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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. Right now, there is an imbalance: Why are so many units barely used? almost 90% of the units consists out of snipers or mechanics. The last 10% consists out of the remaining units such as Patch, gunner, Chain laser, etc. The only exception is that on certain maps the nod population consists for 50% out of SBH (and they suck at using it right). Which leads me to say: the other units aren't balanced compared to the snipers. Vehicles usually clear up the vehicles, and only during an incredible siege will you see the base fill up with PIC's and railguns. So most units should get an overhaul (in my opinion). Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. QUOTE (epicelite @ Mar 3 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't Renegade-X removing the entire 'colourless' look? Just look at Under: From straight edges and lines to real caves, snow falls and icicles hanging down everything. Fortunately, 'good taste' is just an opinion, and discussable. I never liked Field, it's not dynamic enough in my opinion. But lots of other people seem to like it, and I've had my share of fun games in it both attacking and defending. I hope that if they do remake Glacier, that you will have a go at it a few times both as a losing and a winning team on either side, and then tell me how it went. I think that one of the best Marathon maps is perhaps Glacier. After a few buildings are destroyed, the winning team will have a hard time destroying the last buildings. And if they don't watch out, the opposing team can suddenly even the scales by a perfect infiltration. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  3. About the connection: They are remaking the game on the UT3 engine. Now in the last year I have had the game I've played my share of hours on it, and I've never, ever, had problems with disconnections from a game, unless the game itself was lagging like hell and it crashed anyways. So I don't think that an option to get your character back that way should be allowed. Perhaps a question of 'are you sure you want this' or something in case you have a patch or something and your infantry building is destroyed, and instead of pressing 'refill' you press 'engineer', losing the patch. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. Remake glacier! Glacier had only one real flaw: lag. Glacier has a great layout, you NEED a large team to be able to defend it. Nod can quite safely reach some important buildins, while GDI can do the same. Unsafely both teams can still reach some buildings. GDI can use the 'hide behind rocks' path all the way to the airstrip/pp. Or in case of the pp they can take a different road too. Nod can, with getting pounded a lot, reach the wf. You might say, 'how unfair that GDI can reach more buildings with infantry'. But Nod has his own advantages, they can hit one of the more important buildings on this map easily with artillery: the pp. As the GDI pp is quite in the back of the base compared to the places where normally people are fighting, there are usually few people near to repair it and react quickly enough in case of big rushes of stanks, flamers or artillery. It's a good map, remake plz! @Jointnoob. The fact with the mines was done on purpose. There was one central point where they could all be disarmed (unless they were on a building, where they wouldn't dissapear). All you had to do was keep snipers trained on the spot to prevent people from disarming them. As the safe places where those snipers can stand for both teams means that neither can shoot the other snipers, it is a pretty nasty place to be disarming: either get shot, or driven down, as all you will be looking at when you are disarming mines is a nice ceiling. Yours sincerly, Demigan.
  5. Epiclight, you missed something: While the sniper isn't powerfull against, say, a mammoth tank compared to the amount of health he has. The sniper does gain a TREMENDOUS amount of points for just shooting at it. So even while you might not be able to destroy the tank, you usually get enough points to make up for the losses you will sustain. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. Renegade, as many people already said, was never actually balanced. How many games end with people just dressed as either snipers or engi's in vehicles? lots They aren't rebalancing it, they are just going to make sure the weapons that don't get used right now because they are useless for their price, become usefull, and an option to use throughout the game.
  7. QUOTE (Jngdwe @ Feb 27 2009, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I beg your pardon? They are going to change a lot, to make things usefull again. Nod turret is being changed The grenade launcher is getting an overhaul The tib. auto rifle is altered to make it more usefull compared to the autorifle which costs nothing The light rocket launcher will get altered to make it more usefull by giving the rockets a slight homing when fireing at vehicles. Just to name a few changes I read about. All these changes, as far as I can see, are meant to make those units a viable option to be used in the game. Instead of keeping them appendages for people who just 'enjoy to pick something else for a change'. It will keep the game balanced, only it will also open options for in the early game. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. You should check out the site more, there are lots of answers to your questions there. First of all, they already were going to reduce both the points you get and the damage you deal with snipers vs light armor like aircraft and buggy's, humvee's and artillery units. And they might (I don't know for certain) increase the damage of raveshaws and PIC's vs those same light vehicles. Thus making them the ultimate anti-tank infantry even in the case of artillery. The chinook, alias 'the coffin', is going to get some new features as well. The mounted machine guns on the side will be capable of fireing, and as snipers will not deal as much damage, they will become a viable option for rushes and perhaps even defence. All you need is a bit of brains of how to avoid the stronger anti-tank units that are capable of shooting you down. I don't know if they are going to reduce the attack power of the orca/apache. I would think it important as the orca and apache are very powerfull, dispite the fact they can currently be shot down in seconds by snipers. Orca's are a rushes bane in maps as city flying, and a good orca/apache pilot can use the terrain to get rather close to snipers, appear, give a volley of fire to kill one of the snipers, dissapear and repair. Risky, but well worth it if you succeed. Ofcourse, they are already adding new anti-air possibilities, such as the light rocket launcher being capable of tracking it's rockets on a (tank) target. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  9. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 27 2009, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't that more like the achievement of 'Noobjetters shooting at your half destroyed base'? Shooting wrecks till they are destroyed might be fun, but still I hope you test it with vigour to prevent it from becomming a major (negative) gameplay change. Would be fun to see the wrecks blow up and leave some rubble on the ground. And it would help with the feature of being able to repair wrecks to a full vehicle. Damn I'm such a hypocrite. 'Try to keep it as much the same as possible but add some feature that is only seen in modded servers' Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  10. QUOTE (epicelite @ Feb 26 2009, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They already changed both the animation to make it look harder, as some other properties to make it more usefull (I don't know which properties, speed, damage or whatever)
  11. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Feb 23 2009, 11:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Discussion closed?
  12. I'll try to get teamspeak working and a headphone that does the same. I always need hours to get sound systems working on any computer, usually starting with hole one out of six, trying them all out, and finally it suddenly works on hole nr one.
  13. QUOTE (maty @ Feb 23 2009, 01:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm pretty damn mad then. I've never played ANY Doom, or Duke Nukem, or Quake or one of those 'classics'. I played games like 'supaplex' and Prince of persia back then.
  14. QUOTE (Saga @ Feb 21 2009, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They are already working on that
  15. QUOTE (KobraHunt @ Feb 20 2009, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aren't they saying that about every MMORPG they make? I mean, if I were making an MMORPG, I wouldn't go around saying 'this game is good, but not as good as , I would say 'this thing is going to top the top by a measure you've never hear of before!' I'm back to renegading, today, RIGHT NOW! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  16. QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Feb 20 2009, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I played assassins creed. I really just HAD to get to the end while doing everything. Then I got there, dissapointment hugged me tight. No bonusses for capturing flags, no apperent bonusses for doing all the information gathering missions before a kill, nothing really. Just 'kill that, oh a camp full of tuetonic knights, let's just kill them all'. There is really no reason at all to do it stealthily, you can murder every soldier in sight if you want and still manage to do your kills. I have GTA4 on my computer, but even with 10 gigabites all freed up for memory, the game will eventually give memory problems. Some games I can recommend: Dungeon Keeper: Like renegade it has a very unique approach to gameplay. Although it should have been improved by making more follow ups. Max Payne 2: Quite realistic compared to most shooters, quite fun. Crysis
  17. I've seen the movies, and I have a question when seeing how the vehicles died. It's nice to watch those wrecks, you really have the feeling they are destroyed and a job well done. But in Unreal 3 the wrecks stay for a short while, and they block your path during that. How will that go in renegade-x? I know, I know, you are trying to keep it as close as possible to the original renegade + a few upgrades to gameplay. But if those wrecks would block you, then even if they remain for only a few seconds they could create incredible difficulties. simply blocking someone with an APC, just drive against their front, shoot them till it is destroyed and 'BOINK' you got a few of the occupants dead. That would be impossible when the wreck became solid. Whats more likely to be a great gameplay changing factor, is that during a massive rush, it's hard enough to get into the enemies base, if you also have to zigzag through the wrecks of your destroyed friends (damn noobs ), let alone the wrecks of enemy tanks that blocked off the entrance to the base itself, it becomes nearly impossible to do a good rush. More funny things that could happen: Destroy an orca and see it crash into some enemies below. I wouldn't mind if wrecks stopped infantry (or even were allowed to crush them, see the rather beautifull explosion of one of the stanks in the first trailer). Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. QUOTE (JirkaC @ Feb 18 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you had taken your time to read 3 posts back (although it could have been in between the other 18 pages), you would have read the answer yourself . They just said they are planning achievements, and they might open a thread to gather idea's for what kind of achievements that would be. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. QUOTE (CrazyAndy @ Feb 17 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or you crash and kill everyone because you are too focused on your joy and excitement? Always love the stupidity of people in a chinook: OMG, I'm getting hit! Let's go higher so we splat on the ground! But as they will upgrade the chinook with a gatling gun on the sides It might actually be used more often. And I also hope that people actually try to fly less obvious and actually reach the base with it. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  20. QUOTE (Tsumetai @ Feb 12 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Looks like a contradictio interminis. How can you overlook Renegade-X? We could have the extra hud features be tight to certain buildings. For instance: the communication center keeps the building hud online. But the moment the comcenter is destroyed (or the pp) then the hud dissapears. On top of that, perhaps there should be a kind of countermeasure that can be bought or something to prevent everyone to jump on top of the building that is attacked from moment one. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. More game modes: What I always thought would be a very fun gamemode alongside the normal renegade base vs base concept. Is an assault oriënted gameplay. Say that you add some trucks (or just a few harvesters) to the game, and add an 'escort' mode. the team that will escort will start with a set amount of tanks and money. The trucks will start moving through some terrain. Team 2 will start with anything they can buy. Both team will have a few spawnpoints, designated by a reïnforcement pad. At these pads you can buy new equipment and tanks, which are brought with helicopters. Team 1 will have to simply defend the trucks untill they reach the destination, while team 2 will have to destroy them in time. The trucks could be automated, or human controlled. It would be fun if there would be several routes to reach the destination. With some supply bases for the escorting team where they can respawn and buy things after the trucks reach the supply base, and a few assault bases for the attacking team that will be activated according to the progress of the trucks. Another gamemode is real assault: Team 1 has a small base that is very good to defend due to its position. However, they are restricted to what they can buy. While team 2 won't have a base, but an staging area where they will be able to buy tanks and equipment and then assault the base. In essence a pure teammode as only teamwork would achieve actual success. Kill/pointwhoring would not help in any way. As an addition to just having to stay in base and shoot anything that enters, you could have the attacking team start way back from the base. The base itself would be so open that it would be impossible to defend, but the road towards the base contains several places to hold the enemy back. With sometimes alternate routes for the enemy to take when they breach through a defence point. Once the time limit runs out, the critical reïnforcements will arrive and teh assaulting team will have to withdraw. Hell if I know how possible this is for you. But It's there to consider it for you Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  22. Tunnel nukes: a nuke would make the tunnel collapse on top of the one who placed it (for some reason these are tactical nukes/ion strikes that have a small area of effect, and the beacon is protected by the one who placed it usually). On top of that, we could say that the amount of rock and stuf in between interferes with the signal, making targetting much harder for the nuke/ion cannnon. So to prevent friendly fire they wouldn't fire. (If you prefer RPG reasons, read above) If you prefer more normal reasons: How can a nuke go through a tunnel wall and then explode on a tiny beacon? A butterfly knife for an SBH? Do you know how GOOD that would be? I can stealth kill dozens of people in Under with just a pistol from a small distance without them ever finding exactly where I fired from. If I could just walk up to them and stab them in the back, and continue on towards every sniper on the hill without delay, my killcount and pointcount would skyrocket. A stealth sniper is dangerous enough, but that would just be too dangerous by far. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  23. Allright, the announcements first: I play online with my brother sometimes (ban4life). He's just one chamber away with a thin wall, and we can hear eachothers music and gamesounds most of the time. When I hear an announcement like 'gdi powerplant under attack' he might here it at the same time, a few seconds later, and very very rarely not at all. How many times haven't I used the fact that the enemy is shooting my base, thus triggering the announcements for MY base, to cover the announcements of THEIR base? lots of times, people just don't notice an announcement when an attack is in full swing. But they would notice if a building is taking rather subsequent fire. I also shoot with normal assault rifles, chemsprayers and such against buildings just to trigger an announcement, if you have had to run 15 times for a false alarm, you usually pay less attention for the 16 real time. Shifting target during attacks is also very handy. When a rush attacks one building and they can't get it down, then just one tank, or even two, shooting a building will go fairly unnoticed. You just can't really see if it's 4 or 6 tanks shooting at one building, let alone a full batch of 15-25 tanks. But if everyone can see in a glance, without stopping to repair or moving to the building what is attacked and the rate or repairs needed, then I think the amount of draws during timed matches, and the amount of hours played on marathon games, will increase drastically. As defending will become so much easier for everyone, even the person who lonewolfs it the entire game would take notice. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. QUOTE (CRiX2k @ Feb 5 2009, 04:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds like nitroglicerin to me. Feign death might give the game an entire new edge. I would sure as hell shoot every body I see on the ground, and be twice as weary as SBH when encountering any dead or not so dead person (or approach each body with a shotgun and get 'feigning death' out of their systems) I think the idea of making tunnel nukes completely impossible is a good one. However, will this result in infantry only tunnels being unavailable for superweapons just like tanks are unable to get there, or will places like under become very hard to nuke? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  25. How about this challange: Get it done, and get it done right I would rather have it not given out at all then fail after all I've seen. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
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