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Everything posted by MightyBOB

  1. rawr
  2. My top 3 picks are Renegade: Project Regenesis (or just Renegade: Regenesis), Renegade Commando, and Renegade X.
  3. I Am Legend.
  4. Omg that's brilliant.
  5. Ooh, a Junlge R07_Under would actually work very well if it used ancient ruins for the caves and tunnels. I actually rather like the idea of reinventing some of the maps.
  6. No difference, just a production shot to show that he does in fact have a face under his shades unlike the Renegade model.
  7. I was just thinking that you might have had an extension that was messing with the rendering of the page. Or something like NoScript or AdBlock was set to block some of the stuff on their sites by accident.
  8. What version of FF do you have and what extensions? I've got and the C&C3 page seems to render fine for me. Use IE for those 2 pages? The pathetic thing is, IE doesn't conform to web standards for page rendering. Some web designers, rather than coding for the web standards, code so it will work with IE's POS page renderer and therefore it won't function properly in FF. There are a few pages I have to use IE for; well not IE itself, I got IETab for FF so I don't have to open IE7 because that program is such a crapfest. Whoever designed the interface for IE7 should be fired. Along with all the testers and whoever approved it to be released to market. Most backward-ass interface of the web...
  9. Guess you're not hardcore enough.
  10. RA Aftermath Counterstrike All ship Worldwide.
  11. We have a thread that got pushed to like page 300 in the maps/mods section.
  12. Short of buying the original off Amazon or eBay I have no idea. I have the TFD boxset but I'd never install it. Got it for cheap off the eBay for the bonus DVD and poster. So I can't really troubleshoot it. It has more bugs than the originals.
  13. MightyBOB

    My new PC

    I would never use RAID 0. The performance benefits are not worth the risk of data loss to me. (Key words: I and Me.)
  14. There's your problem. But seriously, have you tried setting all the .exe files to run in Windows 95 compatibility mode?
  15. I kinda like Renegade Commando.
  16. I think we have a winner! =O
  17. You can vote for an infinite number of mods.
  18. I'd actually like that one... I fucking hate it when the server spawns me in the Barracks on C&C_Complex 5 times in a row when Nod is whoring the living hell out of the entrance with Artys and Sakuras.
  19. Well we already abbreviate Renegade 2007 as Ren07.
  20. His point is that he believes very few PS3 owners would find out about the mod as mods are pretty much an unseen thing on consoles.
  21. Well you can always play with the bots. :?
  22. We don't have one of those. Perhaps we should start one up. We do however have RSS feeds for anyone who uses those.
  23. Could we possibly stray away from the "Renegade Re-something" names?
  24. Yes I believe Jeep is correct.
  25. Arise our minion armies and do our bidding! Primarily voting and bringing donuts.
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