sliver of WF is a little bigger to hit, and you don't have to be far into the entrance to hit it, about halfway back to the GDI bunker. Pics: 4) The 1 base entrance thing. I looked at the map, and creating an opening through the face of the mountain, up to the hill passage, is... well... not hard for GDI, but slightly harder for Nod. ...I still managed to do it, as seen below. This provides an "out" for GDI and Nod tanks despite being under siege, as the lower entrance has LOS of buildings but the rock-holes do not provide something for a tank to shoot at. Even if both openings are camped, it divides out the enemy so one or the other can be overrun, and then either flank the other or outright bypass it to attack the enemy base instead. The openings CAN provide a faster land route base-to-base to commit to a suicide-rush on the Obby/AGT with tanks or APC/Buggy, but that is for both teams and opens up better possibilities. Besides, there are still AT mines. Pics: 5) The tunnels are narrow, 2 defenders at bottom of tunnel, can keep at bay 6 attackers, between explosives and various other means. I have NOT done this yet, but I either need to do some more work de-skirting the gosh-darn buried landscape, so I can give the tunnels 2 lanes side by side, or connect the mid-section of the tunnels to opposite team's tunnels or directly to the silo's area. That way, there are 2 paths, despite c4 still being crowded it still leaves opening to fight in one tunnel while bypassing another, requiring much more manpower to stalemate these darn things. Technically, I may be able to do both, double-lane the tunnels, and open a path straight to silo. The field route always has the benefit of... leading to the field, and gains less infantry density and threat once a silo path is open, but the silo path could just not happen and force at least some fighting through the field path. 6) While I expanded the WF route, the bunker routes provide... inconsistent cover? I mean, it's there, but in the most random of places going GDI to Nod. A few nooks or elevated places people don't even know to climb much less look. These are good enough as is, but felt like asking if random stacks of pipes would help these paths anyway.
  18. This happens after reload. It is a buggy part of UDK, hard to fix without using a different engine, and is caused by holding fire from the last clip while it reloads. Awareness to avoid it by releasing fire button until reload complete, is just about all you can do until an idea to fix it comes along.
  19. A lot of things are different in Ren that are not coming back. This and sniper-damage, are probably top of the list. You claim this isn't a big issue, so if it rarely happens, then why do you WANT it to be able to happen?
  20. Crash to main menu, or desktop? "BUILT WITH UDK ERROR", or "RenXHud Version Mismatch"? Happened once, or repeatedly? Need more info.
  21. Happens most often when walking laterally alongside the boundaries. It was fixed to be significantly more difficult to do though. Solutions, are to not walk alongside the boundaries once you have the timer, but to walk inside and outside at the same place. Alternatively, if you notice the timer fast enough, it is much much better, to walk back out of bounds and back in. That will in fact retrigger and detrigger the timer, turning it off for realsies.
  22. In Complex, it would mean you cannot reliably buy tanks, once GDI has fielded tanks. Yes, I know the answer is "gitgud", but if Nod fields tanks first, GDI have a much easier angle to retrieve tanks they are purchasing. Might as well allow GDI to shoot down the C130 while you are at it. In Islands, the space to the strip as well as the angle of the door is questionable, depending on if you have an LCG or a Mendoza, but even for an engi, to make it to the tank fresh off of landing. Same with Goldrush. Furthermore, with a literally 0 timer, if an SBH is standing there when you buy a tank, you make it in time to watch the tank delivered, and even notice the SBH, you cannot kill it in time, and you literally cannot guarantee that you get it 100% of the time. It would be a 50/50 chance between who's latency registered to the server as "pressed E" first, and the SBH would get way more tanks than it "earned". So besides being a n00b-tax, it would also be a detriment more for the already low-win-rate faction of GDI, as they would practically lose 1/2 their vehicles to Nod in PUBs, and even with a good team that is manpower you subtract from the rest of the base by having to camp on the buildpad with a humvee spraying and driving alongside to prevent SBH from being near a vehicle in production.
  23. Reduction? A small one, but that really is a newbie-tax if I ever heard one. Elimination? You do realize GDI get spies, and that there is no PT on most maps apart from Field that allow for a Nod player to get to their vehicle immediately upon spawn? A rare occurrence, but technically means a vehicle steal without constant patrol is guranteeable.
  24. I am compelled to ask, but are you asking to make it so that the enemy CAN, or CAN'T, lock their tanks on enemy pilots? Because that sounded effective af. #LowJackForTanks
  25. They were lucky, but not I. I was the one supposed to watch all doors (on nod they are within eyesight of each other). I figured the ref to be the lowest threat, but the fact that it died killed us, and it's hard to explain why I didn't see it to people that blamed me when it died. It was a good game, I just don't know how I didn't see it from behind the PP, I can see PP, Air, and Ref doors. Unless they walked in the front, which I assumed to be too trivial to check. Meh. I prefer to just take it to experience, with what B0ng said, about "investing too heavily into a rush". I ALWAYS officer or marksman at game start, I heard rocket rush and was all aboard, but I SHOULD HAVE officered up anyway that game to defend in absence of the team. Always need 2 to deviate from plan, so when you gather rocket soldiers they escort with chaingunner or tech, and we didn't do that this time. GG.
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