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Trump Won


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  • Totem Arts Staff

As it stands now, Clinton 215 | 264 Trump. AZ is 49% Trump so I'm just gonna call it now. gg wp Trump. 

Anyway, just a reminder to you American Renegade's, when Hitler came into power the jews didn't have the internet to inform the world of what was happening to them and that's all your culture is known for so if you all start going quiet then we know why, but you'll probably let the world know regardless. ;) 

We probably won't come to save you because of your god damn Navy and the fact that you guys can be so easily motivated into doing what somebody tells you, but I'm certain Putin will embrace us in Europe with a communist cuddle in the meantime. 

A great miraculous twist would be Trump being the Anti-Hitler, another miraculous twist would be Renegade-X so exit Beta so it can publicize "Full Release V1.0".

Just wishful thinking things.


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Neither candidate is supportive of full aggressive slaughter of any demographics. Both are pretty corrupt in their own ways. Hillary wasn't fully pro-women or pro-lgbt or pro-minorities, she was willing to say so for the votes. Trump isn't a politician, probably shouldn't be considering how vulgar and rash he is.

There were two bad candidates. While both bad, neither were Hitler, but just in case you needed a comparison anyway...


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Also, just wanted to point out, Recreational Marijuana was just legalized in 3 more states, making Washington, Colorado, Nevada, California, AND Massachusetts, 1/10th of the country, pot-friendly. I hope Trump is "renegade" enough to step over his party and legalize it federally. Slim chance, but fuck if we aren't making progress, and Trump isn't even a "politician" so it isn't impossible for him to make rash judgements for shits and giggles, like legalizing marijuana.

If anything good can come from this, it's a shot in the dark, but it'd be that.

Well, that, and the collapse of both current major parties, as more open-minded republicans become libertarian, while untrusting democrats become either "progressive" or green party.

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Just now, KrypTheBear said:

And the water will pay for the wall ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

It's funny, how this is still funny. I really do think once the people currently over 48 die of natural causes, politics are going to be way more "reasonable". Like a democratic-socialist, versus a candidate who wants restricted-government-involvement.

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1 minute ago, YagiHige said:

It's funny, how this is still funny. I really do think once the people currently over 48 die of natural causes, politics are going to be way more "reasonable". Like a democratic-socialist, versus a candidate who wants restricted-government-involvement.

The greatest thing about it that this allows me to shitpost near anywhere on the internet to trigger all the SJWs and hill-shills

But yeah, if Shillery didn't kick Bernie out (check the leaks) we would have had our democratic socialist. The democrats got what they deserved, haha. 

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Guy from Poland here. Despite what they say in the wide world, it's not bad here - just the ususal political shitfest with people calling the other side the worst, it's just that our liberals have friends in western media and EU structures and are just that desperate to use these connections in an internal fight. I'm not saying that the current goverment is OK, mind you.

As for US elections, I think both Hillary and Trump were terrible candidates from ethical and political standpoints. I am afraid America is slowly spiralling downwards and their position in the world will steadily crumble. Bad news for us, becouse Russians are living the USSR dream 2.0. right now.

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15 minutes ago, Lt.Hargrove said:

Guy from Poland here. Despite what they say in the wide world, it's not bad here - just the ususal political shitfest with people calling the other side the worst, it's just that our liberals have friends in western media and EU structures and are just that desperate to use these connections in an internal fight. I'm not saying that the current goverment is OK, mind you.

As for US elections, I think both Hillary and Trump were terrible candidates from ethical and political standpoints. I am afraid America is slowly spiralling downwards and their position in the world will steadily crumble. Bad news for us, becouse Russians are living the USSR dream 2.0. right now.

It was bad in the 30's. We forget that the way we react, and the way things run downhill, doesn't mean we should give up, because we aren't going anywhere (well, a grave eventually). We'll get emo, it'll be a phase, we'll get over it, we'll probably not descend into "racial/misogynistic wars" and will probably treat humans like humans and become more fiscally responsible and level-headed from it.

Goodness only knows, we need yin and yang, we need protections for everyone to be everything they were born as and/or want to be, but we also need to quit dividing people by the same things, just because they are different in whatever way, doesn't mean they don't function as people with the same basic living requirements. When the liberals themselves are this hostile and blood/war-thirsty, we know we need to calm the fuck down.

Did I mention legalized marijuana? Seriously, if we do that as a country, maybe we actually CAN just calm the fuck down and lay off the over-governing people thing. It's really the only thing we're afraid of Republicans/Trump doing, over-governing and using law to prosecute those they find "weird".

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31 minutes ago, j0g32 said:

Honestly, as little as I would have wished for it, I am not that surprised about the election outcome...

Just so sad to see this "lining up" with all the recent Nationalist / Conservative movements, e.g. France, Germany, Poland, UK and now US...

Fascist since '33. And it's the most fascist thing to invite Syrians over to fuck our wives. </exaggeration>


13 minutes ago, Ska-Ara said:

building a wall is no plan dude.

Hey, we Germans know very well that building a wall works. Sometimes. 

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Now EU can either prosper and become a federal structured nation-like anything or it will fall apart and result in an overpowered germany in the middle of an confused continent between an expansion-orientated russia and an isolation-orientated US far away while the middleast is burning and turkey intends to reestablish the ottoman empire.

We truly live in interesting times, hopefully we survive them.

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I'd rather have Trump president over there than Clinton ((Soros)). Trump may be fucking up the US but Clinton would continue creating chaos in the middle east and worsen the relations with Russia (No fly-zones in Syria etc.)

I'm so sick of dumb and naive people on social media acting like the Trump victory would result in WW3 and a US terror state.

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∆ exactly. All this rioting ppl in US shouting all the night about he is dividing the ppl and that trump supporters are too negative and trump is too negative... Shouting it while burning a cars, and while they are ones who devide and riot, lolololo. Talking about love, but spreading hate. Pure hypocritisism.

If anything, there will be more safe America and no more war in the world... No more childish provoking Russia, no more destabilization in middle east.. or.. we will see. Now it's his turn to prove himself. I can finally take a break arguing with Trump haters over the internet and life. I dont need to care anymore. Feels so great and warm. Mmm ^^

Edited by Axesor
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11 minutes ago, j0g32 said:


Regarding this

6 hours ago, j0g32 said:

Honestly, as little as I would have wished for it, I am not that surprised about the election outcome...

Just so sad to see this "lining up" with all the recent Nationalist / Conservative movements, e.g. France, Germany, Poland, UK and now US...

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6 hours ago, KrypTheBear said:

Fascist since '33. And it's the most fascist thing to invite Syrians over to fuck our wives. </exaggeration>

Use </irony> tags instead then ;)

Still, not sure if troll or not...

Btw I was not thinking of refugees, but rather PEGIDA, AfD, FN, PiS, UKIP etc.

But yeah, why bother politics anyway :-P

This is Renegade X.

Everyone is gonna be fine .

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Well the Netherlands is fine.

Our king is a next-gen king:


He can dab 'em :P


He was spotted in a McDonald's :P 



He was DJ in Chigago :P


That's why I like him as king :P


And I love the Dutch culture......but you know why?........I actually don't know either.....

Edited by ThommyK0104
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  • Totem Arts Staff

If media is run by politicians to control the populous then that was clearly the entire run throughout this presidential stuff. If people are going to get stupid. (Kenz)

In any case, hopefully Americans can get over it and stop comparing their shit to Brexit.

Seriously, the entire election calls were littered with, and I'm simplifying. "If Trump wins then we'd be making as dumb a decision as the Brits did with Brexit." 

Looks like everyone is just sick of being poor and are trying to take the routes of "We want money because decency has died"

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