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New Vehicle: Tesla Tank (Red Alert 2)


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Hey Guys, 

im working right now on a New Vehicle for Ren X. This Vehicle  will be the Red Alert 2 Tesla Tank.
This Vehicle will be published as Single Vehicle like the other Experimental Vehicles in the RenX Stuff (e.g Tesla Tank from Red Alert 1).
Some of you might know me from my Red Alert 2 Mod.  Right now i dont want to reactivate this Mod. Cuz that i will be a single Work. But i want to make a big difference to my Old work. In the Past i tried to fit my models as close as possible to the Voxel Models. With this Tesla Tank i want to break up with this. It will be more concept like and will have much more details. 

Heres my Progress so far:

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  • Totem Arts Staff
15 hours ago, Ska-Ara said:

with some help of Havoc im very proud to show the result :D
im now trying to get this ingame as look as good like this preview, hope it will look good too :D


Any video showing this off... I think it requires "Hell March" as the audio =D

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so... can we expect to see a map with a Tesla "theme" done by one of the community mappers soon?

[Like - telling the background story "how did the Sovjets send Tesla tanks to a different timeline" - is there a capturable tech centre which allows mysterious instant travelling {which we already have seen on @TheDeadlyWolfs Hourglass}, a.k.a. teleporting. sounds like a Veyron-project to me, as he's looking for ingame uses of his tech centres. (I would poke him, if I knew how to do so with these nuclear symbols...]


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hey Guys,

Sarah startet a Testserver for the Tesla Tank. Its not perfect, but already a funny Thing.

Just download this stuff http://goo.gl/KYEYNb and follow the Readme.
On the Server you can open the Console. Just type in 

sandboxspawn teslatank.ra2_vh_teslatank

and you will get one :D

Have fun. I will improve this tank in the next days to fix some bugs and ugly things 

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  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, Havoc89 said:

This looks great! Although I couldn't spawn the vehicle in the server. Apparently I was "Denied" :(

You have to enable the server gametools for everyone. Vote menu 9. It was enabled earlier, but I guess the map restarted or something

Edited by Sarah!
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2 hours ago, Ska-Ara said:

Hugh Damage Boost

whats the dmg stats for the new Tesla? (in comparison with the old [current] one?) seens the old tesla on AGN a lot lately.... and it's OP as fuck (close range ofc..) melts away Inf like nothing, and is strong against any vehicles as well. it's just weak due to it's LCG speed

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1 hour ago, Ska-Ara said:

could be a bit massive but we will see.

sounds like an OP VP snack unit. you can literally use the "long" reload duration to just snack other players vehicle kills. please keep that in mind.... as the actual unit kill gives the majority of VP (and not the assists....)

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400 Damage is set, but its actual less dmg cuz the dmg type. we test some battles and some players told me to increase the firerate a bit. 

i would prefer that anyone go onto the server and just test a bit. then write down his opinion here. so ppls can better discuss about that.

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Guest Gliven
2 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

sounds like an OP VP snack unit. you can literally use the "long" reload duration to just snack other players vehicle kills. please keep that in mind.... as the actual unit kill gives the majority of VP (and not the assists....)

You mean like what the Mammoth tank can already do? Don't forget that the telsa tank would be a crate unit, dont base gameplay on if you could get this vehicle anytime you wish.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
18 minutes ago, Gliven said:

You mean like what the Mammoth tank can already do? Don't forget that the telsa tank would be a crate unit, dont base gameplay on if you could get this vehicle anytime you wish.


It shouldn't be game winning, but it should have a small effect on the game at least.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

If we use this video as an example...

We can see that the electricity shoots from the middle, so maybe both sides conduct electricity which then causes the electricity from both coils to meet in the middle and shoot forwards (somehow and for some reason beyond our own understanding of C&C science) 

There should be a 1 - 2 second (or 1.5 second) charge up of the coils before the initial electrical strike, it may also be a good idea to include a lock-on for this particular weapon? So the weapon has to lock-on before it can actually strike an enemy... Because electrical attacks that miss by an inch makes very little sense... With this in mind then a Tesla Tank could be allowed to do up to 25% damage to a Mammoth tank with one hit :D  ...The Tesla tank itself not being a particularly tough vehicle, but would make it nightmarish if driven by somebody who is at Heroic rank 

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6 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

Because electrical attacks that miss by an inch makes very little sense...

given the high voltage it doesn't matter that much if you get hit directly or are standing next to the impact point. if struck, you'll most likely die (unless you're in a Faraday cage) to heart failure. if you're close to the point of impact... well. the elecricity has to go somewhere... and most gound materials are conducting.

the human body has a "physical resistor" of ~1k Ω - let's assume the Tesla Tank emmits an electric arc with 30kV - U = R * I -> I = U / R -> I ~ 30 A - currents of 50mA can already be deadly to the avg. human body... :/ so if Teslas were a thing.... you're dead. even with some kind of Exoskeleton :P

but we're talking about C&C Science... so let's forget about that :D

16 hours ago, Gliven said:

You mean like what the Mammoth tank can already do? Don't forget that the telsa tank would be a crate unit, dont base gameplay on if you could get this vehicle anytime you wish.

well, I think you can't really compare Mammoth DPS with Tesla Tank. Teslas are close range weapons with HIT SCAN ability, so whereever you aim - if you're in range... you'll hit.

Mammoth tanks got a main (double) cannon & missile tusks. the missiles are easily dodged by most Nod vehicles, the main cannon shells.... well at close range and without hard cover you'll most likely get a 100% hit, but at long range.... since the 5.31 nerf to projectile travel speed.... mammoth tankers have to pre-aim to hit a moving vehicle (which most Nod units do while facing a GDI Mammoth, unless they have 2-3 techies)


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  • Totem Arts Staff

was trying to get the tank on the test server last night around 930pm -6 CST, but i kept getting "Eva: Denied".


I downloaded the file from the post, put it in the right directory, enabled sandboxspawn, used



finally wanted to drive a Tesla, but no ;p

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  • Totem Arts Staff
6 hours ago, roweboat said:

was trying to get the tank on the test server last night around 930pm -6 CST, but i kept getting "Eva: Denied".


I downloaded the file from the post, put it in the right directory, enabled sandboxspawn, used



finally wanted to drive a Tesla, but no ;p

If you want, I can show you our download repo and you can get the files off there and summon it in a single player match.

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short break here , need help of havoc which is very busy right now.

but i think in 1 or 2 weeks it will be make a huge step nearly finsihing :) sry for this delay but good thing need time it will be result in a much better experience than now :D meanwhile is start a new vehicle, will show it if is ready to show up :D

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