djlaptop Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 This morning I posted a message to the bugs forum about a Spy Crate glitch I noticed, and it got me thinking about the spy crate in general. The way it works in Renegade X, you pick up a spy crate, and you transform into a random infantry unit for the opposing team. You're still targetable by weapons though, and your name stays the opposing color, but base defenses don't target you (other than the vehicle bug). In the original Renegade, there were no spy crates. Spy crates were a clever addition using a Scripts mod, and they could really be a game-changer. If you were lucky enough to land on a spy crate after your WF/Airstrip were destroyed, your team might still have a chance. But the usefulness of the spy crate in Renegade X is not what it was in Renegade, for one main reason: In oldschool Renegade, the spy crate didn't change you into a random unit, it changed you into a Stealth Black Hand, no matter which team you were on. In Renegade X, the moment I become a spy I seem to be instantly targeted by the other team because it's a lot more obvious. I kinda miss the dynamic that being a stealth-spy can bring into a game, and I would urge the developers to consider making this the default behavior of the spy crate. Quote
Agent Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I tend to, for the most part, agree with this opinion. Though, I do feel that the spy crate operated the way it did in Renegade more-so due to the limited compatibility when enabling stealth on a specific player (you would have to have scripts enabled), whereas the SBH didn't have this compatibility issue. Perhaps just enabling stealth, rather than changing into an SBH (or any character for the matter), would be equally effective. Quote
HaTe Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I tend to, for the most part, agree with this opinion.Though, I do feel that the spy crate operated the way it did in Renegade more-so due to the limited compatibility when enabling stealth on a specific player (you would have to have scripts enabled), whereas the SBH didn't have this compatibility issue. Perhaps just enabling stealth, rather than changing into an SBH (or any character for the matter), would be equally effective. I'd rather have this as well. It gave nod the advantage more than gdi in renegade because you often couldn't tell if it was a sbh or the spy that was killed. On GDI, it was always the sbh if a spy were to die. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I kinda like the setup they have now. But I do think they should nerf the distance you can see the spy's nametag. You should have to be in SBH seeing range to see the red nametag on the spy. Otherwise they just look like a normal player on your team. I think it gives it a strategic feel to it since you can try to maneuver your spy in such a way that you just don't get too close to the enemy players. I wouldn't be against them making the spy a SBH, but the only reason I'd oppose it is because I just think it's stupid that GDI is using Nod stealth tech. Granted it is possible for GDI to get a SBH spy currently, so I guess it's sort of a moot point. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I would like to have the reticle turn green/gray if you are pointing on an enemy spy, not red. Otherwise you can still identify enemy spies from a long distance. Quote
Truxa Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I think the spy crate as it is, works great! Think about it when thinking about the C&C series, spys were not invisible, just mimics of the opposing team. Now, what I'm concerned about is the fact that BOTs tend to open fire upon a spy from acros half the map! As if they can see who is a spy on their team. Seems to me BOTs are always able to make a distinction between friendly and enemy and shoot the enemy, regardless of the enemy being a mammoth tank whilst being a marksman character (=no effect but they shoot anyway) So as a spy, when you come close enough for the BOTs firing range he starts shooting at the spy. This is usually how I tell who'se a spy or not. "Why the F#$% is that BOT shooting at that teammate for?! Oh ... wait ..." I start shooting and the "team mate" dies. Quote
ARC_trooper Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 I only came here to say that i don't think the "getting shot in a vehicle while being a spy" is a bug.. Unless you're in a vehicle stolen from the other team and you still get shot.. Well if that's the case then ignore me Otherwise it would be abit more normal to get shot at Quote
iran Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 Spies should be able to see the enemy's teamchat, like they can in A Path Beyond. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 25, 2014 Posted March 25, 2014 Spies should be able to see the enemy's teamchat, like they can in A Path Beyond. don't forget the colour of their name in the scoreboard should change as well. and they should be buyable aswell. best feature EVER. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted March 26, 2014 Posted March 26, 2014 I would like to have the reticle turn green/gray if you are pointing on an enemy spy, not red. Otherwise you can still identify enemy spies from a long distance. I thought it did show up as green? Or maybe I'm just not recalling properly. It definitely should if it doesn't already. Quote
rytlock Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 yeah i think the color of the name should be the same as the side you changed into you don't see james bond going into the bad guys base saying spy also like the old renegade where spys was just stealth men Quote
Soldieroffate Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 There were spy crates in the old Ren, but only in certain servers I think. They were essentially SBHs (even for GDI) that would be ignored by base defenses and thus were VERY useful, especially in the hands of a skilled player. Quote
goztow Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 A bit too useful if you ask me. IMO the current system is good, though maybe there could be some small changes to make it a bit harder to note that it's an enemy soldier. Maybe there should be no notification to the enemy team when a spy crate is found? Quote
ErroR Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 On the server I played on the spy crate always turned you into a enemy soldier. Only. The targeting box always gave you away but depending on the map you could sneak in and nuke a building. It wasn't easy, you needed your team to assist you somehow, either by rushing in or covering the beacon by shooting at it from outside of the base. It was way more teamplay oriented. In renx if you get lucky and get turned into a tech then you can get a building depending on the map but I think the notification kind makes the enemy expect it so it's kind of pointless altogether. There was also a stealth crate that would give your character the ability to cloak like the sbh, it did not protect you from base defenses though. Quote
Terekhov Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 I kinda like the setup they have now. But I do think they should nerf the distance you can see the spy's nametag. You should have to be in SBH seeing range to see the red nametag on the spy. Otherwise they just look like a normal player on your team.I think it gives it a strategic feel to it since you can try to maneuver your spy in such a way that you just don't get too close to the enemy players. That is a fantastic idea if they're going to keep it how it currently is.Either combine that ^ with the name-color change on the leaderboard (not so sure about viewing the other team's chat...), or just make it an SBH and therefore a lot more fun/exciting to get. Quote
VargieVarg Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 I'd say remove the hit confirmation and only change the name colour if you're standing close to the person. Quote
omega79 Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 i think the name on the player should change to the enemies color but the name on the list should stay your team ... if possible ... think thats enough Quote
Truxa Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 I noticed that whilst being a rocket soldier, my missiles "locked" on apperently a "friendly" ... turns out to be a spy when i shot him down, but should rockets still lock on even though i couldnt see the enemy nametag? Quote
twig123 Posted April 4, 2014 Posted April 4, 2014 Think about it when thinking about the C&C series, spys were not invisible, just mimics of the opposing team. In the RTS version of C&C, you are correct that spies were not invisible. However, they were only able to be detected by dogs... which obviously Ren & RenX don't have (Unless you say one of your units just walking to random places... you would never know they were a spy). Personally, I would like to see the Spy Crate reverted to be like the old Ren... Spy = SBH (& not attacked by base defenses) Quote
Truxa Posted April 7, 2014 Posted April 7, 2014 Think about it when thinking about the C&C series, spys were not invisible, just mimics of the opposing team. In the RTS version of C&C, you are correct that spies were not invisible. However, they were only able to be detected by dogs... which obviously Ren & RenX don't have (Unless you say one of your units just walking to random places... you would never know they were a spy). Personally, I would like to see the Spy Crate reverted to be like the old Ren... Spy = SBH (& not attacked by base defenses) True, it were dogs in the Red Alert series, though Renegade is in the Tiberium Wars series (which follows after the RA series) I'd say the idea of mobius and sydney being able to distinguish friend from foes easier than other units is a great idea. (from close range, as pictured above) the idea should be, when the enemy picks up a spy crate, there should be atleast 1 or 2 sydneys/mobius' in the base patrolling or checking incoming (friendly)infantry whilst being able to tag them (with say "Q"; reporting enemies/building repairs/etc.) they tag them (shortly; 5 seconds) for being "enemy" for everyone to see. Everyone should be able to damage the spy, regardless of it being reported as a spy or not, so everyone is essentially able to "detect" a spy. I agree, this idea might be a bit too much, as spies were added to the old ren to give a (almost defeated) team a chance to infiltrate a base with defenses, keeping everyone on their toes. Quote
ARC_trooper Posted April 7, 2014 Posted April 7, 2014 I had a spycrate which turned me into a sbh, also got one that transformed me into Mobius. I think that adds to being the 'spy', it can be anyone! (or i just had some luck ) Quote
Truxa Posted April 8, 2014 Posted April 8, 2014 I had a spycrate which turned me into a sbh, also got one that transformed me into Mobius. I think that adds to being the 'spy', it can be anyone! (or i just had some luck ) I wish i had that one! Would be a wet dream I mean, finally as GDI getting even with those Nod SBHs infiltrating every nook and corner. I'd be making it a sport to ask the team to place multiple beacons, Nod to run around finding they are all fakes, doing the same thing 5 minutes after but this time doing it myself too Don't get me wrong, given the chance for me to be on Nod, i'll take the SBH/nuke combo any match. But on GDI i'd have more fun with it Quote
ARC_trooper Posted April 8, 2014 Posted April 8, 2014 Only problem is that you cant buy a nuke as a spy, since you have to buy an ion beacon Everytime i tried to buy an Ion strike as a spy i got killed by the base defenses though. Or can you buy a nuke as a spy? Infiltrating even their PT's? Quote
Truxa Posted April 8, 2014 Posted April 8, 2014 Only problem is that you cant buy a nuke as a spy, since you have to buy an ion beacon Everytime i tried to buy an Ion strike as a spy i got killed by the base defenses though.Or can you buy a nuke as a spy? Infiltrating even their PT's? Well, thats strange! I've been a spy several times even on maps with defenses still up! (Being Nod on Goldrush, with rocket officer as spy-character) When I got the spy character, I ran back to base, buy me a beacon, run back all the way around the map in the least conspicuous way possible, passed the ACTIVE! AGT (as my target was the powerplant) and got away with it the 2nd beacon i planted ... The only time when the AGT shot me down was when I was shooting at some GDI units, it was then and only THEN when the base defenses were activated to target me. Perhaps you were shooting between obtaining the spy crate and buying beacon/rushing base? Quote
ARC_trooper Posted April 8, 2014 Posted April 8, 2014 Only problem is that you cant buy a nuke as a spy, since you have to buy an ion beacon Everytime i tried to buy an Ion strike as a spy i got killed by the base defenses though.Or can you buy a nuke as a spy? Infiltrating even their PT's? Well, thats strange! I've been a spy several times even on maps with defenses still up! (Being Nod on Goldrush, with rocket officer as spy-character) When I got the spy character, I ran back to base, buy me a beacon, run back all the way around the map in the least conspicuous way possible, passed the ACTIVE! AGT (as my target was the powerplant) and got away with it the 2nd beacon i planted ... The only time when the AGT shot me down was when I was shooting at some GDI units, it was then and only THEN when the base defenses were activated to target me. Perhaps you were shooting between obtaining the spy crate and buying beacon/rushing base? Yeah i got discovered once and had to eliminate the target before raising more suspicion, perhaps thats the problem then? You can't fire your gun when being a spy otherwise you get shot at by the defenses but planting a beacon is ok Quote
Truxa Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Only problem is that you cant buy a nuke as a spy, since you have to buy an ion beacon Everytime i tried to buy an Ion strike as a spy i got killed by the base defenses though.Or can you buy a nuke as a spy? Infiltrating even their PT's? Well, thats strange! I've been a spy several times even on maps with defenses still up! (Being Nod on Goldrush, with rocket officer as spy-character) When I got the spy character, I ran back to base, buy me a beacon, run back all the way around the map in the least conspicuous way possible, passed the ACTIVE! AGT (as my target was the powerplant) and got away with it the 2nd beacon i planted ... The only time when the AGT shot me down was when I was shooting at some GDI units, it was then and only THEN when the base defenses were activated to target me. Perhaps you were shooting between obtaining the spy crate and buying beacon/rushing base? Yeah i got discovered once and had to eliminate the target before raising more suspicion, perhaps thats the problem then? You can't fire your gun when being a spy otherwise you get shot at by the defenses but planting a beacon is ok Planting a beacon is ok, shooting your gun is ok, untill you "hurt" the opposing team ... thats how i gathered things so far Quote
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