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Stop bullying POI


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first of all: I'm anything but a saint.... but @dr.schrott you should keep in mind that poi tends to trigger such "hate-chat" by chat & ingame behavior. constantly t-baggin' anyone & humiliating others on global chat fuels those who dislike poi. but since poi keeps considerably calm & reasonable during the last days I guess someone put his foot down... [and don't be so modest @dr.schrott we all know about your skill]


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  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, DarkSn4ke said:

first of all: I'm anything but a saint.... but @dr.schrott you should keep in mind that poi tends to trigger such "hate-chat" by chat & ingame behavior. constantly t-baggin' anyone & humiliating others on global chat fuels those who dislike poi. but since poi keeps considerably calm & reasonable during the last days I guess someone put his foot down... [and don't be so modest @dr.schrott we all know about your skill]


Pretty sure each individual is responsible for their own actions and their own bitch-speak.

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Everybody's rage and ego will always control their fingers when they are typing about/to poi. They can't fathom the fact that they keep getting killed by the same person, and indeed it is annoying. I have always been a proponent of muting whiners, but there's guidelines for muting on CT, so not much I can do. 

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  • Totem Arts Staff
5 hours ago, Sarah! said:

Everybody's rage and ego will always control their fingers when they are typing about/to poi. They can't fathom the fact that they keep getting killed by the same person, and indeed it is annoying. I have always been a proponent of muting whiners, but there's guidelines for muting on CT, so not much I can do. 

Is player refusing to up the shut when you tell them to fuck? If yes, mute.


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   Good luck muting that one raging player when  half of the server is taking part in the bullying/complaining. 

   I think that an ignore button should be added. This way you can deal directly with whoever is annoying you without hurting the already fragile playerbase ( if we were to be really strict with rules and ban accordingly...the already small playerbase would become atleast twice as small )

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10 hours ago, Crowsy said:

   I think that an ignore button should be added. This way you can deal directly with whoever is annoying you without hurting the already fragile playerbase ( if we were to be really strict with rules and ban accordingly...the already small playerbase would become atleast twice as small )

Except I already added a client-side ignore command specifically on poi's request months ago.


exec function Ignore(string PlayerName)
	local Rx_PRI PRI;
	if (PlayerName != "")
		PRI = Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).ParsePlayer(PlayerName);
		if (PRI == None)
			ClientMessage("Error: Player not found.");
		else if (PRI.bAdmin)
			ClientMessage("Error: Cannot ignore admins.");


It's definitely not perfect, there's no UI, and it resets after each match, but it does help. Expanding it to be permanent would likely have steam-related limitations, or require universal authentication.

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If you have the restraint to not answer back their rage will fade.


We need to start some propaganda about "There are no cheats for Renegade-X." "The hackers are a lie!" "Do not swallow the green stuff."


@Agent, is it possible to add a filter to the bot? Say... Whenever a player types "poi" once it goes into the chat "poi" is replaced with "my penis" or "my ego" or "my pet"? I think that would be a good comic relief to the in-game chat. 

Just imagine it!

"Player584: !!! I ABSOLUTEly think that 'my ego' IS RUININg RenX!!!"

"Player409: 'my penis' is hacking and cheating!! aimbotnoob! Eat a dick 'my penis' "

"Player509: I swear to KANES ANUS 'my pet' that I will CUT YOU UP AND EAT YOU 'my pet'

And then any names which typically get attached to hate (that aren't normal words) can just be filtered. :) 

Edited by Madkill40
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4 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Also Agent, can this feature also use player id number in absence of name or be expanded to do so?

Exactly! It would be nice, if it would also "remember" the person's PID too when issuing this command, as some of these people tend to change names frequently in-game. At least this way the command would only need to be issued once per game...

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26 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Also Agent, can this feature also use player id number in absence of name or be expanded to do so?

I was going to say that anything that calls into ParsePlayer allows for substituting player ids and exact player name matches, but today I learned we have 2 separate implementations for this same function.

19 minutes ago, limsup said:

it would also "remember" the person's PID too when issuing this command, as some of these people tend to change names frequently in-game

It stores a reference to the ignored player's PlayerReplicationInfo, not their name.

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I'll tell Poi or JPJ to fuck off, but that is because I'd vastly prefer them to kill my teammates instead of me. However, I understand that it is not always possible to show me mercy so I guess I'll just let them murder me.

The only time it really makes me RQ is when the ref is down or we aren't getting any credits otherwise.

Edited by swaffelen
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