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Everything posted by Agent

  1. A thread to move and consolidate attack-related discussion from other areas is definitely handy, thank you.
  2. Agent


    Can we get this video/demo, please?
  3. Although the application no longer works, there's still a good chunk of information about configuring in-game related stuff in here. Honestly, a little bit of an update and a replacement application might not be a bad idea, which maybe I'll get around to eventually if I can remember.
  4. Today's games were fun (albeit, just a little smaller)! Looking forward to next week's. Easier just to have the server operator modify their hosts file tbh.
  5. I'll gladly host a server, if need be.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised to see the body shot damage get reverted; I'm not sure if anyone actually noticed it prior to releasing this build. That said, I also wouldn't be surprised to see snipers nerfed in other (more appropriate) ways in the future. The ramjet's damage is fine enough where it's at atm. Also Cinccino: be nice, please.
  7. This idea's already being explored, and is definitely something that many people want to see done in some sort of form. I'd really like to have a proper spectator mode, and a couple designated commentators who can record some great videos if at all possible. Of course, that's part of a slightly different project, but can be related to this one. In the mean time: yeah, I'm all for doing something on Sundays in smaller teams, though some sort of team size should probably be defined (say 6 players + 2 reserves?). Let me know if you want to try organizing this or need any help with it!
  8. AP Crush.jpg, you say? Looks like it was good pug! It's a shame I missed this one! D=
  9. That beam sounds and looks delicious. Based on my observations, its purpose must be to roast some GDI infidels! Also, you spelled "satellite" wrong.
  10. *whistles* I know not what you mean! I'm still of the opinion that the damage itself isn't such a big issue, especially when playing defense. I have absolutely no problem with how C4 is used defensively in very-close building-defense combat -- engineers/hotwires aren't that hard to kill, especially when they're busy repairing. The main area that I genuinely think Engineers need to be balanced, is their capabilities in close-to-medium range encounters (think tunnels on Field or Canyon) compared to other classes, and movement speed modification should be enough to even this out. By slowing an engineer down, they're not only easier to hit, but it's going to be more difficult for them to get within range and land kills/damage. That's a rather significant nerf by itself really, and it's not like we can't modify damage if speed doesn't turn out to be enough -- let's stick to one tweak at a time. Also, since it hasn't really been brought up: tweaking infantry speed might make infiltration more difficult for engineers/hotwires, which will further degrade their ability to be used as offensive units.
  11. A very nice and exciting PUG! Thanks to everybody who participated and organized the event!
  12. The most sane and easy-to-implement solution would likely be to set individual character movement speed in such a way that an engineer isn't going to be able to run up to competent anti-infantry units that see them. This would still allow for engineers to easily sneak up on other players to plant C4 on them, and essentially keep the mechanics predictable, while still giving a substantial advantage to other infantry when in direct combat. This also means that Engineers remain effective enough in mega-close combat, which is nice. You shouldn't be running up to people with explosives, and expecting to not get hurt. =P
  13. We'll put our top paid experts on this right away! You can expect significant changes soon.
  14. I like the idea of modifying the speed of individual infantry classes as a means to further balance infantry. Snipers, gunners, Raveshaws, or engineers (you know, units carrying bulky/heavy equipment) could be outmaneuvered by more maneuverable infantry such as Patch, McFarland, or Mobius. That's far more preferable compared to disabling sprint on specific classes, or continuing to modify stats on weapons when the stats themselves aren't necessarily the problem.
  15. Just saying, is where the real awesome's at
  16. .ladder/.rank is related to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75518
  17. I really look forward to watching our stank rush that totally didn't dodge half a dozen bullets, kenz hahahahaha
  18. The majority of your idea seems to be a bit disproportionate of a response, though I'm not against a couple well-maintained "official" servers.
  19. As far as I'm aware, TmX is the only real server still having DDoS issues atm? EKT seems to have adjusted much of their DDoS mitigation so that it's significantly more effective now (the attacker is apparently trying different types of attacks as a result), and CT also has fine mitigation in effect now. As I look at the launcher right now, I see that there are 3 servers populated -- one being CT, and the other two being EKT. At the current population levels, 3 active servers are honestly enough for the time being. It'd certainly be beneficial for TmX to get some tweak their mitigation a bit, especially if they plan to promote their server, though higher-end mitigation isn't critical/required per-se. That said, 10 euros/month isn't bad at all, and should be fairly easy for TmX to accomplish. I'll be honest though, I haven't been on as much for the past few weeks, so I'm basing most of my information off of conversations with community owners/members rather than in-game experiences.
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