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Everything posted by kenz3001
My idea ... just let the Devs do what thy wont and if you don't like it, you can make a mod later to bring you ideas to the game, apparently there will be an editor for you to make maps and mods.
Renegade-X Steam Group. Could use it to keep the servers populated?
kenz3001 replied to Ghostlight's topic in Renegade X
>>> #mp-renx-eu << -
yer you need to get Fobby, Havoc and/or Avalanche on to share some knowledge about the engine and the history and future of the mod/indie make it into a bit more than just a Q&A ive been enjoying the Q&A and im looking forward to next weeks episode
New to the mod! Simple yes/no question. :) Aircraft?
kenz3001 replied to Ghostlight's topic in Renegade X
aircraft was never implemented in the UT3 mod there was a "mod addon" made by a fan but it was bugged to hell and just could not be used on servers ... but i think if you look in the mod section you can still download it -
well there is a BIG hint every were you look in the new black dawn vid's and images hehehe there was a mention of something in older news posts of 1 of the hints lol
i feel bad , i was the first to comparing RenX to COD, but i was only compairing the amount of weapons you can carry and how that effects the game play but not the game play in genaral i.e. pick up a new gun and it takes time to do and most of the time you die ... and if you pick it up you only get a small amount of ammo. as i said before the original game only lets you use 2 guns 1 primary (any gun) and a seconder (pistol) i dont know why people are Bitching about it when you can ditch the pistol for a better gun ! have you ever held a pistol/machine gun/rifle + ammo i would like to see you carry all that around the battle field ... why should a game be any different. carying all the weapons is like cheating, there is no fun in cheating, there is no fun in having all the game at your disposal you might as well go play ut3/quake or TF2 if you wont that sort of game ... im board of all of them i feel that the DEV's have made a Good call on this 1 it will stop Cheater in the future ...and im sure that some servers will make all weapon pick ups in the future as for this thread, im done looking at the invalid arguments.
just face the fact you cant get you own way all the time
nice, more publicity
*cheers and claps* @ killa
it will be the same as it is now you pick your character and that's that ... but if you see a better weapon you pick it up like in most other FPS games, Call Of Duty is one of the best examples and that game play is anything but slow unless you like to hide like a pussy i would like to see a level system were you get better add-ons to put on your weapons and armour like in COD but that's entirely up to the team and it may make the game play a bit lopsided and off the beaten track
good up date its still making my trigger finger twitch
Lets stop camping/point whoring outside of your enemies base.
kenz3001 replied to epicelite's topic in Renegade X
hmmm dose any one else find this thread a bit anti Renegade ? what you speek of is what makes Renegade "Renegade" camping and point whoring is what makes the game so exiting for both teams ... thats all i gotta say on that matter -
nope i did say in my tutorial thread awhile back, its been the same since the new forum went up, we can only edit with in 1min of posting, after that we cant edit Edit:P i should say something about the pics that have been posted so i will very nice stuff there i like the UDK SS of the half blown up post be nice to have the steel inside the concrete so that it could be blown off to expose it (PhysX ... Apex i think UDK uses now ?, fracture mesh) be cool to see tree stumps in game too just for some variety wiss i could do stuff like that
the likes of us mere mortals do not have the power or edit after i thinks its 1 min or so
awwww i missed it i had too much to do ... ill try and catch it next time hope you make it into a weekly thing
first off, im sorry i could not make the 2 Dev nights i did try and make Saturdays 1 but i had obligations that i thought i could postpone but could not and Sunday was just too frantic for me it was unbelievable ... second : ok ive seen this too many times now... people asking for updates and saying it will help the community and Mod .... well to be frank the Mod seems to be Dead ... no 1 what's to play it any more, the lack of players on the server suggests that ... me my self i will play when i get a chance but lately ive bee too over whelmed with other stuff its not funny... do you see the new games coming out giving anything away ... Duke Nukem Forever has been awaited for 12 years did you see a WIP of that, i think not the fact that TotumArts is letting curtain things slip about "BD" is very welcoming ... you must realise that this "project" is not longer a "Mod" but is now on its way to becoming its own Tittle (Indy Game) and alls an Indy game is compared to a Mainstream tittle that the likes of EA, Codemasters, Activision or THQ make is a a game that is develpoped with no funding, so try to have a bit of respect for the GAME and its DEVELOPERS abd the skills that thay need to make it possible saying that you have ported a Weapon over from UT3 to UDK is defeating the object of News "ohhh look ive copied all the stuff from the mod to the indie" ... its the same engine ... yes some tweak will be done but the most will stay the same ... i dont wonna rip in to the fans as im a big fan my self ... as most of you will know, ive only wanted the best for this Mod / Indie / Team since the first time i found this "project" back in 2009 but showing all the stuff they have made / done will just trash the hole experience of playing the game (Black Dawn) to tell you the truth as a Beta tester i feel cheated to of played a unpolished vision of the game ... as i do with all beta testing .. and ive beta tested alot of games and software but ive never tested anything that i feel this passionate about and knowing what the game is about . but i think the point of this post is at this pont, the WIP will not help the UT3 mod now, im very sorry to say that evey 1 is eagerly awaiting the UDK visions both "BD" and the later MP releases i wish there was some way of making the Mod a bit more popular but i dont thinkthe team will devote that sort of man power to making a Mod more playable than an Indy ...
well as a tester i would say its coming "soon" 5 months is not a long time to tell you the truth and you honestly think that the devs have not been working on it ... 5 months of no updates should tell you that its getting worked on ... this mod is not like other mods *cough*Reborn*cough* that say thay are doing stuff and then puts it on the backburner or how ever long Black Dawn will be here "soon" i would think, but as the Dev's have said its a steping stone to the full UDK (standalone) multiplayer build that lots of people are eagerly awaiting and some people seem to think will be presant in Black Dawn ... i dout that ! please dont "Bitch" about lack of updates coz "whining" gets you no were it ... tell you the truth the less thay talk about means the more you will enjoy it its more alive than you think
Lets stop camping/point whoring outside of your enemies base.
kenz3001 replied to epicelite's topic in Renegade X
so you wonna add something that will totally change the game but try not to change how the game will play ? OK good luck with that lol just trying to stop camping will make the game lame camping is a BIG part of Renegade by adding something like air strikes you will have made the game different (Call of Duty with out structures) i like the air strike idea but you have to have "Stupid ideas" in order to make it work, i was just giving some realistic ideas to implement air strikes, but as you think it stupid to change the way the game is played, adding air strikes would just be stupid too don't you think ? -
Lets stop camping/point whoring outside of your enemies base.
kenz3001 replied to epicelite's topic in Renegade X
lol well this would work the same as UT3's warfair mode (torlan map has 3 captureable assetts "2 tank and 1 air") or you could even imploment a bridge system so that only when you have the bridge captured you can take your vehicles a cross like UT3's warfare map Bridge Crossing (i was thinking of making such a map for the mod but could not be asked lol) you could always have side "paths" to get to the asset from your base maybe with 1way gates so that enemies cant get through unless they have all assets. or like the UT3 map avalanche where if you have all assets it triggers a necrus attack on the nodes to make it easier to take the node but in the Renx world it would open pathways or give a large amount of credits to the team i know i used UT3 maps as a comparison, but it just shows what can be done in the UDK well more can be done than that its just a mater of imagination there are many ways to balance games with assets. If you hold an asset, credits gets diverted to build up the "power" (like a progress bar) untill the asset is ready, so the team will have less credits to use for weapons and vehicles or something along those lines -
New link Download
i need to rebuild the installer as i found a problem with it on sertain pc's will be back up soon
ummm what files as the server has custom maps and mutators if you follow this http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2991-Short-guide-to-installing-RenX it may help i made an installer that installs every thing you will need
my documents >my games > unreal tornement 3 >(renegade) the installer should be set to it by default
hit F10 at the main menu and type in "open" with out the "