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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by HuskerDoggo

  1. Pretty sure he just means having the map name on your hud on the scoreboard screen or map overview. So new people can see what map they are playing. Its not necessary tho since you see the map name in launcher and when switching maps
  2. i think its 200 now? it could easily be just 150. and yes i know chainguns technically dont have magazines
  3. Chems: - I'd say just a range decrease and/or damage dropoff over range. Officers: - Reduced magazine yes. - Are they different then? Snipers: - scoped sensitivity could be a good option. Patch: - im love patch dont make him worse (for serious maybe he could have a lower rof to balance it a bit) Syd/Rav: - a very small but still noticeable increase in wait time between shots is good. - or go back to bolt action no magazine like og
  4. wow too much anime and metal on this page, gotta make it better also the end part of this one is really good
  5. nobody mentioned the people on discord with the default avatar. they can't be trusted either
  6. headshot multipliers for flame/chem troopers 🤔🤔 also is the 64-bit sound bug fixed in the update aswell?
  7. when a vehicle is empty you get a prompt in the middle of your screen that says "Press E to enter vehicle". if someone is inside it (dont know for passenger), it doesnt say it. except when the vehicle is emp'd while someone is driving it pops up again. no big visual bug but can still be fixed if the devs aren't that lazy
  8. Why can you switch to your grenade but not to switch from grenade to previous weapon with the same button. Yeah you could just switch with mousewheel but it always goes to the wrong weapon and its so slow. It would be nice if weapon switching could be smoother and have better number bindings that are also clearly visible somewhere on the hud.cause 1 is like pistol (for hottie atleast)
  9. I would switch up the more important ones from ctrl+alt to ctrl and less important ones to ctrl+alt. Im up for adding new commands but not too many. Also please move the radio commands list so they dont get covered up by the kill feed
  10. @Jarzey yeah true but with just 3rd person around a corner you can see them but not shoot them. here its like: they cant see me, i can see them, i can shoot them, i kill them.
  11. excuse me for my word choices but i really dont know what that lock on feature is called or how to describe it good
  12. Pretty sure they couldn't see me there. the problem here isnt the lock on after target is out of crosshair but that is locks on in the first place. (please dont take my increased lock on tactic away. i love that feauture and i've been using it to hit enemies better for a long time) its a bad example cause they're arties and can just arc on me and kill me if they follow where the rocket is coming from. also the fact that they are on a hill. and if you're thinking it doesnt matter cause i do no damage, keep in mind this is recruit vs elite
  13. good update. except hp regen ofcourse
  14. @TK0104 1:02:24 i actually wasn't commander, it was a joke. i think our commanders were schimtz and mr. stark maybe?????? and then goldrush it was Boxes
  15. im not worrying about it. atleast im happy i only got sniped at once and i didnt die by it
  16. @Norc nah i was officer for the first half of the match and a hottie in 2nd half
  17. bar got destroyed by mrls. but maybe there were sbh shooting the back idk. so regarding tunnels: I was just an officer checking for sbh's sneaking around. the other defender said i should defend bar and pp even tho i dont have a mic. so I kept checking bar tunnel for sbh while @Quincy snuk into bar from the front entrance and almost killed it. Later i was getting some hitmarkers behind the bar with the turret but couldnt find anyone. i got out to repair a gt, turned around and saw 1 or 2 mrls shooting at bar and eventually killed it. it went down pretty quick so maybe there were sbh behind bar shooting it too. Remember I am a repair bitch, NOT a defender.
  18. the nukes/ions are good for what they are in my opinion. usually when a nuke gets placed everyone in base are scattered around to find it , which wouldn't take long with team effort, and you would still have a good amount of time to disarm it. could agree with the light being brighter like @Madkill40 said just for spotting it better when you are near it. or maybe like a very, very, very small indication on the (mini)map
  19. I'll also be posting my pov from this pug. first 2 today, last 2 wednesday https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEtp6hKQ5BB_o3iFA2ax_KQ
  20. first time i've seen it. but then i only play pugs now and you dont pay attention too well to characters when you are fighting for your lifes
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