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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. the editor is always changing ... the way udk works is that you cant just add stuff like you can in ut3 it needs to be built with the game thus you need the most up to date editor (updated daily) ... in order to gain access to the editor you will need to access our svn so you would need to become apart of the team ... simple as .. its not a way to control custom content or just to be a jerk ... we cant just add stuff to the built game. so having the editor as is just wont work for you ... if you watched my making volcano vids you would of seen how many times buildings broke during the maps life time ... so stuff you make 2 weeks or 2 days ago just wont work when the game gets built and released understand now ? and im not underestermating people ... if your have been about since the ut3 mod .. you may realise that i was crap at making maps ... Xmountain 0.1 ut3 mod http://www.mmobomb.com/file/2014/02/Renegade_X_1.jpg and now im making maps like ... Xmountain 2.5 udk http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/18708-new ... creenshot/ and volcano
  2. well xmountain needs some love ... its been put on the back burner for a wile so i can get on with volcano and help out with the other maps .. but xmountain is not a lost cause as for the other maps ... complex i took over some time back and is pritty much near done still needs some love from the other devs that know more then me about the ai and stuff custom maps ... the only way people can make custom maps is if they join the team (experiance is needed ... it takes along time and knowledge base to make maps in UDK)
  3. bump ... and just to say im done cya all later thanks for your time
  4. there are only 2 maps that haven't been remade but there will be 3 new ones lakeside, gold rush and Xmountin yes volcano took a long time .. i didnt keep a time card so i dont know how long ... but if you add up the time stamps on the videos and tripple it ya still wont be close lol but at long last its done ... expect a fly thought soon how soon well is this soon enuff ? >>> but yer work is still going on in the back ground as always ... if you dont hear from the team usaly means we are all hard at work
  5. that map is not in the current beta ... it was made for the original UT3 MOD ... as far as i know there are no plans to bring this map to the UDK version
  6. what rumors ?
  7. first off ... having 1gb lan dose not make your internet fast ... thats your internal network speed when the "speed hack" was detected the ping shot up ... showing that some thing or some one was using internet bandwidth at that point in time (loading a webpage, windows updates, blah, blah, blah) it seems to me that your internet got saturated at that point in time ... see what sort of ping and speeds you have to a server in France / Gernamy from http://www.speedtest.net/ as speeds tend to diminish over distance. im in the uk and when connecting to the west coast USA i get this and this is what i get inside the uk
  8. check out my sig for volcano and a run down of how i made it other maps are in development check out renx facebook, twitter and the forums for more details on other maps
  9. kenz3001


    well making servers work "together" as would just make more problems and more latency (lag) for players the only way this would work is if all the us/eu server were in the same us/eu data centre (even better on the same rack) but this will never happen and as such no point in even attempting it this sort of thing is grate for MMO's and such were latency is not an issue but in a "FPS" no way will this ever work.
  10. LOL had the same problem a wile back cant remember what server tho
  11. the game is the server software
  12. the tutorial was made before beta 1 was cooked and packaged so some of the stuff in there was just concepts and did not make it to beta 1 or 2 P.S. about time some one noticed all that
  13. seems to me you are using black dawn ... this is a single player game only ... you will need the multiplayer Beta 2 from here >>> http://renegade-x.com/download.php
  14. popping heads with the 500 working with the renx team but mainly popping heads
  15. i was in the server last night wile it crashed ... there was a massive inf rush (manly comprised of Mcfarland's) not sure if this was the course for the crash but seems likely it could be i got vid of the entire match here is the end (crash to show how many inf units there were all firing at the same time) http://youtu.be/mJkWBTPRVhg i also have the client side logs if you need them http://www.mediafire.com/view/xoc1om219 ... Launch.log
  16. IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630029/
  17. well now i make you sad
  18. the map probably wont be in beta 3 ... its needs to be tested internally first sparks !
  19. extra credits per tick and tiberium weapons that you can buy in the perches terminal
  20. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q = SBH in the tunnles
  21. shit and i dont have the footage any more .... sorry about that not sure how that happened
  22. thanks .... vew vid with extra Revebb b b b bbbb volumes
  23. hmmm i dont think so ... its almost done
  24. Let there be sound !
  25. mmmm looking good now but needs to change the rock material
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