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Please, add replays ingame! There only this way to catch cheaters (players cant play with fraps all time :( ). Also it will be good, if developers add anticheat or something like normal players accout to prevent cheating from already banned cheaters, when they connected like guests (no steam). They can reconnect endless time, isn't it?

Watch this video:

Link if not work:

As well this guy used glitches (yes, yes, i know what you want say :D ):




The recorddemo command from the ~ button command prompt works, and the replay is automatically sent to the server owners. At TmX and EKT they check that stuff, as well as in official.

Also, that is a known location. I too think it might not be best map design, but I have less problem with the building than the mountain climbing bullmess in the same map. I know it is "fair" because dev "Kenz3001" does it on videos constantly.

Posted (edited)
  Swahhh said:
I really really really really really really like that video. Quality keks my friend.


Kid. :)

The recorddemo command from the ~ button command prompt works, and the replay is automatically sent to the server owners. At TmX and EKT they check that stuff, as well as in official.

Maybe, but 60 seconds (or something like this) - too small and there no way to record demo when you killed by cheater (it can be only one time, but it IMPORTANT). Replays like it made in CoD, Dota 2 etc. - really needed feature (but maybe hard to realize it).

Edited by Guest

All my admins can access our Demos (Access has been offered to the devs before also), if you want a particular one to check out or want us to view one that you have taken feel free to pop on IRC (probably the quickest way to get talking to one of our staff)

WebIRC link: http://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23RenX&server=irc.elitekamikazeteam.com

(Admins are the users with the Star against their names)


Swahhh, i think problems have only you, if you're not interested in playing without cheats. :D

if you want a particular one to check out or want us to view one that you have taken feel free to pop on IRC (probably the quickest way to get talking to one of our staff)

Thanks, will know next time.


Also, I just watched the video, and slapping in the recorddemo command when you got shot would have given the server operators more than enough to investigate. I mean, they would have had access to all of 2 minutes of the game, including the enemy sniper's field of vision. If he specifically snapped to you without any reason to and took a perfect shot then that is obvious cheating. If he saw you shimmer, was shooting at a door and hit you instead, or if your client side stealth was messed up, then thats another thing.

It may have also been a glitch/exploit that sometimes happens with stealth not working.

If he saw you shimmer, was shooting at a door and hit you instead, or if your client side stealth was messed up, then thats another thing.

It may have also been a glitch/exploit that sometimes happens with stealth not working.

It wasn't bug or skill bcs for this complained a few people in two games.

  I said:
If he saw you shimmer, was shooting at a door and hit you instead, or if your client side stealth was messed up, then thats another thing.

It may have also been a glitch/exploit that sometimes happens with stealth not working.

It wasn't bug or skill bcs for this complained a few people in two games.

Ask HaTe, there are some bugs with Cloaking and Unreal Engine in general. I am so familiar with them from my experience with MNC, that I was simply told of one and was able to reproduce it without instructions. He was genuinely suprised how I managed that and worried about that, but hey, that's me.


I met this f***r in the game today. He was killing all stealth units from longe distance including me. He seen all incoming rushes from his base and was spaming it into chat. He rly ruined my day today and he thinks its funny becouse everybody do shit about it. He is laughing in our faces right now even on forum!

I don't really want to know what happens with the game if everyone will fuck so long with only one cheater and there will be more than one of em.

2 admins online, whole team was shouting he is cheating but shit happens.

This way, I would like to thank today's this two GDI EKT administrators for shitty game.

I dont know what kind of anticheat record system there is, but playersbase here is very fragile and its not effective and it tooks too long to convict haxor. 1 cheater can ruin whole game espetially with 1-2 active low populated servers.


He killed me too today while I was stealth, from a long distance.

He got kicked pretty fast a couple of hours ago when he was on TmX, people knew who he was by then.

I don't see what joy people get out of cheating and ruining a game like that.


I remember swahhh the other day, I was on TS with EKT-Dinozzo. Map was under.

So many times he spotted me trying to infiltrate GDI base as SBH (powerplant was down) You wouldn't believe. When I confronted him, he said: I ran towards you and you were just crouching in that corner.

I did see him coming and as soon as he stopped moving, I realized he spotted me, so when I intended to walk away, BOOM HEADSHOT!

Quite hard when you as an SBH are still invisible on a snowy map.

This wasn't the only instance, there were many times in the midfield being invisible, he was able to hit me.

  RypeL said:
If you wanna report a cheater this is the only proper way how to do it: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73041

You say that but as a servers owner section is missing aka report users. Granted i swear i was the only one to post in there but if you want me to get my admin team to post there by all means let me know.

Most of the time we just share major cheaters between EKT n TmX. Most users dont know about the record demo function and even with that mutator you gave out doesnt really help much. We need the demos to show us exactly what the player can see and how they move otherwise its pointless for us. (We have a particualar player that we have our eye on but have no proof at all because of this. Are you saying if we send you the demos you as a dev can see from their point of view??)

As for the public players if you want to recorded demo that isnt an issue. Either submit a request on our forums (slowish) or pop on our irc (Web IRC link on the top of the EKT site) and one of my admins (Star next to their name on webirc) will help you out by either giving you the demo or sending it to one of the devs.



Ps with the web IRC in the list you will see MrSunshine and Skeeze there also they are admins at TmX

  Goku said:
Are you saying if we send you the demos you as a dev can see from their point of view??

Yes. First person view isent as smooth as a Fraps or something recording but for almost all cases it should be absolutely close enough to judge use of aimbots/wallhacks etc.

This is the latest, work in progress, version of the RCam mod that helps with it http://www.speedyshare.com/xVzz8/RenX-R ... dAlone.zip (simply select a player with left mouse button, then press 'F' to go into first person view). To install in UDKGame.ini set DecalManagerClassPath to RenX_RCam_StandAlone.RCamDecalmanager. so: DecalManagerClassPath=RenX_RCam_StandAlone.RCamDecalmanager

This version of RCam also includes a wallhack that you can activate/deactivate with the 'W' key. It only works when viewing demos. If you want to judge if someone used a wallhack it is a lot easier to judge if you use a wallhack yourself when viewing that persons demo. It can also help to judge aimbots as you can see when people come arround corners and how quickyl the person in questions reacts to that. Previous RCam versions for UT04 had a wallhack aswell for that reason and it was put to heavy use by UT admins.

I was, and still am, waiting for someone to send me a cheater demo and then i wanted to make a video about how it can be verified from a demo with RCam. But so far i didnt get my hands on a demo from a real cheater. People asked me to take a look at demos from snipers like Cannucck and DieNoob. But from my and others (tmx admins) observations both of them appear to play clean in the analyzed demos. I was part of an Anti Cheat team in the game Tactical Ops and was involved in cheats investigation accross the UT games. So i think that if someone sends me a demo i am competent enough to judge it. However before i would put anyone on our own ban list i would always make a video about his cheatings first to prove it unless it's blatantly obvious.


So nobody has a recording of this Swaaah / Jos / Playerwhatevernumber guy who's ruining the games since past week? Tried to record a demo yesterday, but I think I made a typo. It would be good if you could see that a recording has been started as a PM. So for example: when I start a RecordDemo I receive a message that it's running. Right now I am clueless if it is sometimes.


I tried to reproduce Swahhh's positioning and trying to get a glitching effect, but to no avail. (in skirmish so that might also be iffy)

As far as I could see, he uses a humvee tilted or sloped, then jumps to get an unknown effect, crouches and starts shooting. I don't know what exactly to look for, so maybe thats why I failed.

However, judging from I'm Osama's clip and Tokiyo's screenshots, he is aiming in the direction of the enemy, but through the humvees and buildings.

I have the impression the humvee is needed in this cheat.

People asked me to take a look at demos from snipers like Cannucck and DieNoob.

I can assure you that Dien00b doesn't cheat, and from my experience, neither does cannuck. I'm glad that you were able to see that from your recordings as well.

Swahh definitely cheats and has been for a while. It's just so obvious that no one has bothered to recorddemo him. He kept evading yesterday after shooting through walls on whiteout with the base defense and getting kicked for that.

  Swahhh said:
  Truxa said:
When/what time is he normally online? Please list the time as GMT.

I'll try and get on when he's on so I "spam" the recorddemo command trying to catch him.

Around this time I think. :confused:

Man, you're a pretty cool dude.


I'm just sitting here wondering, why does he feel the need to cheat? Why does he feel the need to destroy this game in it's infancy? Why does he feel the need to destroy games to begin with? ... makes me realy wonder ... -sigh-

  Swahhh said:
  Truxa said:
I'm just sitting here wondering, why does he feel the need to cheat? Why does he feel the need to destroy this game in it's infancy? Why does he feel the need to destroy games to begin with? ... makes me realy wonder ... -sigh-

Never heard of trolling?

Why not go troll a different game? What you're doing isn't game breaking by any means, it's just mildly annoying and we're just gonna keep banning your VPNs.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Swahhh said:
  DoctorB0NG said:

Why not go troll a different game? What you're doing isn't game breaking by any means, it's just mildly annoying and we're just gonna keep banning your VPNs.

Because in this game, when people grief, players will get mad easily. And most of the time they will kick you for it. Here a couple of examples.

Example 1: placing proximity mines wrong.

Example 2: stealing vehicles.

Example 3: destroying friendly vehicles.

Example 4: killing enemies from a glitchy spot.

Example 5: swearing/cursing in chat.

Example 6: exploiting in general. (killing sbh's, getting out of the map, shooting at stanks, placing beacons on unreachable places)

Example 7: doing absolutely nothing.

Example 8: surveys, votekicking, map change surveys, etc.

Example 9: acusing people of hacking.

Example 10: acusing people of something in general.

1. The reason for people getting kicked for improper mine placement is very clear. There IS a MINELIMT. Mines need to be placed in certain locations as this has issue has been discussed before.

2. Vehicle stealing should not be an issue anymore but it still is. If a teammate steal YOUR tank (Your HUD will say it is yours) all you have to do is press "L." "L" locks the vehicle kicking the thief out of the driver position even if your out of the vehicle. However the passenger seat could be a problem if you want someone to get in.

3. I hadn't seen any problem with destroying friendly vehicles.

4. Again, hadn't seen much of this.

5. Swearing and cursing?? Who doesn't do that? Its only a problem because players will get into an argument and create excessive swearing that causes uneasiness among other players.

6. From your examples "getting out of map" and "beacons in unreachable places" is a big NO. You should be kicked for doing such things repeatedly. Any exploits that the server agrees that should not be allowed are called rules, therefor you must follow them.

7. AFK is a kick because you are taking a valuable player position. If your just walking around doing nothing, you need to be kicked because what's the difference of being afk? You take bullets and die a lot that's very helpful.

8. Not much people do this and I haven't seen much of this lately.

9. Lots of people accuse others of hacking. Lots of times they are wrong. First accusations, ok, mods will look into it or not, depending on the accused. Continued accusations which leads to example 5, kicked. Its like disturbing the peace, shut up or force removal.

10. Accusations in general, again its the repeated accusations that make people mad. Once, its ok, ten times, you need to shut up and cool down.


Lol you didnt get it. He dont need your advices. He do all of this shit becouse this will make you mad easily. Becouse, lets be honest, this game is not perfect and he is abusing the fact that succes in game depends on every single player. 1 player can ruin the game for whole 20-member team or opposite one or even both. I see he wants to troll becouse he has some personal problems with himself, or maybe he lost in the game few times becouse of mistakes of someone else. Who knows...

In my opinon, this game should be team-play based in other ways than relying on intelligence of other players.

"Example 1: placing proximity mines wrong."

Thx for the tip. Now I found out how to solve this stupid mining issue. Suggestion coming soon.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Swahhh said:
  Truxa said:
I'm just sitting here wondering, why does he feel the need to cheat? Why does he feel the need to destroy this game in it's infancy? Why does he feel the need to destroy games to begin with? ... makes me realy wonder ... -sigh-

Never heard of trolling?

...and people just wonder why we have so small playerbase


I think swahh is doing the game a great justice and we can only hope he continues to be that lonesome guy that tries to evade. Having him do this makes recognizing the currently released cheats easier, as well as helps inexperienced moderators understand how to ban passed just the IP.

We thank you for your service

  HaTe said:
I think swahh is doing the game a great justice and we can only hope he continues to be that lonesome guy that tries to evade. Having him do this makes recognizing the currently released cheats easier, as well as helps inexperienced moderators understand how to ban passed just the IP.

We thank you for your service

Yup. Thanks for being the guinea pig or the coal mine parrot, ya wanka. Come back with a brand new computer/location or apology if you ever want to play here again. Or, y'know, trash someone else's game...


Exploiting the in-game commands by using a third party program is considered a cheat, no?

IRC is just the tool to perform the ban, but the moderators need to know how to utilize the tool. You're providing them that experience.

I don't know why they don't just ISP ban and then whitelist anyone affected, but oh well.

  Swahhh said:
  HaTe said:
Exploiting the in-game commands by using a third party program is considered a cheat, no?

You think I'm using some kind of third party program? Ha-ha-ha... :D Not even close... ;)

Your exploit has already been reproduced by numerous TmX members and we have a mutator that prevents it that we'll be applying to our servers tonight.

  Swahhh said:
  HaTe said:
Exploiting the in-game commands by using a third party program is considered a cheat, no?

You think I'm using some kind of third party program? Ha-ha-ha... :D Not even close... ;)

Coming from the guy that uses a VPN to evade bans in a beta game? I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility whatsoever. Even if you are just abusing an exploit, it's not like it's going to always be in the game anyways. But hey, because you were so uncaring to get caught, it was able to get reproduced and (hopefully) fixed now. You're willingness to care enough to evade the ban, but the unwillingness to care enough to be clever enough to hide the exploit is what is appreciated ;)

  Swahhh said:

And yes, I love this game, but I also love trolling people, so that's why I always come back. :)

If you truely love this game, you might want to be a bit more careful with your actions!

Trolling is fine and all, but the way you do it scares the newby away. Scares any new player who wants to try this game away.


Well, they see that this game has a pretty bad exploit, shown by you. Gets killed quite often because of that exploit, ruining their gaming experience in Ren-X. This WILL result in a bad reputation for Ren-X and that WILL attract fewer new players and it WILL attract bad reviews.

If you cant see that thats harming this game and it's community, you sir, are a toxic player to the community and not "just a troll"

  • Totem Arts Staff

Twas a bad exploit; interesting, and we figured it out pretty fast, had a bit of fun privately with it, but still you probably should have just posted it on the forums instead of abusing it. If you actually liked the game you wouldn't try to push as many people out of it in an already minute community.

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