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Suggestion: 'Reinforcements' power


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Most maps normally end up being a base locking snug fest, this can be painful if one team is down to one building with no hope of recovering -- in such games, I propose the commander getting a 'power' unlocked when only one building is standing, this power activates a timer (i.e. 15 mins) where the team has to defend while 'reinforcements' arrive, basically this is a gimic to give the other team a chance to win, as when the timer expires -- the other team loses.

Just thought it would add purpose to a game, where you are simply waiting to lose -- food for thought?

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8 hours ago, TomUjain said:

when the timer expires -- the other team loses.

What happens when the "reinforcements" arrive? Are those reinforcements free empty vehicles for the losing team, or just AI-controlled units that automatically slaughter the winning team? Or it's just merely a name where the losing team instantly win without actual reinforcements? Because when you say reinforcements, people expect to see new units entering the field and put into action.

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Tank drop power: Calls in a chinook to deliver one unmanned tank of your faction(Med/Light) to commander's current location, checking vehicle limit, vehicle pathability of current location and cannot be used in tunnels or otherwise air obstructed spaces. Enemy AA tower radius would also account for obstruction. The vehicle has no lock, counting as belongs to nobody, so that upon arrival can be stealed right off the bat.

Usable only when Weap/Air is alive. Extra mechanic to prevent Ltank being dropped into base for aiding SBH action: the chinook can be intercepted similar to missile.


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Well could drop a bunch of tanks and a few suits/uniforms down so if your team run over them they change to x char.

Althought not really sure how this would fit into normal play. Could make an interesting fun server or something though.

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12 minutes ago, SilentKnight said:

@UFOHey UFO that could be because Heroic =Chuck Modus, one step down is Rambo Modus 

You are right, Silent 😀

p.s. Sometimes it's really fun to defend the last building.

I remember defense of last HoN on X-Mountain - about 30 minutes of action and fun!


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If you can defend for 15 minutes with nothing but a semi-useless power plant or such against an undamaged enemy base, you are the real winners.
Its more fun to defend the last building than it is attacking it, and if can hold it for 15 minutes you can probably hold it even longer.
Every second your team stands against semingly impossible odds is humiliation for the enemy team, Swinging while losing is badass.

The idea of a commander calling in reinforcements does fall within the plausible lore of the game though, but it can't be an instawin condition.
Maybe something like spending CP in exhange for an airdrop/spawned crate in base instead, for simplicitys sake.
In such a situation i imagine both factions sending whatever they got within range as reinforcements, so a bit of RNG is fine.

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There can be an overtime artillery barrage mechanic to aid sieges end faster, the area around the last building would get bombarded with off-map artillery barrages of the assaulting team after an certain minute mark has been hit. The mechanic would kick in only when

one side has only one building remaining


after that building is still standing as the last one of that team for insertdurationhere time.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

I'd only accept reinforcements being dropped, but never an insta-win condition. Prior to Elite/Heroic, it is actually pretty hard to destroy a single building when the entire enemy team is defending it. Under is notorious for this when it's one of the buildings at the back of the base too. 

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I like the idea of giving losing teams a chance for a comeback, but not in favor of requiring only 1 building left in order to use it. What if a team only has 2 building left and they purposely let it be destroyed because having 1 building is better than 2? Doesn't seem right. And it might split the team where some wants to save both and some wants to let it be destroyed. The result is legitimate players repairing and trying to save both gets insulted while the ones that prefers 1 building left would start trolling, helping the enemy team destroy 1 of their buildings.

As for the OP's original idea of letting the losing team instantly win if they survive a certain time limit: why not just play timed matches? I remember when I was playing Renegade and Tiberian Sun Reborn, the losing team would defend their last building until time out. Off course, we still lose because of lower score but it was still a small victory for us to survive not getting slaughtered completely. Same thing with the original idea: if you survive 15 minutes, it's only a small victory not getting slaughtered but we know who the real winning team is.

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