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Everything posted by HIHIHI

  1. I am DEFINITELY looking forward to this. I played one of the earlier versions on Try-Out's server and was quite impressed. The dynamic weather is really nice looking. When finished, this will be added to the base game, right? HIHIHI
  2. Right. So basically, the Netherlands isn't as flat as I thought it was. Bedankt! HIHIHI
  3. Yes, Merry Christmas! It is quite strange to think of Kane as a protagonist. Unless you're one of those crazy Noddie terrorists. : )
  4. Yeah. I think I have, until now, envisioned the Netherlands as being about as flat as a tabletop. I now realize that it does have SOME hills, and that berg doesn't always mean "mountain" as I think of it; it can mean a hill. Maybe the towns with "berg" in their name used to have hills nearby. When I looked up Zevenbergen, it said the hills it was named after existed quite a while ago, but they were buried now. It is kind of strange to think that there is probably more variation in height on the 10-acre piece of land I live on than there is in much of the whole country of the Netherlands. It just shows how different parts of the world can be.
  5. For sure. If you're too pushy, people won't come. Respect for all is the way to go.
  6. Yeah, we need to let the devs work on the important things. We fans can make what we want and hope they like it. : )
  7. Okay, thanks! I guess if I had actually played Old Renegade on more than just the campaign, I would know that. Maybe I just don't play Havoc enough to realize when a line is new or when I just haven't heard it. : ) I just thought boink would be kind of funny, seeing that it is already a very distinctive part of Renegade and RenX. Maybe I'll see if there are any characters whose voices I can mimic well enough to be convincing.
  8. I have noticed that after patches, new character sayings are generally added (e.g. Havoc now says "One more for the home audience!") . If you take suggestions, perhaps someone (Maybe even Havoc, I don't know) could get "Boink!" as a saying sometime? Or is that too over-the-top? : ) Thanks for the consideration, HIHIHI
  9. Just a few happenings tonight on the NA server. This was going to be a bug report, but then I found out there was a stank under the engineer. : ) I got a spy marksman and hammered away at the Nod PP until it went down. I had to do about 40 damage with a pistol until I was promoted and got more ammo for my rifle. That is not for the impatient. : ) Lastly, possibly my best KD ever (8.6) in MP, excepting on T.O's sniper server and such. I attribute it to the fact that the GDI bots were not at all getting tanks or AT infantry. I'm not trying to boast; remember, these were bots. It was just fun. : ) Come one and all to the NA server! Two nights of fun already! Hopefully many more to come. HIHIHI
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worthington,_Leicestershire Yep. : ) I also saw that there's one in Ohio, too. Interesting thought. Also, I looked up Zevenbergen (Not sure why I didn't do that earlier), and it seems it's named after hills surrounding it several thousand years ago. I think my view of the Netherlands is a bit TOO flat. I guess they do have some hills, albeit small ones. : ) Edit: I just remembered. I bet the "bergen" you referenced is related to "verbergen," which is also, "to hide." It's fun to find connections between words. : )
  11. I am aware that there are several Dutch people who play RenX, including TK, Ryz, Moat, etc. My question to you is: Why do you have several towns in Nederland with "berg" in the name (e.g. Bergen op Zoom, Steenbergen, Zevenbergen, etc.)? As I understand it, "berg" means "mountain," and the Netherlands is very flat, is it not? Do the towns have terrain features that are mountains in the same sense that Hoge Berg (15 m tall) is a mountain? Or did the namers of the towns just like the thought of having "berg" in the name, even if there wasn't really a mountain? Or am I mistaken, and "berg" can mean something else as well? Don't take this wrong; I like the Netherlands. I'm just wondering how these towns got their names. Bedankt, HIHIHI
  12. My theory has always been that there is a residual group of players left on a European server in the (American) evening, so since nobody really wants to join an empty server when there's people on another one, the European server population is kind of self-perpetuating, even if most of the players on it sometimes are American players. I guess server logs could confirm or deny this. We do need to encourage people to join the American servers during the American evening, though. Hopefully, last night's occurrences will someday be regular. HIHIHI
  13. I also was pleased! Usually nobody is on, so I never play there, but FPI or CT. However, if there are people there, I'm more than happy to play! Even if my ping doesn't improve much because of my poor connection, it will still be nice to get the American players playing on an American server when (most of) the Europeans are in bed. : ) Also, thank you, isupreme, for helping out with the server. HIHIHI
  14. It did. But the bar was the last building left. Ryz said something like "Let's max SBHs and nuke Bar for fun." It's not like it was a plan born out of desparation; it was a plan born out of a spirit of fun. GDI did disarm two nukes out of four, though. It was a pretty good match.
  15. The title says it all. It is behind the GDI ref. See screenshot below. Obviously it's not really a big deal at all, but there you go, in case I've discovered an unknown issue at last. : ) Edit: p.s. Don't tell GDI we're going to nuke.
  16. Okay. I have seen a bunch of stuff about the Obi and AGT. I just posted anyway, because I didn't see anything on Field. Thanks!
  17. Ok, so this might be a known issue, and I'm not sure if it's new to 5.366, but on Field today, I saw the Obi shoot through the mountain two or three times. See the screenshot below. I'm not sure if those people reported killed were killed by these bugged shots or not. I can't see any bodies when I zoom in, but then it's kind of low-resolution. Thanks, HIHIHI
  18. This sounds great! On the lake behind the dam or on the river? AAAAAAH! I thought Christmas was supposed to be filled with GOOD memories! : ) Okay, so they're not terrible, but there ARE better maps, in my opinion. : ) Thanks for all the hard work, everyone! I'm looking forward to the fruit of your labors!
  19. Okay, thanks to both of you! And yeah, I didn't think they'd be named all that descriptively. : )
  20. So, a quick question about the agreement with EA: Is it allowed, per the agreement, for me to use sounds from the campaign (specifically, the crazy Nod AI voice in the last mission; can be heard here) in my custom map? I realize that dialogue from the campaign is used in RenX, but is this under different rules? Now, supposing that is allowed, what is the best way for me to get those sounds? Unpack the Renegade files or something? (I have Renegade.) I would like at least a semi-official answer, not just "you should be able to do this and EA won't care." Thanks, HIHIHI
  21. But don't you think it would be nice to have a little more non-missile anti-air as well? A TOW Humvee does sound great, but I also enjoy the thought of just throwing massive amounts of lead (Or depleted uranium, as the case may be) downrange at Apaches. That's one of the reasons I like the Wolverine so much; it shoots a lot of bullets quickly. : ) HIHIHI
  22. It makes sense why that happens. Thanks for the consideration and action! (I first read "buggy" as the vehicle, which didn't quite make sense. : ) ) At least I have come to say "gg" instead of a full "That was well played, sirs." : ) HIHIHI
  23. Well, you said you welcome feedback, so here you go! After a game, when I'm using the chat under the scoreboard, if I press period (.), the little console comes up at the bottom of the screen with a period in it. The period is also typed in the chat. However, the chat is not sent, and I have to press escape to get rid of the console. It's a little annoying sometimes. : ) This was probably another known issue, but if not, it is now. : ) There is the possibility that the settings are messed up on my end, too, but I don't think that's it. Thanks, HIHIHI
  24. Okay, thanks for the image format tips. Images fixed. I figured it was probably known, but I searched the forum and didn't find any mentions, so I thought I'd make sure. And yes, it is a little funny. I spent probably half the match (a short match, but still...) going to the SAM to get killed, and to try to get a screenshot. The first one in my post is now part of my desktop rotation. : ) Thanks, HIHIHI p.s. Please don't think I'm trying to find bad things to say about RenX. It's already great. I just want to let the devs know things they might want to know so they can make it greater.
  25. So this is also something the devs may know about, but... On Walls yesterday, a bot (Specifcally, Rob Baker. Bad Rob!) garrisoned the SAM behind the Hon. He was shooting at ground units, infantry and vehicles alike. I knew that bots would occasionally garrison GTs and such, but not that they would shoot at ground units from AA defenses. p.s. Is there any way to insert pictures so that they're viewable in-forum without uploading them to an image hosting service?
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