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Preliminary 5.28 Changelist


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  • Totem Arts Staff

5.28 Changelist


+Added significantly better support for Rx_DestroyableObjects [Explosions/Swappable Meshes]

+Added voices to infantry

+More Goats 

+Added voice taunt button [default is Z] 



+Reduced VP Armor break bonus to +15 from +20

+Reduced VP Building kill bonus to team from +50 to +35

+SAM Site : Increase clip size from 2 > 4. Max speed increased 5000 > 6000 ; Lifespan/Range increased from 2.0 > 2.5 ; Splash radius increased from 300 > 750 ; Increased Lock on strength

+AA Tower : Damage increased from 75 > 150; Max speed increased 5000 > 6000 ; Lifespan/Range increased from 2.0 > 2.5 ; Splash radius increased from 300 > 750  ; Increased Lock on strength

+ Reduced Remote C4 multiplier to the MCT from 5.0 to 4.1 

+ Missile Launcher : Increased lock-on aim requirment from 0.9999999 > 0.99 [....it's easier to lock-on] ; Lock Acquisition time increased from 0.75s > 1.25s ; Lock Tolerance time reduced from 3.0s to 1.5s

+ Repair Tool Mine disarm speed increased from 1.5 > 1.75

+APCs/Buggies/Humvees : Increased gun range from 6000 > 7000

+Shotgun Infantry: Reduced speed to 95 from 100;
Shotgun: Reduced headshot multiplier from 1.5 to 1.25


+MCFarland : Base Cost Increased 250; Reduced speed from 110 > 105 ; Added Frag Grenade
Flak Cannon: Removed hit-scan ; Ammo Reduced  from 12 > 8; Reduced alt-fire damage modifier to FLAK from 0.7 to 0.5 ; Reduced Alt-fire base damage from 60 > 45 ; Increased primary fire pellet count from 8 > 10 

+Grenadier : 
Grenade Launcher: Secondary fire Damage reduced from 70 > 40; Secondary fire Damage Radius increased from 200 > 400

VAR: Reduced secondary max charge damage from 300 > 175 ; Reduced Elite building damage modifier from 1.33 to 1.15

PIC: Reduced damage to all infantry 5% 

Rocket Launcher: Reduced Elite building damage modifer from 1.33 to 1.15

+Advanced Guard Tower: 
Guns: Reduced Spread from 0.01 > 0.005; increased Rate of fire from 0.20 > 0.15


+Flame Trooper: 
Flame Thrower : Reduced projectile speed from 2000 > 1750 ; Removed headshot multiplier (was too random with volumetric projectiles] ; Increased damage to infantry by 10% ; Reduced Collission radius from 20 > 10; Reduced Damage Radius from 100 > 50 ; Reduced MCT Damage scaling from 3.0 > 2.4

+Chem Trooper : Increased Base price to 250 ; Added Tiberium Frag Grenade
ChemicalThrower: Reduced projectile speed from 2000 > 1750 ; Removed headshot multiplier (was too random with volumetric projectiles] ; Increased damage to infantry by 10% ; Reduced MCT Damage scaling from 2.45 > 2.0

BTAR : Increased base spread from 0.02 > 0.05 to match VAR ; Reduced Elite building damage modifier from 1.33 to 1.15

Railgun: Reduced damage to all infantry 5% 

LCG: Increased max spread from 0.06 > 0.08 (reducing its effective range vs. infantry) ; Reinstated charge up time of 1.2s to flow better with strong-but-always-exposed motif; Unintendly gave the most demeaning voice overs.

+Stealth Tank : Increased lock tolerance from 0.2 > 0.5 ; Increased lock-on aim requirment from 0.997 > 0.99 [....it's slightly easier to lock-on] ; Increased Damage radius from 280 > 380

+Turret : Decreased damage vs. all infantry armor -20% ; Increased Vehicle(Light and Heavy) damage from 64 > 92

User Interface

+Added fade in effect/sound to Votes 

+Votes are now in Flash text

+Q Spotting friendly units now PMs 'I need Repairs'/Cover Me/Follow Me/Get In the Vehicle respectively.

+Q-spotting works on crates now 

+Q-spotting infantry should work correctly now in multiplayer 

+Double tapping Q on a target will draw a symbol over them that the entire team can see (Can't be seen through walls) 
It also changes the message from Enemy spotted to Focus Fire. 

+Added visual reticle on targets that are being locked on to 

+Added MVP, along with best Offense/Defense/Support awards at end game screen

+VP text now stacks on top of one another

+Building Damage VP text now adds up all damage before being shown, as opposed to spamming 10 messages when you instakill a building.

+Crosshairs now scale with resolution properly

Bug Fixes

+Projectiles that explode at the end of their lifetime now do damage instead of just playing explosion effects. 

+Fixed Grenadier secondary doing either no or double damage. 

+Locking weapons no longer consider infantry 

+Fixed a crash revolving around doing waaaaay too much damage to buildings [and causing a false positive on an infinite script recursion] 

+It is significantly harder [Nigh impossible] to shoot behind yourself in 3rd person now [Including with Vehicles like MRLS]

+You can no longer lock on to things behind you

+Switching from 3rd/1st person should no longer cause you to do a 180 in certain spots

+Bots can actually fly aircraft on Lakeside now

+C4 explosions should render to clients correctly now

+Q-spotting in general should work in net play [sans the note under known issues]

+You should no longer get credit ticks when the game hasn't started

+Greatly mitigated/fixed vehicles being able to shoot through thin walls. 

+Vehicles no longer stop firing completely when their barrels clip terrain

Map Balance

Canyon: Added Destroyable rock blocking the unused tib field between bases, making arty pressure less of a thing for at least 1:00 

Field : Added destroyable rocks to gain access to the backend tunnels leading to the PPs of both teams 

Walls : Added 2 SAM sites to both bases 

Snow : Added 3 destroyable columns to the vehicle tunnel to funnel early game pressure

Islands: Fixed the landscape around Nod tunnels; 
Fixed the scale of some bushes; 
Fixed GDI Hovercraft exploit

Whiteout: The entire hill is now accessible to vehicles, meaning vehicles on top can be flanked from the side as well as the sides no longer being infantry only

GoldRush: Fixed more out of map bugs


+Slightly optimized the flash HUD [Needs a lot of work] 

+Obelisk turns people to skeletons on death

Known Issues

+Artillery specifically sometimes don't do damage to destroyable obstacles when struck at the edges. 

+Dialouge volume settings only seem to take effect if you goto the menu and hit apply after every time you start the game. 

+Harvesters/Defences don't show up on the map when spotted/focused


Sudden willingness to touch things [And slave drive] again?? Yes. 

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  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, CampinJeff said:

+Locking weapons no longer consider infantry 

Does this include MRLS and stanks? If so maybe not remove it completely, but increase the lock-on tolerance, otherwise they'd be shutdown pretty easily

Yes. Stanks probably just need a damage radius buff for infantry..... The lock on really isn't that useful as is for them. MRLS... I see nothing really changing about MRLS not being able to lock onto infantry. Usually better to just use alt-fire for them anyway. 

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11 minutes ago, yosh56 said:

Yes. Stanks probably just need a damage radius buff for infantry..... The lock on really isn't that useful as is for them. MRLS... I see nothing really changing about MRLS not being able to lock onto infantry. Usually better to just use alt-fire for them anyway. 

Sloped surfaces are great for lock-on, like looking up on the whiteout hill when inside your base, looking at the Nod inf path from the silo on Xmountain, or the Nod main vehicle entrance on Field. Even though it was kinda strong even against flak infantry, removing the lock-on i feel would make it too easy to dodge. Instead I feel more effort should be made by the MRLS to get that lock-on, something like the rocket soldier treatment back in 5.0.

Also I feel the 500 sniper and ramjet tracer rounds should be a little more visible again like in beta 3-.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

+Walls : Added 2 SAM sites to both bases

For the first time in 15 years we see base defences on Walls!!! ----> Mindblowing!!! :P

Was thinking this morning about a new patch for the game. Going to the forums, ey new patch :P


Yosh maybe add a new custom map......

Edited by ThommyK0104
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1 hour ago, ThommyK0104 said:

Yosh maybe add a new custom map......

it's just the preliminary changelist.

Apart from Horologue no custom made map [last releases] made it to a clean bug-free version yet.

I'm waiting for the new Tunnels & Glasses release ;)

did you finish TY and Tomb yet? [though Tomb is not a new map :P]

@yosh56 is there a - preliminary - release date for the upcoming patch?

Edited by DarkSn4ke
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  • Totem Arts Staff

it's just the preliminary changelist.

I understand that but most of the times not really more stuff will be added ;)



did you finish TY and Tomb yet?

Of course I finished it :P



is there a - preliminary - release date for the upcoming patch?

Most of the times they don't know yet because there is always a bug they need to fix

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I'm not gonna go into details, but all in all it looks cool. I like all the infantry nerfs, hopefully losing HoN/bar will not be game over now?

" + Reduced Remote C4 multiplier to the MCT from 5.0 to 4.1  "  <-- will hotwires and techs still be able to destroy a building solo with this change? And, if yes, what will the margin be like? I'd hate if all their c4 dealt only exactly 200 damage to a building again... would have been a giant nerf to sneaking.


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17 minutes ago, Quincy said:

I'm not gonna go into details, but all in all it looks cool. I like all the infantry nerfs, hopefully losing HoN/bar will not be game over now?

" + Reduced Remote C4 multiplier to the MCT from 5.0 to 4.1  "  <-- will hotwires and techs still be able to destroy a building solo with this change? And, if yes, what will the margin be like? I'd hate if all their c4 dealt only exactly 200 damage to a building again... would have been a giant nerf to sneaking.


Wouldn't hurt to have said nerf. Alas, the situation is, this doesn't stop them from sneaking, this just requires them to have veterancy for insurance. It reduces the spread with a close margin, it can probably be out-repaired if 2+ engis repair the mct with 2 seconds left or something. It mainly prevents 3 engis from remote-wiping a building from apache/apc with a large margin of overkill even at recruit.

As always, you get perma-damage, so accomplishing remotes or sneaking guarantee critical levels of permanent damage. You just no longer wipe a structure from mass apache passengers, early surfing humvee, mass apache passengers, post-wf/air apc rushes, apache passengers... really, it's most important reason is no secret, it's another layer of "air nerf", and statistics show it's welcome. If a team saves a building from a sneaker, it'd have to be a pretty big repair response and pretty early game; by elite, the gap grows and repair does not.

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8 hours ago, Quincy said:

I'm not gonna go into details, but all in all it looks cool. I like all the infantry nerfs, hopefully losing HoN/bar will not be game over now?

" + Reduced Remote C4 multiplier to the MCT from 5.0 to 4.1  "  <-- will hotwires and techs still be able to destroy a building solo with this change? And, if yes, what will the margin be like? I'd hate if all their c4 dealt only exactly 200 damage to a building again... would have been a giant nerf to sneaking.


It was like around 5.004, where a recruit hotwire/tech could just barely kill a building with all their c4s. If you remember, you could save a building by repairing it even the slightest, and it'll survive with like, 0 or 1 HP. Remotes got buffed because it was an annoying tactic to save buildings like that. Then veterancy got introduced, which buffs C4 damage overtime as you gain ranks.

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1 hour ago, CampinJeff said:


Wasn't it on 4.0 multiplier in 5.004? It's 4.1 now, I thought that provides 0.1x c4 damage worth of overkill (not too much overkill, can still be saved)

Again, even then, it works with a complete surprise detonation, it works with any veterancy whatsoever, it still gets perma-damage, it fixes few engis insta-killing structure by remote, and honestly it'd also be nice to reduce remotes damage to SAMs (or slightly increase health) because the instakill threshold for a SAM is pretty easy.

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Can the Frag Grenade, or specifically the Patch grenade shot, do some splash btw? Before I upgrade my computer, record my regular matches, and make a compilation of bullshit grenade failing to damage a target.

I may be bad, but when discussing horseshoes and hand grenades, it should NOT be my fault for not landing a ringer with a hand grenade ffs.

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1 hour ago, IllumZar said:

Will the Server queue / Waitingroom be added?

Most important thing imo.

@Agent and @Schmitzenbergh haven't said anything about that, except last they spoke that they think it can be implemented in the in-game browser of how many people are pinging to the browser and to ready up so enough people can populate a game together.

So it's conceptualized, but not implemented afaik.

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1 hour ago, YagiHige said:

So it's conceptualized, but not implemented afaik.

Ah I see...

The reason I hope to see this feature soon is because imo it would drastically increase the number of players online.



When I see a server with 39 players, I'll give it one try to join. If it kickes me out because it's full (after watching that intro that feels like half an hour for the 6015th time) I turn around and just play another game leaving RenX behind for the day...

And a lot (most) of players think that way... especially the new ones.

And of course nobody wants to play on an empty server... Thats why there is often one server with 40ppl, the 2nd one maybe 3ppl and the rest 0.


The ppl want to play BUT

- they don't want to join an empty server

- they don't want to wait 10min to join a full server


It is possible to populate multiple servers; like today there was the PUG server and the normal Server and both were very well filled with players.


Just my thought sry if I'm overreacting :D

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