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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by HuskerDoggo

  1. what version is your launcher? try clearing the patch folder and reinstalling it
  2. Renegade X on Origin
  3. just dont be old 5Head
  4. lol 5.293 was released in 2017. a question though: what version is your launcher? as there was a version you could not update and have to redownload the launcher
  5. all i can think that would be good in renx are is armored mobius, gas tank + glasses doza, epic sak/havoc with their different clothes. renegade x is still based of from renegade so it makes sense to only really have those characters in the game (maybe logan, lock, petrova and that navi woman) there already is the equivalent of armored sydney though. alright guys this is not TF2 ok
  6. i just checked my own shortcut. mine has --NoMovie at the end and i never get the intro movie & loading screens edit: wait nvm i reread. your problem is a "faulty path"
  7. ... or just make a shortcut to desktop from the win64 exe
  8. 26/1/19 team 2 perspective https://www.twitch.tv/videos/370270793?t=42m18s
  9. what errors/warnings are you getting in the console? it just looks like its not loading a css but maybe it says something usefull
  10. 1/19/19 team 2
  11. I didnt really ask i just copypasted tk and akbar. Thanks anyway
  12. maps should experiment with maybe lower hp, less damaging gts/turrets/AA on tank fields
  13. nowadays they just stealth kill the enemies with sbhs and stanks
  14. adding everyone on steam is easier. no need to remember names https://steamcommunity.com/id/okhandsignal/
  15. Best of renx ost: - Command & Conquer - Valiant Change my mind. edit: damn you cant add mp3 files and play them in a preview instead of downloading. man why are the youtube vids of the ost almost all borked and you cant play them.
  16. i'd say im more of a B in everything besides a C on defense. I used to be an S tier, support main pepeHands
  17. although the video is somewhat true, it is really over exaggerated
  18. Gdi walks into un uncontested bar ?
  19. Yosh56 has been recommended for destroying the HandOfNod_ramps! take that you damn terrorist ramps
  20. someone could make the sdk test map more into a fire range type map with tutorial boards or the like to explain features
  21. could you try uploading jpg's please or uploading to imgur. just so we dont have to download each image to view them
  22. Ask Mark Rutte for that one
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