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Posts posted by djlaptop

  1. if someone "Q" tags the beacon there will be a message saying beacon is next to blah building ... or if someone "Q" spams a building thats pretty much were the beacon is (just keep an eye on the messages in the top left :))

    Right, but if I'm the one looking for the beacon I'm pretty much boned, right?

  2. This happens sporadically on either team as a tech/hotwire on beta 4.

    Plant all your C4, destroy a building, run back to base and refill. You no longer have any timed c4.

    You can even purchase a new hotwire/tech and still will have no timed c4.

    Only fix is to switch to another character, THEN repurchase hotwire/tech.

    Another variation of this bug:

    Purchase a smoke or emp grenade as a tech/hotwire, you lose your mines (not sure if this is intentional).

    No amount of refilling, even after the deployment of the purchased grenade will ever bring your mines back until you switch to another character, then buy a new hotwire/tech.

  3. In "advanced maps" (ones with defences), the SBH spy WILL be shot by defences. The Obelisk detects the stealth and therefor threats the SBH spy and zaps it to oblivion. It could be you had the situation where the Obelisk was occupied with other targets and therefor "ignored" the spy.

    In beta 2, SBH spies were indeed attacked by base defenses, but this was not the intended behavior. This has been corrected in beta 3.

  4. LOVE all of these changes except the EMP disarming mines (I can forsee using them to disarm the bridge mines in Goldrush and avoiding the "building damaged" message). Also on the fence about the addition of base defenses to Whiteout, but I suppose that makes it more like the original map it was based on (which I recall often ended in stalemate - I just don't want Whiteout to become the new Field).

    All in all, a great update! Really looking forward to it. Kudos to the team!

  5. I'm a pretty fast typist, and often I'll try to type two chat messages quickly one-after-the-other.

    Examples might be:

    1) SBH inc

    2) in tunnel now

    The problem is that I type the second message so soon after the first that it doesn't get sent. My best guess is some sort of spam-suppression in the chat.

    Any chance this can be relaxed? Or set to take effect on the 3rd/4th message rather than the 2nd?

  6. 4 mines will kill pretty much one of any type of infantry, and thats all we should be aiming for.

    This is why I prefer a higher mine limit. 55 is sufficient for a non-base-defense map like Walls (48 for GDI doors, plus a few the WF ramp and a little bit of leeway). Or, a future version of the game could be patched so that mines don't trigger through walls.
  7. It's your own fault for choosing to buy a server when there are only 2 servers at a time at most with players in them. :P

    Oh, I'm not looking to blame anyone. Just making the case that because of low player counts there is not a lot of choice in gameplay. There are some in this thread who are making the specious argument that one has the choice not to play marathon, when you often don't.

    At the time of this post, only one server has any people in it. 34 people (which is starting to get too big for my tastes). But every other server is empty. So it's either play in a game with gameplay I won't enjoy, or just don't play, which exacerbates the problem of low player counts. And since it's NOT marathon, does that mean the fans of marathon games are also sitting out?

    What's the solution? Shit, I don't know. It's nobody's fault, it's just the way it is. We can only hope that once the crashes are resolved, map bugs are fixed, and more maps are made available that the player count (and thus the need for a wider variety of server types) increases.


    You and all the "non-marathoners" are more than welcome over at TheMatrixRen :) We have time limits and cookies! :P

    Thank you Sean! I love TheMatrixRen and appreciate you guys hosting it. I play many a late-night (US time) game there.

  8. I'm with the non-marathoners on this one. Obviously anyone has the right to run whatever kind of server they see fit, but I disliked marathon enough myself that I actually LEASED a dedicated server and installed the RenX server on it for a month.

    Know how many people ever connected?

    Eight. Total. Never more than one at the same time.

    So there's $100 that I'll never get back and I didn't even get the gameplay I'd hoped for.

  9. Walls is a pretty well-balanced map. It's also a relatively simple layout, you won't get lost on Walls. Goldrush is a great map but it took me a while to learn where everything is.

  10. This enemy healing feature would be the single greatest griefer tool of all time.

    Since their own team would be powerless to stop them, the griefer could just constantly heal the enemy team, making them invincible, lol. :rolleyes:

    Wasn't a problem in the original Renegade, as the griefer generally gets killed pretty quickly when approaching enemy units.

  11. Wait, so you mean you want to give players the ability to heal the opposing team's assets?

    I guess team-killers and griefers are not a common problem in fps games so surely nobody would use that for malicious purposes right?

    I don't want to give players that ability across the board. I’d like for server owners to have the option to enable that ability. It was the default behavior of the original Renegade and was never an issue there; servers that are properly moderated shouldn't have a problem either.

    Sounds stupid in my opinion, I'd rather have your repair gun damage enemy tanks or buggies etc. Kind of like battlefield 4 with the engineer's repair tool that can damage enemy tanks quite quickly.

    IIRC there was a Renegade mod that did this for standard engineers, but it could only damage units, not buildings. IMO allowing that for hotwires/techs would make them wayyyyy OP.

  12. What do you think about having "enemy healing" as an option for server owners to enable or disable? Meaning that engineers or techs/hotties can repair enemy units.

    It can open the door for trolls (which is why it should probably be up to the server owner whether or not to enable it), but there are legitimate uses for it too. For example, if I'm a hotwire sneaking into a Nod building that has taken 1 or 2% damage, I'd rather repair the building to give the enemy one less reason to come in while I wait for my timed c4's to go off.

  13. Based on some of the other posts on this forum, I don't think the crashes have been resolved yet. Remember, when beta 2 came out, they thought they had resolved the crash issues but the problem persists, which means it's something that the devs have been having a hard time replicating on their test systems.

    I don't think beta 3 should be released until the majority of the crashes have been mitigated, however long that takes.

  14. you/everybody seeing the one with the most points

    Interesting. I had the most points, but ended up seeing a different camera in my last match. Perhaps it's the most points on the winning team? (My team lost, but I still had the most points in the game.)

  15. At the end of a match, the camera cuts to the viewpoint of a player. Just out of curiosity, what's the criteria for determining which player's viewpoint we're seeing? Does everyone see the same viewpoint?

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