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My actuall Progress


Allied Powerplant - Without Interior


Soviet Tesla Reactor - Without Interior


Allied Ore Ref - Without Interior


Soviet Ore Ref - Without Interior


Allied Barracks - Without Interior


Allied Warfactory - Without Interior


Soviet Warfactory - Without Interior


Allied Airfield - Without Interior


Allied Pillbox - Placeholder M240


Allied Patriot


Allied Prismtower


Soviet Tesla Coil



Grizzly Tank


IFV - Repair, Missiles, Psychotic, Gunner


Mirage Tank


Prism Tank


Alpha Footage:





Im happy about EVERY Comment here :)


All Allied Buildings, All Soviet Buildings except the Tesla Coil from Kevin Mier - Ska-Ara

Soviet Tesla Coil by hm Shark, Metamind09

Texture of the Grizzlytank by Renegade X / Havoc89

Sandbags by 3D-Regenerator

Some Graphics and SoundsWestwood Studios/EA

M240 Machinegun (Pillbox) by Nutpaul

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  • Totem Arts Staff

"Alarmstufe Rot 2"

^ That is hilarious, reminds me of being in Germany a long time ago and reading "Stirb an einem anderen tag" or similar which filled the entire "Die another day" film poster... barely any space left for the actors :P

On the surface the models look good, clean and well rendered versions of the RA 2 buildings, well done!

"Alarmstufe Rot 2"

^ That is hilarious, reminds me of being in Germany a long time ago and reading "Stirb an einem anderen tag" or similar which filled the entire "Die another day" film poster... barely any space left for the actors :P

On the surface the models look good, clean and well rendered versions of the RA 2 buildings, well done!

Yea haha xD its often such hilarius translation

But i have to say.. "Alarmstufe Rot 2" sounds for the most Germans more dangerous then Red Alert 2.

What you mean with Die another Day i know very well xD

look here.. Die Hard .. in germany Stirb Langsam

Die Hard with a Vengeance : Stirb langsam jetzt erst Recht!

A Good Day to Die Hard - Stirb langsam – Ein guter Tag zum Sterben

eieieie :D but i think German is a good hard language for the RA universe.. shame that we are there just some sidekicks xD

To the Models: THx alot for this Comment :) its the first time i start a "mod" in another Country :D

I do my best to make the Models look such accurate i can. i look at the pictures of the buildings in photoshop to make a big zoom and brighter them up to see some hidden details :D

to hear that the models look good so far is a big boost for me :) thx alot for this! :o

in this case i have a question for you :D i know that rx just uses Air,Vehicle,Soldier fields, raffenery and some others.. my question is know.. is it possible to make some more buildings with varius functions?

f.e repair field for repiaring, or battle lab for enabling some extra units?

and is there a possibility to "build" new structures after X mins or let them building by "spending" some credits ?


With the SDK you can do everything we did and more. Since we were able to make our own buildings you will obviously be able to make your own buildings aswell.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Looks awesome, but I have to admit that the smoothness of the model worries me. How much verts used to make a single building there?

Just asking since you never said anything about this being Hi-Poly or Low-Poly

Looks awesome, but I have to admit that the smoothness of the model worries me. How much verts used to make a single building there?

Just asking since you never said anything about this being Hi-Poly or Low-Poly

Its hard to say if im hi or low poly.. i try to make them accurate like RA2 not really "realistic"

but in this case.. every building has about 5.000 -15.000 polygons.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Oh, that's just about right. Not sure though. The current Barracks looks like the exterior could be created with about 2000

But naturally you would need to make both Hi-Poly and Low-Poly. High Poly for Normal map projection and Low Poly for in-game model


probably yea.

But how i said im aa hobby artist.. so not all what i make is "pro" like like renegade x :D

so dont expect that my work will have the same " level" as these from the original RX :)

well see how i looks at the end and if is good enough to play with :D


i can just say that i do my best to make good stuff in i good time. Im Sure at the end some ppl say "hmm thats not soo good.. and this could be better" but thats normal.

We will see later if the Stuff is good what i made or not :)

But at this moment i think its not bad what i make so lets move forward :D

Btw: Finished Ore Raffinery


Looks good and detailed. Still wondering about PP's door though

i think i set the pp interior in one of this "walls" not be really sure now

today i made this Allied Warfactory.. its finish.. but i dont know why.. im not really happy with this.. maybe i rework this later.. probably i know then what i dont like on it :D


  • Totem Arts Staff

I know we don't have much problems with RA2 because it's mostly 2D...

But maybe you need to consider raising up the ceiling. Prism Tanks are quite a tall thing

Also, that roof is supposed to be able to open when the Nighthawk transport comes out. Make it a different object altogether. Same goes with Barracks' door actually


yea your right^^

but i thought that the "aircrafts" could be make in the Airforce Command Headquarters, so its seperated from the War Factory.

because the height .. i think you said an import thing.. the Prism tank is realy much high.. now its the question.. raise up the Building.. or let the tank start with an " lower tower" which raises up after he left the Building..(think thats the more realistic way)

but that i just can see if i made the tanks and resize all the building

  • Totem Arts Staff

Or you can just use the in-game tanks as reference. Won't be too far off. Besides, if the polys are just about 5000, the game engine would handle it fine

Also, you might want to avoid doing that. By lore, Soviet does not have 'Helipad' buildings unlike GDI and Nod in Tiberian Sun and TS:Reborn

Or you can just use the in-game tanks as reference. Won't be too far off. Besides, if the polys are just about 5000, the game engine would handle it fine

Also, you might want to avoid doing that. By lore, Soviet does not have 'Helipad' buildings unlike GDI and Nod in Tiberian Sun and TS:Reborn

true true.. hmm...mhh..mhm..hmh xD lets see when where at the end.. of the "creation line" then i can rework some ideas and so on..

at this moment i just need the aircraftfield for the allieds.. then i start to make the Pillbox/Patriot/Prismtower i think its enough for the allied building line :D

after that.. i have to look hehe ^^ i got much time so i dont need so push ^^

but if anyone wants to help i would be happy.. i could need someone who is handy with udk or handy with making textures :)

  • Totem Arts Staff
Allied Pillbox - Placeholder M240


Mind sending me this as an FBX or OBJ? I need to practice my Normal Mapping skills and this seems like a good start. Don't worry about the MG btw

Allied Pillbox - Placeholder M240


Mind sending me this as an FBX or OBJ? I need to practice my Normal Mapping skills and this seems like a good start. Don't worry about the MG btw

yea no problem..

put dont lough about my modelling skills :PxD

btw: on the first Post i add a Credit Section. There u can see that these sandbags are not from me. Probably i later make some own.. but i like these here very much. In this case they already have some maps.. but you can play with them how u want :)



yea its a good idea :) Thx for helping dude :)

and heres the New Building. Allied Patriot :D


So.. just Prism Tower Left.. then All usefull Building Are made.. Probably Start then creating the Interior Rooms .. and afther That texturing. We´ll see


You guys are doing an amazing job! Stuff is really looking nice here. Out of curiosity: how much polygons do you models have on average?.

For texturing, you might wanna ask Action Hank on this forum.


Handes you sound very annoyd ^^

be cooler dude :D

Here the Absolute Polys

Allied Powerplant 6.500 Polygons

Allied Barracks 24.000 Polygons (without these Sandbags 3.000 Polygons)

Allied Ore Raffinery 10.000 Polygons

Allied War Factory 11.200 Polygons

Allied Airfield 5.700 Polygons

Allied Pillbox 28.000 (without the Placeholder Gun and Sandbags 1.000 Polygons)

Allied Patriot 2.7000 Polygons

To say is that the sandbags are very poly counting.. i think i will make later a newer version .. not such detailied but not just only 150 Polygons ^^

how everyone see.. all there numbers are just the actuell state.. there is no special details or interior in this polycounts..

People who says thats to less ect.. My only answer to this.. im a Hobby Artist not such a pro who make this as a job :P:D

Handes you sound very annoyd ^^

be cooler dude :D

That's the portrait of my Levinski (my profile pic) giving you that feeling. I ain't feeling annoyed at all :P

then it was a problem with the translation into my german hehe ;)

heres the last building.. the Prism Tower .. i tried to make a hybrid of the Game Tower and this the one shown in the Blueprint :)



Here some try of me of making own Textures for these Stuff xD

I dont know if is good.. or just bad.. pls give some feedback :D

Its 2 times the same stuff.. the first picture has a bad try to make a lightning that shows some bump and specular details.. th second one is the standart render i used the pictures before

Just click the photos to enlarge




Cool! really like the prism tower, allthough I expected it to be taller near the middle frame.

Pillbox textures look O.K.. I still see the tiles so to say. You might wanna create a diffuse map and edit that somehow in photo shop, to give it that weathered look.

  • Totem Arts Staff
in this case i need help cuz im very bad at uv mapping

Well, my ultra low poly model is unwrapped, I just need to detail the model, project from your textured model and then we got it.


You know what... I'm going to re-install Red Alert 2 and put some more research in some of those textures. I like the look of the pillbox, but the transition from pretty much white concrete to very dark camo could use some work. good luck on your project though!

  • Former Developers

Really cool stuff! Buildings can be a little bit tricky to implement but I'll see if we can get some documentation on them for you guys as soon as possible.


hey dudes new question.. i found a way to export the "unit" voxels of ra 2.. so i can make quite better models of the vehicles :)

now i tried to do the same with the buildings. there are shp files.. my question is now.. is that just a kind of animation? somehin like a diashow or a gif.. or is this a 3d modell ?

last could help me to make better models :)


ah i forgot to say.

the left one is the Voxel model exportet from Ra2. right one is that one i make :D

try to use the original idea but improve it with some usefull ideas.. hope it works so far^^


Dude you're doing amazing work! I'm really really looking forward to start doing the béta testing for this. You also might want to model a drill which drills out gold from the ground since we have no tiberium field in RA2..


my progress on the allied vehicles take progress.. but very slow.. cuz i have no need for beeing fast xD

this ist the actual Progress.. the werid looking model is the original model/voxel exported out of ra2

and yea my model has some mor width ..think it looks a bit better?




oh hmmm... I'm not sure that's how the chronosphere looks though. A shape of curved windows would be much closer IMO

can u show me a example how u think it should be?

Dude you're doing amazing work! I'm really really looking forward to start doing the béta testing for this. You also might want to model a drill which drills out gold from the ground since we have no tiberium field in RA2..

i think this drill is a really easy work but has not much priority now :D

for me its important to make all the models which are usable for the gaming. after that i start making this kind of ambient :D

But i definitly need help at the texturing.. its really not my fav work.. and im pretty bad at this :o

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