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Renegade X: The Revolution of Renegade

Hey all. It's been a few weeks since you've heard from us Just a small update for all of you!

Light Tank

Havoc89's been cooking up the light tank, first with a spectacular model and more recently with a texture. It's just about ready to kick some Medium Tank ass!


Walls Flying

Our very own Bret Hart has been working on remaking the Walls Flying map, and he's made some great progress! Take a look for yourself:




Flame Tank Concept

JeepRubi will be tackling the Flame Tank in the coming weeks, and he's already got a concept ready for the high poly! Watch out.


Scorpion Hunters map!

You saw it in our last trailer, and you liked it. We've decided to remake the first level of C&C Renegade as a multiplayer map, with GDI and Nod bases, ready for the upcoming war. Zixxer's done an excellent job!




HUD System

Havoc89 and Warlord have been working on the new Heads Up Display system. Although we had already remade C&C Renegade's, we at Renegade X decided to go to the next level... X! It's got all the game information you had in the original and more, including mine count information, structure status, vehicle count, and much more, all at your fingertips. It's still a work in progress, but check it out!


Vote for RENEGADE X!

I'd just like to give a reminder that the Mod DB voting for 'Mod of the Year' ends on February 2nd.

If you haven't voted in Phase 2 yet (note! Different from phase 1 voting! Make sure you have voted), then here is the mods to vote for. Remember that you can vote for as many mods as you want.


Remember that our hard-working team is working from our own free time for free, to bring you our updates and future releases. Voting is the just a matter of one button, and anyone could do it - spread the word, as far as you can! Tell your family and friends! The best way for our fans to get Renegade X finished is to spread the word in hopes that we may be in the Top 5.

So vote! And thanks for supporting your friendly neighborhood Renegade X mod.

That's it for now. Be sure to keep up with Renegade X for more compelling updates!

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What what a what what? Update already? HUD looks absolutely astonishing! I hope it has a feature to hide parts of it if they're bothering your war on battlefield.

QUOTE (xoham @ Feb 2 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the HUD, is that a count of mines already deployed by your team? If so, I am very impressed.[/b]

yes it is, also the vehicle count (we may add also stolen vehicles)

I love the new HUD. One question though, if you include and use weapon pickups in a map, how will that work with the weapons shown in the bottom right area of the HUD. If it shows all of the weapons you have that could stretch out quite a bit across the screen.

QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Feb 2 2009, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
personally i'd remove the 'player C killed player D' thingie from the HUD. But anyways, the update definately looks great! also the new HUD lay-out is rly cool :D [/b]

I agree. I think the time, credits, mine count and vehicle count would look much better on the bottom of the screen. I don't see the need for the player A player B whatever thing on the bottom. Unless you move it somewhere else, like under the chat box or over the radar. (Making it smaller, of course)

Also, I think you should stick with the original style reticule. Or better yet, make it like Crysis in that you have a bunch of different reticules and the player can choose the one they like best.

Other than that minor stuff, it looks excellent!

OH, one more thing. You probably noticed this already, but I'll mention it anyway: You shouldn't be able to see the amount of credits the other team has.

QUOTE (Defeat @ Feb 2 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love the new HUD. One question though, if you include and use weapon pickups in a map, how will that work with the weapons shown in the bottom right area of the HUD. If it shows all of the weapons you have that could stretch out quite a bit across the screen.[/b]

Judging by the way it looks, with the faded smaller weapons off to the side, I'm going to guess that the weapons "scroll" left and right depending on what you are using. Therefore it is only showing you the next weapon and last weapon to your current weapon. (So regardless of how many weapons you have, it will only show 3 at a time: previous weapon, current weapon, next weapon.)

As for everything else, excellent! The light tank is looking awesome. Also I like the idea of making Scorpion Hunters a multiplayer map. :D

Edit: When are you going to update your homepage? It hasn't been updated for the past 2 or 3 updates.

Very nice guys. At first glance at the last pic there on field, I almost thought it is Ren with some new fancy hud. You guys successfully recreated Ren(on the looks), but with all the extras that the UT engine gives. If you guys successfully recreate the game-play, this will probably be one of the most played mods for any game.

Look at Ren, its still being played after almost 7 years (Ren gonna be 7 years old in 24 days ;P). If you accomplish even half of that (and I'm sure you will), you already know all this hard work was worth it ;) . Keep up the great work.


LOVE THE HUD!!!!!!!! and i loved the light tank, you have once again gotten my full attention and made me see the pure beauty.

QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 2 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree. I think the time, credits, mine count and vehicle count would look much better on the bottom of the screen. I don't see the need for the player A player B whatever thing on the bottom. Unless you move it somewhere else, like under the chat box or over the radar. (Making it smaller, of course)

Also, I think you should stick with the original style reticule. Or better yet, make it like Crysis in that you have a bunch of different reticules and the player can choose the one they like best.

Other than that minor stuff, it looks excellent!

OH, one more thing. You probably noticed this already, but I'll mention it anyway: You shouldn't be able to see the amount of credits the other team has.[/b]

Being able to drag and drop things where we want it would be even cooler, but I usually get used to the defaults quickly even if I don't like it at first.
QUOTE (a000clown @ Feb 3 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Being able to drag and drop things where we want it would be even cooler, but I usually get used to the defaults quickly even if I don't like it at first.[/b]

That would be a very nice feature :D

Everything kicks-ass. Doing a wonderful job there. :D

One question though:

For the walls.mix map, why is there a backdoor on the GDI & Nod bases? Are there new pathways or something being added to map?

QUOTE (G0NE2W4R @ Feb 4 2009, 12:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Everything kicks-ass. Doing a wonderful job there. :D

One question though:
For the walls.mix map, why is there a backdoor on the GDI & Nod bases? Are there new pathways or something being added to map?[/b]

QUOTE (Bret_Hart @ Jan 25 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've opened up the cliff walls left and right NOD side to allow aircraft in and out here.

And here, a fake entrance for the GDI side.

Enjoy :) [/b]

I hope that answers that question for you :)
  • Former Developers

Walls.mix?!?! We're no longer in the reneworld my friend. Its now Walls.ut3

And yes those are simply for eyecandy. They will all be blocked off.


that HUD is very clean looking, i like it a lot better than the stock renegade hud ;)

And the light tank is very nicely detailed as well! Field and walls look awesome too


actually the maps will all be called Renegade-[MAPNAME].ut3, for example field: Renegade-Field.ut3, but I dont think that as normal player (or serverhost) you ever will use the .ut3 filetype extension, even when setting up a maplist for the server.


I always enjoy playing on servers with an INCREDIBLE player count. But as the HUD shows money, time, mines and vehicles to the right, the amount of players shown would be cut even shorter then it already is possible.

I should think that that has to be moved to the bottom, and the 'player killed player' back to the upper left or as someone said right above the rader in smaller print. Theres just enough room for it below the building images.

Also, the building images with their health:

1: They are quite big on the HUD, what if you play a match with a powerplant, repair facility and construction yard along with it?

2: I'm not sure if they will improve the gameplay, or destroy it. Keeping track of building status by checking them with your reticle (or pressing 'J' ;) has become a rather important feature in renegade. How else can you sneakily destroy buildings with just a medium tank, or a mobile artillery for that matter, if they can see a building is being damaged the moment it happens? I always took some pride in keeping track of building health at all times, just in case someone managed to invade my base and destroy a building from outside.

Or the rather hard tactic of destroying a building with 2 SBH by placing C4 on it and shooting the MCT with laser rifles at the right time to draw the least attention and deal enough damage to destroy it.


Other than that, I love the update.

I think that the scorpion hunters map has great potential. Especially with the chokepoints offered. And what I'm seeing is that a chokepoint also is a crossroad for an alternate route, that uses a bridge to cross over it. That would make a very interesting gameplay: you can defend a chokepoint, and while you can't actually stop enemies physically from using the alternate route, you can give them a good punishment for trying to pass. Otherwise, they could use the alternate route to break your hold on the chokepoint, and even reverse the situation that they are suddenly holding the chokepoint or pushing through.

Yours sincerely,


QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 4 2009, 05:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2: I'm not sure if they will improve the gameplay, or destroy it. Keeping track of building status by checking them with your reticle (or pressing 'J' ;) has become a rather important feature in renegade. How else can you sneakily destroy buildings with just a medium tank, or a mobile artillery for that matter, if they can see a building is being damaged the moment it happens? I always took some pride in keeping track of building health at all times, just in case someone managed to invade my base and destroy a building from outside.

Yours sincerely,

Yo fobby, this kid is right! You should get the building health away from the hud, even better, just put it back to the J button.

I'm guessing no matter how obvious, there will always be people doing nothing when structure energy bar goes down. It's another story in clan match for sure but there has always been this sound 'building x is under attack' notifying players what's happening on their base. I personally consider this energy bar thing a great feature.

QUOTE (Demigan @ Feb 4 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2: I'm not sure if they will improve the gameplay, or destroy it. Keeping track of building status by checking them with your reticle (or pressing 'J' ;) has become a rather important feature in renegade. How else can you sneakily destroy buildings with just a medium tank, or a mobile artillery for that matter, if they can see a building is being damaged the moment it happens? I always took some pride in keeping track of building health at all times, just in case someone managed to invade my base and destroy a building from outside.[/b]

But you can't do that anyway. Building announcements go off every 30 seconds or so. There is no possible way to destroy a structure with 1 vehicle in under 30 seconds.

It has never happened to me in any of my years of playing Renegade. The only way to sneakily destroy a structure is to get inside of it and use C4. Using any sort of vehicle alerts the enemy of your presence and they will either visually see what structure you are attacking, or they will hear the building announcement and check the status screen.

It makes no difference if you have to look to the left to check the structures or if you just press J or K.
QUOTE (CrazyAndy @ Feb 4 2009, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm guessing no matter how obvious, there will always be people doing nothing when structure energy bar goes down. It's another story in clan match for sure but there has always been this sound 'building x is under attack' notifying players what's happening on their base. I personally consider this energy bar thing a great feature.[/b]

I like that feature as well.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 4 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

It has never happened to me in any of my years of playing Renegade. The only way to sneakily destroy a structure is to get inside of it and use C4. Using any sort of vehicle alerts the enemy of your presence and they will either visually see what structure you are attacking, or they will hear the building announcement and check the status screen.


Well it can be done during rushes. During stank rushes sometimes when i alrdy see it failing i turn to another building and kill it. As the rest of GDI is battling at either PP or Ref it's possible to kill a building almost unnoticed as you would also only hear gdi powerplant under attack and not gdi infantry barracks under attack (as example). But getting the building health on the HUD would definately make more people aware to te health of their buildings making it more of a challenge to kill them :) but that's just my opinion

Love the Light Tank! HUD is perfect. Overlay will not affect gameplay visibility. This is even more than I had expected.

Once again salivating...

Hopefully we will very soon be driving the tank around in Field or one of the other maps.


QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Feb 4 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well it can be done during rushes. During stank rushes sometimes when i alrdy see it failing i turn to another building and kill it. As the rest of GDI is battling at either PP or Ref it's possible to kill a building almost unnoticed as you would also only hear gdi powerplant under attack and not gdi infantry barracks under attack (as example).[/b]

I agree, i think the renx-team should discuss this subject.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 4 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But you can't do that anyway. Building announcements go off every 30 seconds or so. There is no possible way to destroy a structure with 1 vehicle in under 30 seconds.

It has never happened to me in any of my years of playing Renegade. The only way to sneakily destroy a structure is to get inside of it and use C4. Using any sort of vehicle alerts the enemy of your presence and they will either visually see what structure you are attacking, or they will hear the building announcement and check the status screen.

It makes no difference if you have to look to the left to check the structures or if you just press J or K.[/b]


Actually, it takes around 30 seconds for heavy hitting vehicles to kill a full structure on their own, if there are no repairs. The best at this is the Mammoth Tank with just under 30 seconds (28 iirc, the arty takes around 34-36 seconds). So if you hit a building for a false alarm, then start hitting a building on the opposite side of the base, its possible to kill it or be very close to destroying it before they get the 2nd EVA warning.

There is a heavy debate going on, on the Renegade forums about exactly this, as there is a hud that has this feature, but most of the Renegade community is against it and consider it a cheat (not released for the public). There are quite a few nice suggestions, that would make an acceptable compromise for both sides. One, that I particularly liked, is having 2 types of HUDs, offensive and defensive, and it would take a few seconds to switch between the 2. The defensive would not have radar, but would show the Building Health + mine counter + some other info, while the offensive HUD would just have what Ren originally had. Or maybe code it (if possible) so only techs/engineers can see the building health and mine counter, or be able to use the defensive HUD. All in all you can have a little trial and error fun with this. ;)
QUOTE (-Xv- @ Feb 5 2009, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Actually, it takes around 30 seconds for heavy hitting vehicles to kill a full structure on their own, if there are no repairs. The best at this is the Mammoth Tank with just under 30 seconds (28 iirc, the arty takes around 34-36 seconds). So if you hit a building for a false alarm, then start hitting a building on the opposite side of the base, its possible to kill it or be very close to destroying it before they get the 2nd EVA warning.

There is a heavy debate going on, on the Renegade forums about exactly this, as there is a hud that has this feature, but most of the Renegade community is against it and consider it a cheat (not released for the public). There are quite a few nice suggestions, that would make an acceptable compromise for both sides. One, that I particularly liked, is having 2 types of HUDs, offensive and defensive, and it would take a few seconds to switch between the 2. The defensive would not have radar, but would show the Building Health + mine counter + some other info, while the offensive HUD would just have what Ren originally had. Or maybe code it (if possible) so only techs/engineers can see the building health and mine counter, or be able to use the defensive HUD. All in all you can have a little trial and error fun with this. ;) [/b]

If you can destroy a building that fast alone(I've never bothered to time it) then I was wrong about the alerts. If you can destroy buildings that fast, then the alerts come faster than I thought. Possibly every 15 seconds.

Because I know for a fact that the alert will play at least twice before you destroy your target structure if you are alone and the building started at full HP.

Also, one other thing that needs to be considered here as well is the fact that in Renegade, the announcements you personally hear EVA saying isn't necessarily the same as the ones everyone else hears, this includes the enemy team. I've been on LAN games where I would hear one announcement of a building being attacked, but the computer next to me says either nothing or announces a totally different building that was attacked within a reasonable time frame from the other. For example, you could put a few rounds into the WF to sound that announcement then jump to attack the power plant, but just because you heard that WF announcement, doesn't mean everyone else did. Some people might end up hearing the power plant announcement instead.

Well it can be done during rushes. During stank rushes sometimes when i alrdy see it failing i turn to another building and kill it. As the rest of GDI is battling at either PP or Ref it's possible to kill a building almost unnoticed as you would also only hear gdi powerplant under attack and not gdi infantry barracks under attack (as example). But getting the building health on the HUD would definately make more people aware to te health of their buildings making it more of a challenge to kill them smile.gif but that's just my opinion[/b]

This is true, but the difference is is that it is in a massive group of tanks. In which case, when you notice the building you are repairing taking noticeably less damage, you would press J or K to check the other structures. Actually leaving to go and help the other structure is a different situation because you actually have to leave the one you are in and attempt to get to the one in need by going through the enemy attack.

All in all, it is not a drastic change. It's end result merely increases people's information gathering by about a second. They still need the physical time to act in game, in which case, it will be like there is no change at all.
QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Feb 4 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well it can be done during rushes. During stank rushes sometimes when i alrdy see it failing i turn to another building and kill it. As the rest of GDI is battling at either PP or Ref it's possible to kill a building almost unnoticed as you would also only hear gdi powerplant under attack and not gdi infantry barracks under attack (as example). But getting the building health on the HUD would definately make more people aware to te health of their buildings making it more of a challenge to kill them :) but that's just my opinion[/b]

it can happen if you are in any tank and the opposing team rushes, leaving the base mostly empty or completely empty (depending on the server, some allow for masses as I'm sure you all know). Once they leave, you can waltz on in and attack any building you see fit to destroy.

with the HUD play amount issue, might i suggest that you have to hit a button to enter a separate menu (such as hitting K ingame to show current building health for both teams) but only showing your score/credits/kills/deaths/ratio onscreen at all times?

also, I can't see the pictures :(
QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Feb 4 2009, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well it can be done during rushes. During stank rushes sometimes when i alrdy see it failing i turn to another building and kill it. As the rest of GDI is battling at either PP or Ref it's possible to kill a building almost unnoticed as you would also only hear gdi powerplant under attack and not gdi infantry barracks under attack (as example). But getting the building health on the HUD would definately make more people aware to te health of their buildings making it more of a challenge to kill them :) but that's just my opinion[/b]

I know what you're talking about. So many times I've rushed with stanks (in Hourglass) and tried to get AGT down but when I see it failing I attack WF and sometimes manage to destroy it. Anyway IMO HUD doesn't make any difference when people are dumb enough not to take care of rest of base and not to notice what you're doing.

I hate artilleries shooting from a long distance and people doing nothing. If HUD can make artillery attacks less useful (after all I think they're meant to be support fire vehicles when other ppl are rushing and not ones to camp all the game long) and prevent this madness I think it makes it even a greater feature. So I would suggest to implement this feature at least in normal games where there's lot's of noobs around. I'd like to mention I love playing Renegade doing quick rushes and keep the game going. All kinds of artillery camping just takes the enjoyment of the game away. Still, I respect those who play Renegade more strategic way and can understand why they love their playing style.
QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 4 2009, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you can destroy a building that fast alone(I've never bothered to time it) then I was wrong about the alerts. If you can destroy buildings that fast, then the alerts come faster than I thought. Possibly every 15 seconds.

Because I know for a fact that the alert will play at least twice before you destroy your target structure if you are alone and the building started at full HP.[/b]

The building attack annoucement comes every 30 seconds.

QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 4 2009, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Also, one other thing that needs to be considered here as well is the fact that in Renegade, the announcements you personally hear EVA saying isn't necessarily the same as the ones everyone else hears, this includes the enemy team. I've been on LAN games where I would hear one announcement of a building being attacked, but the computer next to me says either nothing or announces a totally different building that was attacked within a reasonable time frame from the other. For example, you could put a few rounds into the WF to sound that announcement then jump to attack the power plant, but just because you heard that WF announcement, doesn't mean everyone else did. Some people might end up hearing the power plant announcement instead.[/b]

I don't know about LAN, but this isn't the case when playing online. Everyone hears the same annoucement, at the same time, whenever your NOD or GDI.
QUOTE (BLuel4bel @ Feb 4 2009, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yo fobby, this kid is right! You should get the building health away from the hud, even better, just put it back to the J button.[/b]

I agree. It is a bit overhelpful to the defenders to know which building is getting attacked the most. Many times you could do a lot of damage without being noticed because a different building was hit first and got the announcement.

Good defenders will make use of voice chat anyway so I suppose it is a minor issue.

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