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Awarding VP for tranny piloting on Walls/etc?

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Posted (edited)

On the few maps where Transport Helicopters are critical, if you play solely (or mostly) as transport driver you have basically 0 score. The players love you but you have nothing else to show for it :)And if someone doesn't want to do that sacrifice your team will usually lose, but you are performing a critical service.

Would it be possible to have a system where VP is awarded for transport use, e.g. 1 vp per pax per trip (10s minimum cooldown time etc).

Just an idea to promote more team gameplay basically - cheers!

Edited by N4CR
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Pilot auto heals passengers? Interesting idea. I'm sure that would throw balance way off somewhere though.


The VP for transportation sounds interesting, but how would that be dictated exactly? What would determine a "trip" lol

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18 hours ago, isupreme said:

Maybe piloting with passengers could pay out like you were healing.....

Teamwork should yield rewards.

But that would just encourage people to just sit in a transport helicopter all game until the pilot got veterancy or the pilot would purposely move slowly, take the longer path, etc and get rewarded for it.

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But that would just encourage people to just sit in a transport helicopter all game until the pilot got veterancy or the pilot would purposely move slowly, take the longer path, etc and get rewarded for it.

Possibly you are right and it could be abused.  But if it only gave a minimal amount of veterancy when there are passengers, I don't think many players would just ride around to give another player some veterancy.

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Very good points all around.

Healing-style payout might be easiest to implement but with max 10 seconds and a cool down to stop farming. Base to plat on walls is ~6-10s depending on how good your flight skills are.  So if you don't get VP in that time then it's sort of wasted implementation. But also avoid farming as suggested..

Just thinking of teamwork mechanisms that aren't in this game (nor any other!).

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The way Planetside 2 rewards its hard-working transport drivers is by giving them a portion of the XP earned by their passengers for a short time after they exit the vehicle.  Perhaps a variation of that would work here?

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That's kinda neat.   So a big bunch of gunners that kill a building would mean the pilot was really helping teamwork.  Where as just a person here or there would not pay off as much.

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18 hours ago, isupreme said:

That's kinda neat.   So a big bunch of gunners that kill a building would mean the pilot was really helping teamwork.  Where as just a person here or there would not pay off as much.

If you're regularly ferrying to e.g. platform they will hit buildings quite quickly after so you'd actually end up doing pretty well from it, likely close to comparable to actually shooting at buildings.


Quite often, when doing a chinook rush, it's difficult to score points as pilot. (if you are not willing to give the heli to the the enemy)

So, it would be great to participate in the scores that the other passengers achieve in the minute after exiting.
(so that buying a chinnook for rushing is not only selfless but can also reward the pilot)

  • Like 3
7 hours ago, AshbyJones said:

Give us City Flying first...

Development on it is frozen until Firestorm release.


7 hours ago, AshbyJones said:

...and fix the soundbug...

Only if someone would find a way to mess with engine without having source code AND knows where the problem lies in it.


Said this before and saying it again...

The VP system needs some fixing. I have posted about it here a while ago, yet it seems the devs simply don't agree with me. Or the post was too long...

In short - basically I think the VP system should be tied to the game timer - that is, every player gets a constant VP increase every few minutes (see the link for an example), in addition to other bonuses such as killing, repairing, etc. until they reach Elite rank - and then only bonuses from killing, repairing etc. apply to them.

That also means that if a new player joins (for example) 30 minutes after the round started, his/her VP can under no circumstance be higher than that of a player who was actively playing all those 30 minutes doing something useful as being a taxi pilot.  

I think this is stupid that a newly-joined player starts with more VP than a player who played the entire match, doing even something as basic as taxi-ing or even AFK-repairing a building (imagine you had a player constantly repairing a building from the start - wouldn't you think that player helps you actively? that player reduces damage from surprise rushes and buys their team more time to eliminate the threat...)

Not to mention it's quite ridiculous that if two new players join at the same time - the player which joined the leading (possibly stronger) team gets more VP than the one who joined the other (possibly weaker) team. Doesn't sound fair to me. In other words - the rich get richer. Doesn't help balance.

So - if the solution I suggest in the abovementioned post was to be implemented - the problem with taxi pilots is pretty much solved or at least becomes smaller - since they don't get (much) behind in VP compared to the rest of their team, and they surely won't have less VP than players who join some time after the game started. 

I hope you get my point.

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