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Sure, just poke me on IRC / TS3 / Skype (if i can get your username).

But that's interesting, that PT thing, that means we don't need to have specific spots for a PT.. I smell possiblities.

Meh, I just DL'ed TS and my Skype messes up all the time. So ok, IRC

LOL, just don't buy vehicles from the 'external' PT. It works, but then you'll be away from base :P

Can we make it so that this volume refers not to the standard PT camera, but to a new PT camera with a custom 3rd box in the sky? That'd be cool..

I also wonder if it's possible to create custom buttons etc then, we would have a complete custom PT menu then

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Sure, just poke me on IRC / TS3 / Skype (if i can get your username).

But that's interesting, that PT thing, that means we don't need to have specific spots for a PT.. I smell possiblities.

Meh, I just DL'ed TS and my Skype messes up all the time. So ok, IRC

LOL, just don't buy vehicles from the 'external' PT. It works, but then you'll be away from base :P

Can we make it so that this volume refers not to the standard PT camera, but to a new PT camera with a custom 3rd box in the sky? That'd be cool..

I also wonder if it's possible to create custom buttons etc then, we would have a complete custom PT menu then

Not sure. I believe those things are hard coded. Will have to look further


Here are some screens showing what I meant in our game chat:

Nothing to be seen from distance...


...but when getting closer to the field, those placeholders (?) start appearing:



  • Totem Arts Staff

the static mesh and material you are using need to be in a "loaded package" the same custom package or the map its self and the mat needs to be re-refracted tot he static mesh (use the arrow in the foliage editor to replace meshes)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Today i played Coastal two times and its not an bad idea who stands behind, Nod has an ridiculously huge advantage, with players it is impossible to take Nod down, only the whole Nod Team falling asleep x)

Sure its Alpha, maby this map needs some Path Notes where Bots in Skirmishes fights in the Midfield for some action and pain (for GDI), with the MRLS it is easy to kill all 3 Obis without get hit (nerf MRLS!) also its fun to sneak from the HoverBeach Side as Inf along the whole Basewall under the masses of Turrets, trying to sneak into the PP and Stuff.

Hope this Map get better and better, with more good ideas and may more fun :D

keep it up!

Greez. DaKuja

  • Totem Arts Staff

yeah, reason why there will be the overload system

Also, Nod's main huge disadvantage is their large... stretched base. GDI actually had their base at strategic points with 2 choke points as entrance.

Of course, this all can be proved when we have a huge set of players playing in this map for real. 5vs5 would do fine maybe

  • Totem Arts Staff

Oh God...

Regarding sx's problem, I just remembered that I play on medium settings, and I set one instance to medium detail and another to high to save memory for lower specs. It is obvious that sx was looking at the 'High Detail' grass which did not show up for me since I play on medium settings....

Hold up, will fix the material ASAP

  • Totem Arts Staff

More update, due to request of some more filler in infantry path, made this scene


Destroyed Barracks with operational GDI PTs (also per-request)



Destroyed Barracks by Nuke. This one's hacked to serve the Brotherhood >:D



So... just that. Next will post about the hangar, requested by Dottier

  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

News Update : I have let a performance hit issue slip away, so Ruud's map build was cancelled. It was not in vain however. The map lighting build is now decreased after following his advise.

Download : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

0.0.5 will include :

- Removed 2 silos on the Nod base, added one silo in the water cavern, GDI favored, but Nod can get it if they want

- Added aircraft, tweaked blocking volumes so Aircrafts won't get away from the map. Aircrafts can get to the infantry path, but buildings can be used as cover and refill.

-Added Rocket Emplacements on Nod Barracks as Aircraft counter. Currently they can't be manned by Nod. Will tweak later

- Added overload function on one destroyed PP. GDI needs to touch the MCT inside to mildly damage ALL turrets, PP, and SAM sites. Nod can immediately restabilize the power by touching the MCT themselves. The power will go back to normal in a few seconds if Nod fails to recapture the MCT. Regardless, GDI can only use the switch every one minute. This is noted by the pole that glows green when stable, but glows red when unstable...

- Added experimental weather system as a showcase. Map will shift from sunny to rain in about 8 minutes. During the rain, light will decrease, and fog will thicken about 50x, hampering visibility, but providing GDI clear field as Obelisks won't be operable during the fog (it lights up). Note that sky doesn't get dark if you turn off post-processing

- Added PTs for both GDI and Nod in the barracks. Nod's PT is inside the capture Barracks (the one with Nod flag and ramps) by the MCT spot, but the heat of the room will eat up health mildly and cause sight disorientation. GDI's PTs are at the similar place as usual, except two is inoperable

- Added Hangar on top of the hill filled with Nod vehicles, but guarded by 2 GDI guard towers that some GDI survivors SOMEHOW managed deploy inside

- Added anti-airs on bases. Obelisks only receives 2 SAM since the Obys are anti-air themselves in this game

- Decreased number of Nod Turrets, now with 400 health

- Changes LOD for several destroyed buildings. Their lights no longer glow except for Barracks.

- Fixed blocking volume. Destroyed Tiberium Refinery behind the wires is no longer accessible

- Added one-way passage behind PP near the field entrance for Nod tanks shorcut

- Move the Strip to the edge of the wall

- Added AGT behind WF

- Expanded the fortress to the field entrance, but removes unused area on the back. A large space next to Hand of Nod is reserved for a special building that will spawn Kane when destroyed

- Slightly tweaks fluid actor, now water wave effect is not as drastic as before

- Slightly moves Obelisks

- Less Lightmap Resolution for destroyed buildings. Lighting build without Lightmass now takes 17 minutes as opposed to previous 1 hour

- Added Rx_Game as default game, hopefully will fix time limit reseting from infinity to 35 minutes

All addition stated in Pre-0.0.6 is added to 0.0.5

Edited by Guest

Just tested it a bit the hovercraft is fun. Are you looking for feedback already concerning bugs?

I noticed that the hovercraft will sink if you try to get out off it to capture the silo in the tunnel

Also the obelisks charge if you walk outside the GDI base past a wall. They can't see you nor hit, but they seam to still charge.

Good work, still have to check a lot more!

  • Totem Arts Staff
Just tested it a bit the hovercraft is fun. Are you looking for feedback already concerning bugs?

I noticed that the hovercraft will sink if you try to get out off it to capture the silo in the tunnel

Also the obelisks charge if you walk outside the GDI base past a wall. They can't see you nor hit, but they seam to still charge.

Good work, still have to check a lot more!

You're supposed to use aircraft or a passenger to capture it. But currently the silo was too high for a swimmer...

about the obelisk.... are you passing it when it's raining? I don't know about your problem too much tho

Just tested it a bit the hovercraft is fun. Are you looking for feedback already concerning bugs?

I noticed that the hovercraft will sink if you try to get out off it to capture the silo in the tunnel

Also the obelisks charge if you walk outside the GDI base past a wall. They can't see you nor hit, but they seam to still charge.

Good work, still have to check a lot more!

You're supposed to use aircraft or a passenger to capture it. But currently the silo was too high for a swimmer...

about the obelisk.... are you passing it when it's raining? I don't know about your problem too much tho

I will see if I can reproduce it.


I honestly like the weather feature, it's really cool how you can create dynamic environments. The map has made great process, and it's the most unique one I've ever seen. The creativity and custom effects are awesome to play with. I'll be testing 0.0.5 later.

  • Totem Arts Staff
I honestly like the weather feature, it's really cool how you can create dynamic environments. The map has made great process, and it's the most unique one I've ever seen. The creativity and custom effects are awesome to play with. I'll be testing 0.0.5 later.

As of now, weather might turn the screen too dark, and those who turns off post-processing will have advantage, due to Directional light gives performance hit when modified real time

  • Totem Arts Staff

Good news! Beta 1 will be uploaded within 8 hours at most! Beta 1 will include...

-Rock meshes overhaul

-Removal of 1 PP on infantry path to avoid bug when one PP was destroyed, nothing happened

-AGT repositioned next to Refinery

-Added more guard towers and AA towers

-Hangar vehicles is only usable for coast defense

-C130 is playable for.... reasons

-Turret health buffed from 400 to 600

-Foliage adjustments

-Hovercraft ramp now works. Mammoth needs to sway around sometimes. Loading ramp is removed in favor of slopes

-Rain Post Processing is less blue and dark

-Moved rain Particle System on the hill further to the sky

-Lighting build improved from Preview to Medium

  • Totem Arts Staff

Planned? We're already doing it on Renegade X Official Testing Server. See first and second post of Map Test/Release topic.

You can actually download Alpha 0.0.5 right now and go play it there, along with Crash Site Beta and Tutorial (provided you have the maps as well

  • Totem Arts Staff

Beta 1 is here! Btw, not yet implemented the door requested by sxmchn

also, due to an itty bitty mistake, the rain feature is culled by accident. I used the trailer version of the map and forgot to reactivate the rain matinee


Did Skirmish tonight and took a look .I liked at lot some spots in the map ,and Hoover is nice addition .I understand this is lots of work in there and is in progress .At my taste I like maps with not too much stuff of the same kind(buldings ,turrets ..).Map is big ,Nod base seem OP and bigger compare to GDI .Overall Good stuff in there GJ :)


  • Totem Arts Staff

If u used an Beacon or Airstrike near or on the destoryed Barracks there cames the Massage it is too close to your own Base


played coastal sm...

not liking it, first a lot of bugs, on the infantry path there are a lot of places where you can just get stuck in pits.

the bots on gid were able to buy orcas and fly around? i thought this was a non flying map.

nod base is to easy to attack and way to wide spread, we went from too many turrets to no turrets :confused:

I like the idea of the small, but I think you just need tot ake your original Coastal and make it smaller something between the size of the original and current one.

Keep the flying units.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I was about to add coastal turrets on their base and a few turrets to support their base, but probably got lost in the last crash. Obviously Nod is way too defenseless against a hover now

Will try fixing Inf Path's collision

And I don't know about flying. It feels compact enough you don't actually need to fly, except through the river.

Gonna try to scale down the original map, but might take more time to realign everything back to normal....

  • Totem Arts Staff

Okay, so taking Alkaline's suggestion, I scaled down the X and Y to 3/4 the size of original. As the result, I have destroyed every single rock and foliage, and restructured Nod base completely


Today's progress

-Restructure the Nod base, now your Hovercraft can enter the base from behind as well, but beware the giant Turrets that has massive health and shells as painful as Mobile Artillery's own

-Lesser destroyed building. Both destroyed HoNs are have their own cover function.

-Moved Ref side by side with Nod Tiberium Silo

-Added Rare spawn point on Infantry path for GDI. (survivors, hint hint)

  • Totem Arts Staff

I might upload the new version today just for the sake of layout testing. There might be some blocking volume errors, but the most important thing is getting the layout right

  • Totem Arts Staff

Beta 0.2.1 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Patch changelist :

- Fixed the Nod gates, now it opens for Harvester as well

- Removed Strip lights. Hopefully less performance hit nearby Airstrip

- Removed boxes in hangar, moved the towers further away for C130 to fly off

- Added lights on the Tiberium

- Fixed external PT orientation, now you can buy without facing at certain awkward position

- Moved the HoN by the rocks, now GDI can enter and snipe from that HoN

also, in the config where its says ___map-cnc-coastal, remove one underscore

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Beta 0.2.2 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Patch changelist

- Fixes collision volume on Nod tiberium hill. It's now realigned back to the edge that leads to the field

- Removes dead chem trooper that floats on the Nod coasts

- Giant turrets now possesses mammoth tank weapons

- Added more SAM sites to middle coasts

- Reduces GDI GT in the main entrance by two

- Added cliffs behind GDI Refinery. Now Nod long range infantries can drop off from aircrafts and assault GDI Refinery from behind

- Fixes GDI defensive sniper point on GDI infantry path entrance

- Raises the height of the rock mountains to prevent unwanted sniper exploit points, except one hole nearby Nod base which is saved for easter egg spot

  • Totem Arts Staff

Beta 0.2.3 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Patch Changelist

- Fixes Giant Turrets having Hovercraft's weapons

- Adds more rocks on Hovercraft tunnel

- Adds Obelisk blocking rocks to prevent Obelisk from sniping GDI on the Refinery weak spot cliffs

- Darken water, increasing water plane size to match with the texture tiles

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Coastal Epic :

Beta 0.2.5 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Coastal Small :

Beta 0.2 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

- Added more path variations in infantry path for both version, and fixed some rocks on the cave to cover the gaps.

- Fixed Harvester path in the Small version, now it works well

- Fixed Gate in Small version

- Tweaked Harvester path in Epic version, fix unconfirmed

Will fix some other cosmetic problems later

  • 1 month later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Coastal Small Update :

- Removed Obelisks, replacing them with energy-shielded 'OmniTurrets' that are basically indestructible along with barriers that allows only Nod side to get their tanks to through the field

- Creates a cinematic sequence where a C130 is downed by A10 and crashed above the barrier, and causes rockslide that drops the cliff to the barriers, opening path for GDI tanks to mount assault

- Adds turrets on the entrance beach along with a buried Hand of Nod for sniper and rockets vantage points. Adds cover for PP so GDI can't shell it with Hovercraft from the first beach

- Adds barriers on GDI hovercraft spot so it cannot go to the field

- (Also applies for Coastal's big version) Tweaks the Hovercraft so it doesn't sink when the driver goes out

- Adds blocking volume to ensure that no one can bypass the gaps on the rocks and shoot from below the landscape through gaps in Hovercraft's path

- Adds more Guard Towers to compensate GDI's further disadvantages

- Moves the rock on GDI entrance a bit forward so GDI cannot shell the turrets and so Nod cannot shell GDI's Guard Towers easily


The C130 sequence sample

EDIT : Download zip

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

EDIT 2 : Download config

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

  • 6 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Alright, I'm tweaking the Small version for a few now. I decided to remove the Obelisk and the indestructible barrier turrets and placed normal turrets instead. I also made the cliff where the Obelisks were as another path for infiltration for GDI's side towards Nod refinery

By nerfing Nod's biggest advantage in Coastal and adding more disadvantage, I also introduced new advantage that becomes quite a double-edged sword :

Vehicle Factory

What these 'Factory' does is spawning a type of vehicle, and when (and only when) the vehicle is destroyed, another will spawn shortly. The associated vehicles can be stolen by enemies, and cannot be replaced until destroyed. So it has to be constantly guarded.

I made it as a vehicle bay, which creates a vehicle underground and lift it up once it spawns



As for now, I'll leave it that way. I haven't made any new build yet. And I don't intend to until I can solve that reference problem, which I have absolutely no idea what Ruud meant when he said that when he removed my maps from the server. Some guidance or screenshot would be appreciated.


Good to see you working on this and other stuff Handepsilon.

You know what might be a really cool idea:

- Both teams have the new vehiclebays and can spawn a certain typ of vehicles

- Airstrip is offline due anti-air defence and can only be 'working' again when the enemy AA is destroyed

- Not sure what reason I can think of for the WF to be offline, but we can come up with something

The teams get full access to their vehicles when the AA defence (or whatever is preventing GDI from using the WF) are down.

  • Totem Arts Staff

- Both teams have the new vehiclebays and can spawn a certain typ of vehicles

Hm as of now I only made Nod ones for their advantages of being able to rush far earlier than normal and keeps getting tanks without Airstrip

- Airstrip is offline due anti-air defence and can only be 'working' again when the enemy AA is destroyed

- Not sure what reason I can think of for the WF to be offline, but we can come up with something

With the current game mechanics, impossible


How about recon bikes?

- A lot of people love the TS vehicles (even though they're technically Tiberian Dawn vehicles, it came along the TS vehicles).

- It's fast and has low armor > good for early rushes

- Because of it's light armor it will get destroyed easier than an APC, so more people get the chance to get one during a game.

- They are so cool (best reason of course)

  • Totem Arts Staff

In the original Renegade there was a recon bike on custom maps. Bring that one back and make it able to purchase in PT

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