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Everything posted by Titan1x77

  1. it does also has a TV mode, where people can spec games and watch wars, also record demos, built in voice communication...much better overall client/server interaction.
  2. at the very MOST we could have an alpha done withen that week of the release, this would be alot of work to get everything set up though...but it's highly doubtful we will be testing until about a month or so after release.
  3. Well, if this is the case, it really only gives us more time. I'd rather see the game released this month or atleast by the end of the year. So, not really that bad of news, but it's not a good thing either. Thanks for posting this, Keep us up to date with any future changes.
  4. This is for the UE3, so things done in Level edit for Renegade are pretty much useless, unless you have experience creating models, textures or can code in C++
  5. me too, ive helped him with some mapping questions. but in carnage club, anything should go...i like to go into those RP servers sometimes just to play some carnage , most of the time I ask if its ok to play some DM for awhile....you know the RP kids need a break from all that standing around and chatting....so one time i had them playing DM for a while ... and people would join and say i thought this was rp...lol Then after about 20 mins they wanted to get back to there RP, so I left peacefully. but this goes to show, the server moderators have the say...if you dont follow there rules, they'll eventually kick ya...in your case he may or may not of warned ya, but they have the final say. I always wanted my own server, but Renegade just doesnt have that amount of players to fill a new 32 player server anymore....everyone that plays goes to either Unrules,N00bstories,or jelly.
  6. unreal editor is used to mod the game...a new version was shipped with a game called RoboBlitz. I acquired the game(which isnt that great) but it uses the unreal engine 3...i believe the editor is version 4, kinda confusing ..lol I haven't done much with it but fool around with a few things, I'll be handling the levels and looking into the brushwork needed to design the levels. that being said, the unreal editor shipped with roboblitz is sort of handicapped at the moment, they are promising updates, but ill just use it for what its worth until UT3 (formerly UT2007) comes out and ships with the updated version of Unreal editor 4 I appreciate the support guys!...We hope to deliver a great mod based on a great game!
  7. Hello all newcomers, as you may know we just opened the forums to the public... Our Live WIP forum will be updated as the artists on the team have something new to show, not all work may be posted to the public, It's up to the artist decision if they feel they want to show off there WIP...So a few things may be posted early some may be posted at a later time in it's development....either way be sure to check that forum out frequently. All general questions should be asked in the General forum :wink: Right now we have a temporary website up, soon to come will be a full website with news feeds and SS's of the mod, and a development blog aswell. The team is very excited about this project and we are happy to see many potential players excited aswell.
  8. nice set of rules, we are here to show off our work and discuss the mod with the public... Bumping old threads is ok, if you have something to say post it...not like any threads are all that old anyways, since we just opened the site to the public.
  9. Wow, thats cool...I have a Korg KP2, which is a touch pad for music manipulation and generation...this type of thing could really go a far ways in music production and presentation (dj'n)
  10. Thats cool
  11. New forums for whatever domain we want...Thank Speedy059 for the hosting! Thanks for helping us out...you really came in a time were we just lost our old boards...well hopefully they will come back :? Is so we can copy it all back here and now we have the ability to back up as well
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