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Everything posted by Agent

  1. You can host a server on your local network, and then proceed to play purely on your local network using local IP addresses. Since this traffic never leaves the local network, it can't be affected by external firewalls -- just make sure no other firewalls block the application (i.e: add an exception for it in Windows firewall). The default port for the server will be 7777. Edit: To clarify, this will only permit local play. If you're looking for internet play, and your ISP is blocking this traffic for whatever crazy reason, then this wont be on any help. I do recall UDK supporting steam sockets, which are generally useful for things like NAT traversal, so you may want to look into that and see if it helps any maybe?
  2. I meant to make a sticky thread about that after the patch, but never got around to it. This is partly because there is still a 30-second timeout issue when using HTTP redirects. In short, you just need to upload your files to a web server, all in the same directory (no folders). In the following example, the address "http://example.com/renx/downloads/" is used (aka: CHANGE THIS). After uploading your files to a webserver, in UDKEngine.ini: 1) Check if a section named [ipDrv.HTTPDownload] exists. 2a) If this does not exist: Add the following block to the ini file 2b) Modify the settings to reflect the following 3) You *might* need to set "MaxDownloadSize" to "0" (i.e: "MaxDownloadSize = 0") in the same file, in the [ipDrv.TcpNetDriver] section. UDK is peculiar about file case-sensitivity, so you may have to set some file names to all lower-case (though some must not be all lower-case). If you want to get adventurous, check out the link below for full details about redirection, as well as compression. I haven't covered compression at all, so if you're wanting the absolute smallest downloads, check it out. http://wiki.unrealadmin.org/Redirection_and_Compression Edit: Also, it occurred to me that since this thread is genuinely useful for modders (causing it to grow to 10 pages and nearly 7000 views) and timeless, so I stickied it.
  3. Already mentioned here: viewtopic.php?f=126&t=75351
  4. There are non-marathon servers, such as ConstructiveTyranny and TheMatrixRen, both of which are marked have AOW (All Out War) in their name. EKT servers are generally marathon, and tend to stay active for a variety of reasons, but are not the only active servers. You can also see the Game Length in the launcher after selecting a server (0 means marathon). Other than that, we're glad you like the game, and I look forward to seeing you in-game!
  5. Personally, I like the added danger -- it may encourage players to focus on silos and harvesters more.
  6. "Nothin' here but us trees!" I'm looking forward to those trees!
  7. Oh, I forgot to mention in this here. The next patch (no ETA) will include a configurable variabled named "StartSpawnTime", which is specified in each crate class. Here are the defaults at the moment (subject to change): Money, Refill, Suicide, TimeBomb, Nuke, and Abduction crates are always available. Character and Speed crates are available after 2 minutes. Spy crates are available after 4 minutes. Vehicle and TSVehicle crates are available after 5 minutes.
  8. I think I fixed that one some time ago, but didn't know about the EMP Grenade one (which is also fixed).
  9. Thanks! This is fixed and will be pushed with the next patch (no ETA).
  10. This is fixed and will be pushed with the next patch (no ETA). Edit: Merged threads about same bug.
  11. I wouldn't mind seeing a mutator for this (minus the nuke/ion). Or, as an alternative: Disable base defenses.
  12. No player has had a score with "999999" in it, on any server, in Beta 5. It's a graphical glitch.
  13. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! This is a fairly minor update (see change log).
  14. I'm still salty about super-kh knocking out my tripod army with a lone commando...
  15. If you're talking about the spy crate displaying the wrong message, this is already fixed and will be pushed with the next patch (no ETA).
  16. Already fixed and will be pushed with the next patch (no ETA) -- players will be unable to enter vehicles when abducted.
  17. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    I've uploaded a redist to my own server, since Microsoft is apparently very reliable.
  18. Already aware of that one. At this point, I don't recall if I tried fiddling with that or not, however: Even if bumping that variable up increases the timeout threshold, it would not resolve the actual underlying issue that players can timeout during a download.
  19. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Did the redistributable in the first post not work? I updated it when I updated the bot. o_o
  20. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! This update is for the UPCOMING version of Renegade-X. This update also requires a different redistributable package to be installed.
  21. Was just responding to Handepsilon when I said Initiate. It's totes a flame turret.
  22. Looks like a flame turret, to me.
  23. Yeah, UDK supports two built-in download managers (unless there's more that I haven't noticed/heard of, but I really doubt it). The first one, Engine.ChannelDownload, is enabled on every server by default; this transfers files directly from the UDK server to the UDK client. Since this is a direct server -> client transfer, no additional setup is required for this to function. However, ChannelDownload is generally limited in speed (seems there's probably some sort of hard-coded value in UDK, limiting transfers to about 10 KB/s). The other is IpDrv.HTTPDownload. With HTTPDownload, the server redirects the client to a server-configured HTTP server to download files. Since the files are transferred from an external server to the client, the only speed limitations are the HTTP server's upload speed, and the client's download speed. This would be a perfect solution for downloads, if not for one elusive bug that I can not seem to narrow down: downloads seem to just stop/fail after 30 seconds. I have not yet found any solution nor work-around for this. Regardless, you should be able to anticipate this prompt in the upcoming patch:
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