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I feel that servers should be 24-30 player max, its make for a better game play...

If you have 40 players 20 a side you generally end up in a dead lock....

Also bring back timed games...

What do you all think???


Saslt :cool:

An old school Renegade player....


I feel that servers should be 24-30 player max, its make for a better game play...

If you have 40 players 20 a side you generally end up in a dead lock....

Also bring back timed games...

What do you all think???


Saslt :cool:

An old school Renegade player....

Fewer players make for faster games, in some situations I agree, but for maps without base defense, it's hard for GDI to fight while also defending against infiltrating SBHs when you have fewer players. Usually only a few people who NEVER attack end up ALWAYS defending the base. They never end up higher on the scoring list because of that but they do have a critical function in the teams victory.

Timed games are server settings, so it's server dependant. Don't like it? Look for "AoW" servers instead of "Marathon". Some "AoW servers have longer than the standard 30 minutes, essentially having a "limitted marathon"



I don't even play when servers can't fill up to 40, which is my actual minimum player count.

Need it back to 64, but don't even have the population for it.

NA had a popular 24-max player server running early but now NA is dead.

If it makes you feel better, I too prefer 12-16 players per team.

I agree, 12-16 player servers are perfect, but hard to find.

edit: well, didn't read the "per team"...


I'd also prefer server size 32-40 for most maps, also servers can just cap themselves to smaller numbers if they so wish. No need to impose smaller numbers globally :)

If it makes you feel better, I too prefer 12-16 players per team.

I agree, 12-16 player servers are perfect, but hard to find.

edit: well, didn't read the "per team"...

Well the less the numbers the more personal the game is. I like a bit more numbers so you don't get absolute suprise losses in structures. Besides that, I prefer 8-16 players a team for sure. At least you can keep track of the 6 guys in field 4 guys repairing 4 guys in tunnel and 2 snipers. Any more than that and you start getting over-bulk hard-to-affect sort of things, where your tossing rocks at brick walls at best.


The whole fun is the struggle. In most games when people don't like stalemates, I always say "its what I like the most". Of course, a stalemate that can't break (like a game of Field) isn't fun, but otherwise its the whole fun of that kind of warfare... its beating the crap out of each otehr but staying up, long enough that you care about this base.

And I don't like it personal either. I like to be a man in an army, but you can still distinguish yourself. I've done it plenty of times. Thats the fun.

Its not fun just to be able to break through. Its fun to know that they have 32 players and you managed to screw all of their plans.

High player count is fun, damnit.


Well thanks for all your comments...

It looks like it’s a 60-40 in favour of smaller games...

It’s a personal thing for me I hate stale mates...

I don’t have the time to spend 1 to 2hrs playing one map...


Saslt :cool:


Hey All,

Well I tend to agree as well as I personally much prefer the smaller games as it requires more teamwork to win.

On that note we have setup a new EKT Renegade X server with smaller player cap.

Server Name: EKT - MiniMarathon - EliteKamikazeTeam.Com - Euro

Server IP:

Players: 24

Hoping that having a smaller server will get some of the old school players in (including myself) who prefer the smaller more tactical style of gameplay. Hopefully 2 teams of 12 will mean more team work.

Well at least thats the plan :)


12-man GDI on "Walls: Flying" trying to stop Nod from SBH-nuking the base, goodluck!

You'd be defending with at least half your team to stop them, forget about it when they do a 4-man-SBH-tag-team-nuking-pow-pow with only 6 defenders.

Not to mention the pressure the artilleries are able to push on GDI with only 6 GDI trying to attack them

Sorry, no tactics needed there, just play nod to win


I think there should be servers with 20 players and servers with 100 players. If you like to play on a server with fewer people, why not? But personally I prefer servers with big battles and a lot of players.

Greetings, Koni

I think there should be servers with 20 players and servers with 100 players. If you like to play on a server with fewer people, why not? But personally I prefer servers with big battles and a lot of players.

Greetings, Koni

I agree with you there!

make 1 server for 20 players and 1 server for 100 players. With the current playerbase, the 20p server will be full and the rest enjoys the better server (100p) whilst never being full, so you can join the 100p server ALWAYS without it getting full.

Would be great!

I think there should be servers with 20 players and servers with 100 players. If you like to play on a server with fewer people, why not? But personally I prefer servers with big battles and a lot of players.

Greetings, Koni

yes 100 players yes yes yes!!!! plz make it possible!!!


The reason they lowered the player count to begin with was because the higher number servers (with that many people connected) were causing lag (a la this link - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72293); granted I haven't played in a while now, so something might have changed between now and then.

Personally, I stopped playing because once the second patch dropped the NA 24 player server I played on (which was always full, and sometimes hard to get into) disappeared. I assumed this was because they didn't patch, but now I'm not sure what happened to it.

Whenever I check the server listings the vast majority are all 0/40 players, and the servers that have people are typically EU. I'm not sure what bugs and problems persisted through the second patch (although crashing after nearly every map was very annoying to say the least), but if there was a reliable, NA 24 player server to play on I'd probably still be playing.

As always though, I'm a pretty big proponent of choice and wished they had servers to accommodate everyone, both big and small (provided they could fix the lag, but even then if people were willing to play there, why stop them?).

The reason they lowered the player count to begin with was because the higher number servers (with that many people connected) were causing lag (a la this link - http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72293); granted I haven't played in a while now, so something might have changed between now and then.

That was more an excuse.

The truth that nobody seems to have realized though is that most servers were just in over their heads. Maybe a 64 server in this game is more demanding than others and could use optimization and tweaks for sure, but fact of the matters is there was at least one 64 player server I played with no lag issues, but nobody cared.

The only "real" reason is they didn't want the servers being stupid and just using the cap even if they can't handle it, having to downsize it so the population stopped whining about lag excessively.

Its a server owner problem and a bandaid fix to counter idiocy.


hey plz dont ever ask for anything below 64 players. that was over 10 years ago. want small join a small server there are many like the empty ones. i would be very happy with 100+ players. maybe thousands of players, with bigger maps, yes videogame engines these days are capable. i highly recommend 100+ players limit, this will draw in a huge crowd. just imagine the extreme chaos, everyone likes chaos. just need some good advertisement to make it happen.

If it makes you feel better, I too prefer 12-16 players per team.

I agree, 12-16 player servers are perfect, but hard to find.

edit: well, didn't read the "per team"...

Well the less the numbers the more personal the game is. I like a bit more numbers so you don't get absolute suprise losses in structures. Besides that, I prefer 8-16 players a team for sure. At least you can keep track of the 6 guys in field 4 guys repairing 4 guys in tunnel and 2 snipers. Any more than that and you start getting over-bulk hard-to-affect sort of things, where your tossing rocks at brick walls at best.

Thanks thats the spirit...I a old scool too...I am of to find your server.... :cool:

  • 2 weeks later...
Hey All,

Well I tend to agree as well as I personally much prefer the smaller games as it requires more teamwork to win.

On that note we have setup a new EKT Renegade X server with smaller player cap.

Server Name: EKT - MiniMarathon - EliteKamikazeTeam.Com - Euro

Server IP:

Players: 24

Hoping that having a smaller server will get some of the old school players in (including myself) who prefer the smaller more tactical style of gameplay. Hopefully 2 teams of 12 will mean more team work.

Well at least thats the plan :)

Thanks for seting up the server I will look out for it next time I play... :cool:


old school ren players will always prefer lower player numbers. Big servers will (certainly) ruin most of C&C Renegade's unique gameplay. The origin of all current maps (beside lakeside), and the upcoming maps (volcano, complex, under) is a game, which was designed for servers with max. 24 players.

In the end, discussions in this regard are senseless, because everyone can join the server he/she likes. But when I read something like "everbody likes chaos" or "anything below 64 players. that was over 10 years ago" I can only repeat: It's a remake (with almost the same design) as 10 years ago (better say 12). The developers had a reason for that.


I'm a fan of smaller games as well; 24-player is perfect. Since there seem to be more than a few like-minded people, why aren't we joining the servers with smaller player caps?

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