RoundShades Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 In Renegade its called the Mobile Rocket Launcher System.I don't see any reasons to change that. We should totally rename it the "Grid Square Removal System". That is totally fitting... Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 In Renegade its called the Mobile Rocket Launcher System.I don't see any reasons to change that. I didn't see the need to change it, i was just wondering why . . . Though i don't remember which it was in original Renegade. MRLS isn't incorrect, it's just informal/unofficial, and it was named accurately in C&C1/TS. (That said, my brain always told me mobile rocket launching system, cuz it just flowed better, mobile launching rocket system sounds odd, my head always played tricks on me there.) Quote
SFJake Posted March 4, 2015 Posted March 4, 2015 I checked in the old Renegade just to be sure. In the menu, its written directly as Mobile Rocket Launcher System. I have no idea why they chose that name, if it was a mistake or if it was an intentional deviation. And hah, my tongue could never say MLRs now. In fact, just typing it is painful. I don't know how it was named in TS. I do have C&C95 however and its just called "Missile Launcher" everywhere. Quote
Henk Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 I don't know how it was named in TS. I do have C&C95 however and its just called "Missile Launcher" everywhere. It's Hover MLRS in Tiberian Sun. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 I don't know how it was named in TS. I do have C&C95 however and its just called "Missile Launcher" everywhere.Ah i checked the files for C&C95, it was just called Rocket Launcher, and it's ID name was MSAM (presumably Mobile SAM, which is actually more inaccurate haha), so yes you're right. Not sure what it was called in the console versions though.We totally need the Recon Bike back heh. I've played modded maps in original Renegade, and the bikes were a blast do wiz around in. They weren't anything special: shot a missile similar to the stealth tank except probably half the rof, they had armour like the buggy (maybe worse), and just drove similar to the buggy or w/e and had simple scripts to make it tilt when turning, but it worked well and was so much fun (especially when using the vehicle editor to boost the speed on it). I know i'm probably repeating what someone else has said. I can get why the SSM would be a no-go though haha, that would be crazy overpowered. *is reminded of the SSM's in the C&C3 Tiberium History mod where they shoot 2 mini-nukes that can 1-shot an army of mammoths.* But there really is no reason to not add the Recon Bike other than it not being in the base game. (lol now i'm remembering the frickin car/truck and that weird blocky thing that was supposed to resemble a devil's tongue. that you got when you typed "extras fnkqrrn"). Nod having an extra unit shouldn't really break balance, cuz Nod always had more units than GDI, the alternative to having big tanky units. Frankly, GDI is overpowered, say if everyone got a mammy, there'd be little way for nod to win, they tend to need numbers to take down mammys, and with balanced teams... Quote
RoundShades Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 "extras quantifigon" (...con?), or "extras fqqrm" Quote
Canucck Posted March 5, 2015 Posted March 5, 2015 Any chance of changing the color scheme on xmountain? The huge amount of red/orange/yellow coloring makes screenshots and streaming turn out to be really low quality unless you have a ridiculous pc/connection. Also this map is almost entirely red+green so it'd be crazy bad for the most common type of color blindness Quote
MattHunX Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 Any chance of changing the color scheme on xmountain? The huge amount of red/orange/yellow coloring makes screenshots and streaming turn out to be really low quality unless you have a ridiculous pc/connection.Also this map is almost entirely red+green so it'd be crazy bad for the most common type of color blindness Love the colors on xmountain. Soothing. Quote
Truxa Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 Any chance of changing the color scheme on xmountain? The huge amount of red/orange/yellow coloring makes screenshots and streaming turn out to be really low quality unless you have a ridiculous pc/connection.Also this map is almost entirely red+green so it'd be crazy bad for the most common type of color blindness I believe Kenz explained it once that he deliberately chose these colors because it's a change of scenery. Instead of the snow-white or desert-sand colors, he wanted to try something different. In my opinion, he succeeded masterfully. So no, I'm sorry for your screenshots and streams. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 6, 2015 Posted March 6, 2015 Any chance of changing the color scheme on xmountain? The huge amount of red/orange/yellow coloring makes screenshots and streaming turn out to be really low quality unless you have a ridiculous pc/connection.I actually like having a nice autumn map for once, even though i don't like that season personally lolol. Streaming compression is something ur just gonna have to deal with, or run a lower resolution (ie 720p) with higher stream quality.Protip: save PNG screenshots, or 95-100%(windows default is 85, ew) quality jpegs for space saving. Quote
RypeL Posted March 7, 2015 Author Posted March 7, 2015 To keep you in the loop while you wait heres an update on things we have been working on since the changelist was posted. (At this point we dont plan to add new features anymore. We just try to get the remaining necessary fixes in): - LCG fireinterval from 0.08 to 0.1 - Slight LCG spread increase - Airstrikes cant be placed near a beacon anymore - Airstrikes have a 30 second cooldown per team - First iteration of Airdrop code. They become available with a 2 mins cooldown and increased cost when WF/AS gets destroyed (cooldown will probably increase to more like 4-5 mins. keeping it fairly low atm so that they are easier to test) - The visibility of the targetingbox now matches the weaponrange more closely - Inreased vertical movementspeed of Apache/Orca to make them more fun to fly - fixed a server crash that could happen when AT mines were present on the server - fixed B4 servers getting removed from the serverlist after idling for 60 minutes - fixed start of game message saying "match begins in 5" instead of "waiting for players" - fixed that if you scope in with a sniper and then press F (toggle third/first person), you will have a third person scope that shows your head and is a bit higher - fixed timelimit staying at the default 10 mins matchtime for deathmatch even after switching to a C&C mode map - fixed disarming your own mines awarding you points - fixed beeing able to deploy beacons while parachuting - fixed SBH not uncloaking on the other players point of views when the SBH was doing headshots - fixed hitmarkers not showing when scoped - fixed not getting points for a kill - Reduced volume of some of the GDI Airstrike sounds - removed spread from ramjet - removed headshotmodifier from flametank and adjusted damage (probably needs more tweaking. also flametank range and possibly damage falloff at range should be looked at) - disabled ability to throw weapons - Some small fixups from Agent's posts - Added weapon firing animations to the Volt AltFire. - Renegade Score and Kills now reset over seamless travel - Suicides no longer increment kill count. - Player Pings are now decompressed (multiplied by 4) when being displayed on the ScoreBoard. - Fixed the issue of PT when Hottie/Techy dies, the proxy carried over to the respawned player - StartingCredits, VehicleLimit, and MineLimit options set in the Skirmish menu should work now - Reduced max spread on tac rifle - Increased max spread on laser chaingun to match tac rifle - Various event log updates - Added dynamic RCON commands. * Added "Help" RCON command (lists commands and displays help/syntax for specific commands) * Added "HasCommand" RCON command * Added "ListMutators" RCON command * Added "LoadMutator" RCON command * Added "UnloadMutator" RCON command * Added InitRconCommands() function to Rx_Mutator for mutators to override. - Fixed Airdrop issues (cooldown time will increase in the next patch and an airdrop animation is in the works aswell) - Obelisk now only charges if he has a clear line of fire - Fixed Airstrike cooldown counter in MP - Disabled weapondrop for now (we will get back to it later) - Added a music player to the audio settings preloaded with ren and renx tracks - Repairguns secondary firemode now automatically keeps firing for about 25 seconds (can be canceled/reset by pressing either secondary or primary fire again) - Updated to latest UDK version - Added "Donated;" GAME Rcon log. - Added "RecordStop;" DEMO Rcon log. - Expanded "Deployed;" logging. - Fixed "Disarmed;" log spam. - Added "MAP" RCON command. - PT no longer set the player's loadout upon exiting (by hitting 'esc' key or pressing exit button in Purchase terminal). The only way to loadout is by performing refill or purchase. - Added RCON commands: Team, Team2, Ping, GiveCredits. - Reduced bleed damage of chem thrower - Missile launcher has increased light and heavy armour vehicle damage - PIC/Railgun has a full 100 damage against light armour for being able to 4 shot mrls/arty/orca - Increased EMP Grenade cook time to allow vehicles to be able to avoid grenades before they detonate (we are currently thinking of making EMPs stick to vehicles so that there is a delay for the EMP effect but so that the vehicles cant just easily avoid them) - Added Rx_SeqAct_GetCredits and Rx_SeqAct_RemoveCredits kismet actions for mappers to make kismet actions based on a players credits - Added 3D Studio Max rig example files for weapons, vehicles, and characters - Set smoke grenade to be purchasable in PT - Havoc and Sakura will now use Remote C4 instead of timed C4 Vehicles: - Updated vehicle collision to make them less capable of climbing over other vehicles - Vehicles have increased friction which prevents them from being able to climb up on 90 degree walls, blocking volumes, and buildings - Vehicle destroyed shell lifetime reduced to 0.1 second Chemical Thrower / Flame Thrower - projectile speed reduced, range, and headshot damage Tiberium Auto rifle - projectile no longer has an arc on the projectile - increased vehicle and light armoured vehicle damage Volt Auto Rifle - Reduced primary fire rate of fire - Reduced alt fire projectile speed, range, and explosion radius - Fixed alt fire electric damage being insanely high Maps: - Too many map fixes to list. Especially to the new maps. Note: Some of the fixes might be fixes to bugs introduced in B4 so that they dont apply to B3. Quote
epicelite Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 -Add damage falloff to ramjet so it can't 1 shot free infantry from a distance, but can up close. (at least a body shot, headshot should still be a kill) -Remove EMP -Smoke should not block automated defense targeting -Reduce volume of Orca engine noises (unless done already, you didn't mention it?) -Increase cost of Orca/Apache 1000% if already 3 on team (X2 for each additional Orca/Apache after that) -Fix anti-tank mines detonating on infantry and counting twords team mine count? -Add special purchasable mine that acts as an alarm making a loud noise, but does no damage. -Replace heavy pistol with laser pistol for Nod. -Disallow SBH's from purchasing carbine (SBH with carbine OP as fuck, if they really need a silent takedown they have a silenced pistol.) -Give unlimited ammo to Heavy Pistol/Laser Pistol/Carbine (unless done already?) Oh yeah and a pretty big one I always forget to mention that was maybe fixed already? "Enemy spotted at Power Plant!" etc... Doesn't give enough information! GDI or Nod power plant? How do I tell? Same with refinery, and silos but that only applies to one map currently. Sometimes one audio message will cut off another and make me jump like "Tiberium Refinery Repaired" - "GDI Harvester Destroyed." or some shit like that I can't remember the exact dialogue. At the end of the day, all I hear is "Weapons Factory Destroyed" from the two messages audio being cut off and combined and it makes me jump and then I see it was just nothing. Also you will get like "GDI Infantry Barracks Repaired" and that freaks me out a but too because I expect it to say Destroyed, especially when it comes out of nowhere. Maybe it should be more like "Repaired, Barracks." Is it just me? PS: "- Repairguns secondary firemode now automatically keeps firing for about 25 seconds (can be canceled/reset by pressing either secondary or primary fire again)" For what purpose? Quote
UTP Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 I do not know if it was discussed beacons will still be permetidos in tunnels in beta 4? Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Any chance of changing the color scheme on xmountain? The huge amount of red/orange/yellow coloring makes screenshots and streaming turn out to be really low quality unless you have a ridiculous pc/connection.Also this map is almost entirely red+green so it'd be crazy bad for the most common type of color blindness "Streaming compatibility" is really the most irrelevant thing, man. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 Sometimes one audio message will cut off another and make me jump like "Tiberium Refinery Repaired" - "GDI Harvester Destroyed." or some shit like that I can't remember the exact dialogue. At the end of the day, all I hear is "Weapons Factory Destroyed" from the two messages audio being cut off and combined and it makes me jump and then I see it was just nothing.Also you will get like "GDI Infantry Barracks Repaired" and that freaks me out a but too because I expect it to say Destroyed, especially when it comes out of nowhere. Maybe it should be more like "Repaired, Barracks." PS: "- Repairguns secondary firemode now automatically keeps firing for about 25 seconds (can be canceled/reset by pressing either secondary or primary fire again)" For what purpose? Repair gun constant for 25 sec is to keep you from having to sit there holding ur finger on the damn button while trying to repair a building for a period of time.The messages for Repaired, and Harvester Destroyed , do indeed make me jump too. I don't think we need an EVA announcement for harvester destroyed personally, a written message and the obvious factor that the harvester isn't there, followed by a "Harvester Ready" is plenty indication. ->That, or change it to "Harvester Lost" would actually be better!! Lol, now i kinda miss the accent of the old ren EVA. Perhaps add a "Repair the Harvester!" spotting message too? Also, the Ion Cannon is stupendously loud compared to the Nuke. It's louder than my whole game combined and the rest of my computer's volume lol. Lower the volume please, and turn up the siren sound for the Nuke as well! Vehicles:- Updated vehicle collision to make them less capable of climbing over other vehicles - Vehicles have increased friction which prevents them from being able to climb up on 90 degree walls, blocking volumes, and buildings Aw, i actually liked these. Quote
GodRider Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 So... How long do we have to wait till B4 comes out? Give it another 2 weeks? Cos I cannot wait. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 8, 2015 Posted March 8, 2015 They can humor your pokes, or do their work. They can't do both, and they can't do more of their work being a non-profit project than they already are. Honestly, Youtubers are more set in their workload than these devs are because of the profit difference. These updates take a few months, and delays sometimes, but they do amazing loads of work for what it is. When this does hit beta4, it will be well enough with the open mapping and the gameplay variety, that the game will be terrific for another few months. Just gotta do the most, with the limited dev time they have amidst their regular lives. We should be congratulating them on their work so far, it must take a lot of manhours they freely give to the project, just to get a closed beta of beta 4 operational. Quote
MattHunX Posted March 8, 2015 Posted March 8, 2015 I want to be fixed Refill in purchase terminall to finally give full stamina I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. Quote
SFJake Posted March 8, 2015 Posted March 8, 2015 I want to be fixed Refill in purchase terminall to finally give full stamina I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. [*]Fixed online Refill issues If you play offline, refill DOES refill stamina. It has been an online-only issue since the beginning so I'm guessing thats what this means. Quote
MattHunX Posted March 8, 2015 Posted March 8, 2015 I want to be fixed Refill in purchase terminall to finally give full stamina I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. [*]Fixed online Refill issues If you play offline, refill DOES refill stamina. It has been an online-only issue since the beginning so I'm guessing thats what this means. But, it shouldn't refill. Everyone would be sprinting back and forth, tunnel-waring on certain maps, and it would be like cheating. Conserve stamina. Maybe increase the stamina pool. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted March 8, 2015 Posted March 8, 2015 I want to be fixed Refill in purchase terminall to finally give full stamina I highly doubt it's supposed to give you full stamina. Wouldn't mind some more stamina, though. All those trained soldiers and they can't sprint very long. [*]Fixed online Refill issues If you play offline, refill DOES refill stamina. It has been an online-only issue since the beginning so I'm guessing thats what this means. But, it shouldn't refill. Everyone would be sprinting back and forth, tunnel-waring on certain maps, and it would be like cheating. Conserve stamina. Maybe increase the stamina pool. After using the corrected refill mechanic in beta 4 for a while, I can confidently say that it's nicer and does not create any issues. If you're getting a refill, you're getting full health, might as well get full sprint too. Quote
MattHunX Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 After using the corrected refill mechanic in beta 4 for a while, I can confidently say that it's nicer and does not create any issues. If you're getting a refill, you're getting full health, might as well get full sprint too. Then...have a timeout on the refill...e.g.: make it available for use every 5 or 10 seconds or something, so it cannot be abused. That should've been done a while ago, anyway. Of, course...I've benefited from running back to a terminal for a refill then stepping out to shoot at helis and tanks, then jumping back in for another, popping back...etc., but it felt stupid. It shouldn't be abused like that. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 After using the corrected refill mechanic in beta 4 for a while, I can confidently say that it's nicer and does not create any issues. If you're getting a refill, you're getting full health, might as well get full sprint too. Then...have a timeout on the refill...e.g.: make it available for use every 5 or 10 seconds or something, so it cannot be abused. That should've been done a while ago, anyway. Of, course...I've benefited from running back to a terminal for a refill then stepping out to shoot at helis and tanks, then jumping back in for another, popping back...etc., but it felt stupid. It shouldn't be abused like that. It exists now, and bases still die, so it's abuse isn't godmode. It is just a defender advantage, one of the few "anti-snowball" mechanics, or mechanics that benefit the defending or losing team. In comparison, Monday Night Combat has a spawnroom, literally a room with 3 seperate doors and shields that allow teammates through but not enemies and the room itself refills health upon stepping into it. You can stand from the door and fire at enemies all day, except for the fact that there are no good lines of sight from the door to the field or even the base, and that enemies can still blow you away the second you step out to fire. Quote
SFJake Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 I'm against refill nerf anyway. Why do people want to nerf it so bad. Oh noes, people are in their base and are having a defensive advantage. Yes, thats Renegade, and like Bro said, bases still die, all the time. If defense didn't have an advantage, it wouldn't need a team effort to break through. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 I'm against refill nerf anyway. Why do people want to nerf it so bad. Oh noes, people are in their base and are having a defensive advantage. Yes, thats Renegade, and like Bro said, bases still die, all the time.If defense didn't have an advantage, it wouldn't need a team effort to break through. People repair spamming and refil spamming in a building, what do you do? Nuke/Ion and sit on it. While they're turtling inside the clock is ticking. I like being able to refill and save my ass and not loose my expensive character sometimes. Tho, tip: sometimes, if you're out of money, repairing eachother instead of refilling gets you free $$$ Quote
Ap2000 Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 I've never seen any problem in refilling and I don't think imposing a 5 second time between refills is going to change anything in the least. Quote
INVADER_ZIM Posted March 11, 2015 Posted March 11, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument. Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" Quote
RoundShades Posted March 11, 2015 Posted March 11, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument.Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? Quote
MattHunX Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument.Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? Wouldn't mind the laser-rifles of SBH having less and being more accurate. Quote
epicelite Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument.Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? It worked just fine back in the original game with no recoil. Quote
rytlock Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 Any news with a ETA on when it's out now that it's coming to mid march ? Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted March 12, 2015 Posted March 12, 2015 There are better places to post this, iontech Quote
Xtractor Posted March 13, 2015 Posted March 13, 2015 Few things that idk if it's in the list didn't see on a fast look at it . when doing an airstrike in 3 rd person I'm been switch to 1st person everytime after,would like to stay in 3rd person view. After I go on PT the wall magnet me ,I Have often difficulty to unsticked myselft from the wall . Nuke on Barrack near the flag base pole and on roof Barrack at panels junction is making nuke invisible and unable to disarm . Sometime latetly my character doesn't change to the newly bought upgrade characters at PT ,I have to sucide to fix. remote C4 layed in early game time doesn't explode and stay on ground when trigging them . Flamer veh seem to damage inside characters at MCP repairing the building in Barrack ' also possible to damage outsiders near the wall Barrack by sticking our head in the back wall in a matter that we can see the other side. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument.Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? It worked just fine back in the original game with no recoil. That arguement is to remove recoil from the entire game. You can't remove it from 1 gun on that arguement, and not all of them, because no guns had recoil. They all had spread, often very minor, and in the chainguns case it was about the same as the autorifle. This game has recoil now. So might as well apply it to most things. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 15, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 15, 2015 It worked just fine back in the original game with no recoil. OldRen was also significantly harder to hit/stay on target due to lag and random jumpiness. Aiming in RenX is significantly easier, not to mention all of the weapons do significantly more damage to the body in RenX. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 No one seems to have noticed, but this is a very valid argument.Laser Chaingun: "Why does a beam of light have a recoil?" For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? That arguement is to remove recoil from the entire game. You can't remove it from 1 gun on that arguement, and not all of them, because no guns had recoil. They all had spread, often very minor, and in the chainguns case it was about the same as the autorifle. This game has recoil now. So might as well apply it to most things. Pretend it's a Particle Beam, then recoil is valid (to be honest, it'd need to be to inflict that kind of damage, even though C&C always called it laser). Personally i preferred the steady full auto laser rifle over the burst fire. Oh yeah, the muzzle flash is a bit too big and bright. Quote
RoundShades Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 This game has recoil now. So might as well apply it to most things. Pretend it's a Particle Beam, then recoil is valid (to be honest, it'd need to be to inflict that kind of damage, even though C&C always called it laser). Personally i preferred the steady full auto laser rifle over the burst fire. Oh yeah, the muzzle flash is a bit too big and bright. The burst laser is quite lethal compared to old one though, and that tempts people to shoot more often, which gives nod a team instead of a list of spectators waiting for gdi to get out of vehicles mid field which, let's be honest, isn't going to happen because they know better. Quote
boxes Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Increased ramjet heavy armour damage to 30hp per shot from 10hp per shot to compensate for reduced infantry damage Decreased ramjet rifle damage vs light armour vehicles ^was this decision ever reverted, or is it officially in beta 4? Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted March 16, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 16, 2015 Increased ramjet heavy armour damage to 30hp per shot from 10hp per shot to compensate for reduced infantry damageDecreased ramjet rifle damage vs light armour vehicles ^was this decision ever reverted, or is it officially in beta 4? It was shot down. Think it's roughly the same as it was in B3 <10 damage Quote
HaTe Posted March 16, 2015 Posted March 16, 2015 Didn't read through the whole topic, but mainly just the original post, including the updated changes. Really, really great work. I think the balance tweeks made should provide considerably better gameplay, and the bug fixes and other miscellaneous fixes were prioritized very well. I'll be coming back to this game very soon (once my PC is finished being built), and am really looking forward to playing this game. Best overall gameplay update thus far, imo. Quote
GenesisAria Posted March 17, 2015 Posted March 17, 2015 This game has recoil now. So might as well apply it to most things. Pretend it's a Particle Beam, then recoil is valid (to be honest, it'd need to be to inflict that kind of damage, even though C&C always called it laser). Personally i preferred the steady full auto laser rifle over the burst fire. Oh yeah, the muzzle flash is a bit too big and bright. The burst laser is quite lethal compared to old one though, and that tempts people to shoot more often, which gives nod a team instead of a list of spectators waiting for gdi to get out of vehicles mid field which, let's be honest, isn't going to happen because they know better. I personally found the auto easier to kill with... And aren't most people in favour of nerfing SBH anyways (isn't lethality what we're not after)?Well anyways, i hope Beta4 can come soon (real soon, not Soon[super]TM[/super]) There will always be endless lined of things that can be fixed or changed, more things added, the more postponed. The changes i see already are great, and can't wait to try it out (as well as new maps) . Quote
Hadeshots Posted March 20, 2015 Posted March 20, 2015 Yasssssssssssssss cannot wait @Ruud033 will you be posting your map development pubically on this forum, or will you keep it on tmx? Quote
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