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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. Personally, I think they both should get gun emplacements (same mapper did both I think maybe perhaps?), and that the turrets should be little less health. Little less. Even for whiteout. Their delay is fine, their damage is fine, they do their job, they just need to be "snipeable" with a surge of damage if someone plans to take one out for a rush or something.
  2. One problem someone else had was foilage and user error with it. I personally had another problem with volumes themselves, and it requires first for you to move the edges/location/delete the blocking volume, and then rebuild geometry/possibly everything. I literally moved something myself, collided with it constantly trying to "make enough room", just for it to fix only when I rebuilt geometry when I hadn't moved anything prior. I hope it runs slightly better than "Volcano" though, Volcano is on the fringe of "causes some server stress" and "causes crashes", as in it doesn't cause crashes but does cause the most noticeable server stress. Goldrush and Eyes were over that fringe.
  3. Much appreciated. Will take a look at it tonight. For reference though, I requested it to be fixed, besides making it easier on me (I did the last one, I can do it again by blending), it actually does show up in-game as well. I appreciate you fixing whatever effects it may have in-game. I would have made the minimap if asked either way though. Was just letting you know. I will check this out and use it for the minimap.
  4. I think the answer is, if you can make any single model to do this, then eventually do this until you have every visual model this game needs, then you can continue this discussion when you get to that point. Honestly, once you have a good portion of models for units, vehicles, and weapons, the tiberium can just subtly be turned into mythril or some silly generic ore name and that can be grounds for something. Just need the models, which RypeL said would be the limiting factor, and unless you or your group can provide them, would be the limiting factor.
  5. lol thats a little bit funny, because EA is doing a poor job on protecting their IPs from their own idiotic ideas... most of the IPs they bought, now are worthless because they forced crap ideas into it (C&C Tiberian Twilight - no base; C&C Generals 2 - pay 2 win). and C&C isn't the only IP they destroyed... Sad thing is, it's theirs to destroy. They own it. Sad reason why, is because they are games with terrific potential, it's a crime they are not using it as they damn well know they ought to be. True with all their IPs. Just to list Pandemic as at least one of their others. As well as with other companies as well. Such as Lionhead recently, and also Capcom with MML3 and Konami with Silent Hills. These companies should be ashamed of themselves that as AAA developers they cannot properly create content using these IPs. They have the capital, and they can do it with a positive profit, yet they make 90% of a game and scrap it like it is a fucking brilliant move that they spend $800,000 in development to quite fucking literally earn not a damn dime off of it.
  6. Now, Mobius just kill you fast because, somehow, they do bonus damage to SBH. Personally, that sounds like it should make more sense to BH in general, and not just SBH (which are already low-health). Again, it shouldn't be from too far away, unless you are sprinting. If you are sprinting, it still should be no further than the WF front to the Bar front.
  7. Sprinting increases visibility distance, but only by about twice the regular distance. The regular distance is rather short, the sprinting distance is pretty much the width of the middle vehicle entrance in walls, that center gap vehicles drive under. So that is about twice as far as he should have been able to see you? Can always use "f5" and type "demorecord", I believe that sends a command to the server to record and log 2 minutes of gameplay in the entire server. Write the name down for your own use later, and see if he does it later, and go to that community forum (possibly ConstructiveTyranny.com if it's CT), and share your suspicions so someone can review them, possibly in a thread without naming anyone and then a PM?
  8. Notice: Anyone who is AFK (eating?), walk up to a MCT, with a repairgun in hand, and press "f5" and type in "startfire 0" and press "enter". Your repairgun should now fire constantly on it's own. Stand there, and repair the structure. If your score is 0, 12 minutes into a game, then it's sort of sad that I can have a higher score than you and not be in the same room as my computer.
  9. Fucking timezones. It starts at 2pm instead of 1pm for me now, US Central time. 10 minutes everyone.
  10. Waiting on word on if a date is making it in town today. Will come if free. If not, something came up and I had to help someone move materials or I decided to go out and pick someone up to hang out today.
  11. They disable it because it does a poor job of afk checking. Mainly, kicking active players. The bot would do a better job. Especially score checking and chat warning confirmation. As far as game feature, what would be badass, is if being "afk" made your character control as a Bot. Maybe I just be playing too much of that Left4Dead2 or something...
  12. I'm not sure if I'd call it this rough, but I played on servers that kicked (or at least limited) snipers for a reason. Even if it were limited to "pilot a tank, repair a tank, and constant semi-successful infiltration", it was literally the same class doing all 3. The sniper was just a bitch if you were that class, it killed everything outside of a tank. Even then, some maps were alright, like Field, even in this case. Just get 2 artillery to form a wedge, and you had total cover from sniper fire as well as most tank fire. It was very monotone. Current Ren-X is fairly exciting about what masses of junk you can throw at what. Rush with officers to pillage a structure, a-ok. Field control with gunners, patch, or lcg, happens. McFarland, Patch, and SBH harassing snipers, no longer a suicide mission.
  13. What kind of computer? This could also be, laptop, bad integrated graphics, dedicated gpu for gaming, and the game ignoring the dedicated and trying (and failing) the integrated to run it. Though if it isn't a laptop or isn't using integrated and dedicated, then disregard, but still nice to know hardware, gpu, ram, os, ect...
  14. Sure. Btw, you never did fix the blocky edging on the landscape from the shadows. Something about lightmap resolution or something. Actually, you might want to fix it on this one. I can blend it out, but if around the silo appears ingame, anything like what it appears like played from editor, the silo lights reflects nearly solid white off the sand, while a very obvious solid black line appears in the edging of the shadow on the other side. If you would rather me make the minimap with the current map file, let me know and I will, I will just blend the tan sand from the edges across the lighted areas, as well as the shadow edges, but that won't fix it in-game where the lighting very much looks like that.
  15. If I don't, wouldn't be a little awkward visually? I downloaded the map and can work on it now.
  16. Just us? More them than I, I started but left a while. Might do it a few hours today though.
  17. Nice to see you and hear of your interests. Hope you have some great times and maybe even aspire to make some enjoyable maps if you find you have the interest.
  18. Should I make a new minimap?
  19. Anyone know or can speculate on the likelihood of intentionally having multiple harvester endpoints for the current single harvester to go for? Got the idea by how GDI Harvester sometimes tries to go over the wall ramp on the side instead of the front door. Wondering if a map like BunkersTS could be made for instance, where the harvester has nodes for both tiberium fields and can randomly select one.
  20. The PUG was pretty good this week. After the official PUG, I defeated an entire base with a chem warrior.
  21. I would still bet they are the most overused, but not by much, and possibly as a detriment to their team considering their weakness. If anything needs to happen, it needs to be less healing power. Right now, they negate damage 1:1 with most sources of damage. Few things can outdamage a hotwire repairing a MCT, being a flame tank and mammy. Engi repair rate is 20 and Tech is 40, I think 35 even seems more sane. Maybe "double" was just too strong, they practically grant anything they repair immortality, few games come to mind where you can outheal damage, definitely not PS2 or TF2.
  22. I am sometimes like Ryz in the sense that sometimes I want to do plans that essentially say "fuck it and abandon base and just slam the fuck out of an enemy building, if we lose ours at least we got theirs". I am also vocal sometimes but not always. Ask for attitude, if it's the first game, at least you get an idea of what you are up against, and different maps have different gameplay. However, if the game is sinking, even I speak out about it, the teams need remixed because if it's literally going to go out with 5 games lasting 10 minutes and the same team gets slaughtered every time, I expect nobody to smile and compliment the evening.
  23. If you are familiar with minimaps, and have photoshop or are handy with paintdotnet, go for it. There is a guide on how to do it at Kenz3001 YouTube channel. If you need additional help, I can help with it or even do it. Enjoy "The Division".
  24. Should just make crates give a generous 7.5% upgrade, and limit it by 2. I wouldn't recommend a limit if it weren't possible. Along with "character base speed", simply specify that "if player speed > 115%, player speed = 115%". Anything additional they get, results in no more than 115% speed. Can just limit every character's speed to the maximum as Patch, or can specify for each character a max speed so Gunner can be 115% but patch can be 130% and LCG can be 105%.
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