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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. I used before FRAPS But I have an app that came with my video card and didn't know it realy and as you can see makes decent recording. The Way it's set it"s perfect for me. When ON ,the way I set it up it's recording everything but Not saving if I dont't tell him to save. When I want to keep my last gameplay I hit a Key and it saves the last 5 minutes .(could be set for longer or shorter) GE force Experience is the App https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/geforce-experience/
  2. True ...never took the time to fix :))
  3. My PC..Im trying to record everything ..So much good gameplay or funny things I had wished I'd recorded but didnt
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAhBZIqYBbQ
  5. Same here I click JOIN and nothing happend ..official NA
  6. Snipers are a rage sometime but imo thats part of a game ..guys have to counter snipers ...But when Bar or HoN is destroyed and the other team has a good sniper(s) and you can't have a counter sniper.. too bad ..we have to leave with it .Original Renegade was the same when the Defender team had no way to have snipper because of building destruction ..the other team went Fest sniping
  7. You said ". I have RenX installed on three computers and they all have this problem" Did you use the same downloaded files on the 3 PC (aka like from on a usb Key) or you redownload it from here official website ?
  8. is your keybinding is set as Default..or you customed something ?
  9. Great Music in a Great Trailer
  10. Can you enter as a passager with no difficuty ?
  11. Look at @kahn on the left side of air strip whos seem to have that bug also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjiRBKt9Xu8
  12. Xtractor


    Makes me think of a mod with these sumo fat guys, inf only no weapons on a cliff like in center mountain "Walls" A battle royal style bounce off the cliff all faties ,the last one that didnt fall..win
  13. Id never switch a team ..Playing for fun only ..Join often a team in a losing state (buildings destroyed ) idcare I play for fun ! well thats me
  14. Xtractor


    From the album: myfkngAlbum

  15. This was tonight on @DoctorB0NG US server .The Final push was Kind of ..Boom! Bitches! :))
  16. Great Steam comments @Atomsk ..Renx Dont Have often this opportunity to Be visible to the C&C world and Video Gamers in General .
  17. Reaaly !? do everybody see it ? Kind of made me on too much of the spot light
  18. Got this yesterday for a good half of my game ,Didnt show when i was in a vehicules tho
  19. Their always be some Haters fk them ..Great comment you did ..Focus on your appreciation and not giving attention to Haters ( thumb up)
  20. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1213210/discussions/0/1746773321971168208/ The more you answer the more its Viewing ..Free Ad for RenX in a sense EDIT:Thanks guys ! Saw few guys commented it will help Renx player base and its let them know this game exist.. they will thank you later
  21. Not a Music but funny
  22. Well IF I was a commander I would like to create my team for specific Tasks: If I know the skill of many players and would like to make a Strategy plan and not gathering all my team players for an offense rush, leaving the Base empty on this crucial minutes. What If I could predefined some players in Teams/Squads (Alpha,Omega,Delta or whatever you want them call) As a squad member I could see on my Screen "Commander as assigned you in Squad AlphA..Special instuctions may be asked later Stay Alert" (or whatever) Then Commander could say : Commander :Alpha Defend X Stay in Base Commander :"Delta Gather in X building as X character Now" Commander :"Beta Keep pushing Offense Tanks"
  23. Me thinking i'm Poi :))
  24. Questions : -In peek hours is there enough players wanted to play but not been able because the server is full ? -enough to fill another servers ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Yes ...What if something like a Queue list was started in the launcher when the server is full like a countdown to be obtained . A Server B will start automaticaly at 50 players in queue Do you want to Queue in ? yes /no present queue is 35 .. present queue is 36.. present queue is 37...
  25. Great Skill Poi .Also Imo the space behind that tractor should be block no need to give so much avantage to Nod infantries..just saying
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