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I can't get it to show up on the skirmish browser? Checked udkmenu 5 times, any ideas? :confused:

GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Canyon",Description="Canyon",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="8",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-canyon")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Complex",Description="Complex",Size="Medium",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-complex")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Field",Description="Field",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Full", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-field")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Goldrush",Description="Goldrush",Size="Large",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="24",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="0",BaseDefences="Full", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-goldrush")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Islands",Description="Islands",Size="Medium",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="8",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="0",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-island")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Lakeside",Description="Lakeside",Size="Large",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Enabled",TechBuildings="2",BaseDefences="Basic", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-lakeside")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Mesa_ii",Description="Mesa II",Size="Medium",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="0",BaseDefences="Full", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-mesaii")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Walls_Flying",Description="Walls",Size="Medium",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="8",AirVehicles="Enabled",TechBuildings="0",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-walls")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-UnderRedux",Description="Under",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Full", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-under")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Volcano",Description="Volcano",Size="Small",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="8",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="0",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-volcano")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Whiteout",Description="Whiteout",Size="Medium",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Enabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-hourglassii")
GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Xmountain",Description="Xmountain",Size="Large",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="16",AirVehicles="Disabled",TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="None", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-xmountain")

Ingame native download is capped to 10 kBps. You'll get nowhere downloading from game

They claim to be 95% figured out in how to download maps automatically through internet-based protocol rather than unreal.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Ye, it seems that the UDKmenu.ini got edit from the last Update (Beta 5)

So get the Map again to the Map List for Skirmish you have to follow the Instructions, in the Download Folder i can find them.

GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Eyes",Description="Eyes",Size="Large",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Enabled" TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-canyon")

Copy that to the other Maps in the UDKmenu.ini that should solved the Problem.

  • Totem Arts Staff

It's bit quite about this Map, seems this one got everything good? Some Suggestions or Problems? I should to know if something wrong with Map :P


need a way to increase download speed on maps on servers... or link to other resources that have the map so they can be downloaded in game. Right now its capped at 10 kbs which is 56k joke..

  • 2 weeks later...
Ye, it seems that the UDKmenu.ini got edit from the last Update (Beta 5)

So get the Map again to the Map List for Skirmish you have to follow the Instructions, in the Download Folder i can find them.

GameplayMaps=(Filename="CNC-Eyes",Description="Eyes",Size="Large",Style="Symmetrical",RecommendedPlayers="12",AirVehicles="Enabled" TechBuildings="1",BaseDefences="Basic", MapImage="img://RenXFrontEnd.MapImage.___map-pic-cnc-canyon")

Copy that to the other Maps in the UDKmenu.ini that should solved the Problem.

does not work....

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'll rise all the Rock higher to show the Players there is No Way to Fly and don't have to puke about the invinsible Walls.


First of all, thank you for making the map. It shows you have put a lot of hours into this, it looks great.

There is one thing however I'd like to point out. It is a very big map, and because of this, the max 40 people get spread out a bit too thin. When I was playing I had thoughts like "ah this part of the map looks awesome. but nobody else is here..."

I think this would be an excellent map with a 64 playerlimit, however I don't know if that is possible.

And one more thing, as it is very open, you basically won't live very long as infantry out in the open, so perhaps more cover would be beneficial.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Thanks, yea maby i resize the Map more smaller to focus the Players more on the Main Battlefield. It will be take maby another Hours/Days to rebuild the Map on some Points.


After playing I found, I think, some LOD problems with some rocks. Thell go full gothic at some point.

Perhaps this will help in the development.

Check screens:

Behind GDI PP



Left front of GDI base (In front of walls)



  • Totem Arts Staff

Topic updated!

The new Update shows the newest Progress on CnC-Eyes for the next Patch!

- Changed the Sunlight bit darker also the shadows, so the Lights/Visual Effecs on the Map looking way better

- Added a bunch of new Lights and Visual Effects to get the Map more filled and not so big and empty.

Deleted bunch of Rocks and unimportant Stuff (also Fires in the Background) which get lost by some Changes to save some GPU/CPU Power.

- Build new Rocks/Walls/Fances who shows better the Playable Area for flying Units - (less Invisible Walls who can rammed!)

- The most importen Change to the next Version will be the edit Size, i choose the Plan to "delete" the Lower Pathes from each Side, put some gaint Rocks there and rebuild the Upper Path to One big Path to reach both Bases.

There still enough Space for many Tanks and flying Units.

Fixed Bugs:

- Silo Stairs on the MCT Side reach now the Ground

- Both Bunker at the Bridge hanging not more over the Cliffs

- Fixed Blocking Volumes where Players are able to fly out of- and under the Map.

- Fixed some flying Gras,Bushes and Rocks

- Fixed Collision Bug on the Nod Stairs near Ref.


The most importen Change to the next Version will be the edit Size, i choose the Plan to "delete" the Lower Pathes from each Side,

NOOO leave it its a fun place to hide as a stank and shoot unsuspecting orcas, the layout of the map is great.

if you are going to change something then change this:

on both sides towards the back path make it so that transport can get in, right now you have a blocking block and transport chopper can not fly into the base.

Its basically impossible to fly in from the front so the only option would be the side. Yes I know it will also make it eaiser for orcas too.

Lastly AGT is still useless, Its range needs to go up and be at least able to hit enemy's in the cave like NOD obelisk can.

  • Totem Arts Staff

The Changes are already done, after my small Vacation i'll finish the last Stuff on my To Do-List.

Both Rock Areas near the Refinery where it seems you can fly above them are now blocked with Rocks. So there still 2 Entrances for Flys. I think this is enough.

So keep in your Mind - There are Main-Base-Defensive on this Map 1 Chinook or 2 Orcas got rly bad chances to Rush something - reconsiders your tactics!.

I'm still looking for some Bugs how need to fixed and then will be the Version probably Done, for the First. I'm still aim on the Gameplay not that much on the Visual Stuff, i added some of these for still better looking Map but first of all i try to build an solid Gameplay in CnC-Eyes.

For the ones who asking "how many Hours per Week you spend on this Map?" - About 48~h (4-8h per Day)

So ye, i give my best to create great Maps where all the RenX Players got alot of fun!

Greez. DaKuja


After taking a look at your work in progress of 1.5 I've seen that you need to cull a LOT more, and by that I mean loads more! You keep a ton of objects rendered when you can't see them, it's a waste of processing power! If you need any help with this maybe its better if we sit on teamspeak anytime soon and use a screenshare of some sort..

  • Totem Arts Staff

Ye many mistakes there.. i'll keep Eyes as an First Attempt, this One is not perfect, nevrr build with UDK before and learned much things. On future Maps i'll keep an better Eye on these things to dodge problems and Bugs. But ye Help is welcome everytime :P Thanks, Ruud.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Ye many mistakes there.. i'll keep Eyes as an First Attempt, this One is not perfect, nevrr build with UDK before and learned much things. On future Maps i'll keep an better Eye on these things to dodge problems and Bugs. But ye Help is welcome everytime :P Thanks, Ruud.

Uuuh that'd be fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that Eyes is sort of in the game now. Optimization is kind of important...otherwise we end up with early Lakeside.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm working on it, i'll check the Map one big last time for the really Final Version, where hopefully everything is in there what's needed and works perfect. Any insignificant got deleted like some pointless Rocks and stuff who i forget to delete to improve the CPU/GPU Power.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Downloaded the latest version. I don't necessarily think it feels smaller so much as slightly more cramped with less options now :P I will give you points for the way you cut things off though, it was creative and almost seems like a pretty realistic manner, especially the Nod gates.

The only nit-pick I found is that there is SAND IN THE WAR FACTORY, at the back PT. Of course, considering Mesa II had(has) ground in buildings, I'm willing to still let it pass.

  • Totem Arts Staff

You also need to change the tiberium. What I mean that some tiberium is missing the material.

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Your level seems to lack a mini/overview map. Can you please add this?

Considering Eyes isn't even being worked on, and there's a totally different version of it now, I'd say this is pretty pointless

  • Totem Arts Staff
Unless this new version has a mini/overview map and is being included in the upcoming patch, it's definitely not 'pointless'.

Did you literally gloss over the important part of that post about 'different version' just to have a glory moment of your own?


No point having a minimap made for Eyes if it won't be a thing anymore. Of course there's one for Glasses.


I can make one for Eyes, if they are both being kept. I am sure that isn't the case though.

I made one for Glasses. I hope it's glorious. The map was designed for a lot of "options", for both teams. A lot of openings for offense, no "dire chokepoint" syndrome where tanks have 1 entrance and infantry have 2 and all 3 are clogged to hell so you have to supreme overwhelm 1 entrance to get a hit in, and even then unlikely so.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Sorry about the missing attention about Eyes. I worked many days ago on a new version of Eyes where we get some changes about more survivability on the battlefield, which one is huge an as an soldier you will get easy asskicked by Snipers/Tanks/Air's.

Last time i started the SDK, my SDK got an horrible crash at the startup and seems on some weird way he has damaged my system too. Got bgi amount of issues about the startup my PC and functionality of Win7 and some programms.

Currently i got some big issues with my Internet, many many...~ disconnect on less of minutes and really really slow bandwidth.

Also i got some lack of freetime last days, to much to do even on Glasses and Eyes - not enough time to made these babys grown up for some real battles.

If Yagi would be so nice and help me with the Minimap on Eyes to i would upload the newest Version of Eyes as soon as possible.

So far there a bunch of problems to solve first until i can finish (hopefully) my maps for the next patches.

Please be considerate...

Greez. DaKuja


Played Eyes thrice past days, would be cool if it was still there (like planned) among Glasses. Two maps never hurts!

  • 4 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, after a large break i'm working again on Eyes and try to finish my latest changes where bunch of things get changed - mainly about the Design like covers and gameplay.

So these changes increases survivability on the fields as Infantry and Tank Driver.


More Details got added for just better look
Massiv or more insane amount of culling get done
and much more!

Full "Change List" will be posted if the update is done.

Greez. DaKuja

  • Totem Arts Staff

Rotate the Nod PP 180 degree so hotties can kill it. Nod can kill PP easily cause the AGT can't shoot techs


I've had... a week... and quite a time working on this. No preview on page, cat keeps messing with keyboard, no map save, I just hope it's a'ight.

X= -4557
Y= 6354
MapExtent= 54300

Let me know if I'ma fuckup and need to redo. I honestly didn't save frequent enough to fix mid-way, any adjustment that isn't image-wide will probably require from scratch, which isn't a problem that I mind, if I were needed to do it. I'm just letting you all know, I totally didn't save the raw images before edits.


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