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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. I think you did a real good job with it ,Gj with the overpass! And tbh ..textures are not too nice at the moment but this can be change .if you take your time it could look much better . NJ
  2. verrrry nice, Great atmosphere with the different sound effects ..Great map! you guys are so good doing stuff
  3. After Last week ,I didn't feel much to play this week and didn't .Took my tw200 and when out having fun ride But as I can hear it was almost a Copypaste of last week Remember the non so far away good ols PUG
  4. If you think its will do more harm than good ..ill delete it
  5. Ripoff?? At least I try things
  6. EqWBOQNie3Q Best to look directly on YT..and its Flying not fying lol
  7. Little change on my YT channel
  8. Your team was just Better ! Better organized Better Strategy Better Sniping tech on island Better all the way ! and we were Bad on most of these points and more
  9. ..nothing (realy bad boring PUG)
  10. b-BhD5X3zfU
  11. I want you in the official Mapper Devs team to bring the AAA maps
  12. Ren X Pick Up Game Countdown Clock https://countingdownto.com/countdown/re ... down-clock
  13. Im without words ! [super]wow![/super]wow!
  14. Ill try to always add a link also with my videos but you guys should check this https://support.google.com/youtube/answ ... hl=en&rd=1
  15. First time I see this :0)) AGtd0KkOvG4
  16. Nice Recap Quincy & Nice lead LavaD4agon WjXsRhjAP-Q
  17. was thinking : What if a check list was made for mapers that would be used as guidelines for the gameplay on their maps and improving the already made ones by using a score system eg. Suggested things to consider for your gameplay *numbers of routes (vehicules and infantries in each maps) *Tunnels (length,numbers,position..) *cover (map allows cover or too open..) *Buildings ( too far away from each other, too close....) *originality (layout ..) *Bugs (vehicules or inf get stuck too often) *Defense ( enough or too much).........ect.. *.. Then a score is given to each items that will give the maper a guide of where it need to improve his map
  18. MB as guide for mappers to know what you like in a map or what would you like to see or feel. Apperance aside ..What do you like ? Do you like more open or close space ?... Walls is fun for me because its flying and I like the Cat and mouse gameplay between orcas and apaches plus their is many other on ground strategy possible, Is their something mapers should do that you would like and mapers never though of it?
  19. Xtractor


    making a the perfect map seem impossible but thanksfor raising some flags ..hopping to read your pro and cons for my map in progress (Alaska) hope to see less surrendering for it
  20. Xtractor


    Remote/easy/hard acess :Are you refering these as infantry only?
  21. Xtractor


    Than get all the infantries from the surrendering team at the closing outro ,line up and hands in back eyes cover and they will be all fusillier :0)) we take no prisonners
  22. Xtractor


    Having played (well) over 1000 hours of Renegade since 2002, i can tell you that convincing public players to do just about anything is nearly impossible. Nonetheless stand against a team with a disadvantage when they can simply call it quits and move onto the next map without penalty. Several Renegade marathon servers had a !poll gameover command that was able to be initiated after 30-60+ minutes. Both teams got to vote and it needed something like 75% to pass. The satisfaction of winning is largely diminished by winning vs a surrender as well. It's a good option to have to fall back on, but it should not be treated as a "we have a disadvantage, surrender immediately" command like it is now. There should at the very least be incentive not to. I would like to see a medal / achievements script, personally. Having "Comeback medals" be a thing where a team that was down at least 1 building at any time in the game ended up winning the game would be a nice incentive and neat overall. Id played some old ren games that took hours .i dont remember my top longuest one playing a marathon but I guest iwas over 7 hours .. Its not something I want to do again but fk it was a good experience no other game could do. I like your idea having kind od reward for the comebacks. What also can be done is Special drops after X time minutes of play to the losing team, not too much but just enought to be a good reason to hold till that time to try something else before surrending .
  23. Xtractor


    This is what I already suggested as well. The surrender vote is nice to have, but there should be incentive to not use it every single time there is a 1 building disadvantage. and mb a generous bonus points for a team that win with less buildings
  24. Xtractor


    suggestion:if a team surrender every players of that team will have a -X points penality for surrending in their score (ladder). So ppl will think twice before surrender when there is an real possibility to win
  25. will try that
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