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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. But your team did good for a good while ...then GDI get an offense Pace
  2. Xtractor


    Tw 200 2016 -->> 2008 idk why i said 2016
  3. Xtractor


    From the album: XtractorMemes

    My new Friend takes a ride with me b4 playing RenX..I think he love it
  4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  5. OH! every tactic are good.. no? Obel health when down in low 30 by this distraction
  6. @Dreax probalby get married long time ago had 5 kids ,older one is at university and he is now in an elderly maison playing card and
  7. Xtractor


    From That game : @shpetim as Commander
  8. Well done mod guys AWESOME TRAILER!
  9. They are "BushBaby" or "Galagos" mostly an nocturn cute little guy
  10. RenX Player 1 : Follow me! RenX Player 2: :Affirmative!
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1l73_OeK-Y
  12. Sometime I do Air Strike and it doesnt go where I intend to ..Am i wrong thinking that if a vehicule is too near me It block the lazer beam ,,What are the Must know things when doing airstrikes ?
  13. Oo Really ?
  14. RxF.mp4 Untitled.mp4
  15. The First ever time I played an MP game was C&C Renegade( original) ,Was UNDER a Demo map ..may be .I Was in GDI and had No clue at all what was that Game .The Base (at my eyes ) Was a Huge cavern lol. Played Many years But When I started playing it, it was already in a Dying mode. like most Ren players will Say "There is no Other game like C&C Renegade" Heard of RenX but at the beginning wasn't very Good for Me ,Hated the UT3 style (the aura around every vehicules ) But Always came back to see if something Had change ..One Day in a Deep Ren Nostagia redownload RenX After seing How Good it had been .I'm here since and Addiction is growing with time ..The game is always been improved ..It's a Game That Devs never stop improving ..imo
  16. @kenz3001 Still have that ? It got potential look nice
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