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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Yep its fun even when we died :))
  2. If you're not on Discord ..You'd miss the bokey's fun RenX videos he made ..worth to watch ,very funny and well done ..Subcribe to his YT Channel and Share
  3. From Today
  4. Xtractor

    APCs rush ripped .jpg

    From the album: myfkngAlbum

    Apaches Stanks LTank infantries was there
  5. Xtractor

    Air Squad.jpg

    From the album: myfkngAlbum

  6. If you are On GDI This NoD Guy (stealth black hand) Could just wait that you get out your Vehicule to Steal it BEWARE ! Below Got my MRL Steal + Beeing shoot By a sniper
  7. What if the message be more frienly/funny kinda ...Like "PlayerX wants PlayerY learnimg RenX mining101 for the remaining match"
  8. Mb the banned message should be rewrite bcoz its scary like been banned from the match in progress
  9. First: Is Mine Banning only Banning from mining or the player will be kick of the game? Chat (PM): I personnaly dont catch them all ..the color for me is hard to read ..Sometime I have to pause the game to read from the CHAT tab Some New players may have difficuty to process all the infos ,the match itselft and all the Hud stuff and may even not understand english perfectly..so . Myselft Im still learning because I do on the fly not taking time to read much wiki oe else ..My bad On the fun side of my Noobish life When I was playing the original Renegade ..Once..I had mined all the ref and PP the outside doors building ..Thinking I like better to see ennemy Out of the building not in ..Yeah I had few Rec Noob messages ...I was that guy :)))
  10. I saw someone in goldrush last week end that was in my team...and at the end of the game saw that he had moved into the other team...kind of pissed me..if I had noticed before I would had probably quite the game as soon noticing
  11. Saw this on Youtube ..I think its cover a lot
  12. Today's game was lol
  13. where do you change to 32 to 64? idk on what i run it
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