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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. #RenegadeXisFunThankYOUguys!
  2. When you walk on the sidewalk and though you saw ..something Cloaked in the street ..Stank!
  3. Nice! GW! also makes me think of a ..Smile
  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/e8cxdk/remaster_update_and_eva_audio_recording/
  5. Say you had to built a 10 players Balance Clan team, Who and for what Skills would you choices ?
  6. Xtractor


    My2 cents = make Clans wars competition once a while that could Steam down the Stacking Saga
  7. Great idea ,where on FB ..I'm not a FB user Do FB can reach out of the box some player that are not subcribed to RenX? MB a Pin thread with this 10-30 sec ONLY sumission gameplay and lets see how it goes from there
  8. Kenz's Halloween Dope map
  9. well done !
  10. Tbh I wish but I doubt. knowing me
  11. I'm revisting this after a longggg break and it's will be rethinking and retouched until i'm satisfy with the layout for a gameplay balance
  12. :))) concrete was back order:)))))
  13. "Good JoB enginers Now we should be safer from those ssneakies GDI HAHAHA! " MEAN WHILE The other Side of the wall ....
  14. maybe its me but me in light tank against infantry is a joke
  15. Yes The Gun idea is Nice but the animation not so.. Yes a realy good C&C FPS is The Best thing to go in the Franchise, Making any new rts for the Moment would be a Dangerous move .Artists sjould Look at Vehicules and infantry in RTS that had been done there is some Very nice one there but in Tiberium :S
  16. .I dislike the colors ,the units all of them kind look cheap ,gameplay story and maps looks awefull BUT liked some cool cinematics..and the music and it's was a FPS ..imo good move from EA to have cancelled. https://youtu.be/DpwCvxo-n1Y
  17. Yes and this in Walls lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y14kEY-6fk
  18. https://youtu.be/9HUV6ZMcdz4
  19. Me looking at ME !! My soul mb is out of me :)) This is with Lag ..first time I get this effect
  20. ^^Make me think of ET:QW that said they been inspired by c&c renegade What if RenX get inspired their turn from ET:QW and use GDI/Nod in a ET:QW style mode .RenX is very much near this now .wondering if the 2 communities would merged sort of .
  21. I guest by default if no communication = Everything is fine in base When Base is under Attack or been infiltrated thats the important thing we need to know to save our structures our Vehicules and our lives
  22. @isupreme Not sure I really picture this but Is it A player that is a Stressy type and has Difficulty to relax after heavy Fight ? For myselft I Do Focus a lot on everyting in my surrounding on game and in figthing But thats cut my attention on the Chat (communication) When I respawn I sometime take the time to see what the chating was and if i miss something .Maybe some special ingame character positive taunts on teamates could be a destress/cheering agent somehow
  23. I was thinking of ways that could help fill a server My though is ..Probably like me some ppl doesnt play when there is low players in a server . What if As soon as you open the launcher you are assigned to a certain server but Launcher will wait your input to join that server or if you choice another one you like better. Say a popular server is full...You open the launcher automaticaly under opening you are queued to a next server and wait your input to start the game . So you would see all total queued players in each server..if you close the launcher.. total minus one (you) So if I want to play and I leave my launcher open and I could wait that the queue get higher .Many options can be add like start game a min of x players ingame ,close launcher after x minutes and many more to deal with this system . Just a though that can be investigate the good and the cons
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