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Thanks to a bit of work from Schmitzenbergh (as well as some small contributions from myself and preview videos from Glacious), the upcoming launcher appears ready and stable. I've uploaded both the launcher and the installer so that they can be tested; we especially need users to test the heck out of the installer, since this is an entirely new installation process than we've used before.

The new installation process works by having the launcher download and install the entire Renegade X game client based on the data available from the patch servers, and only having a very small (7 MB) MSI file to install the launcher. The launcher installer will create start menu and desktop shortcuts for your convenience. This means that we do not have to constantly create builds for the game every time there's a patch, and can just build patch files instead. Integrity checks will now be done on every single file downloaded for the game client, hopefully solving corruption issues that have been reported in the past. Finally, it also means that end users will not have to update their client immediately after downloading the game client (because sometimes the posted builds get out of date).

The launcher preview videos are not included with the launcher, as they will be pushed with the upcoming game patch. I've included them here if you would like to have them included -- just ensure that the videos sit in a folder named "PreviewVids" inside your "Renegade X" root installation directory (same place as "Launcher", "UDKGame", "Binaries", etc).

If you test the installer, please report your operating system and success/issues here.

Download Links

Installer: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/Ren ... taller.msi

Launcher: http://www.renegade-x.com/launcher_data ... r-3879.zip

Preview videos: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/PreviewVids.zip

Notable new features to the launcher include:

  • * Map preview videos instead of images
    * Custom content downloader
    * "Verify Game Integrity" and "Reset Game" options in the Settings menu
    * Level names are now parsed, rather than using a name translation table


Wow, this new installation method sounds very sophisticated and professional - great that you will include that!

Didn't test the installer yet though...

The videos look good, although I feel they might be a bit inconsistent: sometimes overviews are shown, sometimes only one team's base is shown, sometimes only landscape/field close-ups...

Very excited for the new Field :)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks to a bit of work from Schmitzenbergh (as well as some small contributions from myself and preview videos from Glacious), the upcoming launcher appears ready and stable. I've uploaded both the launcher and the installer so that they can be tested; we especially need users to test the heck out of the installer, since this is an entirely new installation process than we've used before.

The new installation process works by having the launcher download and install the entire Renegade X game client based on the data available from the patch servers, and only having a very small (7 MB) MSI file to install the launcher. The launcher installer will create start menu and desktop shortcuts for your convenience. This means that we do not have to constantly create builds for the game every time there's a patch, and can just build patch files instead. Integrity checks will now be done on every single file downloaded for the game client, hopefully solving corruption issues that have been reported in the past. Finally, it also means that end users will not have to update their client immediately after downloading the game client (because sometimes the posted builds get out of date).

The launcher preview videos are not included with the launcher, as they will be pushed with the upcoming game patch. I've included them here if you would like to have them included -- just ensure that the videos sit in a folder named "PreviewVids" inside your "Renegade X" root installation directory (same place as "Launcher", "UDKGame", "Binaries", etc).

If you test the installer, please report your operating system and success/issues here.

Download Links

Installer: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/Ren ... taller.msi

Launcher: http://www.renegade-x.com/launcher_data ... r-3879.zip

Preview videos: http://www.renegade-x.com/downloads/PreviewVids.zip

Notable new features to the launcher include:

  • * Map preview videos instead of images
    * Custom content downloader
    * "Verify Game Integrity" and "Reset Game" options in the Settings menu
    * Level names are now parsed, rather than using a name translation table

looked at the preview videos and the new / updated maps looks great. I love that Field has a new infantry path like on Under. And a new tunnel?!. Awesome job on the marathon breaking Field. But is the preview video of Field, Field X?

About Gobi. Looks great but the original Gobi was an infantry only map, am I right. And this version is based on the TCW version.

And a question about the new Tech Building. Which maps own this Tech Building? I saw one on Field but is this the only map with the new Tech Building?

Posted (edited)

Good job, I am testing it right now.

Managed to fool the 'old' launcher twice to setup 5.21 (that's why I know there has a new build been released yesterday). Will see what this one brings me.

Installation goes smooth.

While I have multiple versions of Renegade, it still can't find my configuration OR needs to update it. Hope I am not updating my 'live client' but we will see.

Update 2: it's installed and now installing the (new?) UDK developer kit

Update 3: all went smooth and I am ingame again with patch 5.16.

What else do you want to know Agent?

Tested it on Win7, also the skip intro movies works now (i know there was an easy fix, but just out of the box it works!

Edited by Guest

looked at the preview videos and the new / updated maps looks great. I love that Field has a new infantry path like on Under. And a new tunnel?!. Awesome job on the marathon breaking Field. But is the preview video of Field, Field X?

Field & Field-X are merged I heard yesterday and renamed to just 'Field.' + it has multiple extra tunnels for inf. and vehicles :)


I didn't try out the new installer but here's a small issue with the launcher (maybe it's a known issue):

I put the new launcher into my RenX folder.

In the launcher selected the Test server.

Clicked on the Join Server button.

Maps started to downloading.

At the currently played map (Paradise) a popup told me that not all maps had been downloaded. Am I cool with that.

Sure. Game launched and slowly started to download Paradise.

Selected a server with mutators and stock maps.

The same message popped up instantly that not all maps had been downloaded.

Fine, launch the game anyways.

The internal downloader kicked in to get the mutators.

Preview videos were ok.

Validating the files was ok. Although it downloaded a 161 MB package.

Hope this helped a bit.

I didn't try out the new installer but here's a small issue with the launcher (maybe it's a known issue):

I put the new launcher into my RenX folder.

In the launcher selected the Test server.

Clicked on the Join Server button.

Maps started to downloading.

At the currently played map (Paradise) a popup told me that not all maps had been downloaded. Am I cool with that.

Sure. Game launched and slowly started to download Paradise.

This is due to you having selected a server with custom maps that are not available on the repository. The seeker works like this:

It retrieves all the GUIDs of the maps that are currently in the servermaprotation. Then it checks if you have those maps on your system. It does this by checking GUIDs of the server map against the System map. If they are equal, no problem and continue on. If they are different, check the repository if the server map is available (With that specific GUID). If it is available, it will download and install the map. If it is not available, you will get the message at the end that not all the maps have been downloaded(As it is not available) thus if you click continue you will be sent to the game. If the current map on the server happens to be THAT map you couldn't download, the game will download it internally.

If you have a previous version on your system, but the server has a newer one, it will try to download it aswell (As there is a GUID mismatch)

So it works well, as the map wasn't available on the repository. (Just as Agent said)

Selected a server with mutators and stock maps.

The same message popped up instantly that not all maps had been downloaded.

Fine, launch the game anyways.

The internal downloader kicked in to get the mutators.

Are you 100% sure there are no modifications on your stock maps? The seeker can't download stock maps because they are not available on the repository.


Thank you for the detailed explanation how the launcher works.

As for the second case I'm sure I have unmodified maps. I did modified the radio commands and other sound related stuff, but always restored the originals after the test sessions (those packages aren't related to maps anyways.)

The internal downloader downloaded the commander mod and another file. Maybe the other file was the extra map, although I doubt this as it was very small (around 900 Kb).

I'll reinstall the game (with the new fancy installer ;) to reproduce this.

Notable new features to the launcher include:

  • * Map preview videos instead of images
    * Custom content downloader
    * "Verify Game Integrity" and "Reset Game" options in the Settings menu
    * Level names are now parsed, rather than using a name translation table

*Settings > Skip Intro Videos



Used the new installer, everything was fine. W7

Then tried to reproduce the mutator-stock map issue, but there were only two servers with standard settings, so I wasn't able to. Anyways good job!

I have two little observations. So little ones that I'm going to write it in small letters.

The installer have a low quality picture at the top of the window. Maybe it's an 8 bit picture idn.

Maybe you could give version numbers to the launchers, to this point all of them are marked as 1.0.


I believe he's referring to the .exe's metadata where it has always been labeled as "". I'll poke at that at a later date.

On a related note, I might change the version string format at a later date to include a patch and revision number at the end.


I'm back with some result from a W10 installation.

First of all the installer picture on top looked perfect:


This is what I got in W7:


Weird I know.

The installation was okay, although I received this at the end of it:


This greeted me first time in the launcher:


After restarting it displayed the usual messages and everything was in order.

I think you redirected the launcher to download 5.16 instead of 5.2 so I was able to reproduce the stock map + mutators combo. Once again I can confirm that no maps were modified as it was a fresh install (even installed a new W10 to test the installer). Window popped up, that I don't have all the maps, launched the game, and 2 files downloaded ingame (commander and weapons mod). The server is called City4All in case you want to see it yourself.

As for the launcher version, I was referring to the exe's metadata, it's always been

I'll go to a 15 people LAN tomorrow which will last for 5 days, hopefully 5.2 will be released during that time so I can show my friends how cool RenX become :)


I have no idea why the UE3 redistributable didn't install correctly (probably some fringe permission or path issue). Also, the City4All thing is not a bug with the launcher -- it's actually a bug with the commander mod mutator (which incidentally shouldn't work with the upcoming patch). #BlameYosh

To see why, I'll just paste this and let you find the error:

	"Name": "[EU] City4All - Marathon [With Mutators]",
	"Current Map": "CNC-Mesa_ii_Day",
	"Bots": 1,
	"Players": 0,
	"Game Version": "Open Beta 5.16",
	"Variables": {
		"Mine Limit": 25,
		"bSteamRequired": false,
		"bPrivateMessageTeamOnly": false,
		"bPassworded": false,
		"bAllowPrivateMessaging": true,
		"Player Limit": 40,
		"Vehicle Limit": 9,
		"bAutoBalanceTeams": false,
		"Team Mode": 1
		"bSpawnCrates": true,
		"CrateRespawnAfterPickup": 25.000000,
		"Time Limit": 0
	"Levels": [
			"Name": "Non-existent RconCommand - executed as ConsoleCommand",
			"GUID": "00000000000000000000000000000000"
	"Mutators": [
			"Name": "Rx_Soldiers"
			"Name": "Rx_CommanderMod"
			"Name": "rx_pugcontroller"

We should probably let the launcher display a separate error when the GUID is 0 though.

Did you fix it so it properly works with steam and says "In-game RenegadeX" yet?

You need to do that manually. Steam only recognizes UDK, not the specific game that's running it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I may be late for the party. However, I tried manually downloading the launcher. Then I tested the launcher. This is what I ended up with


Each time I try to open the launcher, nothing appears. 5 of these were run about 2 hours ago, and I just deleted and re-extracted the files and tried for the 6th time. I cannot even end the process(es) until now

I have Ren X in D:/ drive, with files replaced and left alone.

I may be late for the party. However, I tried manually downloading the launcher. Then I tested the launcher. This is what I ended up with


Each time I try to open the launcher, nothing appears. 5 of these were run about 2 hours ago, and I just deleted and re-extracted the files and tried for the 6th time. I cannot even end the process(es) until now

I have Ren X in D:/ drive, with files replaced and left alone.

Try rebooting first, then running as administrator ?

  • Totem Arts Staff

haven't tried running as admin, did a reboot tho

As a side note, when I try to run from start menu, it doesn't auto-close it. Since my mouse button double clicks by accident quite often, this led to the launcher being run three times within one second

EDIT : Alright, seems to work now. I think it has something to do with either one of these

1. Wi-fi connection that seems to be blocking something

2. Accidental triple instance of the program leading to crash

3. Requirement to run as administrator first before being able to run it normally.

Either way, I think I'll use right click open later on, just to be safe


Currently the PUG server is set up as 5.16, I can update the server as needed, but only if I find out within the next 5-6 hours max

Also there would be no way to do so, you would need another installation to play, since so many files are changed in the 5.2 update, you would have a large amount of file mis-matches

  • Totem Arts Staff
Any way to manually make it so we sync our version to 5.16 from 5.2, for the PUG which I am fairly confident will be 5.16 unless I am mistaken?

Config folder, in DefaultRenegadeX.ini set

Change these from whatever they are right now to this


GameVersion ="Version 1"



Assuming you didn't mess around with your configs for the launcher, that should force it to re-update to 5.16


Downloaded the ZIP, cause the launcher got stuck in a loop, now I have an issue that my ZIP file 'hangs' forever when extracting newtonsoft.json.dll.

Rebooted PC, disable AV, tried everything but with every attempt the result is that it won't uncompress.

Testen with:


Total Commanders extracter



Had no issues before.

Redownload the zip

I did, twice...

There is no issue when I use the MSI, so it just do that, but I guess the zip has issues.


No clue, but just verify if someone else has it. On the other hand: when I installed the 5G installer I had issues with the same file for some reason.


How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly



How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly

[attachment=1]rx avail.jpg[/attachment]


This is exactly what happened to me last night..

I got around it my manually downloading the new launcher and extracting the contents of the zip to the 'Launcher' directory in the Renegade x folder.

link to launcher zip:

http://www.renegade-x.com/launcher_data ... r-3879.zip

Posted (edited)

Should I delete everything in my previous Laucher folder and place the new contents in it ?

Also Idk if its because the game is not on my C: that it not doing this auto like it should be (?)

Edited by Guest
Should I delete everything in my previous Laucher folder and place the new contents in it ?

That's what I did, and it worked previously (untill I had issues with the zip file, but thats a different story). My game is on the I:\ disk!

How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly

[attachment=1]rx avail.jpg[/attachment]


Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem)

How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly

[attachment=1]rx avail.jpg[/attachment]


Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem)

I have a shortcut to it ..I think i made a custom program folder on my E: ..I can post my exact Path tonight after work

How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly

[attachment=1]rx avail.jpg[/attachment]


Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem)

No, mine runs from a non windows drive

How this work?

I didnt try to download manualy yet..

I just start my usual old launcher .(1).he detect my old version ..he ask to download ..(2)I do..(3 )ask to close to install and restart ..I do ..but it

and nothind get installed automaticaly

[attachment=1]rx avail.jpg[/attachment]


Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem)

My Path

"E:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Launcher\Renegade X Launcher.exe"


When I start the launcher, it notifies me there is an update for launcher 0.63. I download it, click close to restart.

The launcher restarts, and the same prompt comes up saying that an update to launcher 0.63 is available.

And this continuously loops again and again.

So I decided to reinstall it.

And another trouble appeared in destination folder screen. It shows me "Installation directory must be on a local hard drive" prompt whatever I type there (even when I left default folder).

I hope it would be fixed soon. Thanks in advance!


I had a copy on my C:

So Id try that one, launcher and game seem to get updated alright ..

But when I start the game directly (UDK) or by the launcher ..game starts but stay (loading wheel) on the Establishing Battlefield control Screen

Task manger to end it

Did Administrator on UDK.exe and the Launcher ..same results


Log: Log file open, 08/03/16 20:54:23

Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467

DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini

Init: Version: 12791

Init: Epic Internal: 0

Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jan 29 2015 19:31:11

Init: Changelist: 2424394

Init: Command line: -ini:UDKGame:DefaultPlayer.Name=xtractor

Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\

[0000.24] Init: Computer: (xxxxxxxx)

[0000.24] Init: User: (xxxxxxxx)

[0000.24] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8

[0000.24] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.331230 MHz

[0000.24] Init: Memory total: Physical=16.0GB (16GB approx) Pagefile=32.0GB Virtual=4.0GB

[0000.42] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1

[0000.64] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1

[0000.71] Init: WinSock: I am (xxxxxxxx) (xxxxxxxx)

[0000.71] Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.

[0000.71] Init: Object subsystem initialized

[0000.84] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

[0000.84] Log: Adapter has 1488MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 2559MB of shared system memory

[0000.90] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3

[0000.90] Error: Error, Manifest doesn't exist: ..\..\UDKGame\Script\Manifest.txt

[0000.93] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED

[0000.94] Init: Initializing FaceFX...

[0000.94] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.

[0000.98] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Turtle Beach COD EFF Headset)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 16 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)

[0005.01] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 3.88 seconds

[0005.02] Log: 75633 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.

[0005.02] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.

[0008.86] Log: Missing cached shader map for material Mat_GlowSphere, quality 0, compiling.

[0008.86] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material RX_IonCannonStrike.Materials.Mat_GlowSphere for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.

[0009.49] Log: Initializing Engine...

[0009.57] Init: UEngine initialized

[0009.87] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.

[0010.82] Log: Found PS2 controller with new converter

[0010.83] Init: Client initialized

[0016.20] Log: Initializing Steamworks

[0016.21] Log: Logged in as 'xtractor'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'

[0016.38] Log: LoadMap: RenX-FrontEndMap?Name=xtractor?Team=255

[0016.50] Log: Game class is 'Rx_Game_MainMenu'

[0016.51] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.

[0016.51] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.

[0016.52] Log: Bringing World RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.08.03-20.54.39

[0016.53] ScriptLog: ----YOSH'S LOG------ GDI Bots given to RX_Game---- 0

[0016.53] ScriptLog: ----YOSH'S LOG------ Credits given to RX_Game---- 30

[0016.53] ScriptWarning: Accessed array 'Rx_MapListManager_0.AvailableGameProfiles' out of bounds (0/0)

Rx_MapListManager RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_MapListManager_0

Function RenX_Game.Rx_MapListManager:GetCurrentGameProfileIndex:00D3

[0016.54] ScriptLog: INITIAL: -1 -1

[0016.55] ScriptLog: Game profile Index was NONE

[0016.56] ScriptLog: GDI:0.0000

[0016.56] ScriptLog: Nod:0.0000

[0019.53] ScriptWarning: Accessed array 'ProviderList' out of bounds (21/21)

Rx_Game_MainMenu RenX-FrontEndMap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Game_MainMenu_0

Function RenX_Game.Rx_Game:SetupMapDataList:0074

[0019.53] S

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