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Everything posted by Titan1x77

  1. Im sure you can think of something, most of the main stuff is done. maybe try some of the plants or trees found in the renegade maps... I'll update the thread for whats done.
  2. Model anythig you'd like....if we like it we will accept you as a freelancer read that thread for our recruitment...it says you can look on the list and model something, less talk more action!
  3. please follow posting guidlines fobby! :twisted:
  4. Im guessing you guys are planning on a CnC3 project for this then just keeping it under wraps huh? You can tell us, no one visits these forums
  5. wow huh....well i didnt mean to diss ur models (just pointing out that the models, were sub-par for the engine) as its a RTS anyways, im just use to CnC3....playablity is key with me anyways. well great job on getting this mod together...any chance of a port to CnC3? Im sure you and your team have discussed it. You know what, the models arent half bad, its more of a texturing issue...sort of a bland texture on most of the units/structures.
  6. This looks like alot of fun, I dont have Generals, but was thinking about getting a copy for this mod. Has anyone played it yet? The models and textures look pretty cheesy, but its the gameplay that counts, and if it plays well, they can work on the looks afterwards. From the page.. http://www.cncgeneralsworld.com/allstars/
  7. Titan1x77

    New Forum!

    We have opened up a new forum for anyone to post in about Game design. Even if your not interested in our mod, but enjoy modeling, texturing, coding or mapping, etc.., come visit and learn or contribute something!
  8. Yes we will have AI, but we will need a good coder for that( So no estimate on when we will have it, but it's planned for. AI will need to drive tanks, repair, C4 MCT's...etc.. They won;t cheat, again...we will need a great coder to handle all AI. Arty will be most likely be like it is in renegade...but you never know.
  9. Titan1x77


    Almost done....formatting works well now, just some tweaking with the pictures in the forum topics to make it line up nicely on the flash site...will have to check the html version too.
  10. well i'd rather see the the actual texture, also i can see a seam. and what do you mean find?...we need someone who can create textures.
  11. 360 needs to finally get some KB+mouse support, I know theres a way now, but an official patch thru the 2 usb ports would fix that problem. that way they don't have to nerf the hitboxes. and yes I know, people want to sit on a couch, but they can get one of those lap table thingys
  12. http://ren2007.renbase.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=150
  13. He has a bad attitude anyways....a nice way would of been to collect some examples of work for us, when he had given you some "advice" for my 15 mins i couldnt find 1 topic you started where it had your work, i had to go back to the showcase to find them.
  14. Happy 4th of July to everyone! Stay safe, have fun!
  15. I like the idea of a telestrator, where pressing Q would bring up the map and anyone could then press a draw button and it would dynamicly show the rest of your team if they press Q aswell. not everyone needs a mic, aslong as they have speakers, then a plan can be heard. something like this would be a big plus tho, Great idea!...we will try our best to fit this or something close to it into the release. Also, I would like to implement a warm up timer, where a plan could be discussed for 1-2 mins as how you want to start the map off....this is something I always wanted in renegade....the begining of each map was very important (apc base rush, harvy rushes..etc)
  16. The way thopse are setup we can have new ones, for a building kill we can have cabal or EVA say something like good job commander, or anything else...thing is finding a nice lil saying for each event. Headshots could be used for any one hit kill weapon, such as the ramjet or railgun...and ofcourse only when it's a headshot...lol
  17. register on the forums and I'll PM you when the time comes, hang around!
  18. lol, and that wasnt even normal mapped either in that render
  19. Forgot to add, that brushwork has better collision, with a static mesh you have to build a collision mesh too, it can auto make one in the editor, but that can be sloppy, and you cant edit those automade ones.
  20. it's still on the server, it will make its return.
  21. yea, i switched them over, to troubleshoot an issue, but im tired of the old ones. added a imageShack upload thingy too...havent tested it yet, until now that is! ahh works well, in Firefox it just opens a new tab and you grab any link you want...would of been better to just have the code insert itself, but this works!
  22. The roof has way to many polys, the raised area can be done with a normal map or even a texture....Most likely the barn will be made out of brushes in Unreal editor...It could be a static mesh tho, as the engine handle each just aswell....but brushwork lights up better, IMO
  23. We will have a thread for beta testers....once the thread is out, we will decide who can test, and when it comes out, we will only be alpha testing for awhile...most likely with alot of place holders for infantry...all th weapons should be done, but we cant release a beta to the public with placeholders. So hang in there for a public beta. September seems great, but im thinking epic wont be ready until the winter, lets keep our fingers crossed.
  24. chill guys, 1st of all theres no specs on our homepage for the game... 2nd of all just move the question and answer to the FAQ 3rd of all, this question is specific to his hardware, so its not a question that is generaly answered. Welcome to the forums Danny! Your specs are borderline, you'll need another 512 of ram atleast though...i suggest buying 1 gig more. The rest will be able to play the game on all low settings, with prob a framerate of 15-30 average....You might want to upgrade come next year 2008 or so, UT3 prob wont be out for another 6 months or so....then our mod will be another few months after that.
  25. Titan1x77


    I didnt code it, i just used a script for the phpbb forums, I'll see if i can change the code of the script....I'll look around when i get a chance to get on the server.
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