GatsuFox Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 (edited) I'd like to make this little wishlist and I hope I get a dev response! 1. Ravenshaw/sydney crosshair fix. Make it the same as the sniper crosshairs. I'm actually shocked this wasn't changed in Beta 3 since we discussed it in the same thread that Havoc joined in. 2. Weapon sounds in third person. Right now weapon sounds do not play in third person until you switch into first person then back to third person (and they only work for a while). Weapon sounds like: reloading and recharging. 3. The slow down effect after jumping or using too much sprint. It's just really weird and it feels wrong in this type of arcade shooter. Sure limiting bunny hops are ok, but why slow players down almost to a halt after? 4. A stronger sound for the silenced pistol. When the pistol fires, it sounds like tapping two Popsicle sticks together. Just feels weird in this arcade like game, makes it seem like it has no power (when it indeed does). How about a cartoony sound like the silenced PP7 from Goldeneye 64 or a meaty sound like CS:GO's USP? 5. More ass on the player models. A strange request but let me explain! All of the men suffer from hank hill ass and the women have man asses. Makes me feel like I'm playing an alien sometimes, its uncomfortable. It makes the soldiers look like they weigh 100 pounds standing at 6'. Go ahead and call it autism or nitpicking, but I mean just look at their asses! 6. Proper weapon binds for slots 3 - 6. I would like them to be re-bindable from the game options menu. Edited October 16, 2014 by Guest Quote
RoundShades Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 My real ones are: -Give flamethrower "area effect" on any ground his projectile hits and enemies touch, 6 seconds of burn if touched within 6 seconds of the surface being shot touched. -Same with chem sprayer, except tone down the damage against infantry just a tiny bit, maybe just lower the rate of fire a bit but keep the damage so the "total damage of all clips" is still high. It is wierd, the chem sprayer insta-kills infy but does low veh/structure damage and chem-rushes were viable against field barracks in original Ren. -Emp grenade disrupts SBH Stealth, mines, and base defences -Emp nade and AT mine given to Items PT tab and weapon-slot, replacing spot of beacon/airstrike if selected. -Powerplant increases cost of stuff by 50% instead of 100%, and delays the first shot of base defences by 4 seconds (enough to run between cover) instead of disables, while destroyed factories increases cost of things by 100% instead of disables -More variation between patch and gunner while both remaining strong. Quote
TacTicToe Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Working rcon that makes it easier for admins to ADMIN! Compatibility with third party tools like Big Brother Bot would be exceptional. Ability to scroll in game messages, server rules etc. Quote
RoundShades Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Working rcon that makes it easier for admins to ADMIN! Compatibility with third party tools like Big Brother Bot would be exceptional. Ability to scroll in game messages, server rules etc. I seen a bot repeat periodically the teamspeak info, anyone can scroll ingame messages from esc menu in the match, and I seen players get stuck in "free zoom view" as spectator. So *shrug* Quote
SFJake Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Proper icons above people's head when they use voice commands. Apparently there is an indication of it, I have NEVER noticed it in game. It should be a huge, glowing, sparkling icon. No, seriously. Quote
Xpert Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Working rcon that makes it easier for admins to ADMIN! Compatibility with third party tools like Big Brother Bot would be exceptional. Ability to scroll in game messages, server rules etc. For one, Big Brother is made for q3a and FrostBite engine. Renegade-X is UDK so I don't see that happening. As for moderation of the server itself, just use an IRC regulator and problem solved: viewtopic.php?f=119&t=73368 You can basically monitor your server at ease along with a bunch of other features. For my wish list, most of it is RCON related which I mentioned here (only testers have access): viewtopic.php?f=110&t=74000 But basically: - A command added that shows the current map and game time or elapsed time. I hate having to fetch the map from the text logs or using the data on the website that outputs the server information. - Output that shows purchases (vehicles, weapon, beacon, character) - Fix for the leave event. It always says people suicided when they leave the game. - Kill message output through RCON when a base defense (AGT, Obelisk, Turret, Guard Tower) kills someone or something. - Fix the ForceEnd rcon command. In beta 1, it used to work to gameover the map. - Mute and Unmute rcon command also worked in beta 1. Now it only works if a client is logged into rcon admin ingame. - Output that shows when a beacon is disarmed and by who As for non-rcon related: - I want to see an option for drop weapons. That shouldn't be too much to ask considering drop weapons existed in Black-Dawn. The settings should be similar to that of Renegade's SSGM 4.0. - EMP grenades revealing SBH and stealth tanks (no to disabling base defenses...) - Change for the PIC Sydney and Raveshaw crosshair similar to Havoc and Sakura - Making frag grenades actually useful - The option of a map rotation instead of a vote system - A fix so you can't vote for the same map that just played last round - More crate options Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 16, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 16, 2014 Proper icons above people's head when they use voice commands. Apparently there is an indication of it, I have NEVER noticed it in game. It should be a huge, glowing, sparkling icon. No, seriously. Was wondering about this one too. As for others: -Just EMP disrupting stealth. -Ladder bug fix >_> -Something, anything at all, done to help Field be less of that map that makes people quit. -Probably something else obvious as time goes on. Quote
DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 My real ones are:-Give flamethrower "area effect" on any ground his projectile hits and enemies touch, 6 seconds of burn if touched within 6 seconds of the surface being shot touched. -Same with chem sprayer, except tone down the damage against infantry just a tiny bit, maybe just lower the rate of fire a bit but keep the damage so the "total damage of all clips" is still high. It is wierd, the chem sprayer insta-kills infy but does low veh/structure damage and chem-rushes were viable against field barracks in original Ren. -Emp grenade disrupts SBH Stealth, mines, and base defences -Emp nade and AT mine given to Items PT tab and weapon-slot, replacing spot of beacon/airstrike if selected. -Powerplant increases cost of stuff by 50% instead of 100%, and delays the first shot of base defences by 4 seconds (enough to run between cover) instead of disables, while destroyed factories increases cost of things by 100% instead of disables -More variation between patch and gunner while both remaining strong. I like a all o' dis. Also, better asses. Quote
Mrcod Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 -Something, anything at all, done to help Field be less of that map that makes people quit. Yeah, this is a big one I'd like to see something done about. Quote
RypeL Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 -Something, anything at all, done to help Field be less of that map that makes people quit. Yeah, this is a big one I'd like to see something done about. Take out the inf barriers at Hon/GDI Ref ? About the other ideas beeing posted ... its very easy to cause information overflow to us and properly thinking about this also takes time and energy so pls dont be disappointed if you dont get an immediate response. We try to keep up with the ideas beeing posted, store them somewhere and try to consider them once we have time to think about them Quote
xanthar4242 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 -Something, anything at all, done to help Field be less of that map that makes people quit. Yeah, this is a big one I'd like to see something done about. Something I've thought about for Field specifically, is a tech building in the infantry tunnels to help break seiges in one direction or the other. It also plays into the new EMP mechanics. Once captured, this tech building would grant the purchase of EMP strike beacons. They could be thrown like a grenade, but have a brief period before an EMP strike to allow retreat. The EMP strike would be like the EMP grenade, except with the ability to disrupt repairs and buildings. Hitting a base defense structure with the strike would decrease its rate of fire. Hitting any other structure with it would turn off the power to that structure alone. So, EMP striking the power plant wouldn't do anything. Vehicles caught in the area of effect wouldn't be able to move, similar to the grenade. However, withinethe area of effect, repair guns would not function. After an EMP strike, there would be a global cool down of a significant duration (30 seconds - 1 minute). Don't know how practical any of this is, but might be worth considering as it might lead to some interesting ideas. Quote
TacTicToe Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 For one, Big Brother is made for q3a and FrostBite engine. Renegade-X is UDK so I don't see that happening.As for moderation of the server itself, just use an IRC regulator and problem solved: viewtopic.php?f=119&t=73368 You can basically monitor your server at ease along with a bunch of other features. For an "expert", your knowledge of Big Brother Bot seems lacking. I run B3 for my Homefront, Frontlines Fuel of War, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Ravaged server. ALL UDK games. I also use it for my CSGO server which is Source. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. And IRC???? FFS who in the hell uses IRC anymore? I haven't used IRC in probably 15 years. IRC bot? Are you trolling? Anyways, my wish for Big Brother Both remains. Hopefully the devs can make it happen like so many before them. Please? Quote
RoundShades Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Your both right. Big brother is still a thing. IRC is still a thing. Old rene, as well as PA and RenX both use IRC, and Unreal games use Big Brother. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 For one, Big Brother is made for q3a and FrostBite engine. Renegade-X is UDK so I don't see that happening.As for moderation of the server itself, just use an IRC regulator and problem solved: ... 19&t=73368 You can basically monitor your server at ease along with a bunch of other features. For an "expert", your knowledge of Big Brother Bot seems lacking. I run B3 for my Homefront, Frontlines Fuel of War, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Ravaged server. ALL UDK games. I also use it for my CSGO server which is Source. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. And IRC???? FFS who in the hell uses IRC anymore? I haven't used IRC in probably 15 years. IRC bot? Are you trolling? Anyways, my wish for Big Brother Both remains. Hopefully the devs can make it happen like so many before them. Please? I would absolutely love to see a b3 parser for renegade x! I also use b3 for most of my game servers and it works fantastically you just need a sql database. to be honest it probably wouldn't be hard for someone to make a parser they just need knowledge of renegade x and python. Quote
RypeL Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Non of the games you llisted are UDK games I think. They use a full UE 3 license. UDK is more limited then full UE 3. They all have the privilege to make money and to be able to pay for the full engine. Quote
TP|himselfXD Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Non of the games you llisted are UDK games I think. They use a full UE 3 license. UDK is more limited then full UE 3. They all have the privilege to make money and to be able to pay for the full engine. Well all b3 needs is rcon access and a live game log file that contains chat and a player info to support a game other than that just needs someone to develop it. Example game log from a game that supports B3: 108:42 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\\_Location\US - Central\_Website\\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 108:42 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 108:42 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 108:42 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 108:42 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 108:42 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 108:42 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 108:44 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;!register 108:45 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;word 108:57 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 108:57 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 108:59 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;what 109:03 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 109:05 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 109:08 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ur bad 109:10 say;01100001000004f7;2;Raito;look you got no ricoil 109:13 say;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer;Lol 109:14 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;yh no recoil that 109:15 ShutdownGame: 109:15 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:15 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:15 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\\_Location\US - Central\_Website\\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 109:15 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 109:15 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 109:15 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 109:15 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 109:15 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 109:15 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 109:17 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;well done nobody 109:20 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;^1you ^7A ^1VIRGIN ^8^7bro 109:25 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;fucked ur mum 109:28 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;lots of original jokes 109:31 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 109:33 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 109:41 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;neck 109:49 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 109:51 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;wh 109:52 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ez 109:54 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;look at you 109:54 say;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger;disgusting 109:56 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;how obvious 109:58 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;ur so bad 109:59 ShutdownGame: 109:59 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:59 ------------------------------------------------------------ 109:59 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\\_Location\US - Central\_Website\\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 109:59 J;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 109:59 J;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 109:59 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 109:59 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 109:59 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 109:59 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 110:05 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;did you not witness that wh? 110:06 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;lmao 110:11 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;did u not witness ur bad skill? 110:13 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;lmfao 110:13 K;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:20 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;no im seeing that pretty good 110:21 K;011000010001dbc4;6;axis;[POL]Jagger;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_HEAD_SHOT;head 110:24 say;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic;im 3-6 110:26 K;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:27 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 110:28 Q;011000010001dbc4;6;[POL]Jagger 110:34 K;0110000100021d77;5;axis;[POL]daboholic;0110000100024280;1;allies;V3X5F;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_lower 110:41 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;lol ur boyfriend quit 110:45 Q;0110000100021d77;5;[POL]daboholic 110:45 ShutdownGame: 110:45 ------------------------------------------------------------ 110:45 ------------------------------------------------------------ 110:45 InitGame: \_Admin\Admin\_Email\\_Location\US - Central\_Website\\fs_game\mods/1^2isnipe\g_gametype\sd\g_hardcore\0\gamename\IW4\iw4m_me\1\iw4m_remoteKick\1\iw4m_secure\1\mapname\mp_nightshift\protocol\61586\scr_game_allowkillcam\1\scr_team_fftype\0\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_allowClientConsole\1\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\^0[^2TP^0]^4ThePeople ^1SND iSnipe!^0[^4US^0][150,000XP]XLRSTATS\sv_maxclients\18\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\125000\sv_minPing\0\sv_online\1\sv_privateClients\0\sv_privateClientsForClients\0\sv_pure\0 110:45 J;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer 110:45 J;01100001000004f7;2;Raito 110:45 J;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F 110:45 J;011000010002973f;0;LookWhatICanDu 110:47 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;LMFAO 110:54 say;0110000100023033;3;TheAngelGamer;dafolic Rage quit 110:56 say;0110000100024280;1;V3X5F;thats what they get 111:06 D;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;011000010002973f;0;allies;LookWhatICanDu;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;20;MOD_EXPLOSIVE;none 111:06 K;01100001000004f7;2;axis;Raito;0110000100023033;3;allies;TheAngelGamer;cheytac_fmj_xmags_mp;14000;MOD_RIFLE_BULLET;torso_upper 111:19 ShutdownGame: 111:19 ------------------------------------------------------------ 111:19 ------------------------------------------------------------ Quote
BoMbZu Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 I think it would be really awesome if the RecordDemo -> PlayDemo functionallity could be build in the menu. Where the game automaticly stores the last replay on default with the possibility to save it (Just like in generals). I am not sure if this would be possible but it makes it easier for the players to make more awesome Renegade-x movies and will in turn increase the game's popularity. Quote
RypeL Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 No unfortunately it is not possible to record client side demos. Epic removed support of that feature from the engine. Quote
GatsuFox Posted October 17, 2014 Author Posted October 17, 2014 Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Field is about push and pull and using massive team work to push through choke points and take control of positions. It's the intended way this game was meant to be played and we never had a problem with this in the original renegade I don't get the playerbase changing their minds now. Everyone just wants to get lucky and sneak by people with their engineers to blow up a building. This is why I hope UNDER isn't changed too much because it's essentially the same fucking thing. It's a push/pull siege type of map that requires team work to win. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 17, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 17, 2014 Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Field is about push and pull and using massive team work to push through choke points and take control of positions. It's the intended way this game was meant to be played and we never had a problem with this in the original renegade I don't get the playerbase changing their minds now. Everyone just wants to get lucky and sneak by people with their engineers to blow up a building.This is why I hope UNDER isn't changed too much because it's essentially the same fucking thing. It's a push/pull siege type of map that requires team work to win. Debatable. Field is definitely a map that takes teamwork and coordination, and after playing in in our Tmx lobby war the map makes WAY more sense in terms of how it was meant to be played. Then again, Renegade with full communication and actual good players is an entirely different game anyway. That being said, I think most of what Field could actually use is slightly wider base entrances, kind of like Under. As of right now, one or two Mammoths take up too much space, and while it's easy to rectify this with smart positioning, that requires non-idiots in Mammoths. Unfortunately, 9/10 Mammoth drivers turn out to be idiots. I've seen Field go well in public matches, but that still required an overwhelming majority of players to be from the days of yesteryear, on top of the fact that the GDI team had over half coordination. For general public play though, standard Field is just too much of a headache for the general populace. Perhaps having a Field and FieldX wouldn't be so bad, as in lobby/clan wars Field is actually a viable map requiring economy control, some tunnel-watching for defence, the ability to infantry rush base defences from the tunnels (even the AGT), and some tactical terrain for vehicle wars. Again, I see where you're coming from, but I also know where others are coming from. Quote
GatsuFox Posted October 17, 2014 Author Posted October 17, 2014 Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Field is about push and pull and using massive team work to push through choke points and take control of positions. It's the intended way this game was meant to be played and we never had a problem with this in the original renegade I don't get the playerbase changing their minds now. Everyone just wants to get lucky and sneak by people with their engineers to blow up a building.This is why I hope UNDER isn't changed too much because it's essentially the same fucking thing. It's a push/pull siege type of map that requires team work to win. Debatable. Field is definitely a map that takes teamwork and coordination, and after playing in in our Tmx lobby war the map makes WAY more sense in terms of how it was meant to be played. Then again, Renegade with full communication and actual good players is an entirely different game anyway. That being said, I think most of what Field could actually use is slightly wider base entrances, kind of like Under. As of right now, one or two Mammoths take up too much space, and while it's easy to rectify this with smart positioning, that requires non-idiots in Mammoths. Unfortunately, 9/10 Mammoth drivers turn out to be idiots. I've seen Field go well in public matches, but that still required an overwhelming majority of players to be from the days of yesteryear, on top of the fact that the GDI team had over half coordination. For general public play though, standard Field is just too much of a headache for the general populace. Perhaps having a Field and FieldX wouldn't be so bad, as in lobby/clan wars Field is actually a viable map requiring economy control, some tunnel-watching for defence, the ability to infantry rush base defences from the tunnels (even the AGT), and some tactical terrain for vehicle wars. Again, I see where you're coming from, but I also know where others are coming from. We can't just cater to the low level players all the time and bow our heads to them. There are plenty of maps that do this like like walls and whiteout but this game is most fun when its army vs. army not a couple of players sneaking around and then a few playing their mega-420-quicscope-sniper wars with their semi-decent twitch aim. I can see your point by making the entrances just SLIGHTLY bigger (especially nod's) but don't allow infantry to just sneak in all by them selves or some shit. Players need to LEARN this game, not just be lazy and sit afk as SBH while waiting to get nukes from their refinery being up. I can't fucking stand seeing players planting nukes with 12 points to their name 12 minutes into the game. How do they even find that fun? It's like playing a shitty version of THIEF:TDP. Quote
Kriemhild Gretchen Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 The thing is, Renegade X, as it stands, doesn't really have many tools for coordinating teamwork. We have in game text chat, surveys and out of game VOIP. The first two take up time that could be used for shooting, pushing, etc. and it's incredibly unlikely that the whole team will be on the third. The devs have stated it's impractical to implement in-game voice chat without Steam integration. It's unfortunate, but we need to work with the game as it is. Teamwork will be limited. Typically, the team which is most effective is the one that has a pre-stack, so to speak, of four guys in a Teamspeak server. This is why Field lags on and on and on for so long. It's difficult to coordinate teamwork on pubs, even moreso without voice chat. Quote
GatsuFox Posted October 17, 2014 Author Posted October 17, 2014 We need better keybinds for the voice commands. Why not just take TRIBES:ASCEND system? Tribes has always had a great voice command keybind system. Quote
Canucck Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Can be fine with 24-32p too, same for Under. A lot of the original maps just really suck with 40p+ Quote
tekgunman Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 I didn't know making a server setting to remove sprint wasn't possible. Sorry for making that suggestion if that's why my post got removed. Was it how I worded it? I do, however, still hold onto my opinion that vehicle movement/handling is weird in this game. Quote
SFJake Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 I didn't know making a server setting to remove sprint wasn't possible. Sorry for making that suggestion if that's why my post got removed. Was it how I worded it?I do, however, still hold onto my opinion that vehicle movement/handling is weird in this game. One thing that bothers me is the camera lag. It "lags" behind the movement which makes strict movement (particularily around corners, both with vehicles and infantry) feel weirder than it should. Thats one thing I forgot. I'd LOVE to have an option to remove that lag. Quote
RypeL Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 @tekgunman: Doesent look like anyone deleted your post. Maybe you didnt save it or it bugged out or something. About vehicle handling: It has been discussed numerous times before and we know that vehicle physics are not ideal in this game but it is hard to get them right in this engine. @SFJake: Maybe. Going to consider such a setting. Quote
BoMbZu Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 No unfortunately it is not possible to record client side demos. Epic removed support of that feature from the engine. Alright well I am not sure how many resources it would cost for a server to actually create demo's or how big these replay files are but a serverside function would also work, to record all matches and stream the output to an ftp server, so that if something funny ingame or spectacular happends you can always look it back without having the need to run fraps all the time. Just like how gentools works ( , created by Xezon0). Quote
tekgunman Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 @tekgunman:Doesent look like anyone deleted your post. Maybe you didnt save it or it bugged out or something. Forgive me then. So would adding a "no sprint" or "no silo" option be out of the question? Quote
SFJake Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 @SFJake: Maybe. Going to consider such a setting. Thanks for considering it. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 18, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 18, 2014 Don't change field. The design of field is for high level play which is why it is not played in public matches. Field is about push and pull and using massive team work to push through choke points and take control of positions. It's the intended way this game was meant to be played and we never had a problem with this in the original renegade I don't get the playerbase changing their minds now. Everyone just wants to get lucky and sneak by people with their engineers to blow up a building.This is why I hope UNDER isn't changed too much because it's essentially the same fucking thing. It's a push/pull siege type of map that requires team work to win. Debatable. Field is definitely a map that takes teamwork and coordination, and after playing in in our Tmx lobby war the map makes WAY more sense in terms of how it was meant to be played. Then again, Renegade with full communication and actual good players is an entirely different game anyway. That being said, I think most of what Field could actually use is slightly wider base entrances, kind of like Under. As of right now, one or two Mammoths take up too much space, and while it's easy to rectify this with smart positioning, that requires non-idiots in Mammoths. Unfortunately, 9/10 Mammoth drivers turn out to be idiots. I've seen Field go well in public matches, but that still required an overwhelming majority of players to be from the days of yesteryear, on top of the fact that the GDI team had over half coordination. For general public play though, standard Field is just too much of a headache for the general populace. Perhaps having a Field and FieldX wouldn't be so bad, as in lobby/clan wars Field is actually a viable map requiring economy control, some tunnel-watching for defence, the ability to infantry rush base defences from the tunnels (even the AGT), and some tactical terrain for vehicle wars. Again, I see where you're coming from, but I also know where others are coming from. We can't just cater to the low level players all the time and bow our heads to them. There are plenty of maps that do this like like walls and whiteout but this game is most fun when its army vs. army not a couple of players sneaking around and then a few playing their mega-420-quicscope-sniper wars with their semi-decent twitch aim. I can see your point by making the entrances just SLIGHTLY bigger (especially nod's) but don't allow infantry to just sneak in all by them selves or some shit. Players need to LEARN this game, not just be lazy and sit afk as SBH while waiting to get nukes from their refinery being up. I can't fucking stand seeing players planting nukes with 12 points to their name 12 minutes into the game. How do they even find that fun? It's like playing a shitty version of THIEF:TDP. I wouldn't want them to change much about the tunnels honestly. You can already infantry rush from the tunnels, and both sides can get within beacon range of 2 buildings. The only time the tunnels are annoying is when they start getting mined too much when the mine limit is some ridiculously high number. Still, I don't know why the early game engineer rush isn't more common from the tunnels. Granted everyone gets accused of hacking when they do it, as I'd not think most people know how few people you need to make it to the AGT. The thing is, Renegade X, as it stands, doesn't really have many tools for coordinating teamwork. We have in game text chat, surveys and out of game VOIP. The first two take up time that could be used for shooting, pushing, etc. and it's incredibly unlikely that the whole team will be on the third. The devs have stated it's impractical to implement in-game voice chat without Steam integration.It's unfortunate, but we need to work with the game as it is. Teamwork will be limited. Typically, the team which is most effective is the one that has a pre-stack, so to speak, of four guys in a Teamspeak server. This is why Field lags on and on and on for so long. It's difficult to coordinate teamwork on pubs, even moreso without voice chat. This is only partially true. I've seen plenty of public games where team chat was enough. Voice wasn't necessary in OldRen to get larger groups coordinated, and in-game voice probably would just get muted or ignored by those who are already ignoring the team-play aspect in favour of uselessly sniping people uselessly running around as free infantry. It'll take time perhaps, but lone-wolfs will give way to team players. You have to remember beta 3 gave way to an influx of idi-- new players. Hell if any of them knew they were downloading a game involving more than just shooting at people to make it happen. I've already seen several Livestreams and recordings with new players that never read the chat the entire time they're playing. When they finally did, it's because they started getting their asses handed to them in infantry wars when they tried 1v3ing the other team. It may not have immediately turned them into a team player, but that frustration is step 1 towards them figuring out that 1 soldier doesn't make the difference in a 20v20......unless you're The Yosh. But still, even The Yosh pays attention to planning and battlefield updates. Then again, I'm from the old school of Ren, so reading everything that's said is just 2nd nature. can tell they just need to play more when they don't know all of their abbreviations yet. Nobody smart uses complete sentences in Ren, dammit. Quote
Xpert Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 For one, Big Brother is made for q3a and FrostBite engine. Renegade-X is UDK so I don't see that happening.As for moderation of the server itself, just use an IRC regulator and problem solved: viewtopic.php?f=119&t=73368 You can basically monitor your server at ease along with a bunch of other features. For an "expert", your knowledge of Big Brother Bot seems lacking. I run B3 for my Homefront, Frontlines Fuel of War, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Ravaged server. ALL UDK games. I also use it for my CSGO server which is Source. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. And IRC???? FFS who in the hell uses IRC anymore? I haven't used IRC in probably 15 years. IRC bot? Are you trolling? Anyways, my wish for Big Brother Both remains. Hopefully the devs can make it happen like so many before them. Please? Did I pinch a nerve? Someone seems butthurt. All the games you listed are not UDK. They're all UE 3 and like Rypel said, uses a full license. Please do not post about something, if you do not know what you are talking about. I'll take your quote and throw it back at you. Do you even know where Renegade-X developed based off of? A game called C&C Renegade. A game where 95% of the servers for 10+ years plus used IRC as a way of moderation for the servers and still continues to do so. A game where most of the developers including Fobby have came from who I had the privilege to play with and against on servers that are IRC regulated. Why are you so butt hurt over an IRC bot? Seriously, get over yourself lol. I'm glad you're so cool and run other game servers that run B3. I run other game servers too and they use IRC and CS:S and CS:GO is just 2 of the many. What's your point lmao. If it bugs you so much, go ahead and code your own method of moderation. I developed mine and released it. A few servers already use it like EKT, AoG and Bong's US server. Did I mention TMX uses an IRC bot coded in python? Bash IRC all you want for whatever reason you have against it but the reality is, most of the busy servers are IRC regulated and moderation hasn't been a problem. Quote
Darkraptor Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 A few wishes for Beta 4? - Well, what about fixing the GDI-Harverster-Bug on Walls - And pls fix this annoying tremble bug, when you use a helicopter. thx Quote
Kriemhild Gretchen Posted October 18, 2014 Posted October 18, 2014 I'm gonna keep posting this until you learn to discuss things without insulting each other. Quote
Bananas Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 (edited) I would like to see: Carbine tweaked to be slightly less strong or more expensive Tiberium flechette increased in price (NOT nerfed stat wise) Crouching hitbox fixed/tweaked Sydney/Raveshaw given a proper crosshair Fixing guns jamming/not firing Fixing getting stuck in scope or getting stuck in slow movement because of scope Fixing sniper scope sprint bug These are my current major complaints with the infantry play of the game. Edited October 19, 2014 by Guest Quote
ReaperLi Posted October 19, 2014 Posted October 19, 2014 First of thx for the update What I want the most bug fix for newmap(that ladder rocket...) Fix anti tank mines took up the C4 slot ,which coz player can't refill their c4 after he used up 2 anti tank mines,I often have to kill myself so I can equit with C4 again. a few more map with AGT/OoL (I don't get why most player like to play with map without tower,missing a big part of the game,that also contribute to sbh op because everyone play Wall...) Give back my lovely 100 round laser rifle,I like to play as saboteur and hijacker as sbh so much(I really good at doing dirty work),currently the 30 round laser rifle just don't come with enough firepower to kill a low hp tank/half dead person without reloading,It force me to buy weapons to ...*reinforce* my sbh,they aslo supposed to some good vs tank in old ren,bascially a upgraded auto rifle.sbh become very limited to C4 and nuke cheese because of his very bad gun(on top of that a laser weapon with recoil and long reload time...>.<) can we remove that 4 ammo chip in Ion cannon and railgun?it take the same amount of time to reload if I'm no mistaked. maybe it was a newbie question,when I right click with Mobius volt gun it give me a secondary fire but drain faster also stuck at 40 round ammo and not firing nor reloading... most of weapons have unneccessary spread and recoil,I know it not reality and look strange,but this game was more about tactice and strategy, Especially not about playing with your gun spread partten like many FPS game today. firing auto rifle upward too much,it bascially give unfair advantage when you fight in tunnel at higher ground level,it also difficult to shoot at above your head.I belive technology was so advanced in reg that people get ride of recoil of gun lol and we suing nano bullet thus having 100 round per magzine. rocket soilder need ot hold more rocket...16 is not really enough for offensive mission,I only use that on defensive because I have to refill too often. Very nice on mini gun officer,But i have almost no experience in old ren about this class. please add a function to show the amount of over mines of each players...many guys like to team hammering with over mines... new idea to move the silo on field to tunnel (e.g. only only a master control terminal inside the tunnel) curruntly once you have the open field, you wil auto gain that silo and tunnel war become throw mines war(having tank shooting in tunnel all day),put that silo inside tunnel would give better reason for a team to balance and take control of both income system in that map. new tech building that create special vehicles in that middle of map,it was especial useful on map without defence struture ,it like you lose the ref,if you can keep silo up you are mostly fine,now we have a tech building at the middle of map that you have to get there to purchase vehicles ^^ seem very fun. some tower/gun station that need people to function like whiteout. final note I only played the old ren for 1 year,I want to ask is that GDI replaced the Tiberium automatic rifle and flechette gun? coz that sydney and patch acutally good for GDI balance,it balance out the leak of stealth and chem in inf game especially in tunnel war gunner can answer most of you anti armor need,having patch that do good damage on everything is overlap of role.GDI mid class inf was better with role...deadeye ofr sniper,gunner for tank,and patch for super crazy inf combat(I belive tunnel was a big part of strategy and balance in old ren.) I belive we can consider put those thing back as same as old ren and wait for some funny stuff happen. right now laser gunner seem a bit too good at anit inf... too much wall of text...that all for now thank oyu for reading Quote
Henk Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Some things i'd like to see fixed: - Spotting locations back to Beta 2, now it says "Enemy Spotted near Barracks!", while the enemy is somewhere near the mountain entrance at Walls for example. This was better in Beta 2, expect some spelling mistakes and inconsistencies (I recall them on Lakeside) - X-Mountain: Floating trees, ladder bug, vehicles driving through rocks, vehicles being able to access infantry route. - Goldrush: I'm still able to get outside of the game area, near that abandoned mine, reported that bug once, a couple of months ago. - Don't know if anyone else has this problem, but: missing textures, some trees in X Mountain, some rocks in Walls, my gun once, but these are just small parts of levels so it's not a big problem. - "Your username" donated X credits. - Zooming in with non-sniper weapons makes a zoom in sound, but it's completely panned to the left. I'd also like the sbh to become visible for a shorter period than what it is now if they are shot. It's way too long now, once you get damaged once, there's almost no way to escape the enemies anymore. I think they're nerfed too much. Some interface things, in the endgame screen: automatically scroll the chat, being able to scroll with mousewheel. And most importantly: not having to scroll to vote for the maps that are at the bottom of the map list. Things I'd like to see added: Complex, Under, Canyon, and that new map named Daybreak, there's some screenshots of it in progress on the internet, it looks pretty awesome. Something for later Beta's maybe: an ingame teamspeak function maybe? At least something that makes teamworking better. Quote
MonkeyBoy Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 My Wishlist; 1. BUG FIXES! imo this is more important than new content at the moment. Most notable bug for me at the moment are the hitboxes. Ive lost track of the amount of times ive shot a shotgunner in the chest with a ramjet with my last bullet in the clip, only to have it do 0 damage and then die while reloading. It really halts the fun of sniping as most of my shots are in the chest and head where the bug mostly happens. 2. Balancing - All of the original maps are great, they are balanced , but some of the new ones are not. X-Mountain for example, its a beautiful map and ive had some great battles on the field, but GDI are forced to leave half of their units in the base because its too damn easy for sbhs! Islands and volcano dont have this problem , and i know why. Those maps are small enough so that any threat can be reached in a fair time , not the case with mountain. The GDI base is absolutely huge and its just not fair for GDI . I propose making the base smaller, or more likely and easier would be to add a couple of automated guard towers that make SBH's much harder ( but not impossible ) to use in that map. Whiteout. This map heavily favours NOD , but i think there are a few ways around it. The arty's shell arcs, making it super easy to hit buildings from the hill while not being in range of the enemy. This is highly unfair as mlrs's have a way harder time doing this. Also you cant see stealth units on this map because the colour of sbh distortion is the same as the snow. These 2 effects combined weaken GDI considerably as they are often unable to stop countless nukes while at the same time staving off 5 arts WHILE AT THE SAME TIME trying to actually launch their own offensive and win! A potential solution is to add guard towers that cant be shelled from the hill, and to modify the hill in such a way that units cant attack the enemy base without being FULLY exposed to units within the base. Whiteout for me is unplayable and i just dc when its on. 3. Faction specific items - Both sides have the same items, emp grenades, at mines etc, but why not faction specific ones? One that could really help even the odds on defenseless maps would be a battle scanner type device. it would be purchased from a pt and replace timed c4, and it would give the wearer a much wider range of stealth detection , and when an SBH gets close enough, the whole team can see it and not just the wearer. Perhaps also it could send an automatic alert to the whole team via teamchat like " Stealth unit detected at x location." [ side note : i really think something has to be done about stealth on certain maps, its just not fair to GDI as they have no special tactic of their own to even the battle, especially on public servers with limited teamwork ] As for the nod one, how about a little temporary stealth device that confers the wearer stealth for 5 seconds, enough time to run away if in a tight spot or to sneak past some GDI guys . This device would have to be held like a nuke beacon so the wearer couldnt fire their gun at the same time. 4. Repair drones. What do you do when youre GDI on a map with no defenses and your tank is at 5% health? well you could ask for repairs, but what if your team isnt repairing you? Cue repair drones! This would function the same as C&C 3 where simply being near the wf/air summons over one of 3 drones that repair you so you dont have to leave the tank and risk sbh getting it. 5. Dynamic weather effects - How about some rain on walls or a snowstorm on whiteout where vision is impaired? Light and heavy weather effects on all maps that dont just look pretty, but also have a tactical application, such as heavy rain blocking the sound of footsteps and light arms fire, and snow decreasing visibility and reaction times of base defenses? This idea for me would make each game truly unique and add that extra layer of depth and tacticality [ is that a word? ] that would really make this game more special than it already is. 6. Just a few weapon grifes i have. Carbine is too powerful for its cost, marksman bullet should be faster to make it not suck at long range , chem sprayer should not be so OP( too much damage for its cost ), sbh laser too OP seeing as the SBH's invisibility is already an incredibly useful asset ( lowering its damage vs MCT would be great seeing as after the 2 c4 from 2 sbhs goes off, it takes them 3 seconds to finish it off ), patch sucks compared to laser chaingunner, perhaps make its bullets do more vs tanks or bullets travel faster? Maybe even increased clip size and rate of fire, we dont see many patches on the field and for good reason, IT SUCKS! Pistol could be more quiet . Perhaps increase speed of MLRS shells? DPS seems slower than arties and its very easy to escape those shells in aircraft or with infantry. 7. Now for the bits i do like! I like the new aircraft, i was wary at first, but ive come around and think what you have done was a good idea. Endgame cutscenes, it gives the game that extra layer of polish that really adds to the feeling of a more professional feeling piece of software. YOU FINALLY FIXED THE CRASHING HALLELUJAH !! < biggest thing that needed to be done, good job for fixing that, player count has been higher since and i put it down to that! the new black hand skin is fantastic, the artwork team should be proud. Mcfart nerf . Needed to be done. New maps! slowly one by one you are bringing more maps for us to play, we have so much more variety now and every other game isnt walls anymore ( although it still features heavily lol ) . I will just say that i do fancy more maps with base defenses, either full or half defenses. Anyway its getting late and i have work early tomorrow, of you read all of this then well done! To the Devs: Keep up the good work. Munkei Quote
Canucck Posted October 20, 2014 Posted October 20, 2014 Most notable bug for me at the moment are the hitboxes. Ive lost track of the amount of times ive shot a shotgunner in the chest with a ramjet with my last bullet in the clip, only to have it do 0 damage and then die while reloading. All UE3 games play terribly when there's more than ~10 players in a server, issue is not specific to RenX. Engine was made for SP games and to satisfy ~4v4 console MP (if you look into UT4 development they're having a lot of issues with input and network performance on UE4 because of this) It's no surprise that noregs/nofires happen a lot more often even on hitscan given that there's 40 people in a server. Would probably help a lot to limit servers to 32p, you can notice a massive difference joining a server with ~20p and watching your noregs/etc increase as it fills to 40. Although it's handling this many players a lot better than I thought it would Quote
Abraxus Posted October 22, 2014 Posted October 22, 2014 Because i like the setup in general, here we go with a lot of balance stuff,some bugfixes and only a few new ideas by ur friend Abraxus Bugs (most important only): ========== - hitbox / hitmarker bug (u get a hit, but 0 dmg) - rework the whole crouch hitbox - Xmountain ladder - Xmountain vehicle on inf path - Terminal spectator - Tremor vehicle (most times flying units) - "rest" dmg when a vehicle get's destroyed BALANCE/Other stuff ========== General: - rework teamshuffle after mapchange - Serveroption for different minelimits depending on the map - Save C4/Grenade options for chars - Nuke/Ion: When a nuke/ion is spotted -> minimap marker for all - Mines: Remove dmg reduction for touching/stacking mines - Airstrike: impact time from 5 to 3.5 seconds - EMP: immobilization 2 sec less - EMP: reduces repair inside the cloud by 50% (also inside buildings) - EMP/AT mine: Separate slot instead of c4 slot - Carabine: back to beta 2 (was already strong, but ok due to it's price) Infantry: ========== - Shotgun: 25% less dmg - Marksmen: 15% faster reload - Sakura/Havoc: Less visible shots - 500's sniper: Increased Bullet speed - Rocketeer's: lock vs infantry decreased/less accurate - Flamethrower: 20% more dmg - Chem trooper: 20% less dmg - Laser Chaingunner: 15% less dmg - MC farland: 20% more dmg - MC farland: 20% less bullet speed - Patch: increased bullet speed - Patch: decreased dmg (result should be same DPS, but easier to aim) Vehicles: ========== - MRLS/Arti: decreasing range both to the mrls range from beta 2 (due to actual overusage for pointwhoring) - Minigun (all): dmg decreased by 10% - MRLS: rocket speed increased - MRLS: dmg decreased - MRLS: reload time decreased (result should be same dps, but more of an continuous fast fire than rocket salves) - Artillery: splash dmg back to beta 2 - Chinook: 20% more rotation speed - Chinook: 20% faster ascend and descend - Orca/Pachi: 20% increased ascend and descend movement while using shift - Orca/Pachi HP same as in beta 2 - Light tank: 10% more movement speed - Stank: HP from 400 to 500 - Stank: less angle for missile launching - Stank: incresed missile lock/accuracy vs infantry Thx for reading - like to hear some feedback Quote
noxidevad Posted October 23, 2014 Posted October 23, 2014 Prob been suggested about hundred times but Map rotation would be nice, this constant voting same map over and over is rather boring now. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted October 24, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 24, 2014 I think Q needs to at least mention what vehicle the enemy is using. At least that saves us from saying 'APC inc' or 'Flame rush' or 'Mammy rush', because others would know what vehicles we're seeing. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 24, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 24, 2014 One bug that really needs to die is the Obelisk shooting vehicles and infantry simultaneously. It can kill your Medium tank, then instantly kill you right afterward. I know I'm not the only one who's noticed this. Quote
Abraxus Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 One bug that really needs to die is the Obelisk shooting vehicles and infantry simultaneously. It can kill your Medium tank, then instantly kill you right afterward. I know I'm not the only one who's noticed this. Thats not an obi bug, thats the good old explosion/dmg bug. If your chin gets shot by a havoc a.e., sometimes the passengers get the "rest" dmg as well and die instant. I think thats what happens with the obi as well. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 25, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 25, 2014 I've very vividly watched the Obelisk shoot an engineer and a tank at the same time actually...I don't know if it was ever mentioned or not, but that is just a wee bit game breaking. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted October 25, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 25, 2014 What about the AGT? I've seen an AGT bombarding the central building on GDI's side as Nod in Gold Rush. I couldn't see the tower itself from the balcony, and then outta nowhere two missiles hit me and killed me. The message indicates that my killer was AGT Bringing this up because you can still snipe from the other side of the balcony as GDI because Obelisk cannot zap that place... unless you know, Nod was never meant to snipe from that building? Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 26, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 26, 2014 What about the AGT? I've seen an AGT bombarding the central building on GDI's side as Nod in Gold Rush. I couldn't see the tower itself from the balcony, and then outta nowhere two missiles hit me and killed me. The message indicates that my killer was AGTBringing this up because you can still snipe from the other side of the balcony as GDI because Obelisk cannot zap that place... unless you know, Nod was never meant to snipe from that building? That's not a bug, that's just the AGT being tall enough to do it. They could just raise the hill blocking sight of the AGT a bit so that the very top wasn't visible. One bug that really needs to die is the Obelisk shooting vehicles and infantry simultaneously. It can kill your Medium tank, then instantly kill you right afterward. I know I'm not the only one who's noticed this. Thats not an obi bug, thats the good old explosion/dmg bug. If your chin gets shot by a havoc a.e., sometimes the passengers get the "rest" dmg as well and die instant. I think thats what happens with the obi as well. Nope, not fixed in beta 3 either. Just watched a Livestreams where you could blatantly see the Obelisk rapidly switching between firing at an infantry unit and a vehicle. Quote
Defang Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 My wishlist for Beta 4 consists of a few changes, Every time a Nuke and Ion beacon is placed the countdown duration is modified by how many nuke beacons have been placed by 10 seconds per beacon. So if you get 3 beacons at the same time you get 30 seconds extra on each beacon to disarm them. I think it would help to discourage placing 4 beacons around the base and allow SBH to remain useful. Of course there is potential for griefing with beacons, but that already happens with the mines. Also I'd love to see Sydney and Ravenshaws do more damage to armored vehicles. Maybe a 50% increase against armored targets so that both teams have a reliable tank killer. Right now nothing short of several EMPs and 2 Airstrikes can stop a Nod or GDI push into a base with tons of flamers or mediums. Quote
kaitology Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 My wishlist for Beta 4 consists of a few changes,Every time a Nuke and Ion beacon is placed the countdown duration is modified by how many nuke beacons have been placed by 10 seconds per beacon. So if you get 3 beacons at the same time you get 30 seconds extra on each beacon to disarm them. I think it would help to discourage placing 4 beacons around the base and allow SBH to remain useful. Of course there is potential for griefing with beacons, but that already happens with the mines. Also I'd love to see Sydney and Ravenshaws do more damage to armored vehicles. Maybe a 50% increase against armored targets so that both teams have a reliable tank killer. Right now nothing short of several EMPs and 2 Airstrikes can stop a Nod or GDI push into a base with tons of flamers or mediums. This is a terrible idea. It even completely counters teamwork and stimulates solo beaconing. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted October 26, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 26, 2014 Every time a Nuke and Ion beacon is placed the countdown duration is modified by how many nuke beacons have been placed by 10 seconds per beacon.So if you get 3 beacons at the same time you get 30 seconds extra on each beacon to disarm them. This could be something to look at, but not to the extreme of every beacon placed. If anything every beacon placed while another beacon is already down could get 5 or so seconds added to its countdown, but the first beacon placed shouldn't change at all. Also I'd love to see Sydney and Ravenshaws do more damage to armored vehicles. Maybe a 50% increase against armored targets so that both teams have a reliable tank killer. Right now nothing short of several EMPs and 2 Airstrikes can stop a Nod or GDI push into a base with tons of flamers or mediums. First off, since we survived all of OldRen without either air strikes or EMP nades, I can assure you that PICs and Ravs are more than just adequate to fight tanks. Secondly, we survived beta 2 without EMP nades, and honestly killing tank rushes isn't hard if you know they're coming. If you don't, then that's an oversight on your team. Thirdly, just to put it in perspective. A PIC does 85 damage to armour, from range, instantaneously. It can't be dodged in any way, and since it's all burst damage it means PICs already have the advantage of being able to duck in and out of safety while tanks get blasted. 4 PICs together are basically a mobile Obelisk with 40 more damage, and shoot faster than the Obelisk, not to mention can sit where tanks can't hit them easily. So, A) Buffing their damage is a slippery slope. At most make them do an even 100 to make them be able to kill artillery in one clip. A 50% damage buff is just outright ridiculous. You could 5-shot a Light tank by yourself. B)The Volt Rifle is better at base defence anyway, assuming they do rush by surprise. C)A group of 5 PICs can literally take the field from an armour column (sans artillery) by themselves if they play it right. I'm not making this up, 'The Mighty PICs of Justice' was a thing. D) The PIC and Rav are both instant/un-dodge able by vehicles. They've got enough advantages as is. ...I swear sometimes I wonder why I'm writing an extensive guide for this game...then I see things like that, and remember I literally have nothing to do where I am right now. Quote
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