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Posts posted by djlaptop

  1. you/everybody seeing the one with the most points

    Interesting. I had the most points, but ended up seeing a different camera in my last match. Perhaps it's the most points on the winning team? (My team lost, but I still had the most points in the game.)

  2. At the end of a match, the camera cuts to the viewpoint of a player. Just out of curiosity, what's the criteria for determining which player's viewpoint we're seeing? Does everyone see the same viewpoint?

  3. If this was not a free game, I would certainly pay full retail price for it. This game is made out of pure love for the Cnc world and that is something lacking from many commercial games today.

    Hear, hear. :D

  4. I'm not sure about Walls yet but I'll be going over Islands for both bugfixing and optimisation tonight.

    Awesome news! My tanks keep dying in that one spot where the water cuts into the road. Haha, years of hugging the wall in stanks on that map have trained me to keep driving there.

    Thanks for all that you guys do!

  5. I only play Nod.

    Once upon a time, I had to play as filthy GDI and I found it terrifyingly easy to spot stanks. SBH's are also easy to spot if you know where they tend to lurk about.

    Still, Whiteout is a tough one. SBH's are too hard to spot on Whiteout, no doubts.

    However, if you manage to sneak a stank into the enemy base on Walls without getting noticed, it's all their fault.

    On WhiteOut it's not just SBH's! I drive stanks right square-center into the GDI base past infantry and vehicles and they have no idea.

  6. it also happens if you do nothing than run straight to the enemies base after picked a spy crate

    Perhaps our hypotheses about PT usage and vehicle entry/exit are wrong, and there's just internally some bug that has no external trigger. It just occasionally manifests itself regardless of what your character does.

  7. PS: i would recommend the gamemakers to make SMALL patches instead of BIG patches. with small patches you show the players that you are actually working on the game and make it step by step better. while big patches are making a big change to the game that most wont like at first (often 'cause they arent used to it). also due to big changes new bugs will appear. i had it in wot xbox 360 beta and trust me it sucked to have these big patches. everyone of us was already kinda pissed off there, first we had to wait so long than we had new bugs and new glitches in the game... beh...

    The biggest issue with lots of small patches is that the server owners will also have to install these patches. And judging by the number of people who were still running B1 servers after B2 came out, they don't seem to stay as on-top of things as we'd hope. :P

  8. Daxter, you're missing the point. The lack of a feature doesn't mean they designed the game not to have the feature. Until the devs say, "Hey, this is now the release version of this game" you can't assume that missing features are design choices.

    While I agree with you, when you study software engineering they teach you that all features should be in before you reach Beta phase. If 1.0 features are still forthcoming then it should be labeled an Alpha.

  9. This is tough to describe so I made a video:

    Basically, if the HON is mined at the side windows (to prevent infantry from jumping in from the stairs), those mines will blow if a character runs on the bottom level of the HON as well. IMHO, the mines should not detect an enemy through the floor. I've been bit by this in-game, wondering where the mines were that I couldn't see.

  10. One bug (although it's not REALLY a bug... just might be nice to protect the user from their own stupidity)! If you get excited and quadruple-click a server, it will launch two instances of RenX. Should probably check to make sure there's no RenX process running already, and one hasn't been launched within the last few seconds. Just a suggestion, great work on this!!!

  11. In this case it's with a mine, but I've seen it happen with timed c4 before too.

    Something preventing c4 from being defused. Occasionally it's HP will decrease, but I can't find a pattern. It also seems to be hovering just above the ground when viewed at certain angles.

  12. Ah, very cool, thanks for that info. Is there someplace this can be modified? Or is this compiled into the mod?

    After 5 minutes, the crates do seem to work per the behavior I specified, except I do still occasionally get a death crate, even though it's set to 0. Strange.

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