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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. I voted only Community just because my personnal negatif perception toward Dev (it's personnal and not enought to frustating me to not play RenX but helped) To expand what Id already said at How many servers would been filled today if all the many new players Stayed from Day one ..Humm many many imo On the TODO list their should be at the very top things to make to please New comers not only hes first game but few weeks or games played . There is things that if Renx was popular as other AAA other Games we wont need to do But we aren't those. This game is like a Wagon that we try to push in a rocky road we can't get the speed to make it roll by itselft Because rocks and bumpy road wouldnt permit. Till then no hope. Clear the road then we have a chance .By Clearing I mean fixing things and talk to ppl to make them understand the situation. As for New comers you should treat them as imporatnt guest and try to find ways to make them a Special beginner Status ..Could be an Armor bonus or similar stuff . Imagine your selft going in a game that you never played and been treated like that ... Or May you want to have a selfish fun on yhe back of whatever you see as an opotunuity ...Your call !
  2. If a player doesn't have his share of wins imo he wont play much .Nobody likes a constant losing game. Everybody likes to win ,and most guys that want to be with their friends is because the know they will have a chance to win with them, May be fun to win all games but what about the others players that try to learn or fight to come better at this game. Rebalance after every games judging by k/d ratio and other datas.that way you will give a chance to give some "FUN" to other also. But if you only care of your side then you may have fun but soon you will not have enought players to have fun against. Want Renx to grow eveybody Devs included have to do their share in the gameplay my 1/2 cent
  3. What if GDI had for a certain Character an purchasable item that could stealth him (crysis like) on demand for a certain time (cool down) ? I could imagine some funny situation happening at time
  4. :))
  5. A random though like Jim Raynor (vulture) in Starcraft ,Humvee and Buggy could deployed limited spider mines https://starcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Spider_mine
  6. Thanks @Sarah. for this news ,First time I read this wich is really Great Hope it will good stuff TY
  7. This is my proud collection,bought from a guy on Jelly forum years ago..far from what is asked now on ebay.
  8. Epic! never knew another game done that ..maybe staling but Happy I lived/experienced that era
  9. I understand you are a "young Studio" but Be carefull with your player base ,already you have to deal with some restrictions (EA,early game stuff that went not as anticipated..Dont hurt yourself more with bad decisions/move..when you deal with your "family" think twice..April fool could had be only one thing or 2..As always I still support Renx and wishing the Best for it ..My 2 cents
  10. really lame not funny at all,was tinking to take break ,now im just not thinking
  11. Im not excited at all...Im hyper excited
  12. I dont know what to think.. any clue? https://twitter.com/RenXGame/status/1106587347276177409
  13. Nope,not what I saw ..next time I will SS
  14. Once not long ago I could see and could rep beam it but the ion wasnt defusing.I dont care where they plant it but make it reacheable and defusable.As for balance GDI WF as also a counter place hard to reach :The narrow catwalk around the top of the delevry bay
  15. Bright future and eager to see the "..What's Next.." Correct me if i'm wrong but RenX Did good to expand the love of Renegade to the new younger generations aswell
  16. Thanks a millions guys for your hard work
  17. https://youtu.be/ECvGwocUmOw
  18. I do my part for RenX ,check my steam profile,and on twitter regulary posting a little something.might make do a sticker for my motorcycles ..with something like "I play Renx ..Do you?" Would be good for those having cars that can used a custom license plate..
  19. would be nice to have one with my orca/apache ..if you want
  20. xtractor= ? dont be to rude :P
  21. sound good to me ..made me Brainstorming a bit on it ...What if : on the right team list ingame we could see a teamate nick flasing when requesting credit and if could find a way to click on any nick on that list to Donate ,chat.. etc
  22. Blame Yosh ^^
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