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Everything posted by MightyBOB

  1. Buying a copy of XP has nothing to do with it...
  2. Ooh hawt.
  3. The server name won't change, the host nickname will.
  4. Lol I'm working with Maya and find it lacking compared to 3dsmax.
  5. Expansion material perhaps? CABAL was going to make a comeback in C&C4 in the old Westwood timeline.
  6. 1.2 patch http://www.commandandconquer.com/community...es/default.aspx
  7. MightyBOB


    Cool. What is it called?
  8. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index...r#I_DESLIKE_YOU [edit] oops didn't see the page 2. Uh.. On topic... PP is Gud? [edit]
  9. Westwood > EA
  10. How is Empires going? I heard the first release was buggy as hell.
  11. On the Bonus DVD.
  12. Yeah it has video tutorials and the editor included.
  13. Includes several community mods maps and mutators
  14. This mod is included in the UT2004 Editor's Choice edition DVD. Good mod. :wink:
  15. No there will be no Translocator.
  16. Void is supposedly making us a site already but we haven't seen any screenshots or anything...
  17. MightyBOB

    GDI's APC

  18. Do people ever ask questions in the actual FAQ thread? None of the (current) team members will be hosting a server. That I can say for sure. But we have been talking with some UT2004 server operators and some of them have shown interest in running a server. But that is getting way ahead of where we are now. We're not even discussing this. Unreal Tournament 3 isn't even out yet.
  19. Yes, UT3 is a top of the line game running on a top of the line engine. But if it is as flexible as UT2004 then it can run decently on some slightly older machines, but not at max settings. (UT2004 runs fine on my old rig that only has a 64MB GeForce4MX and 512MB of RAM) But needless to say, if you want it to look good you'll need a mid-high to high-end gaming rig.
  20. We don't use the renegade tools or RenX/gmax and we don't support them here. That's why we told you to ask on the Renegade Forums, because they know all about those tools. We use 3D Studio Max for modeling and Photoshop for skinning. If you want to learn about those tools visit the CG Society. They know everything.
  21. UT2004 already has a number of very good anti-cheat applications that are far superior to RenGuard (no offense BH Studios ) including one that will ban a cheater on ALL servers running it if he/she gets banned from one server. UT3 should also have some good software that we aim to use.
  22. Nope, UT2004 runs on the UE2 engine. (which is redundant because I'm saying Unreal Engine 2 engine lol ) We're talking about UT2007 (which recently got renamed to Unreal Tournament 3) which runs on the newer UE3 engine, and will be released this summer hopefully if it doesn't get delayed. As for Tiberium fields, they'll be a mix between Renegade, C&C3, and the original Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn). They'll have C&C pods, with a Renegade-ish ground texture, and those vein things at the base of the pods like in Tiberium Wars.
  23. I voted for a C&C3 Expansion. ops: Should have hit FPS, considering EA will undoubtedly make an expansion for it.
  24. If you mean make a news bit about us on cncgamingsource, we're not really looking for much publicity at the moment, but anything on the site or news section would be fair game; not the live wip however.
  25. You mean this thing? http://www.cnc-source.com/files/pafiledb.p...file&id=571
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