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  • Totem Arts Staff

Just a little Information:

New and (hopefully) final version will come with or after the new patch

  • 9 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Hey there,

It has been a long time but here is version 2.0. Please notify, that technical issues don't allow me  to upload the map to the RenX Forums, but you can download it with this link.


Should be the final version now, if Try-Out does not find anything. Maybe I need to do a 2.0.1 with a little change to make it playable on the public servers.

Edited by Luhrian
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

758059957_forestnight2.thumb.png.1f628ac72eb4894751b4b6cc5c5cd102.pngHey nice map, haven't played it seriously yet though.

Found a visual glitch that you may or may not be interested in, HIHIHI experienced it to.
only saw it at the back of hon, setting texture detail to medium from very high fixed it for me, not for HIHIHI.
Geforce 1080 something, i think HIHIHI said he had a Geforce 1050.

otherwise cool map, looking forward to trying it with lots of ppl sometime.


Edited by Syntharn
cus somehow i failed at paint
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Syntharn said:

758059957_forestnight2.thumb.png.1f628ac72eb4894751b4b6cc5c5cd102.pngHey nice map, haven't played it seriously yet though.

Found a visual glitch that you may or may not be interested in, HIHIHI experienced it to.
only saw it at the back of hon, setting texture detail to medium from very high fixed it for me, not for HIHIHI.
Geforce 1080 something, i think HIHIHI said he had a Geforce 1050.

otherwise cool map, looking forward to trying it with lots of ppl sometime.



It is caused by those emitters in combination with the sky material, had that problem at lamps on the bridge, too. I think that is not very easy to fix without removing the emitter or changing the sky material. I'll see what I  can do.

Edited by Luhrian
  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

Here are a few screenshots Try-Out asked me to post.

1. The lights at the back of the Hon are still not fixed, at least for me. This is on Intel HD Graphics 520 (but last time I saw them was on an Nvidia 1050ti.)



2. There is a spot near the Nod Refinery that has an invisible collision. As far as I can tell, it did not affect my character, but it did affect this Bradley. As you can see, it exists on both the Day and Night versions.



3. None of the stumps at the front of Nod's base have collision.



I hope these help!


  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks all of this helps.

15 hours ago, HIHIHI said:

3. None of the stumps at the front of Nod's base have collision.

  Hide contents


There are no collision on these, because it wouldn't make sense to add collisions on them. I made this space to give tanks some cover through the wall and the possibility to maneuver. If I would add collisions to them, you would get stuck all the time, it would be a pain in the ass. About that Hond thing, I think I'm gonna replace it, maybe I'll even place it in the Refinery or somewhere else in the Hand of Nod. Don't want to use another sky material because of this problem.

The second problem seems to be a messed up collision, probably happend through the use of the pen tool. I need to look at the geometry build warning list, but shouldn't be that difficult to fix.

I'm also gonna fix the containers at Hond and some changes to the fog, only for you Try-Out xD.

Should be done until next week.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Identinfied the problem at the Hand of Nod. The sky material and the Fog don't seem to like each other. Removed the Fog, should be fine now.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

To fix the lightning on CNC-Forest Night, I currently test differnt settings. Every lightning build takes like 6 hours on my machine, so it will take some time, until I found a version, that makes me and the people, who support me in testing, 100% happy. So it will take some time until I am able to finish it.

Edited by Luhrian

Here are a few screenshots I took while checking out the new version on Try-Out's server.

One: the moon is missing. (The stars look great, though!)


Two: the river looks really bright to me. Maybe it would look right if you could see the moon; I don't know.


Hope this helps!


  • Totem Arts Staff
5 hours ago, HIHIHI said:

Here are a few screenshots I took while checking out the new version on Try-Out's server.

One: the moon is missing. (The stars look great, though!)


Two: the river looks really bright to me. Maybe it would look right if you could see the moon; I don't know.


Hope this helps!


There is no moon because it's not in the material I think. He can fix that by adding a lens flare. 


Water is too bright for this dark scene.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Yeah already noticed those things. But my headache keeps me in my bed at the moment, feels like a jackhammer is working next to me 24/7. Maybe I can fix this next weekend.

Thanks for the report and help!

  • 11 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.4 released

I'm currently messing around with the lightning and day times on this map. The version I uploaded now is an evening version, a midday version and the night version will be added if we don't find any bugs or problems while testing. No point in doing 3 lightning builds if I need to change everything afterwards :/ . After that I'll update the preview images and maybe Mini Maps.

Have fun!

  • Like 4

i wish one day Forest will be released in a patch, i love your map :) i like its design and the infantry path - the forest looks fun ^_^ i'll come to T-O server in a few days to test it and see the new things you've added since the last version ;) 

  • Thanks 2
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.5 released


With the help of @Nexus51325 I am able to release a new even more fixed version with some nice changes to the collision changes to some trees to get a nicer gameplay. Full change list is as always at the downlaod section.

If you are interested in this map, there will be a custom map PUG the next Sunday (3rd of February, 8pm MEZ) were this map is likely to be played. If you participate it would be really helpful to get some feedback about the gameplay, because I have unfortunately an exam the next day, so I wont be there. More informations about the event over here:

Have fun!


  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.5.1 released

I just forgot to remove a flame tank I had placed for testing, sorry guys xD


  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

The map feels a bit like Islands with the split vehicle path and like Tomb or Training Yard with the back entrance to the base, but nothing wrong with this as I like both these maps. I really like the map lighting, environment and how it looks, especially the blue tiberium field. I would like more freedom to be able to jump across and explore the rocks in the central tiberium mountain and maybe this becomes a harder path or a place to snipe from. I would need to get a feel for how the map plays with tank warfare as there are a lot of trees and there's not much space in the base to position tanks as it immediately overlooks the Airstrip on the Nod side. I didn't see any automated guard towers on either team, so I'm wondering how much of an advantage Nod SBH might be at infiltrating or placing hard to find tree beacons etc. I couldn't find much height on this map for snipers, although that might be a good thing, but it could be very difficult for Nod to stop a GDI mammy rush if everything has to expose itself in order to shoot back. It will be good if we get to play test it during a Sunday PUG.

Edited by Mystic~
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  • Totem Arts Staff

The best thing that I like in this map on the envoironment side is the Tiberium Area indeed, they are really well done ! The inf path seem interesting and the crates in the base is an interesting idea too ! Also, I feel that the role defender will be important on that map with all these buildings entrance in the darkness of the Forest. And as said Mystic the lighting is funny too, there is a good ambiance with these yellow lights.
a Bad point on the envorionment is the river, the material seem extremly weird to my eyes and it doesn't looking enough good, maybe you can make it more beautiful ? I'm sure that there is a solution 😛
Good work !

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, Nexus51325 said:

 The inf path seem interesting and the crates in the base is an interesting idea too ! Also, I feel that the role defender will be important on that map with all these buildings entrance in the darkness of the Forest.

i've already know what and where will be my fav job on Forest ;)  and how i will sneak to enemy base when Forest will be released hehe ^_^ 

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

If I can give some tips and share errors that I made in the past...
about layout changing... don't change it every time, I remember that at the beginning of Desolation I was changing and modify it a LOT because at the second that someone was saying something bad on it I wanted to change it by fear to keep something bad (that was a big mistake to my eyes). Wait to see some match on it and think about it. If a lot of people complain about it then changing it is probably the right thing to do..

I'm just sharing my experience, maybe that can help you or not

Key word is probably : Take your time and observe

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  • Totem Arts Staff

2.6 released

change log:

  • small changes to the field layout
  • added and modifed some envoirmental elements
  • added one extra GT in both bases
  • turned Hond about 90° to make sneaking more difficult
  • changed lightning angle
  • improved spotting areas
  • added birds

to do: update mini map

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

2.7 released

Change log:


  • fixed GDI GT, it is now able to cover the ref back door properly
  • removed night version because of bad preformance (for now)
  •  fixed some bad culling
  • fixed bad tank blocking volume near Airstrip tower which prevented tanks to block the entrance


  • removed pipeline part at the GDI back entrance, they were just too annoying for tanks
  • made pipeline smaller to allow Infantry to walk underneath it without big problems
  • added new Tiberium area on Nod Infantry Path
  • added Magic Mushrooms from CNC-Tunnels
  • Tiberium Meshes are now using more detailed material
  • made blue tiberium meshes a bit smaller, they looked unnatural
  • added a more mossy material to rocks that are near the river
  • replaced rocks near bridge with new ones, that area should look better now

Income changes:

  • the Team Silos are now significant, which means they will be shown in the HUD and they need to be destroyed to win the map
  • set Credits per Tick for Team Silos from 0.5 to 1
  • Credits per Harvester turn increased from 150 to 160


Edited by Luhrian
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well I'm sorry to say that, but I need to fix one or two little things, uploading a new version within 24 hours.

  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.8 released

Change log:


  • reduced package size by removing night assets
  • area around Nod gun emplacement is now only Infantry
  • added Endgame Camera
  • fixed Tib Sun GDI logo needs BH packages
  • fixed bad culling


  • added wind and bird sounds
  • reduced river size
  • added Kane speech
  • added Kismet stuff (for example Tib Grow sequence)
  • added screens for bunker PC
  • rendering changes, scene is brighter now


  • Team Silo credits reduced from 1 per tick to 0.5 per tick
  • Credits per Harvester dump increased from 160 to 180


@kira wrote a script for the MC flags, they will change colors now depending on the team that owns the Medical Center. But this wont work until the next patch.

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.8.1 released


  • fixed mutiple stuck spots
  • GDI Deco comm center is visible now
  • changed some tree materials
  • fixed Kane screen isn't moving the way it is supposed to
  • updated preview image
  • Totem Arts Staff

2.8.2 released

2.8.2 Change log:

  • all Players will receive 170 credits after the first Harvester dump

Explanation: I feel like many maps are pretty inbalanced because Nod tanks are cheaper than GDI tanks, so the Nod team can take first Field control pretty quick and easy and lock the GDI team in their base. What makes this problem even worse on Forest is the short time the Harvester needs for one turn ( it is about 1 minute and 5 seconds), which has the consequence that the credits per dump are pretty low and that means GDI has to wait way longer to get some useful tanks out. As a RenX player you can observer that on many maps, for example Field, Islands, Tomb, Lakeside and Outposts. Of course I will observe the effects on the gameplay closely and make adjustments if needed.

  • added some EVA announcements
  • fixed Harvester stuck
  • added destroyable obstacles
  • fixed stuck spot at Medical Center
  • changed tree materials
  • changed some rendering properties
  • fixed some bad collisions

I have requested to play another game in a Pug on this map, so if you are interested to see how all of this works out in a real game keep an eye on the reminders channel in the RenX discord.

  • Totem Arts Staff


  • just fixing some minor details to get everything perfect
  • little (for the player not noticeable) Kismet changes to prevent weird bugs
  • Like 1
  • 4 months later...
  • Moderator

Hey @Luhrian,

I've had a poke around the new 'X' version of the map. Here's a couple comments (though possibly not issues - I'll leave it to your judgement). Screenshots in spoilers.

General thoughts:

- I appreciate the additional cover and high ground for infantry on field. I'm a bit concerned the field might be a bit too small now though. One-way infantry high ground and small vehicle chokes pretty much makes it impossible to pick off enemy field repairs with AT or vehicles. I'd imagine there'll be a heavy reliance on EMPs, airstrikes and snipers to do the job instead.

- The bridge on the northern path seems to be missing. I'm guessing that's not intentional..?

- I'm kinda iffy on having double GTs on infantry path, especially with the outer GT range covering up until bridge. Pretty much makes the infantry path a no-go area during the early stages of the map. 

- I didn't spot any decent rocket rush positions on the infantry path that don't require walking pretty much to each team's silo. Such a long rush distance is pretty brutal especially if a team has to pull a desperation rush. The outer GT also hurts. I get that super-long range rocket rushes can kinda feel like a cheap strategy to use, but it's a much smaller issue if they can only target a single building. This makes it predictable and easy to counter if spotted. Still, having the options open is also pretty important for making a map fun to play when you're in a losing position.

- Trying to avoid falling off the pipe by the tiberium fields is probably going to be a pretty unfun experience.

GDI Advantages:

- GDI's harvester is super safe in comparison to Nod's. GDI can use grenadiers to shoot over the laser fence to kill Nod's harvester while in cover. Nod has to commit to rocket soldiers for a similar effect. Nod's harvester is indeed less valuable than GDI's but it might be a bit too easy to kill Nod's. This is probably okay balance for PUGs but I don't know if public games will get organised enough to rocket GDI's harvester.



- The one-way side entrance to the southern field provides PERFECT cover for MRLS to splash tanks/repairs on GDI side cover. This doesn't make use of extreme missile curves either. It is not possible to hit or splash the MRLS from field if positioned correctly. Out of everything, this is probably the most exploitable thing I could find. I'd suggest changing the terrain or adding a pillar to allow splash damage or just changing the side paths to infantry only.



Nod Advantages:

- Frequent high cover on both sides of the field will probably make Flame tanks super effective for base locking. The one-way infantry path to the top of the cover might mitigate this somewhat though.

- Nod's building target options from field are on the whole, way better than GDI. Nod's Arties can quite safely poke at WF and BR while being mostly in cover. Refinery requires moving out of cover a bit to hit it, but it still should be possible for Technicians to repair the tanks for cover still.



GDI by comparison only has a tiny window to hit Airstrip safely. The majority of it is blocked by cover. Hitting HoN or Ref with Mediums and Mammoths requires the tanks to move completely out of cover and will definitely expose Hotwires. Hitting Ref as GDI also requires aiming at the chimney which is also considerably harder to aim at than what Nod has to aim at. GDI would almost certainly have to defensive buff to stand any decent chance of getting to apply damage on those buildings.



- Nod has a long range Arty spot on the northern path for shelling Barracks. GDI has no similar option. I'm personally okay with having this spot for Nod. It's super exposed and can't fit more than 2 or 3 Arties. GDI probably should get their own option though.



Closing thoughts:

I think the map is more balanced than before but I do think it probably has a bit of a Nod bias in the current iteration. Nod has a lot of quite safe options for building damage. GDI has to commit a lot more to get in position to hit more than the Airstrip and EMPs/Airstrikes/Flame tanks are all very good options for pushing GDI back to their side of the field.

Take all of this with a grain of salt. GDI's safe income might means they just spam mammoths and Nod never keeps Arties alive for long enough to deal decent building damage. Who knows.

  • Thanks 1

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