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About [B]Veyron

  • Birthday July 24

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    Delaware, US
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  1. working as a team is crucial to success here. communication too.
  2. ya just look at the left side of the pic to get a jist of how each bone is connected to one another like the yaw and pitch bones since they're both movements that are attached to each other. just like havocs tuts... and fbx is typically the file format you want. there are others but all depends on what prog you're using and whats easiest? I have always done fbx even between different progs since most modeling programs recognize what an fbx is. also I have a paint program which I can import my fbx files too and paint directly over the model CALLED Paint3D might be a default paint program idk
  3. in said pic ive put my yaw bone in the center of a cylinder in the center of the vehicle and this bone is boundthe entire top half of the vehicle EXCLUDING the tracks. pitch bone is at that elbow part in the arm as if I want to dig a hole but … as I understand it that's all that can be done unless there were animations but the animations I believe have to be tied in with the settings you add in the SDK for your vehicle... also my root bone is where the name will show up too when you put your cursor over it... so should be somewhere convient
  4. I took a look at the fbx………..seemed complex to follow as I saw there were unnecessary bones unless you wanted to make an animation of the digger? one thing I would already suggest is to follow havocs tutorial on his naming conventions it's much easier to understand which name relates to what it's related to..... but whatever helps you.... another is I would suggest you bind the bones in wireframe view it looks like the binds are very scattered and might be a reason it cant import... but when you bind make sure you are clicking on the specific shape and not a section of the entire mesh..... in case that's what you did otherwise skip this... what I did was make a root bone which represents the object and all it's parts and now this bone I bounded it to the entire object. Afterwards I decided to make a driver bone needed to spawn an animation and thus a model and this bone I did not bind anything to it. the yaw and pitch bones are related to the parts of the object I wanted to have turn (turn left and turn right - Yaw) and then what parts I wanted to look up and look down - pitch. the locations of these 2 bones is specific too because any part of the object binded to these bones will turn in the bones axis. So if I bind the wheels to the pitch the wheels will then rotate in the pitch bones axis ….. the wheels then are in the respective places and named accordingly and every name has b in it meaning bone. it is easier to know which bones correlates to what area of the object so when you get into coding and the sdk part everything is right there in front of you easier to know which is witch. and the objects pivot point is at 0,0,0 so that when you spawn said vehicle the spawn is at that 0,0,0 mark and not half in the map or something else done in 3ds max... sorry not blender...
  5. Cool sub on your banner image.

    1. [B]Veyron


      Russian.  I wanted to design navy vessels for naval warfare....

    2. HIHIHI


      Interesting. A naval map could be interesting, but I bet it would be big and hard to make.

  6. what about animation taunts? fortnite taunts?
  7. the illusive man! correct?

  8. Kane's Fried Chicken, another tool for world domination 😁

  9. I imagine if there was life on other planets throughout the known verse some life would be these but bigger I am glad these are the size they are.
  10. BERSERK. just don't berserk IRL
  11. have a feedback for you for the osprey? add in 3ds max animation where when you change position or accelerate forward change the direction of the rotors because don't they do that already irl? if you go forward the rotors rotate so they are facing forward and so on... also I feel like the model could use a few fixings on the overall shape I feel like it's very whale-like but nbd it's still cool and needs GDI textures!
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