Henk Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Is it meant to be that infantry can jump over the walls by Nod Ref and GDI Barracks? If not then i'ts not done Was also able to double Ion the PP and HoN (but you have to put it in a hard to cover spot, but I don't think players (on Nod ) would like it if they lost 2 buildings to a single Ion strike) Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted September 26, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted September 26, 2015 Originally pp was added to this map. And for nod you can nuke wf and ref in one time I Will check the wall thing later Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted September 27, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted September 27, 2015 UPDATED VERSION: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing Here you go Yosh Quote
Ruud033 Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 Hey Thommy. Many people are complaining about lag in your map. Nobody really could understand why, so I took a look at your map. I see you're using the foliage collision volume over the whole map. That's not what the volume is designed for. We use the foliage collision volume for small batches of trees. So we have a lot of volumes in our level. For example, on this one batch of trees, I've created 4 volumes. Why 4?? Because I don't want the collision on the far end of the tree batch to spawn, when I'm only colliding with one tree!! To clearify: the collision only spawns if a VEHICLE is touching the volume. There's no need to spawn any other collision if you're not touching. -------- /offtopic Considering the small amount of trees you have, you can also just replace them with static meshes Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 With the new version of the map, the server CPU was sitting at 100% utilization on the core Ren-X was running on at all times. That's on a 4790K as well. Client pings were skyrocketing and it got ugly in a hurry. I had to force a mapchange. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted November 6, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 6, 2015 ya better off not using the collision volumes (dont be lazy and just place some normal meshes) Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 6, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 6, 2015 Will do that later. But I don't have any idea or it is possible to convert foliage to normal static meshes. Is that possible? And the reason why I did this this way is because I'm very putting in random tree's. And because foliage does that automaticly, I tought it was helpful. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted November 6, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 6, 2015 Will do that later. But I don't have any idea or it is possible to convert foliage to normal static meshes. Is that possible? not that i know of ... but its not hard to just slap some meshes on the map lol Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 7, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 7, 2015 Will do that for a new patch. But it works fine now Quote
Ryz Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 But it works fine now Sorry, but if people say it lags and sucks up CPU, than it doesn't work right. I know it's frustrating spending so much time on a map, but... I think there is work to do. Quote
boxes Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 There are also many changes to the map that I'm not very happy with. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted November 8, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted November 8, 2015 Training Yard confirmed removed for 5005. Nothing personal, just it's kind of odd and ill-fitting now from a technical, gameplay, lighting, and do-I-accept-it standpoint. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 8, 2015 Well what can I do to keep it in 5005? Quote
Ruud033 Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 Well what can I do to keep it in 5005? Do not confuse my remarks below as tips to keep your map in the game, they're just general points that need fixing anyway. so /ontopic: I see you've used an older version of the FoliageCollisionVolume. (where it spawns collision and keeps on spawning it, hence the 999 ping on the servers and 100% load CPU) You are using an older development version of it. Please use the correct version that'll be included in the next patch by Yosh56. It'll be integrated native so there can't be any confusion about different versions etc. On top of that, you've placed the volume over the entire level (which i've said before), make them fit to small batches of trees (5 trees per volume or so) Whatever you do with the design of the map is up to you. Quote
Ryz Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 And the lighting in the map, it's soo hard to see anything right now. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 8, 2015 (edited) To do list: - Changing foliage to normal meshes - Support lighting in field (and beach) - Removing invincible wall behind GDI Barracks - Adding Stuff at the beach - Maybe changing to a day map Edited November 8, 2015 by Guest Quote
Ryz Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 Maybe it's also good to get something to 'draw attention' to backroute / beach. I only found out about the silo and stuff a week ago cause I just never go there. Another thing; Behind the GDI hase there is an invisible wall to the cliff till after Barracks, this can be removed if you ask me so people can jump down here. To be honest: I like the old map, the new one is waaay to dark, can you come up with something which is a combination of both of them? Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 8, 2015 Does this looks better? Quote
Ryz Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 I would say yes, what happened to the HON stairs BTW? Noticed that in previous update... Quote
Mystic~ Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 If you fix the optimisation/lag issues you could perhaps ask B0ng or Yosh to put it up and let us test it as a pre-pug map. I ran around a bit on Skirmish as GDI and noted: it's going to be really difficult to sneak into the Nod hand now the ramps have been removed and everything walled off. Likewise Nod can only get into the War Factory from one side, and both entrances are exposed and visible now the stairs have been removed. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 9, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 9, 2015 I would say yes, what happened to the HON stairs BTW? Noticed that in previous update... Well in the past TrainingYard was just a simple custom map. During those days I added the custom tech building what would spawn aircraft vehicles. But I decided to get rid of that because I didn't like it and it didn't work on multiplayer. So during one of the updates, I decided to put non-fly buildings in it Quote
Glacious Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 Played this map alot and I really do like it have to say One thing Ryz has mentioned though is the route that takes you down to the beach and to the GDI/NOD bunkers, well I never even knew this existed until I was following a stealth tank, it certainly needs to be abit more noticeable, would be my only complaint Quote
Ryz Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 To add one more thing. I liked being able to get into the HON with the stairs and the WF from the back, kinda gives you a chance to reach both buildings 'from the outside' of the base. The same would be cool with both refs so you can easily approach them from the back. Ofc. it's FUBAR when someone screws up the mines, but with the old trainingyard you knew the map would be pretty intense and probaly finished in a clear win / loss and not be win / lost by timelimit. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 9, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 9, 2015 To add one more thing. I liked being able to get into the HON with the stairs and the WF from the back, kinda gives you a chance to reach both buildings 'from the outside' of the base. The same would be cool with both refs so you can easily approach them from the back. Well I have to think about that because if you put a Hand of Nod with ramps in, you can jump of it and get to Power Plant doors. And I putted those walls so infantry can't enter easily. I putted all this stuff in because the map is very small. Quote
Mystic~ Posted November 9, 2015 Posted November 9, 2015 I've spent more time exploring the map now. My suggestions are: Bring back the bridge or create a steel catwalk linking the two cliff sides, the infantry cliff paths and bunkers. Perhaps make the cliff paths accessible from the inner side like Field as to avoid infantry being pummeled by tanks mid-game. The two tier map design was fun and provided additional ways to infiltrate. Add some trees or foliage to the middle section to provide some ground level cover for infantry from both vehicle routes. Remove the concrete walls blocking the back of both GDI/NOD refinery and GDI Weapons Factory. I think its a good idea to keep the small piece of wall that prevents side access from the front of the refinery for both teams. Add some X blocks to indicate the invisible vehicle wall preventing access to the side of the Weapons Factory and some palette crates or something placed against the WF itself to provide cover to infantry trying to infiltrate via the side door. Previously the ramp provided some cover. Would it be better to make each harvester go to the tiberium field nearest each refinery? At the moment each teams harvester has to trek through the base to the opposite side which seems unnecessary. The quicker tiberium collection should make the game faster paced. Replace the concrete wall linking the Hand of Nod and Power Plant with some X vehicle blockers so infantry can still access this way. Bring back the Air map buildings with roof ramp access. It's possible for GDI to b2b the NOD Refinery, but NOD can no longer do the same back due to moving its location. If you place more of a kink or turn in the NOD side rock formation GDI will no longer be able to shoot the refinery via b2b. Its possible for NOD to place a vehicle right up against the entrance camping the middle route, where as GDI gets blocked at the point where the Weapons Factory and Refinery Silo meet. I was never a fan of the weapons pick ups, so don't mind that they're gone. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted November 10, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 10, 2015 I've spent more time exploring the map now.My suggestions are: Bring back the bridge or create a steel catwalk linking the two cliff sides, the infantry cliff paths and bunkers. Perhaps make the cliff paths accessible from the inner side like Field as to avoid infantry being pummeled by tanks mid-game. The two tier map design was fun and provided additional ways to infiltrate. Add some trees or foliage to the middle section to provide some ground level cover for infantry from both vehicle routes. Remove the concrete walls blocking the back of both GDI/NOD refinery and GDI Weapons Factory. I think its a good idea to keep the small piece of wall that prevents side access from the front of the refinery for both teams. Add some X blocks to indicate the invisible vehicle wall preventing access to the side of the Weapons Factory and some palette crates or something placed against the WF itself to provide cover to infantry trying to infiltrate via the side door. Previously the ramp provided some cover. Would it be better to make each harvester go to the tiberium field nearest each refinery? At the moment each teams harvester has to trek through the base to the opposite side which seems unnecessary. The quicker tiberium collection should make the game faster paced. Replace the concrete wall linking the Hand of Nod and Power Plant with some X vehicle blockers so infantry can still access this way. Bring back the Air map buildings with roof ramp access. It's possible for GDI to b2b the NOD Refinery, but NOD can no longer do the same back due to moving its location. If you place more of a kink or turn in the NOD side rock formation GDI will no longer be able to shoot the refinery via b2b. Its possible for NOD to place a vehicle right up against the entrance camping the middle route, where as GDI gets blocked at the point where the Weapons Factory and Refinery Silo meet. I was never a fan of the weapons pick ups, so don't mind that they're gone. - Well I didn't like it because you can't really get somewhere else - I was putting in random tree's already - I did some changes but it is too small for mammy's (EDIT: No it was good. Mammy's can past it) - Thinking of putting something else in - I liked how the harversters were going - Well I think it will be TOO easy to win for GDI - No I don't want to get the ramps in. It will be too easy to get in HoN. - I Will do that definitly. I hate b2b - Was not planning to re-add that until the RenX devs do something with weapon spawn/drop. It didn't work well because ut3 has a different weapon system Quote
Newbie Posted February 6, 2016 Posted February 6, 2016 Don't take this comment the wrong way but I'm completely honest with my reviews. This map is quite pathetic, very small with absolutely no attention to detail. However I and many others appreciate that you're helping the community by creating content. Thanks for trying. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Don't take this comment the wrong way but I'm completely honest with my reviews. This map is quite pathetic, very small with absolutely no attention to detail. However I and many others appreciate that you're helping the community by creating content. Thanks for trying. Please provide some constructive criticism. How can he improve the map if he doesn't know specifically what you don't like? Quote
RoundShades Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Don't take this comment the wrong way but I'm completely honest with my reviews. This map is quite pathetic, very small with absolutely no attention to detail. However I and many others appreciate that you're helping the community by creating content. Thanks for trying. Please provide some constructive criticism. How can he improve the map if he doesn't know specifically what you don't like? I think the map works just as it says on the tin. Very simple, usually short, fair for either side. It doesn't really need changed. Now, if I were to approach roundabout what he is trying to say, then he'd probably suggest that the terrain could be slightly raised and/or curved on the sides so you can't almost base-to-base. Quote
Ryz Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 As mentioned today on TS: I like the new map (and I never had a moment of time to pay attention to the design, cause the map is quick, quick, and quick ) Would it be possible to bring the old map back as a seperate map (or some people say as a replacement. Quote
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