Henk Posted March 22, 2016 Author Posted March 22, 2016 Yep, and instead of a linear blend I used 2 textures + some other nodes to get a heightmap blend between the 2 textures, like the new landscape material I made for Snow, but now a bit more complex with Vertex painting. Quote
Henk Posted March 23, 2016 Author Posted March 23, 2016 I'm building lights at the moment. The map is ready for testing after that. The Repair Facilities aren't destructable yet but they do repair your vehicle. What needs to be tested is if the Repair Facilities, the Dam's Projectile Walls and Nod's Guard Tower work in Multiplayer. And if that all works we can also test the gameplay and get opinions on the balancing. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 23, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 23, 2016 Nice. Can't wait to play it Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 Allright then, sounds good Henk! I've compiled your mutator, however, I think your package (or the package you sent me) is missing content; I am missing the static mesh that's underneath.. I also miss the materials Edit: When I start playing the skeletal mesh doesn't show up, don't know why. In editor: Play in editor: code; Rx_Repairpad.Rx_Repairpad_GDI class Rx_Repairpad_GDI extends Rx_Defence placeable; var() SkeletalMeshComponent BuildingMesh; DefaultProperties { TeamID=0 //========================================================\\ //************** Vehicle Physics Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Health=1000 bLightArmor=false bCollideWorld = false Physics=PHYS_None CameraLag=0.1 //0.2 LookForwardDist=200 HornIndex=1 COMOffset=(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=-55.0) PeripheralVision=-1.0 bUsesBullets = false bIgnoreEncroachers=True bSeparateTurretFocus=false bCanCarryFlag=false bCanStrafe=false bFollowLookDir=false bTurnInPlace=false bCanFlip=False bHardAttach=true MaxDesireability=0.8 MomentumMult=0.7 AIPurpose=AIP_Defensive //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Visual Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCmp CollisionHeight=60.0 CollisionRadius=260.0 End Object CollisionComponent = CollisionCmp Components.Add(CollisionCmp) Begin Object class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=PadMesh SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility' //AnimTreeTemplate=AnimTree'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Anims.AT_DEF_Turret' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility_Physics' End Object Components.Add(PadMesh); BuildingMesh = PadMesh DrawScale=1.0 VehicleIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_VehicleIcon_Turret' MinimapIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_MinimapIcon_Turret' //========================================================\\ //********* Vehicle Material & Effect Properties *********\\ //========================================================\\ BurnOutMaterial[0]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' BurnOutMaterial[1]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' DefaultPhysicalMaterial=PhysicalMaterial'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.PhysMat_RepairFacility' VehicleEffects(0)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire01) VehicleEffects(1)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire02) BigExplosionTemplates[0]=(Template=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Munitions2.Particles.Explosions.P_Explosion_Vehicle_Huge') BigExplosionSocket=VH_Death //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Audio Properties ***************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=ScorpionEngineSound SoundCue=SoundCue'RX_VH_MediumTank.Sounds.Med_IdleCue' End Object EngineSound=ScorpionEngineSound Components.Add(ScorpionEngineSound); } Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 23, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 23, 2016 Maybe it's because you used a vehicle script. What If you just copy and paste a RX_Building_... file and edit it. Maybe that will fix it Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted March 23, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 23, 2016 You might also want to check Game View mode in viewport. If it's invisible in game view, the SkelMeshComp is set hidden Quote
Henk Posted March 23, 2016 Author Posted March 23, 2016 It's visible in game view. That light grey is the material, just a simple placeholder. Maybe the problem is that it looks for a cylinder collision component, and I've used a box. Maybe an AnimTree is necessary, didn't put one in because it doesn't animate. Edit: Map uploaded and asked Ruud to upload it to the testserver. known issue: invisible Hesco Barrier on Floor 2 of the dam, collision is still there. Didn't want to fix it because it would mean building lights for over 2 hours again for 1 small thing. Quote
j0g32 Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Will you feed us with some more pictures of the test sessions, please ;-) Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 24, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 24, 2016 Yes! I will test this map when I'm back home from school Quote
MarkSchnayder Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Don't know if should have opened a feedback thread but for now I post it here. - Feedback - Tested the map a bit and just can say awesome! Very detailed with all those new assets and especially the Dam feels like a great new battleground. The layout of the map is simple (meant in a good way) and looks like intense battles with infantry and vehicles. Can't wait to play it with some more players. The repairpad is also a really helpful new feature for the game. A lot may know the situation when nobody wants to repair you, especially a problem when you are on gdi and you can not leave your vehicle because of the sbhs. - Things I found - -- Map -- * The reflection of yourself in the water of the Dam is much to small * When you look into the landscape (where the sun is) at the silo one tree looks a bit cut of * The crates are black (wanted?) -- Repairpad -- * You are rewarded with points by kinda repairing your own car. Don't like that because I think this could be utilized by players especially at the end of close games Quote
Henk Posted March 24, 2016 Author Posted March 24, 2016 - hmm are only the 2 crates on the field black? That's how it is for me in the editor, if so it's probably because i - copied those over from an earlier version of the game/sdk. I'll try to hide the treeline a bit better. - Reflection needs to be improved indeed, need a better cubemap for it. - Don't know how to fix those points/score yet.. Quote
MarkSchnayder Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 - hmm are only the 2 crates on the field black? That's how it is for me in the editor, if so it's probably because i - copied those over from an earlier version of the game/sdk. Actually I just have seen those two in the field, which are located near to the silo - so yes Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 24, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 24, 2016 I tested the map too ---To Fix--- - Nod Repair Facility is not hitting the ground - Tree behind Nod pp is flying - Maybe do something on the grass landscape because it looks a bit crappy - Maybe scale down the tankblockers to 0.75. They are huge Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 It's visible in game view.That light grey is the material, just a simple placeholder. Maybe the problem is that it looks for a cylinder collision component, and I've used a box. Maybe an AnimTree is necessary, didn't put one in because it doesn't animate. Edit: Map uploaded and asked Ruud to upload it to the testserver. known issue: invisible Hesco Barrier on Floor 2 of the dam, collision is still there. Didn't want to fix it because it would mean building lights for over 2 hours again for 1 small thing. Adding to the server now. I don't have a clue regarding the repairpad not showing, I studied the SAM site and other 'vehicles' but they look the same! the only difference is that they have AI in them. Also, you have a static mesh (that hexagon) and a static mesh, you want to merge both into 1 skeletal mesh. So the ramps are part of the skeletal mesh. Quote
Henk Posted March 24, 2016 Author Posted March 24, 2016 I tested the map too---To Fix--- - Nod Repair Facility is not hitting the ground - Tree behind Nod pp is flying - Maybe do something on the grass landscape because it looks a bit crappy - Maybe scale down the tankblockers to 0.75. They are huge - Will do that when it's a destroyable building - Thx, there could be floating grass too somewhere. - I disagree, I think it looks good. - They can be that huge. And if I make them smaller i'd have to place more, which would mean more objects in your way. Quote
Henk Posted March 25, 2016 Author Posted March 25, 2016 Tested it in multiplayer yesterday, The Nod Guard Tower works, but has something perhaps changed in the Guard Tower scripts that is not in the SDK? Because all guard towers empty 1 magazine on you and then simply don't shoot you again until you hide and then reappear, this does not happen in the editor. Spawning of Gun Emplacements is also somewhat broken, but I already know how to fix it so that's half the work. Energy walls work fine though Black crates fixed. Edit: Kismet fixed too as far as I can tell. Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 25, 2016 Posted March 25, 2016 Tested it in multiplayer yesterday,The Nod Guard Tower works, but has something perhaps changed in the Guard Tower scripts that is not in the SDK? Because all guard towers empty 1 magazine on you and then simply don't shoot you again until you hide and then reappear, this does not happen in the editor. Spawning of Gun Emplacements is also somewhat broken, but I already know how to fix it so that's half the work. Energy walls work fine though Black crates fixed. Edit: Kismet fixed too as far as I can tell. Nice nice, if the guard towers are broken that's up to yosh to fix renegade-wide. you might wanna check all teh buildings, most of them seem to be floating. What I usually do is create a flat area and then drop the building down (with a 2-grid snap) so it always fits nicely. As for the landscape shader, I have to agree with most of the guys here, I think the texture feels overstretched, I think you either need to use different normals or completely scale down the tiling. The foliage seems to cast a shadow, this feels very weird, espeically on the grass. It gives a jittering effect on my screen which is really annoying. Please downgrade the amount of specular on the repairpad, I think you wanna add the metal-ish effect to the diffuse channel and add scratches and stuff to the specular. The way you made it right now doesen't feel natural to me.. Can you also make a different shader for the middle part of the repairpad for the diffuse? maybe something like; http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0153/55196 http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0158/55216 http://www.textures.com/download/metalbare0115/19457 Don't forget to make the repairpad as 1 skeletal mesh (due to the mutator we're working on) You might want to tweak the rocks color or the landscape's color a bit to match eachother, also notice that the foliage rock color is off... All and all I really like your map! It feels very good and I can really tell that you've put a lot of effort in it! Quote
Henk Posted March 25, 2016 Author Posted March 25, 2016 Just opened Goldrush to see if they work there, they do, opened this map, and they worked this time.. weird. Can't we just get a foundation for buildings, or have their walls stretch into the ground a bit more, every time I try to get rid of the floating I get parts where the ground comes through the floor ugh.. Shouldn't have put my buildings on little hills. I only heard thommy so far about the landscape, and overstretched is more helpful than 'it looks crappy'. I'll see what I can do. But the rock color seems fine to me.. And the repairpad is still WIP, I already have a higher poly model and will also make the material look better. I think I can use those textures you posted as specular maps, looks better than the one i picked off Google Images, thx But do you like the glowing? the emission texture? Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 25, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 25, 2016 Yes that is something you don't need to remove Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted March 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 26, 2016 Can't we just get a foundation for buildings, or have their walls stretch into the ground a bit more, every time I try to get rid of the floating I get parts where the ground comes through the floor ugh.. Shouldn't have put my buildings on little hills. I think I suggested this once. This would be useful and allows people to.... well, ignore some tiny elevation problems Quote
Xtractor Posted March 26, 2016 Posted March 26, 2016 ..Can't we just get a foundation for buildings, or have their walls stretch into the ground a bit more, every time I try to get rid of the floating I get parts where the ground comes through the floor ugh.. Shouldn't have put my buildings on little hills. .. I think the trick is after the building is on flat ground you past an invisible paint inside(under it) the building Quote
Henk Posted March 27, 2016 Author Posted March 27, 2016 Took some tedious work but I think I fixed any floating parts on structures. Also made the grass color the same as the color of the ground underneath it. So green landscape = green grass, brown landscape = brown grass, etc. Update, screenshot of the new material, grass and changes to the post processing: Quote
Ryz Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Check, check, double check, release date check ? Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Where can I find the latest package for the repairpad? Script progress is grounded to a halt at the moment. Don't forget to skinweight the repairpad to a bone! Quote
CoreDefender Posted April 8, 2016 Posted April 8, 2016 (edited) Repair Facility Edited October 22, 2016 by CoreDefender Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted April 8, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 8, 2016 Here's the EVA announcements for the Repair Facility in Renegade: There are repair facility quotes in Renegade X. Check the SDK Quote
Henk Posted May 16, 2016 Author Posted May 16, 2016 Small update, haven't been doing a lot of work on the map because I've been busy. The energy wall doesn't stop Flamethrower, Chemtrooper and Officer projectiles, it changes the direction of the projectiles, weird.. So i've removed the energy wall and placed regular walls, the base entrances are now angled, you go around a corner to enter the enemy base. The repairpads need to be entirely scripted to stop them from giving you points. If anyone has suggestions for what to put in the dam/what to give the team when the control point is captured, tell me . Quote
Ryz Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 If anyone has suggestions for what to put in the dam/what to give the team when the control point is captured, tell me . Pizza oven... Well isn't a dam like this usually generating power? If there would be advanced base defences it could power them when the PP is down (but I can't find it there is a PP even and I guess there is no advanced base defence). Maybe, since the silo gives more money, this dam can make units cost less cause the 'power' to buy / build units / vehicles is now cheaper? Quote
Henk Posted May 16, 2016 Author Posted May 16, 2016 Yes there's Power Plants, I was thinking about powering base defenses (which i'll also need to add) if you control the dam, not sure. Maybe I'll have it enable a couple of small defenses instead of an Obelisk and AGT. Making units cost less was also an idea, but the Harvester is really safe and the tiberium field is 3 meters away from the refinery, so there's already a lot of money if you keep your refinery alive (similar to Islands' economy) My preference is an offensive advantage instead of defensive, because I don't want things to get too campy. Maybe i'll have it open up a new entrance-only path to the enemy base, something like a tunnel opening from inside the dam leading to the enemy base. Quote
Profane Pagan Posted May 16, 2016 Posted May 16, 2016 (edited) If anyone has suggestions for what to put in the dam Secret passageway is a good idea. As well the activation of the dam-defense guns. The dam dominates the reservoir below, giving important strategical value to it. 1. But how about an ammunition supply point? You already have a vehicle repair field, why not to give something to the footmen? In this case you don't have to run back home when you are out of ammo. 2. Capturing could reveal usable gun emplacements, like we have at Whiteout, placed against the reservoir. Or leave out the dam MCT entirely, heck, who controls the guns, controls the dam. How about that? 3. I know it was planned to raise water after dam's destruction, however is it possible to release couple thousand hectolitre of water to wash away the tanks below? The released water would gone. All right this last one is just plain stupid. Edited May 29, 2016 by Guest Quote
Henk Posted May 16, 2016 Author Posted May 16, 2016 At the moment I have gun emplacements appearing near the capturable MCT when you capture it. Maybe it's better to put them on the balcony so you can shoot the field with them.. And yes maybe it's better to have neutral ones without an MCT (Haven't checked if neutral is possible yet). One downside with the ones I have appearing now is that if anyone stands on their spawn point you get a green Kismet warning in the upper left corner, after you give them room they still spawn, but it just looks a bit amateuristic. I could active a killing volume for .2 seconds and then spawn the gun emplacement, but that's not very user-friendly either. Maybe all of that will be solved if I just place (a) neutral emplacement(s). Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted June 11, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 11, 2016 I think the trick is after the building is on flat ground you past an invisible paint inside(under it) the building Why did I never think of this before. Quote
Henk Posted June 22, 2016 Author Posted June 22, 2016 Update! Finished my schoolyear so I had time to work on the map again. Removed the energy walls because sadly they didn't stop Officer, Chem and Flametrhower projectiles. Made a tunnel entrance by the capturable MCT, if you capture it, it spawns a teleporter. When you enter the teleporter you get teleported to the new tunnel in the screenshot below. It takes you to the enemy base. It's basically a shortcut. I don't think it's over powered, it's a small exit, so you can mine it, and the guard towers are still a huge threat over there. It's also still pretty close to the main infantry entrance, so no long runs to defend that spot. This mechanic makes it important to fight over the dam, and it gives your team an offensive advantage instead of a defensive or campy one. (It's just a small part of tunnel that leads to a wall, the teleporter is one-way. If I had made it a tunnel that would open for 1 specific team that would leave too much space to hide in for them, and they would still be in there if the MCT is recaptured. This makes it risky for the attacker going through the portal, mining it will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Removed the repair facilities (for now at least), because A. They don't work yet and I don't feel like scripting them anymore because everytime I change 1 thing I need to rebuild scripts and it f**ks up my SDK, can't debug or test things properly.. And B. There's only 1 vehicle entrance, and being able to sit at that entrance and be able to get such quick repairsjust by backing your vehicle a bit, and without help from other players, will make this map just way too camp-friendly. I think it will work better on a large map with multiple vehicle entrances, but just not on this one. So even if I/we get it to work, I don't think I want it in this map anymore.. Updated river material, culled trees and leaves. removed unnecessary lights, added an extra wall to the dam entrances instead of the energy wall. I think all that's left now is building lights. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 22, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 22, 2016 Nice 2Bad Repair Facility is gone for now, but hopefully you can finish the job once. Tip: you can contact nBab for the repair facility. After all he made a new tech building, added TS units to the PT, Added some nice icons on the HUD so making the repair facility will be easy for him Quote
Henk Posted June 24, 2016 Author Posted June 24, 2016 Even if we get the Repair Facility working, I've decided to leave it out of this map. It's a structure that can work on some maps, but I believe it won't work well on this map, gameplay wise I mean. Meanwhile I'm having some frame rate issues compared to other maps. I only get around 40FPS, on other maps it's usually 55-62 FPS. Haven't figured out what causes it, i know it's not the portals or the water reflections, I don't get lower framerates when I look into a specific direction, it's pretty consistent.. Removing particle emmitters didn't have any effect so that's not causing it. If I want to test if it's caused by certain meshes that might be too high-poly like the large amount of trees, the leaves on the walls or the dam, I need to rebuild lights every time to see if it has any effect when I remove them. Building lights takes my laptop around 3 hours so I only build lights when I have things to do away from my laptop. Already culled about everything I could cull btw. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted June 24, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 24, 2016 Maybe you can move the Repair Facility to some other location where vehicles can't camp the base entrance. OR you make sure the Repair Facility is disabled for a small time limit Personally I should say: "Do something about this because it is such a disappointment If this feature is removed. Quote
Profane Pagan Posted June 24, 2016 Posted June 24, 2016 Thommy is on it. But you are right Henk, the reapir facility in the base would generate turtling for sure. Put one building into a high-risk scenario, on the middle of the map, without any cover. That will teach the players! Quote
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