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Everything posted by Agent

  1. It definitely isn't like Whiteout was originally dubbed "Hourglass II" or anything. It isn't a pure remake of Hourglass, but it was definitely intended to be the official version of Hourglass. I certainly tend to agree that we shouldn't be maintaining and publishing duplicate versions of the same levels. We don't need faithful recreations in addition to the revisioned/improved versions.
  2. This is the primary reason there isn't a chat client in the launcher. Someone did make a quick implementation for one, but it did not meet design standards and thus was not released. There's also a solid chance that we would not use IRC as a back end, and ideally the client would be designed in such a way that the actual chat backend is entirely hidden from the user. One key concern with IRC specifically is that we don't want the launcher to suddenly start getting false positives from anti-virus applications, which was the case when we had the in-progress implementation embedded but unused in a previously released launcher. I guess for anybody who's interested: the ideal implementation would most likely use some custom protocol that can have multiple simultaneous connections for the same user, and would require users to login using their forum credentials. Those requirements guarantee that usernames will always be unique, and we could then theoretically incorporate this into the game client's main menu (or even the website or discord server) at a later date. The design should be minimalist, consisting only of a chat feed and a place to input text -- no addition windows should be necessary. Here's a quick MS Paint concept: My MS Paint skills are obviously crap, but I think you guys get the idea. The names would also probably need to be a different shade or color, such as white or something. Any login system would need to be incorporated into the name thing at the top left. Obviously this could be implemented with something more like IRC in the meantime, while the other features (login, etc) are worked on.
  3. For the month of August: Do note however that I'm pretty sure bots are playing a factor here; we don't normally get nearly that much traffic from China. Here's last week's traffic:
  4. I think I mentioned this before, but we have google analytics enabled and can see where web traffic actually comes from.
  5. Great games today! Looking forward to next week's PUG :D Too bad @Madkill40 isn't really MVP worthy :D
  6. Agent

    Quo Vadis

    Intense push back from certain developers and server owners lead is what ultimately caused the player limit to rise to 64. Mutators were being used to raise these limits, and since we failed to enforce the limit of 40, we moved the limit to an enforced limit of 64. The alternative was to suddenly start enforcing a limit of 40 out of nowhere, which would have been more troublesome than worthwhile. We may choose to lower it to 40 later if we choose, but server owners can easily keep the setting at the default of 40.
  7. Feel free to set something up somewhere, and I can setup a subdomain for it.
  8. It's fun to see how I've shifted from center right over the years.
  9. This should probably be uploaded to the Downloads section under 'Tools'.
  10. Mines are one of the least noob-friendly and clunky mechanics I think I've seen in any game, hands down. Personal limits are one thing, but if you're setting team-wide limits on weapon usage then you've done something horribly wrong. They should be a personal weapon to be used at the user's discretion, without risk of hindering the team. It's the same as if ammo were shared between all snipers on the team; it's ridiculous. Arbitrary time limits work great in many game modes, but not C&C. The objective is to destroy the enemy base -- not out-wait the enemy. Non-time limit secondary objectives are necessary, even if they're time related. One example might be to have finite Tiberium resources, and whoever has the most when it's all gone wins -- then you could even add in tertiary objectives like destroying the enemy's stockpile. Buildings shouldn't both serve as critical components to weaponry/economy (vehicles, advanced weapons, income, cost) as well as be irrecoverable. There's no reason for them to not be recoverable in some capacity that's also easy for the average player to quickly comprehend. Commander-like mechanics should be avoided at all costs in any sort of rebuild from scratch. They're a band-aid on fundamental issues with the gamemode at its core, and it diverges the gameplay for commanders and non-commanders. That's not to say they're unnecessary in Renegade X -- they're just not the optimal solution to our problems. Time to kill is way too high unless you're aiming for the head, but it also helps give the game a classic arcadey shooter feel. The general direction and feel of the game definitely matters for this one. We also need more game modes -- not just C&C mode. I'd love to see walker assault (MMKII?), control points (silos?), even deathmatch if the TTK were reduced. This also requires considering separation of concerns when implementing the actual game modes code wise. Current we just dump everything into Rx_Game, without having any intermediate layer of abstraction over UTGame. In general, the code base could be way cleaner and less complex. There's also just too many duplicate classes. We don't need 4 infantry classes on each team who's primary purpose is anti-tank. Vehicles don't have quite the same problem, though the APC/Humvee do have some overlap (not nearly as much as before though, where the APC completely superseded Humvees). Stealth is an unnecessary mechanic; people are plenty sneaky without it, and it just makes people run around uselessly.
  11. It's definitely reasonable; maybe @taishō could look into implementing this.
  12. Slow in-game downloads are generally the result of under-configured servers, not the result of the in-game downloader. The download speed on a correctly configured server with sufficient resources will be no different than any other download over HTTP. Once upon a time there was a terrible download speed limitation due to engine limitations and misconfiguration, however this has not been the case for a very long time.
  13. Both clients would download update 5.34, however the files they download may be different. For example, let's say we have a client on version 1, and they need to update to version 3. Version 2: * Minor modified to 'foo.upk' Version 3: * Added 'bar.upk' * Minor modification to 'baz.upk' * Major modification to 'whatever.upk' The client will: * Completely redownload 'foo.upk' * Completely download 'bar.upk' * Download a small part of 'baz.upk' * Download either a large part of 'whatever.upk', or redownload it entirely, whichever is smaller You'll notice that even though 'foo.upk' only received a minor modification (just like 'baz.upk'), it had to redownload the entire file. This is because while the patches do include delta updates (incremental patches to individual files so that you don't have to redownload the file), these aren't yet carried over between updates. This is an optimization that has yet to be implemented. What this means is: as long as you do not skip updates, you will receive the full benefit from patch deltas. When you do skip updates, you currently only get some benefit from patch deltas.
  14. Cronus and I are already aware of the indexing issues. These issues are entirely unrelated to SEO; they're the result of pages being marked 'noindex' unexpectedly and Google taking a very long time to reindex the site to verify the issue resolved. It's a painfully slow issue to resolve.
  15. The launcher will only ever download the files necessary to update the game client -- it does not include any unnecessary data. All downloaded patch data is also compressed. The patch data cannot be further compressed and applied. If you have a 4-5 GB update, then you have to download the 4-5 GB update.
  16. Custom crosshairs are unenforceable and undetectable. Some people also just enjoy simple/custom crosshairs for convenience or asthetics. We're not going to suddenly start considering custom crosshairs a cheat, nor should we. Modifying character stats seems fine though.
  17. I'm not actually sure why we're not the first result anymore. Thanks for pointing this out so we can look into it.
  18. The files seem clean, however any users should be aware that downloading any third party software is at their own risk, may contain bugs, and is not officially supported by the development team (support requests should not be posted in the Technical Support forum). Additionally, keep in mind that any data input into the application may be transmitted to external sources (as a login system requires). It's generally good advice to not use your passwords across multiple places, since it's impossible to guarantee that your passwords are being stored in a secure manner. Do not use your forum or other credentials in this application (or any other for that matter).
  19. Yeah, the general plan is to just display the most recent news post by itself.
  20. @Madkill40 Familiarity with HTTPS REST APIs (for login/logout/register/verify endpoints), PHP (for API development), UnrealScript (to wire it up with the game client and server), and Flash / Scaleform (for in-game login). Either some C# and WPF familiarity would be necessary to integrate it with the launcher, or logging into the launcher would be removed (probably the preferable option to reduce code duplication and complexity).
  21. Your download is probably corrupted; try redownloading it.
  22. I think the installer may be out of date.
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