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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. My boxes
  2. My Apapche was going Often at vertical on Walls idk why ..not hitting anything ..any ideas why? as usual had to In and out to fix
  3. If you like you play if you dont you ..Dont
  4. Right on target!Nice catch
  5. pure esthetic thats all..I hope their wont be bad joke with this like last year april fool .coming soon
  6. Q4 =next winter ..hope to see some trailers or stuff b4 that and btw saw for the first time last week end in hourglass that video on big screen in Nod base ..awesome
  7. Xtractor


    Game frozed on this :)))
  8. Xtractor

    cruise missile

    From the album: myfkngAlbum

    Game Froze at that precise moment :)))
  9. I often change my desktop on my Phone and PC ..could be anything actualy
  10. I wish there was something for saying a specific guy to Stand still while I want to Heal him not saying "Follow me "
  11. Imagine a guy with that narrative skill presenting dramaticaly an/some RenX maps ..That would be Awesome
  12. That would be awesome anyhow..Direct Pub that would not interfere with EA rights ..Maybe that would Bring them their Attention on Renx to support Totem..who knows
  13. :)) If someone would build Grandeur Nature a Stealth Tank Replica that would make the news in the ww gaming community specialy in the C&C ... not an Stealthed like this ;)) a real one uncloaked
  14. Xtractor

    I'm out

    Is this thread contafious like the flue .. I think I will skip it
  15. @once upon the time indeed! btw..I also love SAGA
  16. Xtractor

    I'm out

    They said it all Nexus ^^ Why always negatif complaints always win on us, When the positive are much superior in count ,Ya know we want everybody Happy.. but its impossible I understand all Devs ,,That the hard part ..the negatif ..I think even at Ubisoft they have to deal with it and come with solutions to keep their staff motivated . Something us alone cant deal with it.. we need help from others members (Devs) and they reaching you . You Know ..you might be too fast for Renx STaff :))...Slow down ..Like Kenz said ,,Do it if you like it Dont do it like a job .. and for the lower count of Renx ,,We need you to helping it raise ..its on a good tedency . Au Final.. reste Donc Tabarouette !
  17. I always think respawn more then few second is a unnecessory option that just punish players by not letting them to play for x time..losing connection similar ..Im strongly against any long respwns time..Let players play..not waiting and breaking their keyboard by frustation ;))
  18. :))) you know your Québecois:)))
  19. Humm!? Let's see if they say ..How to Enter the FKg Tank
  20. Just Want to say How @Nexus51325 is doing a GREAT job in a record short time for renegadeX ,Awesome works, Awesome Projects,Awesome ideas..and Awesome Time ;))) Wich I don't Have ;( Bravo mon chum ! Hope you keep your devotion for us and Renx for a long time again
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